Chapter 293 I Caught You

When the members of the advisory group heard Liu Shikun's words, they all put down their work and looked over.

Chen Feng also looked over and saw Liu Shikun pulling Cheng Yanqiu's fiancé, which surprised him a bit.Even if Liu Shikun was Cheng Yanqiu's teacher, he wouldn't be so enthusiastic about Cheng Yanqiu's fiancé, and even said that he would introduce a teacher to everyone.

Is it necessary for a Chinese teacher to mobilize so many teachers?
Liu Shikun held Yu Dong's arm with one hand, and raised the other hand, "Let me introduce the person next to me. He is the author of "Xiang Xi" Yu Dong."

Among these people, some have seen "Xiang Xi" and know Yu Dong, while some have never heard of this name at all.But no matter whether they knew each other or not, after listening to Liu Shikun's introduction, they all applauded spontaneously.

People who didn't know Yu Dong whispered to the people next to him, "Who is this Yu Dong?"

"Great writer, he has been very famous for the past two years. I didn't expect the real person to be so handsome."

"What books have you written?"

""Xiangxi", didn't Senior Brother Liu say that?"

"I haven't heard of it, are there other famous ones?"

"Others... Oh, one of his novels has been adapted into a movie called "Soft Knife". It's pretty good."

""Soft Knife", I read it, and it turns out that he is the author of the original work."


Liu Shikun was very satisfied with everyone's reaction. After the applause stopped, he continued, "Yu Dong happens to be a family member of our Yangyin family. Although he doesn't play music, he is connected with art. Let's communicate with him more in the future. Let's see if music and literature can collide with each other to create a beautiful spark."

When they heard that Yu Dong was Yang Yin's family member, everyone's reaction became more enthusiastic.Sometimes gossip is more attractive than anything else.

Whose family is he?
In fact, it's not hard to guess, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu are standing close together at this moment, they are a couple at first glance.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, the great writer came to reality."

"He is Cheng Yanqiu's husband, I really didn't expect it."

"He seems to be teaching in Jinling as well."

Everyone was discussing lively, only Chen Feng lowered his head like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.He didn't think he was inferior to Yu Dong, but Yu Dong was lucky enough to write a few novels and became famous.

Who doesn't know who writes novels? Anyone who is not illiterate has a chance to be famous.

But the reality is that they are indeed famous.

"Come on, let Yu Dong say something to everyone." Liu Shikun pushed Yu Dong to the front.

Yu Dong was pushed to the front, looked back at Cheng Yanqiu, and thought that your teacher is always like this?Also too enthusiastic.

Cheng Yanqiu returned a "come on" look.

Yu Dong did not lack the experience of speaking to many people. After all, he was a teacher, and he practiced well when he was in school.Even if he didn't exercise well when he was in school, he was tempered by those award ceremonies and lectures later.

He cleared his throat and said, "Hi everyone, I'm Yu Dong. I won't waste your time now. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

The so-called greatness to simplicity, the most brilliant speech is to say something that others like to hear.

Sure enough, Yu Dong said that he would treat him to dinner, and the atmosphere on the scene was ignited again.The main reason is that everyone is too boring in Lan City during this time, and they are all very happy to have such a lively event to join in.

"Okay, everyone go to work."

Liu Shikun saw that it was almost done, so he pulled Yu Dong aside, and asked about "Xiang Xi", and when he learned that "Xiang Xi" was going to be released at the end of September, he said that he would definitely go to Yu Dong's autograph session at that time.

"No, I'll personally deliver a few copies to you at that time."

Liu Shikun said with a smile, "Books are one thing, and I mainly want to join in the fun."

"Then I'll send someone to invite you."


Yu Dong invited everyone to dinner that day, but Chen Feng didn't go.As the team leader, Liu Shikun asked specifically, and when he learned that Chen Feng had a slight cold, he sighed, "Young people these days, it's unreasonable to look at people who are tall and powerful."

Liu Shikun speaks frankly, and Yu Dong has seen it in this day.

But Yu Dong was also curious, why everyone called Liu Shikun the team leader or brother, and only Cheng Yanqiu called him teacher.

Cheng Yanqiu explained to him that Liu Shikun was not Yangyin's teacher, but had studied there before.This time, Yang Yin formed an advisory group and specially invited Liu Shikun to come over to serve as the group leader.So everyone called him brother or team leader.

And Cheng Yanqiu had studied piano with Liu Shikun for more than a year before, so he called him teacher.

Liu Shikun hasn't been in China very much these few years. He and his wife hold training courses in Xiangjiang, and the business is doing very well.Usually, he only comes back when there is activity on the mainland side.

But from what Cheng Yanqiu said, Liu Shikun is very powerful, and he is the kind who is so powerful that he goes abroad.


After Liu Shikun's publicity, the news of Yu Dong's appearance in Baitashan Park spread among the crowd who came to participate in the art festival.

The next day, the director and screenwriter of the Ganzhou Repertory Troupe found Yu Dong.

Director Chen Xinyi is in his forties, mature and steady.It could be seen that he was very busy. When Yu Dong saw him, his white shirt was soaked with sweat.

As soon as she saw Yu Dong, Chen Xinyi enthusiastically held Yu Dong's hand, "Teacher Yu, I have long admired you, I have admired you for a long time, it is a pleasure to meet you, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Screenwriter Zhang Ming is younger, in his thirties.He followed behind Chen Xinyi, and when Chen Xinyi finished shaking hands with Yu Dong, he took Yu Dong's hand, "Teacher Yu, I have long admired you, I have admired you for a long time."

Yu Dong looked at the two, not knowing why, "Who are you two?"

At this moment, Chen Xinyi and the others remembered to introduce themselves, "We are from the drama troupe. I am Chen Xinyi and he is Zhang Ming. I am the director and he is the screenwriter of the play "Aurora".

Yu Dong nodded, he really knew the play "Aurora".

This is a drama adapted from the story of six explorers from China, France, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and Japan who spent 90 days crossing the South Pole on foot for the first time in the past 219 years. It was only released this year.

But what Yu Dong didn't understand was, why did they come here to find him?

Seeing the doubt in Yu Dong's eyes, Chen Xinyi smiled and said, "I heard that Teacher Yu Dong is here. Zhang Ming and I came here specially to visit, and hope that Teacher Yu will come and give us guidance. Although Teacher Yu and you have never written dramas, we all I know Teacher Yu that you have very profound attainments in drama creation."

Zhang Ming nodded, "Yes, we came to you with a learning attitude, and hope that Teacher Yu will give you some advice."

What the two of them said made Yu Dong a little embarrassed. He was really not an expert in drama, at most he could only be dabbled in.

"I really don't have much contact with dramas. If I want to talk about learning, I should have learned from the two in the past."

"Teacher Yu Dong is modest. I have read almost all of your novels. I dare say that if some narratives are deleted and some narratives are added in brackets, it will be a mature drama script." Zhang Ming said .

Hearing Zhang Ming's words, Yu Dong almost laughed out loud.Zhang Ming is quite humorous, but his words are exaggerated, and it is impossible to switch between dramas and novels so easily.

Seeing their enthusiasm, Yu Dong nodded and followed them.

But he is not stupefied, if people ask him to guide him, he will guide him.After watching the rehearsal, I praised it well, and then asked some trivial and innocuous questions.It will neither make the other party lose face, nor make the other party feel that they are perfunctory.

After receiving Yu Dong's praise, Chen Xinyi and Zhang Ming were very happy, and they pulled Yu Dong to chat about drama creation, as if they had met a bosom friend.

Screenwriter Zhang Ming rubbed his hands, and wanted to turn Yu Dong's widow's death into a drama, but everyone didn't talk about it in depth. After all, the art festival was coming up, and they didn't have the energy.

After the repertory theater troupe came, other troupes followed suit.

The performance of the Peking Opera Troupe is a new historical drama "The Elegy of the King of Xia", the performance of the Qin Opera Troupe is also a new historical drama called "Hundred Flowers", and the performance of the Long Opera Troupe is based on the novel "Dunhuang" by the neon writer Yasushi Inoue. High Holy Land".

If Yu Dong knew a little about talking drama, then the other Yu Dong didn't know anything about it.They invited him over, and all he could do was go through the rehearsal, go through the script, pick a few places to praise, and everyone was happy.

In fact, when they invited Yu Dong over, it wasn't just for Yu Dong to praise them, especially for niche dramas like Long Opera. Of course, what they hoped most was that Yu Dong could help them promote them.

It's just that Yu Dong is destined to disappoint them, and he can't promote what he doesn't understand.

In fact, it is understandable for these groups to come to Yu Dong, after all, it has something to do with literature.But later even some song and dance troupes came to join in the fun, and it was really hard to join in.

There are also some agency leaders who heard that Yu Dong is here, they were very enthusiastic and invited Yu Dong to visit his unit.

Unknowingly, Yu Dong became the busiest person during the preparation of the art festival.

With the development of the economy and the deepening of reforms, the thinking of people in many units has also changed, especially in these cultural units, which have not yet become pension units at this time.

The leaders of many units are ambitious and hope to be in line with modernization and enter the fast lane.

That's why the leaders of the agency were so concerned when they heard that Yu Dong was here.

At this time, writers are still popular. Even if they don’t make a lot of money, there are still many people who support them when they go to the local area. In turn, the local newspapers also have news to write about. up.

In just over a week, Yu Dong also got to know each other well in Baitashan Park.

Walking into the park, someone greeted him from time to time.

"Hello, Teacher Yu."

A previous leader joked that Yu Dong was appointed as the general literary consultant of the art festival.

At that time, the leader said this as a joke, but after the word spread, some people took it seriously, so some people would call Yu Dong "Consultant Yu" when they saw him.

Some people will add the word "General" and call him "General Counselor Yu".


General Counsel Yu is now wandering around Baitashan Park every day. At first, he was too embarrassed to refuse because people kept looking for him. Later, he found that there are many benefits to being mixed in the art festival.

There are not many opportunities to gain an in-depth understanding of so many art forms at one time. At other times, even if he goes to art festivals, he just takes a quick look at the flowers and sees the general idea.

But this time it was different, everyone wanted to share their own artistic insights with him and sell them to him.

Although Yu Dong didn't understand a lot of things, but after listening to a few times, he found that it was quite interesting.

For him, this is also a valuable learning opportunity that can increase his knowledge base.

Therefore, later he himself was willing to come over to have a look, communicate with everyone, and learn from each other.

On this day, when Yu Dong was exchanging drama scripts with Zhang Ming, he suddenly received a call.

"Excuse me, I'll answer the phone first."

The phone was connected, and the person opposite said, "Hi, hello, is this Yu Dong?"

It was a man's voice, somewhat distorted.

However, although it was a little distorted, it could be heard that the other party must be quite old.

Yu Dong replied, "Hi, it's me."

The other party smiled, "Yu Dong, I'm Wang Meng."

Hearing the word Wang Meng, Yu Dong seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect Wang Meng to call him.

Wang Meng is an old-timer in the literary world.When mentioning Wang Meng, the first work that many people think of is probably "A Young Man Came to the Organization Department", or "Long Live Youth".

Some people think of the stream of consciousness instead of the work at the first time.

Some people say that Wang Meng is the originator of Chinese stream-of-consciousness writing.

This is true, but the prefix "Chinese stream of consciousness" should be added. Note that this prefix is ​​"Chinese stream of consciousness" instead of "China".

Because Wang Meng's stream of consciousness is not the same thing as ordinary stream of consciousness, it is very different from Proust and Faulkner's stream of consciousness. Later, someone defined Wang Meng's writing as "revolutionary stream of consciousness". ".

Yu Dong said that it is a matter for scholars to define a genre of literature, so what the genre is actually has nothing to do with Wang Meng, he just writes according to his own ideas.

"Mr. Wang, hello, I didn't expect to receive your call." Yu Dong replied with a smile.

"It's not easy for me." Wang Meng said with a smile: "I first checked your school phone number, but I couldn't find you, and then I found your home phone number, but I still couldn't find you. Fortunately, you bought a mobile phone , otherwise I really wouldn't be able to find you."

"I don't know what Mr. Wang wants from me?" Yu Dong asked.

"It's like this. The Writers Association is going to hold a congress. Secretary Zhang came to me and asked for my opinions. I told him that since the congress is going to be held, some young writers who have made great achievements in literature should also be allowed to participate. Come in. He asked me to give a few examples, and I mentioned you and Yu Hua."

Yu Dong understood that the Writers Association was going to hold a representative meeting, and Wang Meng recommended himself and Yu Hua.However, the representative meeting is only a theory for the time being, and it has not yet been specifically determined.

In Yu Dong's impression, the representative meeting should not be held until two years later.Speaking of which, ten years have passed since the last representative meeting, and it should be held soon.

Wang Meng's phone call may also have the idea of ​​testing his own meaning.

No matter what, Yu Dong was still grateful for Wang Meng's recommendation, and he said sincerely: "Mr. Wang, thank you, and I made a special call."

"This is what I should do. I have always been open to young writers. The Writers Association also needs to have young blood to revitalize it. Especially you and Yu Hua, if you don't come to participate in the writing The congress is really a loss."

"Teacher Wang cares about the younger generation, which is admirable..."

"Okay, okay, I won't say much, your mobile phone is very expensive, come to Yanjing when you have time, let's have a good chat."

Immediately, without waiting for Dong to reply, Wang Meng hung up the phone.

Wang Meng said that he likes to help young writers, Yu Dong believed this, he has always been very tolerant to young writers.

When many young writers are criticized, Wang Meng will also come out to help and say good things.

Of course, his tolerance for young writers has sometimes attracted criticism.For example, someone later asked him to recommend Guo Jingming to join the Writers Association, and he agreed.

It was quite a sensation in the literary circle at the time.

Many people don't understand, when will this Guo Jingming be considered in the literary circle?

In fact, Yu Dong took this matter quite lightly. When Wang Meng recommended Guo Jingming to join the Writers Association, the Writers Association was no longer the previous Writers Association. where to go
Wang Meng himself said that Guo Jingming's works are full of rhetoric and flashy, but he still let Guo Jingming join the Writers Association. Is it because Wang Meng has schizophrenia?Knowing that Guo Jingming's works are flashy, he also agreed to recommend him to join the Writers Association.

It’s just that at that time literature was already on the brink, and many people were looking for a way out for literature. Perhaps Wang Meng also thought that it was a possibility for writers like Guo Jingming to enter the Writers’ Association.

"Is it the leader Wang?"

After Yu Dong hung up the phone, Zhang Ming asked with concern.

When making the phone call, Yu Dong didn't avoid Zhang Ming, so Zhang Ming heard it all.

"Yes." Yu Dong nodded and did not continue.

His attitude towards the Writers' Association is relatively flat. In his opinion, it doesn't matter whether he participates in the Writers' Association or not.

But from Zhang Ming's point of view, this matter is interesting. He specially called to invite Yu Dong to participate in the representative meeting, which shows that Yu Dong is very valued.

Seeing Yu Dongfeng's light and calm expression again, Zhang Ming admired Yu Dong even more.

Teacher Yu Dong is really calm.


It took Jimmy only one day to finish "The King of Science Fiction", and asked them to overthrow all the original layouts and do it again.

Before, their editorial department made a lot of manuscripts, because compared to comics, manuscripts are a little simpler. After all, there are more and more science fiction authors, and it is easy to accept manuscripts. It is nothing more than a quality problem.

Moreover, in addition to the original, they also made a few recommended foreign famous articles, these contents are not too much trouble.

But manga is different, it needs professionals to draw it stroke by stroke.

But Jimmy helped them solve this problem.

After the matter was settled, Jimmy transferred a five-member production team to take over the work of the editorial department of "The King of Science Fiction".

In the next month or so, they will make the first issue of "The King of Science Fiction" from scratch.

With the team tied up, Jimmy headed back to New York.

The preparations were done last time, and this time he will go back and start to detonate "Werewolf Killing" in an all-round way. He wants to make Werewolf Killing the most popular game in the United States in a short time.

When Jimmy does things, he always takes one step and thinks three steps.

So before he left New York last time, he asked the company's people to find a place in New York, and he planned to turn this place into a werewolf killing club to attract high-end players.

In the future, some live video tapes of the game can also be shot there for subsequent publicity.

Back in New York this time, the club has been renovated.

As soon as Jimmy landed, he went straight to the club. Overall, he was satisfied, and there were still some minor flaws that could be changed at will.

The Werewolf Killing Club still adopts the membership system. Every player starts from stepping into the club, and all their battle information will be recorded in the book, and then their corresponding level can be calculated through calculation.

Different levels enjoy different rights, and there are leaderboards every day, every week, every month, and every year. Players on the list can not only enjoy the admiration of others, but also have the opportunity to win various prizes.

After seeing the club, Jimmy went to the YU reading club to find Jeff.

Today's YU Reading Club is different from the past. Not only has the area expanded a lot, but the facilities inside have also been upgraded.

Because of sufficient funds, they now organize activities more and more frequently, sometimes organizing two or three activities a week.

When Jimmy arrived, Jeff had just come back from outside.

Jeff was very happy to see Jimmy. Jimmy is at least half of the credit for the current scale of the book club.And Jeff already knows that Jimmy is YU's writer agent, so Jimmy is their only line to contact YU.

"Jimmy, how is your trip to China this time? Does YU have a new book recently?"

Jimmy said with a smile: "I'm here to tell you about this matter. In the next two months or so, YU has two novels to be published."

"Two?" Jeff was surprised.

If this one doesn't come out, it won't come out, so how come two parts come out as soon as it comes out?
"Don't be surprised, one of them has already been published in China. The other is the sequel to "Resident Evil", a separate volume of the two novels, and this time it will be released globally simultaneously."

"Global? Which countries?"

"Tentatively the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and China."

The corner of Jeff's mouth twitched. Is this also called simultaneous global release?Isn't it that the Chinese and English versions are released simultaneously.But Jeff also knows that the subsequent publicity must say that the global simultaneous release is better.

Anyway, YU has two novels coming out, Jeff must be very happy.As a book fan, he has new books to read. As the vice president of the YU reading club, this is also a good time for the reading club to grow.

"What do we need to do?" Jeff asked.

"There is no need for you to do anything for the time being. The publishing matter has not been fully negotiated. I have another thing to tell you this time. YU's new book is a mystery novel, so he also invented a reasoning game , the name is Werewolf Killer."

Jimmy's words made Jeff a little out of step.

YU writes mystery novels?Also invented reasoning games?Is the world crazy?
Jeff stared at Jimmy for a while, feeling that Jimmy didn't seem to be joking at all, so he said in amazement: "I didn't expect YU to be good at reasoning."

He didn't doubt whether YU could write good mystery novels at all, because he had absolute confidence in YU.At the same time, he has absolute confidence in Jimmy.

"So, what are we going to do?" Jeff asked again.

Jimmy took out a stack of experience coupons from his pocket, and said with a smile, "What you need to do is very simple, find members who like reasoning games in the book club, and give these experience coupons to them."

Jeff took the experience coupon and read the words on it: "Werewolf Killing Club... So, this Werewolf Killing Club is used to play this game?"

"That's right, it's a trial operation now, and you can experience it for free with the experience coupons. This stack of experience coupons is valid for this week, and the experience coupons for the next period will be given to you at that time. Of course, as for whether you want to use these experience coupons as I don’t care about redeeming points for prizes.”

Jeff's eyes lit up, and Jimmy said that he didn't care, but he was actually giving him some advice.

It's a good trick to exchange points for prizes.

The good thing is that it can not only consume the points in the hands of members, but also increase the scarcity of experience coupons.

Send it directly to members, most of them will not take it seriously.But exchanging with points is different. Members will think that it is a rare opportunity to experience the werewolf killing club.

"You can also tell them that this trial operation is actually an internal test, and ordinary people can't get in."

Jeff nodded, "I will definitely make good use of these experience coupons."


This method of point redemption works very well.

For a long time in the past, the points exchanged prizes have not been updated. They are basically YU's books, and everyone should have everything.

Now a game experience coupon suddenly appeared, and the members were very concerned.

Some members who accumulated a lot of points redeemed them without even asking.

Later, after Jeff introduced that this game was designed by YU himself, everyone's enthusiasm became even higher.

The stack of experience coupons that Jimmy gave Jeff was a total of fifty, and it took only one and a half days to redeem all of them.

You know, the points that Jeff set up for the experience coupons are not cheap, a total of fifty points, which is equivalent to fifty dollars in approximate calculations.Of course, such a conversion method is only useful for krypton gold bosses. In fact, fifty points are not worth fifty dollars.

If it is hard to calculate, ten points can be exchanged for a copy of "Resident Evil", and "Resident Evil" is about five dollars, that is to say, fifty points should be counted as 25 dollars.

But even $25 is a lot.

The first group of members was led by Jeff himself to the Werewolf Killing Club.

Before coming, Jeff thought that the werewolf killing club was not very big.Jimmy gave him a diagram of the gameplay of Werewolf Killing before. From the diagram, the area of ​​the game is not large, and a few people can play it in a circle.

But after he came, he realized that this club was bigger than their association headquarters.

A whole four-story independent building, each floor has at least two hundred square meters, and the four floors add up to thousands of square meters.And the location is very good, I'm afraid it cost a lot of money.

The decoration style of the club is dark, and there are many game pictorials on the wall.

Jimmy asked fifty people to be brought into six rooms, and then the staff would teach them how to play, and then guide them to play the game.

During this period, the staff will roughly analyze the level of the players, and then regroup for them every hour.

Jeff didn't go in to play with everyone, but chatted with Jimmy outside.

Watching the members change rooms for a while, Jeff asked curiously: "Why do we have to let them regroup every once in a while?"

"Because in this way, their game level can be quickly divided, so that people with similar levels can play together. The club will make a leaderboard. After their game ends today, the first issue of the leaderboard will come out."

"So that's it. By the way, the experience coupon you gave me has been redeemed."

"I'll get you some later."

After the game was over, most of the people came out excitedly.

Jeff could tell they were happy with the game.

Of course, there are also a few people who are not happy, with frustrated faces, it seems that the game experience of these few people is not very good.

"YU is YU, this game is really interesting."

"It's just too difficult."

"I think it's pretty good, it's not difficult."

"I have a friend who likes mystery novels very much. He will definitely like this game too. I will definitely bring him here next time."

"Then you have to work hard, after all, an experience coupon costs fifty points."

"Not much, haha."

"I really like being a prophet, it's so cool, and I check the werewolves and check them out."

"I still like to be a werewolf and kill whoever I want."

"Isn't it good to be a hunter? I'll shoot whoever troubles me."

"That's not necessarily true. If the witch poisons you, you won't be able to shoot people."

"How can there be such a stupid witch?"

"Don't say that, I was poisoned by the witch when I got the hunter in one round."


Everyone was resting and chatting in the lobby. While chatting, they found that a staff member was writing something with a board, and later found out that it was their name.

"What is this?" someone asked.

The staff explained with a smile, "It's the leaderboard. We calculated your points based on the wins and losses of each game, and finally ranked the top ten."

"top ten!"

When they heard that there were only the top ten, many people rushed to the front to see.

Those who found out their names looked happy and said it to everyone they met, while those who didn't find out their names sighed and beat their chests and feet.

Jimmy jumped out at the right time and said: "Everyone, this is just today's list. There will be new lists every day in the future, and there will also be weekly, monthly, and even annual lists. Friends who rank in the top ten on the weekly list will have prizes. As for what is it?" For prizes, interested friends can wait until the weekly list is announced."

When they heard that there were still prizes, many people became excited, especially those who were ranked in the top ten at the moment, one by one, they were gearing up one by one, as if the top ten in the weekly list were already in their pockets.

The first day of the Werewolf Killing Club's activities was obviously very successful. On the second day, the experience coupons were exchanged even faster. Fifty coupons were released on the same day, and they were cleared on the same day.

On the third day, [-] cards were released directly, and the end of the day was still the same.

On the fourth day, the fifth day, the sixth day, and until the seventh day, Jeff announced to the members that the internal test was over, and everyone could go directly to the club to buy tickets in the future.

The association still provides experience ticket exchange services, but the exchange requires [-] points, and it only costs a few dollars to play for a day at the club to buy tickets directly.

So for most people, it is definitely more cost-effective to buy tickets directly.

As for those members who have too many points to use up, they don't really care whether to exchange points or buy with cash.

With this more than a week of trial operation, the Werewolf Killing Club quickly gathered popularity.

Moreover, after the weekly list came out, the members found that the prizes were surprisingly rich.

The top three were paid directly, from top to bottom, in order of one hundred dollars, seventy dollars, and fifty dollars.

From No.4 to No.10, you can get seven tickets, which means that as long as you enter the top ten, you can come in for free for the next week.

At the same time, the club also announced that the prize for No. 1 in the monthly list is a TV worth 1 US dollars, and the prize for No. [-] in the annual list is a computer worth [-] US dollars.

Hearing about this prize, the members went crazy, and the strength is too great. Doesn't this club want to make money?
Of course, Jimmy would not trade at a loss. Properly giving away profits can increase the flow of people. As long as the flow of people is large enough, he can receive hundreds of people a day here.And the members seem to have forgotten one thing, if you want to get better points and rank at the top, you don't just need to play well, you also need to play enough games.

In other words, in order to compete for rankings, they must come here frequently.

In addition to ticket revenue, the club also sells other things, including food and drink.

Of course, Jimmy didn't expect this club to help him make a lot of money. As long as the club can operate stably and break even, he will be satisfied.

All he wants is to quickly promote the game, strengthen Yu Dong's influence in the United States, and create a perfect cultural symbol.

And after the club is established, it is also a very good publicity channel.

There is a lounge area in the lobby on the first floor, with two sets of bookshelves embedded in the wall.

Now there is no book in these two groups of bookshelves, and Jimmy is going to wait until "Fatal Identity" comes out, and put "Fatal Identity" on the bookshelves first for the members who come in and out to read.


While Jimmy was working hard to create a cultural symbol for Yu Dong, Yu Dong himself was standing on the iron bridge of the Yellow River looking at the turbulent river below.

The Iron Bridge of the Yellow River is just under Baita Mountain. Every day in the east from the hotel to Baita Mountain, you will pass this bridge, but you have never stood on it quietly like today to watch the scenery.

The art festival is about to start, and the performance teams are getting more and more busy, but Yu Dong, the "general consultant of literature", is idle.In the past two days, even Zhang Ming, who likes to cling to Yu Dong the most, has no time to look for him.

Yu Dong simply took advantage of this time to wander around, otherwise it would be a waste of time to come here.And the Yellow River Iron Bridge is his first stop, without it, it is because of the proximity.

Standing on this iron bridge that has been built for nearly 100 years, it seems that the smell of history can be smelled as soon as the wind blows.

Seeing the Yellow River, Yu Dong always unconsciously played those lyrics in his mind: the wind is roaring, the horse is screaming, the Yellow River is roaring, the Yellow River is roaring, the mountains in Hexi are ten thousand feet high, and the sorghum in Hebei is ripe.

Speaking of which, the sorghum should be ripe by now.Thinking of this, Yu Dong felt that he smelled sorghum again, mixed with the smell of history, floating from the yellow river water to the bridge and floating into his nostrils.

However, he didn't even know what sorghum should taste like when it's cooked.

There is nothing to see on the bridge, but it takes half a day for Yu Dong to stop.

As the sun got higher, the water in the river seemed to be boiled, and the tumbling became more and more violent.

Yu Dong wiped the sweat from his forehead, stared at the river and said with a low laugh, "This boring scenery is actually indescribably charming."

He was muttering to himself when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Caught you?"

Yu Dong turned his head to look at the two young men, the one who patted his shoulder had a vicious expression on his face.Dong had seen this face a few days ago. At that time, this face was full of honesty and innocence.


Yu Dong smiled, but he didn't expect to meet the young man he met in Lanzhou University that day.

"Coincidence? That's really a coincidence!" Ma Kai pouted, "I've been wandering around the school recently, but I just couldn't find you. Here you go."

He looked at his companion next to him again, "Qiu Hao, it's really thanks to you for dragging me to watch some art festival rehearsal today, otherwise I really couldn't find this kid."

Seeing that he was aggrieved, Yu Dong knew that he had been tricked by him, so he felt resentful, and took his hand away from his shoulder with a smile, "Friend, calm down. I didn't lie to you at the time, I just told you that I was It’s from the Chinese Department, you didn’t say it’s from the Chinese Department of your Lanzhou University?”

"Are you really from the Chinese Department?" Ma Kai was stunned for a moment, and then he realized, "No, even if you are from another school's Chinese Department, you said you are Yu Dong, is that true?"

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders, "Otherwise?"

if not?Why not?What does this mean, yes or no?Could it be that he is really Yu Dong?
In an instant, various thoughts floated through the minds of Ma Kai and Li Qiuhao.

Looking at the two people looking at each other, Yu Dongrao said with interest, "Aren't you going to watch the art festival rehearsal? I'll take you there."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong walked towards Baitashan Park with his hands behind his back.

Ma Kai and Li Qiuhao were still in doubt and shock, and they walked east for more than ten meters before they realized and followed.

Walking one kilometer from Baita Mountain, I happened to see the Long Opera Troupe rehearsing. The person in charge saw Yu Dong and greeted him with a smile, "Hello, General Counselor Yu."

"Hello, hello, you line up, I'll look around."

They walked inside again and met many staff members along the way, all of whom greeted Yu Dong warmly.

"Hello, General Counsel Yu."

"Hello, Teacher Yu Dong."

Yu Dong nodded one by one in response.

Walking all the way inside, Yu Dong turned to look at Mark and Li Qiuhao, and said with a smile: "Now, don't I need to introduce myself?"

"This, this... I, I..." Ma Kai murmured, not knowing what to say.

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "It's getting late, let me invite you to dinner, and I'll take it as an apology for the joke I made you that day."

Ma Kai couldn't organize his words right now, and the image of himself patting Yu Dong's shoulder just now echoed in his mind.

That's Yu Dong, how could I run to pat him on the shoulder!

After Li Qiuhao introduced Yu Dong to him last time, he made up for Yu Dong's works.

During this period of time, apart from looking for the people who played with him at that time, he was thinking about reading Yu Dong's novels all day long.It's just that he never thought that the two people he was thinking about were actually one person.

He felt that God played a big joke on him, if there was a seam in the ground now, he would definitely plunge into it.Or with a knife, he wanted to chop off the hand he patted on Dong's shoulder.



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