Chapter 294 Account Sharing Blockbuster

"Mr. Yu, why do they call you the general counsel?"

After having a meal with Yu Dong, Ma Kai and the others felt much more relaxed.Mainly Yu Dong is approachable and approachable, without any airs, very easy to get along with.

"You're crazy, I don't hold any position in the art festival." Yu Dong explained with a smile, and then asked the two of them: "Why didn't you two wait for the art festival to start to come to see it, and came here right now?"

Ma Kai smiled and patted Li Qiuhao on the shoulder, "It's not because of Qiuhao. He said that the art festival spans a long time, with a total of more than ten days before and after, and there will definitely be many people at that time. Why don't you come and see the rehearsal in advance to feel the atmosphere. Mainly We are preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination now, and we don’t have so much time.”

Yu Dong nodded, watching the rehearsal is definitely not as exciting as the official performance, but their time is precious now, so there is nothing they can do.

"Which school are you going to take?"

"I major in chemistry, and I'm going to take the exam in this school." Ma Kai said.

"I'm going to take the Yan Normal University exam."

Hearing that Li Qiuhao said that he was going to be admitted to Yan Normal University, Yu Dong smiled and said: "I am familiar with Yan Normal University, maybe we can meet each other often in the future. Teacher Hu Yueming in the department will not accept graduate students next year. You can go and see Teacher Tong Qingbing, or It's Teacher Lee Sun Hyuk."

"Thank you Teacher Yu, I have been paying attention to it all the time, and I wrote a letter to Teacher Tong Qingbing before." Li Qiuhao said.

"By the way, I'm going to go shopping around in the afternoon. Do you have any good places to recommend to me?"

Ma Kai scratched the back of his head: "Well, there's nothing to do around here. Take a look at the Yellow River and stroll around Baitashan Park. Are you tired of seeing Teacher Yu?"

"It's not boring, but it's hard to come here. Of course, I want to see something else. It doesn't have to be very close, a little distance is fine."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, the two of them used their brains and thought of a bunch of scenic spots, some far and some near.

In the end, Yu Dong was more moved by Tianfu Shagong and Shifogou. After thinking about it, Yu Dong decided to go to Tianfushagong first. As for Shifogou, he could wait until Cheng Yanqiu's vacation tomorrow and go with her.Compared with Tianfu Sha Palace, Shifogou is definitely more suitable for couples to travel together.

"It's just that I'm afraid it's too late to take a bus at this point." Li Qiuhao looked at the sky with some concern, "The distance is not very far, but the shuttle bus is not easy to do, and the time is not fixed."

Yu Dong smiled, "It's okay, let's drive there. If you two don't want to go to the rehearsal, you can go with me."

Whether to go to the rehearsal or follow Yu Dong to Tianfu Sha Palace, these two choices were before Ma Kai and the others. They didn't struggle at all and chose the latter directly.

The three of them went back to the hotel together, and Yu Dong asked the hotel to arrange a car for him without a driver.

This is what makes the Grand Hotel so good. After asking Yu Dong what he wanted to do, he arranged a jeep for him in less than half an hour.Lanshi Hotel often receives foreign guests and important guests, so the service is better, otherwise Yu Dong would not have made this request.

After getting the car, Yu Dong didn't rush to drive, but studied the map first, it would be more troublesome without navigation right now.

After researching the route, Yu Dong drove straight to Tianfu Sha Palace with the two young men.

On the way, Li Qiuhao told Yu Dong about the myth about the Heavenly Ax Sha Palace: "It is said that when Kuafu chased the sun and arrived in Lanshi, he was so thirsty that he couldn't run anymore, so he raised his ax and wanted to go to Lanshi. He split a well on the ground, but no matter how hard he split it, no water could come out. In the end, he could only die with hatred. But after he died, muddy spring water emerged from the place where he split it, and this spring water eventually became the Yellow River. , the place where he cut mountains to fetch water is the current Tianfu Sha Palace."

Regarding the story of Kuafu, Yu Dong had heard at least ten versions, and it was not unusual to hear a new version from Li Qiuhao.No matter what kind of myth it is, it will be added with local characteristics when it reaches the place.

Because there is no development, the car can't get in, so you have to stop early, then get out of the car and walk.

A few people got off the car and walked towards the valley. From a distance, they could see a stone pillar standing on the high slope. Li Qiuhao secretly told Yu Dong that this was the root left by Kuafu.

Yu Dong turned his head to look at Li Qiuhao, and wondered why your local myths are still colorful.

The stone pillars are very magnificent, standing alone on the hillside, people can't help feeling the magic of nature.It's just that after hearing what Li Qiuhao said, when Yu Dong looked at the stone pillar again, it became more and more wrong.

"Go inside."

The Tianfu Sha Palace is a Danxia-like landform, the rocks and soil are red, which is more obvious under the sunlight.

When encountering a place with little vegetation, it really feels like being on Mars.The reason why Yu Dong came here was also because he wanted to find a feeling for the new book.

As soon as he entered the valley, Yu Dong knew he had come to the right place.

Regardless of whether the landform looks like Mars or not, the feeling of desolation and remoteness revealed everywhere here will make people feel a kind of sadness.

Looking up at the sand palaces one by one, Yu Dong felt as if he was being coerced by some ancient power and was temporarily away from modern society.

It's a pity that I didn't prepare a camera, otherwise I could record everything in front of me.

Li Qiuhao is a qualified tour guide. Everywhere he goes, he will point to the sand palace above to introduce Yu Dong.

After Li Qiuhao's introduction, Yu Dong realized that there are so many legends in this Tianfu Sand Palace, each building has a name, all the Sand Palaces form a whole building complex, and there is a wonderful story.

Until seven or eight o'clock, before the sun set, the three of them came out of the valley and walked to the parking place.

After this afternoon's play, all three of them were disheartened, their jackets were okay, but their shoes and trousers were no longer visible.

Yu Dong felt that he also had a mouthful of dirt in his mouth, but he couldn't spit it out.

After drooling again, Yu Dong said to Li Qiuhao with a smile: "Qiuhao, the stories about architecture you just told are very interesting and coherent. Is it because there are complete geography or fairy tales in Lanshi?" ?”

Li Qiuhao shook his head, "No, I heard this from the locals, intermittently, and I sorted it out myself."

"Oh?" Yu Dong looked at Li Qiuhao with interest, "Have you written these things?"

"I remembered some, but not many. I just had nothing to play with, mainly because I like these stories."

Hearing what Li Qiuhao said, Yu Dong sincerely suggested: "The stories you told are very interesting, especially the functions of each palace and what happened. If I didn't know that these buildings are natural landforms, I would have thought Such a dynasty did appear. If you have time, I suggest that you reorganize the things you have sorted out and write a book to share with everyone.”

"This... I haven't written a book either."

Yu Dong patted him on the shoulder: "You have the ability to tell stories, don't waste it. Well, it's getting late, let's go back."

When they arrived in the city, Yu Dong sent the two of them back to school first.Originally, Yu Dong wanted to invite them to dinner, but the two refused, saying that they were too dirty and they needed to go back and take a shower, and it was not too early after the shower.

To be honest, they are all tired, and now they want to go back and take a good bath, and then lie down on the bed to rest.Before leaving, Yu Dong copied his number to the two of them and asked them to contact them at any time, especially Li Qiuhao. Yu Dong told him that if he wanted to write a book, he could call if he had any questions.

Back at the hotel and returned the car.Using the car is not free. Yu Dong wanted to pay the bill, but the front desk clerk told him that the bill was waived for him.

"Why not?" Yu Dong asked.

"Because you are a very valued customer of this store, the manager decided to waive your bill."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "First of all, I would like to thank your manager for his kindness, but when expressing kindness, shouldn't you also tell me, the client, in advance?"

It's not that Yu Dong is hypocritical, it's just that this kind of unknown favor is not so pleasant.

In fact, Yu Dong can also guess that the hotel should know his identity, so this happened.

But if he accepts the other party's kindness without saying a word now, and the other party asks for something later, will he agree or not?
Seeing the embarrassment on the receptionist's face, Yu Dong shook his head, "Forget it, I won't embarrass you, let your manager come over, and just say that I want to thank him in person."

The front desk clerk hurried to contact the manager as if he had received amnesty.

After a while, the manager came over with a smile.

The manager is not tall, slightly fat, and wearing a pair of glasses, looks refined.

As soon as the person arrived, the business card had already been handed over, "Hello, Mr. Yu Dong, I am the manager of our hotel, Lin Ruoqi, you can call me Xiao Lin."

Yu Dong took the business card and said with a smile, "Manager Lin, I asked them to invite you here to thank you for your kindness in person. However, if you don't get paid for nothing, you should not be exempted. Take it too, let's make friends."

"This... I'm sorry, Teacher Yu, I was the one to be rude." Lin Ruoqi didn't bother anymore, and asked the front desk to calculate the money for Yu Dong.

Later, the bill was calculated, and it only cost 50 yuan.

Now the gas price is more than one yuan, and fifty is basically enough gas money, but this time Yu Dong didn't say anything, and paid the money directly.

Lin Ruoqi's attitude made Yu Dong feel good about him. He was very measured and would not embarrass others. It seemed that he was able to manage such an extraordinary hotel for a reason.

After taking a bath, Yu Dong went to the restaurant of the hotel to eat, and was about to go out after eating, when he met Lin Ruoqi again.

Lin Ruoqi chatted with Yu Dong for a while, and then took him to visit the hotel.

Walking up to a set of calligraphy, Lin Ruoqi introduced to Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu Dong, do you know who wrote this calligraphy?"

Yu Dong smiled, and wrote clearly in the signature: September [-], Mei Lanfang guest book.As long as you are not blind or illiterate, you can tell whose writing it is.

"That's right, this is Teacher Mei Lanfang's inscription for our restaurant."

This is a five-character poem by Yu Xin in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, called "Poems of Chanting Paintings and Screens".It is really appropriate to write here.

"Mr. Mei Lanfang's calligraphy has both Liu Kai's strength and Ou Kai's method. The brushwork is very exquisite. It is said that Mr. calligraphy and painting are both excellent. It seems that this is true. I have seen Mr.'s paintings before, and they are quite Astonishing, I didn't expect this word to be too much."

Yu Dong is not exaggerating, Mei Lanfang's handwriting is really good, combining the techniques of many masters, but also writing his own style.

Lin Ruoqi showed joy, "It seems that Teacher Yu Dong has studied calligraphy too, do you usually write?"

"I don't dare to study it. I have practiced regular script for a while, and it's just superficial." Yu Dong laughed.

"Teacher Yu is too modest. Apart from Teacher Mei Lanfang's calligraphy, there are other teachers' calligraphy. Here, this is when Teacher Chang Xiangyu Chang came..."

Lin Ruoqi took Yu Dong to look at them one by one, implying Yu Dong inside and out, and wanted him to leave a message.

But Yu Dong insisted that he didn't disagree. He knew his own level. The regular script he had practiced for a few years was enough to bluff ordinary people, but it paled in comparison with the characters of these people.

Later, Lin Ruoqi stopped hinting, but said it directly, "I wonder if Mr. Yu Dong would like to leave calligraphy for our restaurant? If we can have Mr. Yu's inscription, our restaurant will definitely be honored a lot."

"Mr. Yu, don't blame me for being too abrupt. It's really because we haven't had a distinguished guest like you, Mr. Yu, in a long time. If I can't keep your calligraphy, I'm afraid I won't sleep all night."

Yu Dong looked at Lin Ruoqi's enthusiasm, thought for a while, and said, "Okay, let me write a few words."

"Okay, I'm ready."

In just one minute, the Four Treasures of the Study were ready for Yu Dong.Yu Dong knew in his heart that Lin Ruoqi must have prepared these things long ago.

That being the case, Yu Dong no longer pretended to be hypocritical, and wrote:
Guo Wai saw cooking smoke, in front of the old fence of the tile house.Watching the osmanthus fall, it is a fleeting year.

Signed: In August [-], Yu Dong wrote in Jincheng.

"Good word, good word!"

As soon as Yu Dong finished writing, Lin Ruoqi took the lead in applauding, "Vigorous and powerful, with rigorous handwriting. I never expected Teacher Yu Dong to be so proficient in calligraphy."

In fact, Lin Ruoqi and the others didn't know calligraphy, but he knew that regular script boasted vigor and strength, and rigorous handwriting, while running script and cursive script boasted that the pen was fast and smooth.

However, in his opinion, Yu Dong was indeed modest.How well written this word is, just like it is printed out.

The most important thing is that it is big enough, much larger than the words written by Mr. Mei Lanfang.

It's dark enough that if hung on a wall, it can be seen from a long distance.

The other waiters had similar reactions. They all thought the characters were pretty, even better than the messy things written by those great calligraphers.

Yu Dong shook his head secretly, he wanted to say that his work could not be called calligraphy at all, it could only be called writing.Anyone who has practiced for two or three years can write like this.When he was practicing brush calligraphy, many students who studied with him were better at writing than him.

As for this poem, he wrote it for Cheng Yanqiu.Cheng Yanqiu said that she likes the peaceful life in the countryside, and built an old house with a osmanthus tree in the yard and a pond with lotus flowers in it.

Liu Yong wrote a poem "Watching the Sea Tide", in which there is a sentence "There are three autumn osmanthus, ten miles of lotus", Cheng Yanqiu likes it very much.

Yu Dong wrote this poem, and there was also Cheng Yanqiu's nickname, Luoluo.

Lin Ruoqi was busy taking rice paper to absorb ink for the characters, Yu Dong put down the brush, greeted him and went out.

Cheng Yanqiu will be busy till late tonight, and will have a day off tomorrow, so Yu Dong is going to pick her up right now.

After getting the words, Lin Ruoqi was satisfied, and when he heard that Yu Dong was going out, he asked the front desk to help Yu Dong arrange a car.He was still holding the rice paper to absorb the ink himself, and he didn't dare to entrust others to do it for fear of problems.

After Yu Dong left, Lin Ruoqi asked the others: "Have any of you read this poem, what is its name, and who wrote it?"

These things must be known, otherwise I will introduce it to other guests later, and I don’t know anything, so it’s not embarrassing.

When Yu Dong was around just now, he didn't have the nerve to ask, for fear of making himself look too uneducated.

But the waiters all shook their heads: "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Lin Ruoqi sighed, and he didn't expect these waiters to recognize him, after all, he was the only one with the highest level of education in the entire hotel.He hadn't heard of it, and most likely neither had anyone else.

Go back and ask someone else.


Yu Dong didn't ask the driver to take him off, but drove to Baitashan Park by himself.

Cheng Yanqiu and the others were still assisting the song and dance troupe to rehearse, Yu Dong watched it for a while, then ran to the side to find a place to rest.

It was almost eleven o'clock before Cheng Yanqiu and the others finished.

On the way back, Cheng Yanqiu fell asleep in the co-pilot.

When they arrived at the hotel, when they got off the car, Yu Dong went around to the co-driver and was about to carry her out, but she woke up in a daze.


Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong sleepily, and when he saw that he was about to hug her, he shook his head, "I'm not awake."

Then open your arms.

Yu Dong smiled and picked her up by the waist.

In the room, Cheng Yanqiu went to take a shower, while Yu Dong turned on the TV and watched.When Cheng Yanqiu came out, he found that Yu Dong was lying on the bed and fell asleep.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at the sleeping Yu Dong, thought for a while, then lay down next to him, then turned off the light and went to sleep.Anyway, the bed is big, so it's no problem to sleep the two of them.

But just after lying down for a while, Cheng Yanqiu felt that Yu Dong was constantly wriggling towards her, and after a while, Yu Dong's hand touched her leg.

At this moment, she also understood that Yu Dong was pretending to be asleep.

"I'm going to sleep on the sofa."

Cheng Yanqiu made a gesture to get up, but Yu Dong pulled him into his arms and hugged him tightly.

In the darkness, she heard his snort, from shallow to heavy.Later, the breath moved from the ear to the tip of her nose.It was as warm as a fire, warming her body.

The flower buds that have been hidden for a cold winter bloom enthusiastically when they are blown by the warm wind.

After the warm wind passed, there was another gust of rain. The flowers that had just bloomed were swaying in the wind and rain, as if they had no roots, growing precariously in the air.

In the darkness, it seemed as if there was an inky black sea in front of me, and the tide was rushing in, slapping on the shore one after another.The tide rose higher and higher, and finally submerged the whole flower. The sea water was warmer than the wind and rain, but the force was more ferocious, wrapping her tightly.

Later, when the tide receded, the snorting sound came again, still like a furnace fire.


The next morning, Cheng Yanqiu secretly put away the sheets.

Fortunately, there are spare quilts and sheets in the room, so you don't need to say hello to the cleaning staff.

Originally, Yu Dong was going to take Cheng Yanqiu to play in Shifogou today, but Cheng Yanqiu felt that he was too tired these days and wanted to take a good rest, so the two stayed in the room until noon to go out.

In the afternoon, I went shopping in the city, and the day ended like this.

"Ah, one day has passed like this. After the art festival is over, I must take a good rest for a few days."

In the evening, lying on the sofa watching TV, Cheng Yanqiu stretched his waist, lamenting that the vacation was too short.

Yu Dong poured cold water on her, "The art festival is over, we hurried to the school and the school starts, and then we will be busy again."

"Oh, don't talk about it, the more I talk about it, the more I feel tired. By the way, how is your new book? I've been dragged by them every day during this time. Do you still have time to write a new book?"

"No, I'm going to start moving in the next few days. The preparations are done, and the rest is easy."

Cheng Yanqiu rested his head on Dong's shoulder, "Thank you for your hard work, you haven't had a rest this summer."

"Yeah, so how do you think you can compensate me?" Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu with a smirk.

"How to make up for it... hey, you didn't just..."

"No way, I'm in good health."


After the art festival officially started, Cheng Yanqiu and the others relaxed, because the program had already been finalized, and they were no longer needed.

So in the next eleven days, the two went to the art festival during the day, and went shopping and eating in the city at night.

On August 28, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were ready to go back.

Lin Ruoqi hurriedly found someone to hang up the framed words, and then invited Yu Dong and the others to stand under the words and take a group photo.

Cheng Yanqiu didn't know about Yu Dong's inscription for the restaurant before, but after hearing about it, she was quite curious, because she only knew that Yu Dong's cursive calligraphy was beautiful, but she didn't know that Yu Dong could write calligraphy.

After seeing the characters, Cheng Yanqiu's first reaction was: Yu Dong's calligraphy is not as good as hard pen.

"There are too many constraints, it is not as good as writing with a hard pen."

Yu Dong explained with a smile, "I haven't written for too long."

"Then you can practice in normal times. I'll buy you the Four Treasures of the Study later." Cheng Yanqiu read the poems after reading the words.

After reading the poem, Cheng Yanqiu always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard this poem.

"Whose poem is this?" Cheng Yanqiu asked.

Lin Ruoqi next to him heaved a sigh of relief, he had always wanted to ask this question, but he just didn't have the nerve to ask it.

It turns out that Yu Dong's wife doesn't know the origin of this poem, so it's not shameful that he doesn't know.

Yu Dong replied with a smile, "This poem is called "Luo Luo". It was written by Sanren in Cucumber Garden. When he wrote this poem, he was in his twenties. It was written for his wife."

"Oh, yes, look, Mr. Yu, there is still the word Luoluo in it. I didn't realize that this is a poem written by a poet expressing his love for his beloved wife. I didn't expect him to ask Bajie to post his wife's name. Put it into the poem. This Cucumber Garden Sanren seems to be a very romantic poet."

Hearing Yu Dong's explanation, Lin Ruoqi suddenly understood the poem and seemed a little excited.

"It seems that Mr. Yu chose to write the poem "Scattered People in the Cucumber Garden" because of Mrs. Yu. The two husbands and wives are deeply in love and envy others."

Lin Ruoqi was kept in the dark, but Cheng Yanqiu knew it clearly.

What kind of loose person in the cucumber garden is Yu Dong himself!

While she felt that Yu Dong was not serious, she was also moved. She did not expect Yu Dong to write a poem for herself.

No wonder this poem looks familiar, isn't it all about her dream life?
Guo Wai saw cooking smoke, in front of the old fence of the tile house.Watching the osmanthus fall, it is a fleeting year.

Looking at this poem, she can even imagine that there is such a tile-roofed house outside the city, the two of them are sitting in the fenced yard with a rattan chair, and occasionally a osmanthus tree will fall, and it will fall to the foot with a clatter, what is royal power and wealth? , Fame and fortune are far away in the sky.

Yu Dong looked at his watch, pulled Cheng Yanqiu and waved to Lin Ruoqi, "Okay, Manager Lin, we're leaving, see you again."

"If Teacher Yu Dong comes to Lanshi again in the future, he must contact us. We will definitely provide the best service."

Watching Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu walk away, Lin Ruoqi scratched his head and muttered to himself, "Who is this Cucumber Garden Loose Man?"

He has heard many names of poets. For example, Bai Juyi is a layman in Xiangshan, Du Fu is a layman in Shaoling, Li Bai is a layman in Qinglian, Tao Yuanming is Mr. Wuliu, and Su Shi is a layman in Dongpo.

But he really had never heard of this Cucumber Garden Loose Cultivator.

But listening to this number, it might be a Taoist.

Lin Ruoqi walked towards the lobby with his hands behind his back, and when he passed by the front desk, he asked, "Have you ever heard of Loose People in Cucumber Garden?"

The two boys at the front desk shook their heads again and again, and Lin Ruoqi followed suit, "Read more poems at ordinary times to cultivate your sentiments. After all, we are a restaurant under the provincial general office, so our level should be raised, you understand?"


Lin Ruoqi nodded in satisfaction.


Yu Dong didn't receive a call from Zhang Ming until he arrived in Jinling.

"Mr. Yu Dong, you are in a hurry to leave. I will finish looking for you here. I heard that you and your lover have already returned to Jinling."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, we were in a hurry to go back to school, so we didn't have time to say hello to you." Yu Dong explained.

Zhang Ming smiled and said, "Why don't you say hello? I have troubled you a lot a while ago. I just wanted to find a chance to treat you to a meal and thank you."

"You're welcome, I learned a lot from you and Director Chen."

"Mr. Yu, you are so humble. By the way, Mr. Yu, last time we talked about your "Death of a Widow", do you still remember?"

"I remember, of course I remember, when you joked about turning it into a play."

Zhang Ming said with a smile, "I'm not kidding, I'm serious. But I've been busy with "Aurora" before, so I don't have much time. Now that I have free time, I just want to ask you if you would like to authorize it. Just say it straight, we are a provincial unit, I'm afraid we won't be able to give you much money, we all come according to the standard."

Yu Dong smiled heartily, "Oh, what money is not, I will ask someone to write a power of attorney for you later, you just need to change it."

Yu Dong didn't really care much about changing the drama, anyway, it wasn't an exclusive authorization, and he could give it to others if they wanted to change it later, and there was no conflict.

As for the remuneration, Yu Dong also knew that they belonged to the provincial repertory troupe, and the standard of what they could give was fixed. Zhang Ming couldn't decide. If he wanted more, the other party couldn't give it. If he didn't want it, the other party would definitely give it.

Hearing Yu Dong's agreement, Zhang Ming was naturally happy, "Hey, thank you so much, Mr. Yu Dong. When our drama comes out, please come and give us guidance."

"You're welcome, I also want to thank you for your love for "Death of a Widow". When your play is released, you can come to Jinling to perform a few shows for the audience here."

"If it's possible, that's fine."

After chatting with Zhang Ming for a while, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu arrived at the school gate.

Uncle Zhou saw the two of them from a distance. The old man had a smiling expression on his face. When they arrived at the door of the reception room, he teased, "Oh, I haven't seen you for a summer. Why do you two look more and more alike?"

Cheng Yanqiu shouted "Hello, Uncle Zhou", and then hurried away.Yu Dongluo smiled and said to Uncle Zhou: "I haven't seen you in one summer. Uncle Zhou is getting younger and younger. I think your bell-bottom pants look great. But these bell-bottom pants are not fashionable now. You It’s a little bit behind the trend.”

Speaking of the flared trousers, Uncle Zhou was full of complaints, "It's not your auntie's fault, you want to wear these trousers for me, it's so ugly."

When he got excited, Uncle Zhou began to speak Jinling dialect.

"Haha, I just came back, go back and take a rest, sir, you are busy."

The school has not officially started yet, but there are already many people in the school.

Back in the dormitory compound, Yu Dong found miraculously that Bi Feiyu was weeding in the vegetable garden.

Bi Feiyu, who is too lazy to show maggots, can go to weeding, this is really a ghost.

"I read that right, right now, standing in the vegetable garden with a hoe in his hand is actually our great writer Bi Feiyu?"

Hearing Yu Dong's voice, Bi Feiyu turned his head, threw the hoe in his hand to the ground, and ran out in two or three steps.

"You are finally back. The days you were away have been hard for me. Fu Jing asked me to take care of the vegetable garden every day. I dragged Yu Hua over, but he didn't do it. Not only did he not do it, he even came to steal Cucumbers I planted."

"Come to steal every night?"

"Ang, steal in the morning too."

"Hey, that's not right, didn't I grow this cucumber?"

"You planted it, but you didn't care about growing it. The wind blown the shelf down, so I came here to fix it. But we planted one and raised the other, but it didn't do any good. Yu Hua ate all the cucumbers. That's it. The guy loves to eat tender melons, so he picks off the small ones and eats them."

Yu Dong stretched out his head to look, "Are there any more melons?"

"Yes, there are still a few old melons. I hid them below, but he didn't see them. I'll pick them later. In the evening, I will ask Fu Jing to make cucumbers and call Yu Hua. Let's have a drink."

"He stole your melon, and you bought him a drink?"

"Stealing melons is stealing melons, and drinking is drinking."

Bi Feiyu rushed back to the vegetable garden again, found the few cucumbers from under the shelf, picked them, and washed them with some well water.

"I'll go back first, and you can go directly to my house in a while."

After Bi Feiyu left, Yu Dong looked at the yard, there was no one else, and most of the people should be busy at the moment.

He put down his luggage and lay down on the bed.It's still early, so I'm not in a hurry to go to Bi Feiyu's house.

"The Martian" has written 16 words, and is expected to write 20 to [-] words.Now that it is written, it will be fast, and it will be all done in about a month at most.


Jingle Bell--

Yu Dong was in a daze when he heard the phone ringing. He squinted his eyes and went to the table to answer the phone: "Hello, how are you?"

"Yu Dong, it's me, Feng Xiaoning, why do you sound so tired?"

Yu Dong rubbed his eyes, "It's Director Feng, I just came back from another place, so I squinted for a while."

"Oh, I didn't disturb your rest."

Yu Dong looked at the time, it was more than six o'clock, he said with a smile: "No, your call came just in time, I have to go out later."

"In that case, I won't bother you any more. I'm calling to tell you that "The Butterfly Effect" is about to be released on October 21."

"Congratulations, after so long, it's finally on the air."

It's really not easy. Feng Xiaoning hasn't released a movie yet, and Zhang Yimou has finished two movies.When it was submitted for review last time, Feng Xiaoning felt that "Chaos Diary" was not a good title, so he came to seek Yu Dong's opinion. Yu Dong suggested a butterfly effect to him, and he finally accepted it.

"Anyway, I finally came out, and I didn't let you down. I just called to talk about this, so go get busy."

"Okay, keep in touch."

After hanging up on Feng Xiaoning's phone, Yu Dong washed his face and went to Bi Feiyu's house.

Yu Hua's family had arrived earlier, and Cheng Yanqiu was also there.

As soon as Yu Dong entered, Fu Jing began to scold Bi Feiyu, "Bi Feiyu is really interesting, he asked you to eat, but he didn't remember to ask you to bring Yanqiu, if I didn't ask, I would have left Yanqiu behind. "

Bi Feiyu retorted: "Does Yanqiu have to call out in particular? I asked Yu Dong to come to eat, but he can't call himself?"

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's all my fault."

"It's not your fault, who is it?"


Jiang Xianyong looked at the people present at the meeting, and knocked on the table: "We don't have much time left, that is, in these two days, we have to decide which movie to introduce."

The Film Bureau has already made a decision to introduce an American film this year as the first domestic blockbuster.

Originally, the Film Bureau was already negotiating the details with Warner Bros., but Universal suddenly stepped in.

It is of course a good thing for the film bureau to have one more company participating in the competition.

But the problem is that now there is no way to determine which company to introduce.

The movie Warner sent over was "The Fugitive", which was released in the United States last year. It performed well at the box office, earning nearly [-] million US dollars in box office in the United States.

On Universal's side, what was sent over was "Second World", which had not yet been officially released.Although this film has not yet been tested in the market, its director is Spielberg, and the name alone is enough to make people confident.

Also, the original author of this film is Yu Dong, a Chinese.

The reason for the hesitation was that the conditions offered by Universal were not as good as Warner's, and the proportion of the bill was lower.

Seeing Jiang Xianyong knock on the table, no one else said anything.

This meeting has been held for more than a week, but no result has been discussed.

Mainly no one wants to take responsibility.

From an emotional point of view, everyone hopes to introduce "Second World".But the introduction of "Second World" is a risk. What if Spielberg loses Waterloo this time?And they give less split bills, and with the same box office, the income here will also decrease.

Seeing that no one was talking, Jiang Xianyong said again, "Let me give you an idea. When I was having dinner with a leader a few days ago, we talked about "Second World". The leader gave a good evaluation of this book. The leader pointed out, Our domestic writers rushed out without us worrying about it, and it would be outrageous for us to shrink back, and we don’t look like we want to reform.”

When Jiang Xianyong said this, it was as if the tone had been set, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The deputy director Liu Hu, who was sitting next to Jiang Xianyong, said with a smile, "Although I haven't read "Second World", my kid bought a copy and read it obsessively. I also learned some information through Gouzi, so Dong is now very influential in the science fiction world, with many book fans. Thousands of people can attend a signing event, and the market influence is enough. I think, even if Spielberg is not trustworthy, Yu Dong’s domestic appeal It's also trustworthy."

"I have also heard what Director Liu said." Li Zhenguo, who was sitting opposite Liu Hu, took over the conversation and said, "Two months ago, I heard people talking about Mars when I was walking. I was quite strange at the time, but later Only then did I realize that it was Yu Dong who was going to write a science fiction novel about Mars, which aroused heated discussions in the society, and many media reported on this matter. Therefore, Yu Dong’s influence is not only in It is no longer in the science fiction world, but has penetrated into the general public."

"That's right, that's right..."

"I know this too..."

"The Second World is more appropriate."

Jiang Xianyong looked at the crowd expressing their opinions one after another, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. These old fritters would not move at all without giving a signal.

"Okay, then this matter is settled, Director Liu, please contact Universal. Of course, you still have to pay attention to the method when contacting them. If you can negotiate better conditions, it will be better."

"Okay, promise to complete the task."


When Jimmy was preparing for the second Werewolf Killing Club, he received a call from Spielberg. The other party told him the good news. Universal Pictures has negotiated with China, and "Second World" will be the first part. Account blockbusters entered the Chinese market.

"Second World" missed the prime box office of the summer in the United States, and is finally scheduled for October [-]th, and its release time in China will be one month later than that in the United States, that is, in mid-November .

Jimmy was so happy that he almost jumped up when he got the news.

Dalot, the assistant next to him, was very surprised to see Jimmy so happy. He had never seen Jimmy show such strong emotions. It could be seen that Jimmy must have heard very good news.

This is of course very good news.

Whether "Second World" can be released in China actually doesn't have much impact on Dong's reputation in the United States.However, it could affect Yu Dong's status in the country.

This influence is not limited to the world of fiction.

As the first blockbuster film imported from China, Jimmy believes that "Second World" will definitely detonate the entire Chinese film circle.At that time, the movie "Second World" will be talked about on the streets and alleys, and its original work, the novel "Second World" of the same name will naturally not be ignored.

The name Yu Dong will completely break into the Chinese film industry.When capital floods into the Chinese film industry, there is no doubt that Yu Dong will become the darling of the capital.

Of course, Yu Dong will not be the darling of capital who is at the mercy of others, because he is capital himself.

Everything is going in a good direction.



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  Today is still [-] words, and I would like to ask everyone a question, is it better to have such a big chapter, or to divide it into two chapters and post it at different times?
(End of this chapter)

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