Chapter 295 Teacher Qualifications

The next day, Cheng Yanqiu went to Yudong's dormitory with a box in his arms.

The box is quite delicate, but not too big, it contains the four treasures of the study, five pens, but they are all purple with iron heads, and are designed for writing in small letters.

"Didn't you buy this?" Yu Dong asked, looking at the contents of the box.

The pens are all new, but when Yu Dong looked at the inkstone, he could still see a little ink residue in the middle of the lines, which should have been used before and not cleaned, and the overall look does not look like new.

"Borrowed from my dad."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, he understood, because he often borrowed things.

But is this old Taishan a collector?I saved five iron-headed purple hairs all at once, when will this be written.

It doesn’t take much pen to write lowercase letters, and the quality of this pen is good. It’s not a rush to write. Basically, it’s no problem to write for a few months. Five pens can be used for one or two years.If you write more sparsely, you won't need to buy a pen for several years.

The problem is, Yu Dong has never practiced lower case before.I tried to write it, but I couldn't read it.

Small script is very difficult, Yu Dong didn't want to touch it at all at the time, and he wasn't at the level to touch it.

Cheng Yanqiu is giving him a problem.

"Luoluo, do you like lower script?" Yu Dong asked.

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head slightly, "Anything is fine, but this is the only new pen my dad has. The others are all used."

It turns out that what Cheng Yanqiu brings to Yu Dong does not depend on what she wants to give him, but on what his father-in-law has.

Later, Yu Dong went to buy several sets of pens by himself, and planned to write big characters first, and then practice small letters when he was almost done.

I haven't practiced handwriting for a long time, but when I suddenly pick it up, it feels very good, and it can make people calm down quickly.

It's just that the room is getting smaller and smaller, and the table is not big enough.The closet is so full of books that it can't hold any more.

Three years have passed, and this small house can hardly accommodate Yu Dong.


The first two days of school are still quite busy. Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu are fine. Considering that they usually have to write, Wu Changxin arranges less and less work for them.

After graduating from Gongmei 91 next year, Yu Dong will only have a teaching job left on him, and the burden on him will be much lighter.Bi Feiyu is similar, and in two years there will only be teaching positions left.And they don't care about other majors, and concentrate on creating dramas.

However, the drama department opened two new majors this year, and the other teachers in the department were too busy for a while, so the two of them had to help.

This year, the majors of directing and film and television planning and production are newly opened, and there are not many people who accept them. There are more than ten people in each major and each class.

Yu Dong deliberately took a look at the roster, but didn't see any familiar ones.

But when I picked him up, I saw an acquaintance, Jia Zhangke.

Jia Zhangke, this kid, welcomes new students at the beginning of school. He doesn't go to welcome new students in his major, but focuses on helping directors welcome new students.

He just stopped at the gate, ran up to ask a freshman when he saw him, let him go if he was a freshman, and stopped him if he was a director.

After saving up three or four, he took them to the welcome point and handed them over to the counselors of the new majors.

Seeing him busy up and down, Yu Dong teased him and said, "Jia Zhangke, why don't you switch to directing. I think your energy has hurt you in drama creation."

Jia Zhangke put on a smiling face, "How can this be possible? I was born as a Xichuang man and died as a Xichuang ghost. I will never leave Xichuang. Besides, I want to study with you for a few more years, Mr. Yu. "

"You don't have a junior in the major of directing, so you can't transfer." Bi Feiyu joked.


In fact, Jia Zhangke did not intend to major in directing. Even if he had a third year in directing, he would not have the idea of ​​changing majors, because he knew that to become a director, he did not necessarily need to be a director.

Jia Zhangke has heard a saying that if he wants to be a director, he can do whatever major.Zhang Yimou, didn't he also take pictures?There is also Feng Xiaoning, who graduated from the Department of Fine Arts.

And the reason why he is so courteous is that he wants to listen to them later when they are in the directing class.

In fact, in drama creation, there are quite a few students who have the same idea of ​​being a director as Jia Zhangke, but there are not many students who are as clear as him.Many people want to take one step at a time, and wait until they graduate to stabilize their jobs before thinking about directing.


In the early morning of September 94th, Yu Dong went to the classroom with the lesson plan. Today is the first writing class of Xichuang [-].

He deliberately arrived 5 minutes earlier, but he didn't expect that the students were all very active and had already arrived.

As soon as Yu Dong entered the classroom, warm applause broke out.

He expected that the students would be enthusiastic, but he didn't expect it to be this enthusiastic. A chubby man sitting in front, with chubby hands, became popular when he saw it.

"Teacher Yu is amazing."

"Teacher Yu is mighty."

Yu Dong looked at the excited students and raised his eyebrows. Could it be that his influence has reached this level?

But later, some students explained Yu Dong's doubts.

It turned out that they had read the news in the newspaper that "Second World" would be released in China in November.

Yu Dong knew this news a few days ago, but it was only reported in the newspaper yesterday.I didn't expect the news to spread so quickly, and I knew everything this morning.

For the students of Xichuang, hearing this news is happiness.If things go well, they end up in film and television.And Yu Dong is destined to become an important figure in the film and television industry.

They certainly feel blessed to have such a teacher.

Yu Dong smiled and pressed his hand, "First roll call, let's get to know each other."

When they heard that roll call was to be done, the students fell silent.

Yu Dong called his names one by one according to the roster, and every student whose name was called would reply with a high-pitched "arrival".

After the roll call, Yu Dong nodded with satisfaction: "Everyone did a good job, and I hope you can maintain this positive attitude in the future. Since you are very interested in movies, let's put the writing aside today and come first Let’s talk about movies. I wonder what movies everyone usually watches?”

"Hang up the red lanterns."

"Tunnel warfare."

"Escape from the tiger's mouth."

"Soft knife."

"Qiu Ju is going to court."

The students chattered about the movies they had seen, including domestic movies and dubbed movies.Basically, they are all familiar movies, and Yu Dong has watched them all.

When they had finished talking, Yu Dong spoke again, "If you were asked to pick up a pen now and retell a movie you've seen in words, do you think you can do it? Raise your hands if you can."

The students looked at each other, but no one raised their hands.

In fact, some people think that they can do it, but they are a little guilty and embarrassed to raise their hands.

Yu Dong asked again: "Anyone who feels that they can't do it, please raise your hand."

At first no one raised their hands, but then someone took the lead, and others raised their hands one after another.But relatively speaking, it is still a minority, and more people did not choose to raise their hands.

"In this case, the minority obeys the majority. Our homework for the first class today is to retell the plot of a movie we have seen. The number of words is not limited. But I remind you, don't think that there is no limit to the number of words and you can fool around at will. My class I don’t pay much attention to the final exam, mainly based on the usual grades.”

The students stared blankly at Yu Dong. How could the homework be assigned before the first class started?
Just now when Yu Dong said that he wanted to tell them about movies, they thought they were talking about something professional, but they didn't expect to dig a hole for them to jump in, just to give them homework.

Yu Dong looked at the students below and laughed secretly. It seems that these boys and girls still need some time to adapt to his teaching style.


The news that "Second World" will be released in China caused a great uproar, and Feng Xiaoning was quite surprised when he heard the news.

Before, he had thought that "Second World" might become the first Hollywood blockbuster to enter China in the form of split accounts, but "Second World" hadn't been released in the United States in the summer, and he felt that there should be no hope at that time.

After all, if you want to introduce blockbuster movies, you must choose movies that have already been released in the United States.

Unexpectedly, this matter finally came true, and there was only a month's difference between the release time of the two parties.

For Feng Xiaoning, the release of "Second World" in China is definitely a good thing, and it can arouse everyone's interest in going to the cinema to watch the movie.Moreover, the two films "Butterfly Effect" and "Second World" are still related, after all, the original author is the same person.

The most important thing is that "Second World" was only released in mid-November, while "Butterfly Effect" was released in late October. There was a difference of several weeks in between, and the time was staggered.

Feng Xiaoning had heard about the details of the introduction of "Second World".

At the beginning, the **** said that they had handed over the import of foreign blockbusters to China Film Group, and asked them to discuss with foreign film and television companies to decide which movie to import.

But in fact, the whole process is controlled by the radio and television side.

In other words, the introduction of "Second World" this time is not only a commercial consideration, but also some other considerations.

Moreover, when "The End of the World" was originally going to be introduced, China Film was planning to release it in several major cities, including about six or seven cities such as Yanjing, Shanghai, and Chongqing.

However, after deciding to introduce "Second World", the scale of the screening has expanded a lot, from the original few cities to more than 20 cities, including Yangcheng and Nanjing.

The reason for this is entirely because "Second World" has the factor of Yu Dong in it.

Just because the original author of "Second World" is Chinese, the policy should be relaxed a lot.

On the morning of September [-]th, Feng Xiaoning called Yu Dong.

"Mr. Yu, congratulations. I already know about "Second World". This time, Radio and Television and China Film and Television have made great moves. It is basically a certainty that "Second World" will win the box office this year. And I think, It is possible to set a record that will not be broken for many years."

"Director Feng, what you said is a bit exaggerated. There will definitely be many obstacles at the beginning. It is not easy to achieve an earth-shattering high box office. But this is still an improvement. I also want to congratulate you. The account is divided. " The box office of The Butterfly Effect will definitely not be low."

"I hope so." Feng Xiaoning smiled, and suddenly mentioned another book by Yu Dong, "Mr. Yu Dong, is the novel "Prison No. [-]" authorized to others?"

"Why, Director Feng is interested in this novel?"

"Actually, I am more interested in "The Last City", but I know that I will definitely not be able to make it. "Prison No. [-]" can be tried."

"Director Feng, "Prison No. [-]" is not easy. However, since you are interested, I will tell Jimmy, and you can talk about it later. You know me too. I usually leave these matters to the agency. deal with."

Mainly Yu Dong had to talk about it by himself, and many things were not easy to say.

For this, Feng Xiaoning also expressed his understanding.If he had a choice, he would of course prefer to talk to Yu Dong, at least he could still play the emotional card with Yu Dong.

Feng Xiaoning had contact with Jimmy several times, and the other party was a very shrewd businessman, very difficult to deal with.

After hanging up on Feng Xiaoning's call, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu went back to Shanghai, they were going to attend Liu Jiang's wedding.

Liu Jiang's wedding was very grand, and his toy factory is doing very well now, which has made him a lot of money, and even gave Yu Dong some money a year ago.

The wedding was held in the hotel, and there were forty or fifty tables. Except for relatives, friends, and neighbors, most of them were friends who had business contacts with Liu Jiang.

During this period of time, Yu Dong's parents were exhausted.Liu Jiang's mother died young, and his father was old. Qin Fang and Yu Hansheng helped with many things.

Some guests didn't know the situation of Liu Jiang's family, and even thought that Yu Hansheng and Qin Fang were Liu Jiang's parents.

Later at the wedding, Yu Hansheng even went on stage to read the marriage testimony, showing his face well.

When sitting together for dinner, Qin Fang looked at the lively scene in the hall, and said to her future daughter-in-law proudly, "Luoluo, today's wedding is due to me and your uncle. So don't worry, wait until you When you get married, it will definitely be better. Have you thought about it, what will the wedding be like? I think Liu Jiang and the others are doing well. Luoluo, you have a good figure and such a beautiful appearance. You will definitely look good in a wedding dress. When the time comes I'll go find a tailor to make some cheongsams for you, and you can wear them when you return home later."

"Auntie, I discussed it with Yu Dong, and I think the Chinese style is better, and the red dress is festive."

"Chinese style is also good, you look good in Chinese style dresses. And I also know a shop that specializes in Chinese style dresses. I will ask about it later. I will definitely make you the most beautiful dress in Shanghai."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's too early to think about this matter now."

"It's not early at all." Qin Fang rolled her eyes at her son, "You just haven't experienced it, so you don't understand."

"I want to experience it, so it's okay?"

"You child, can you talk? I mean, you haven't experienced wedding planning, and you don't know many details. For example, in the matter of hotels, if you marry Luoluo, whether it's in Shanghai or Jinling, you must A very large hall. There are relatively few such halls, so it must be booked long in advance.”

"After talking about the hotel, let's talk about the wedding dress. Luo Luo married here, can we treat her badly? Girls get married once in their lifetime, this dress must be very important. Beautiful dresses must be tailor-made, not many Months are not enough. There is also a vehicle for pick-up and drop-off at the wedding, so you have to arrange it in advance..."

Speaking of the wedding, Qin Fang never finished talking, but seeing that Cheng Yanqiu was the only one listening carefully, she glanced at her husband and son, held her daughter-in-law's hand, and talked to her seriously.

"Hey, Yu Dong, you're here too."

Yu Dong was watching Liu Jiang and his wife who were toasting at the table in the distance, when he suddenly heard someone calling him.

He turned his head and saw an old man in his sixties with gray temples smiling at him.

It looked familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was.

The other party saw that Yu Dong didn't recognize him anymore, so he smiled and said, "When you were in primary school, I was the dean of the school. Tian Weizhang, do you still have any memories?"

"Oh, Teacher Tian, ​​long time no see."

Yu Dong was not perfunctory, he did think of Tian Weizhang. When Yu Dong was studying in Hongxing Primary School, Tian Weizhang was the teaching director. Later, when Yu Dong was in high school, he heard that Tian Weizhang was promoted to the principal.

Others also stood up to say hello. Yu Dong's parents had no impression of Tian Weizhang, after all, Tian Weizhang didn't teach Dong too much.

"Hi, hello, I happened to pass by this table, and I saw Yu Dong, and I looked more and more like him, so I tried to say hello, but I didn't expect it to be true." Tian Weizhang explained with a smile.

Yu Dong looked at the wine glass in Tian Weizhang's hand and knew that his words were not very credible.Even if Tian Weizhang had a superb memory, it was unlikely that Yu Dong could be recognized just by his childhood appearance.

But he couldn't be allowed to hold the wine glass like this all the time, Yu Dong held up the fruit juice and respected: "Teacher Tian, ​​I don't drink alcohol, so I'll toast you with tea instead of wine, I hope you don't mind."

"Okay, okay, I'm done with this cup."

"Need not……"

As soon as Yu Dong opened his mouth to stop him, Tian Weizhang touched Yu Dong with his cup, then raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, "I'm happy if you drink with me. Our Hongxing Primary School can produce a great writer like you." , is the glory of our school."

"Mr. Tian, ​​you are too famous. I can be where I am today, and it all depends on the cultivation of the school."

Tian Weizhang looked at Yu Dong and sighed, "Oh, time is not forgiving. When you were in school, I still remember that you were not very tall, and everyone else was shorter. You carried a small denim bag every day. I am often late for class in the morning, and when I am late, I will be punished. When I patrol the school in the morning, I always see you, and there are a few specific classmates. But you are different. At that time, you just study, and your head teacher Wei Changke is not willing to punish you You, if others are late every day, they will eat bamboo sticks, and you, at most, you will be punished by standing."

Hearing Tian Weizhang's words, Yu Dongzhen was stunned. He had almost forgotten these things, but Tian Weizhang remembered them all.

When he was in elementary school, Yu Dong did carry a denim bag every day, and he was indeed late every day.Hongxing Primary School is a little far away from his home, and he would not be able to catch up if he got up a little late every morning.

At that time, Hongxing Elementary School started classes early, not much later than other junior high school students.In winter, Yu Dong had to leave home before dawn.

Hearing what Tian Weizhang said now, Yu Dong was suddenly moved. At that time, he caused a lot of trouble for the teachers in the class.

But it is true that as Tian Weizhang said, he was punished a lot because of his studies.

In his era, including the current era, the teachers were very double-standard, and they were the kind of righteous double-standard.As long as you study well, you can be forgiven for doing something wrong.

"Let me toast you again."

Tian Weizhang picked up the wine bottle from the table and poured himself another glass.

Yu Dong was too embarrassed to use juice any more, so he also poured himself a glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp.

After finishing the wine, Tian Weizhang hesitated to speak, and finally smiled and said, "I won't bother you anymore, Liu Jiang will come to toast later."

Seeing that Tian Weizhang turned to leave, Yu Dong suddenly said, "Teacher Tian, ​​how is the school doing now, I'll go back and have a look when I have time."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Tian Weizhang turned around again, showing a bright smile: "If you want to come, of course that's great. The school hasn't changed much over the years, just a few buildings. But it's not so lively anymore, and no teacher is willing." Come, the students will follow and there will be fewer."

In fact, Tian Weizhang came here because he wanted to invite Yu Dong back to school to have a look.Yu Dong is a celebrity now, and it will definitely be good for the school to go back.

But when he came to him, Tian Weizhang was too embarrassed to speak. He had been a teacher all his life, but he couldn't open his mouth to ask for help, let alone his former students.

When Yu Dong heard Tian Weizhang's words, he was a little bit embarrassed. Hongxing Primary School developed quite well when Yu Dong went to school, otherwise Yu Dong would not have traveled so far to go to school.

The reason why Hongxing Primary School is lagging behind now is probably related to its geographical location.In the past, the conditions in this area were not very good, so the disadvantages of Hongxing Primary School's geographical location were not prominent.

Later, a part of this area developed, and a part did not develop, which caused the educational resources of the undeveloped area to tilt towards the developed area.The place where Hongxing Primary School is located is the one that has not been developed.Without better dormitory buildings and better transportation, naturally it would not be able to attract teachers and students.

"I'm afraid I don't have time to go there in the near future. Let's leave a contact information later. When I have time later, I will contact you. Teacher Tian, ​​do you think it's okay?" Yu Dong said.

Tian Weizhang smiled until his eyes narrowed, "Okay, of course. When you go to talk to those junior brothers and sisters, they will definitely be very happy."


After Tian Weizhang left, Yu Hansheng said: "I heard that there are no teachers in Hongxing Primary School who are willing to go. Most of them want to go to the newly built schools. In fact, they are only a few miles away. The main reason is that the schools are getting more and more popular now. More and fewer teachers."

Yu Dong nodded. There is indeed a shortage of teachers in China. This is the case in Shanghai, not to mention other places.

It is conceivable that there is a shortage of teachers in rural schools. Even if the country allows localities to recruit teachers from the minority, it may not solve the fundamental problem.

He thought about the philanthropy he told Jimmy before, maybe it's time to start it now.The company has also been on the right track during this period, and can be distracted to do other things. Although it can't make any big contributions at this stage, it will always be better and better step by step.

And the accumulation of experience in the early stage can also be handy in the later stage.


After returning to Jinling, Yu Dong contacted Jimmy immediately and talked with him about charity.

Jimmy knew that Yu Dong would talk about this sooner or later, so he was not surprised at all. He told Yu Dong that he had already handed over the first phase of the charity plan to Yu Yu, and he could start it at any time.

And he explained to Yu Dong that in the current situation of their company, charity can only be done gradually, and they cannot spend too much operating capital.

Jimmy even proposed a theory with Yu Dong.

"Dong, if you want to be a big charity, you must first become a big capital. The literary and art circles are full of gold. We don't earn this money, but other people will. Others will only put it in their own pockets after they earn it, but we It’s different, we can use the money to do charity. Therefore, we build a literary empire in order to let capital money flow into the country’s basic education.”

Yu Dong knew that Jimmy was fooling him.

However, Yu Dong was still moved.

"So, my dear, let's work hard, let's build a real literary empire together. For example, the third part of "Resident Evil" must be arranged as soon as possible."

Yu Dong couldn't help laughing, after all, Jimmy still urged him to write a book, using him as a donkey for the production team.

"Also, if you invent a few more games like Werewolf Killing, you might be able to make money from it in the future."

Well, in addition to urging writing books, I also have to do some side jobs.

And Jimmy's tone is not small, and he invented a few, can this thing be made casually?

"I'll think about it later."

"Okay, think about it. I'll go back in a while and help you find a garden. Everything will be arranged for you. You just need to make the most of your talents."

"Are you trying to raise me like a pig?"

"My Dong, this hurts people. You are my boss. Even if you are a pig, I will treat you as a tribute pig."


"Okay, I'm not kidding anymore. The matter of the "Resident Evil" game has some clues. I'll report the situation to you when we talk about it later."

"Okay, waiting for your good news."

After hanging up Jimmy's phone, Yu Dong went to find Yu Yu.

In Yu Liang's place, Yu Dong saw the charity plan that Jimmy said.

This plan is very detailed and down to earth.In the plan, Jimmy planned that the first step is to build the first Deep Space Hope Primary School in the township under Jinling.

And since it is to be done, it must be done well, not only to get the school's hardware facilities in place, but also to recruit teachers for the school, and do it thoroughly from the inside to the outside.

In addition, follow-up matters must also be taken care of, such as building libraries in schools, collecting books, setting up scholarships, so that more students have the opportunity to receive education.

Yu Dong noticed that Jimmy's plan was not only detailed, but also strictly controlled in expenditure, and the cost of each step was calculated.

With this proposal, all that is left to do is to have people conduct on-the-spot inspections, and then select the places that need help the most, and give priority to solving local education problems.

Jimmy is still very smart. The plan clearly states that he must actively communicate with the government and related organizations to prevent future troubles.He knows how to do things in China. If you don't pay attention to the policies, you can't do anything well.

After reading the plan, Yu Dong nodded, "Limit, you can operate according to the plan. If you need to recruit people, you can recruit people, and if you need money, you can communicate with the financial department. During the process, communicate with Jimmy in time to avoid accidents. Problem. Because it is the first time, you have to work harder, as long as you win this battle well, you will be relaxed in the future.”

"It's okay boss, it's a good thing, and I'm happy doing it."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Work is work, and charity is also work. You can't do things entirely by spirit. This is true for yourself, and it is also the same for others. Even if you are doing charity, you have to follow the rules step by step, so that you can do things well. it is good."

"Boss, I understand, sustainable development." Yu Yu smiled.

"Well, I won't say too much. I'm more at ease when you do things. If there is anything that needs me in the whole plan, remember to tell me."

"When the school is completed, you will definitely need to attend the school."

"That's no problem. I should help with some publicity."

"That's right." Yu Yu put down the plan, and then took out a stack of personnel information, "Boss, the company is planning to arrange an assistant and driver for you. These four people have passed the initial screening and are pretty good in every aspect. Look Do you want to choose one?"


Yu Dong took over the information. Jimmy had mentioned the matter of assistant before, but Yu Dong rejected it at that time.

But now it seems that Yu Dong really needs an assistant to help him with some trivial matters at ordinary times, and he can't call and troublesome margin when encountering everything, so that he can arrange people.Jimmy is usually not in the country, and the company's big and small things are taken care of. It is not appropriate to distract him because of some small things.

"Let me see."

Yu Dongfan looked at the information, there were four people in total, three men and one woman.He first ruled out women, after all, he is a family man now, so he should avoid suspicion.

The remaining three men, between the ages of 25 and 35, all graduated from college.

Yu Dong finally chose the youngest one, because the young man's profile stated that he could speak English and German, and taking him with him might save the need for an interpreter.

"Just him."

"Jiang Jie, fine, then I'll let him take you back now."

"it is good."

Jiang Jie is younger than he looks in the photo, he is 25 years old in the information, but he looks like he is in his early 20s.It may be that he just went to work and didn't buy suitable clothes. The suit he was wearing was a bit old and baggy, and it should belong to someone else.

"Boss, are you returning to Jinyi now?"

"Well, go back to Jinyi. Don't call me the boss in the future. You can call me Brother Dong or Teacher Yu."

"Then I'll call you Teacher Yu."

On the way back to Jinyi, Yu Dong said to Jiang Jie, "When I don't usually look for you, you should just wait in the company and wait for my call. According to your information, you can speak English and German. What is your level?" ?”

"Basic communication is okay, English is better, and I have written English papers."

Hearing what he said, Yu Dong was a little curious, "You graduated from Jinling University majoring in computer software. As far as I know, this major in Jinling University is a national key major. You are also proficient in English and German. Why did you choose Deep Space Company?" ?”

"Because the salary is high."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "There are good reasons."

After chatting for a few words, Yu Dong had a good impression of Jiang Jie.Although he looked a little shy, he didn't flinch, and spoke very calmly.

Generally, a graduate with Jiang Jie's qualifications would be reluctant to ask him to drive someone else, but Yu Dong didn't see any dissatisfaction from Jiang Jie.Not arrogant or impetuous, very good.

After the car arrived at the gate of Jinyi, Yu Dong said again, "I should spend less time with you in the near future. You can study more when you are free at the company. As for what to study, you decide by yourself. You think about what you need. what."

"Teacher Yu, I understand."


After Jimmy finished fooling Yu Dong, he immediately threw himself into the promotion of his new book "Fatal Identity".

The first one was to put up the poster of "Fatal Identity" in the Werewolf Killing Club.

Nowadays, Werewolf has become a popular game in New York, because playing this game theoretically does not require any props, so people can play it at home as long as they find enough people.

However, most people still prefer to play in the Werewolf Killing Club.

The main reason is that the atmosphere here is very good, the game has a strong sense of immersion, and you don't have to bother to find people yourself.More importantly, you can earn points and climb the leaderboard by playing here.

Because of the points, the competitive nature of the game is suddenly improved.

The current Werewolf Killing Club can hardly accommodate players, especially at night, it is almost full every day, so Jimmy is planning to open a second Werewolf Killing Club.

However, it is easy to open a club. The difficulty lies in synchronizing points and rankings, but these things must be done, otherwise the two clubs cannot be linked together, and the brand will not be able to develop.

Jimmy's plan is to build a website to synchronize this information, and in the future, members can also see everyone's ranking information on the Internet in real time.

Since we are going to do the network, why not start with the game Werewolf Killing.Now everyone is in the groping stage, and there are still many immature aspects of the network, but it is precisely when the network is not yet mature that it is most useful to start groping.

In the future, when the whole world is connected to the Internet, everything will be easy to handle.

In fact, the promotion of "Fatal Identity" is not difficult. Yu Dong now has many book fans in the United States. It can be said that as long as the two letters YU are displayed, a large number of readers are willing to pay.

Furthermore, now that "Second World" is about to be released, Universal relies on Yu Dong to hype it up, and at the same time, it also promotes Yu Dong.

And, Bantam's promotion for the new book is sure to pull out all the stops.

Soon, the news that YU's new book will be released at the end of September spread all over the United States.However, the point is still in the back. What Jimmy wants is not the early publicity, but the later publicity. He wants to use "Fatal Identity" to make Yu Dong a well-known mystery novelist, so that his status in the mystery novel world is comparable to his own. Same in the world of science fiction.

Let people know that YU is omnipotent.

It is not easy to achieve such an effect with a book, but Jimmy believes that as long as the marketing is done well, nothing is impossible.Moreover, isn't there a trump card of werewolf killing?
Recently, he has contacted a number of newspapers, planning to gather news about the Werewolf Killing game after the new book is released, and push the heat up.


Before "Fatal Identity" was on the shelves, "Xiang Xi" had already met with everyone in China, and Yu Dong also went to Beijing with Cheng Yanqiu.

When Yu Dong saw He Qizhi, He Qizhi had a smile on his face.

Previously, the release of "Xiang Xi" was delayed due to problems in the printing factory. At that time, He Qizhi was still depressed for a while, thinking that this was not a good sign.

Unexpectedly, after two months passed, they discovered that it was a blessing in disguise.

A few days ago, the "Second World" was going to be released in China. The book "Second World" was sold out, and the author Yu Dong also entered the public's field of vision again.

With such big news, "Xiang Xi" came out at this time, which can be said to have taken up all the time.

The book signing event that was originally scheduled to be held on North Street was also moved to Xinhua Bookstore two weeks ago.

"I printed 50 copies before, and I was still a little nervous. Now it seems that more printing will be needed soon. I asked the publishing house, and they have informed the printing house that they are ready to print at any time. Abandoned City... Abandoned City Not to mention, Bailuyuan has sold more than [-] copies, so I don't know if "Xiangxi" can break through."

When He Qizhi talked about sales, Yu Dong couldn't pick up the conversation, so he changed the subject and said, "What time will the autograph session start tomorrow?"

"The plan is to start at nine o'clock. If you think it's early, you can postpone it."

"No, it's nine o'clock."

"Well, work harder. If you need anything, you can communicate with the publishing house at any time and ask them to provide it. I heard that you signed tens of thousands of copies a day in the United States?"

Yu Dong shook his head and said, "No, it seems that there are only six or seven thousand copies. I didn't ask for details."

There are only six or seven thousand copies... He Qizhi shook his head, feeling very complicated. Yu Dong's words sounded quite natural when they came out of his mouth.

That's six to seven thousand books. I heard that one person is limited to two books. Even if everyone buys two books, there will be three to four thousand people.

Three to 4000 people participated in a signing event, which has never happened in China on such a scale.

He suddenly had higher expectations for tomorrow's signing event. Will the signings of "Xiang Xi" reach the same number?

Even if it doesn't reach half of it, signing out three or four thousand copies is still an incredible achievement.

When Chen Zhongshi was signing books on North Street, they felt very lively, but at that time they only signed six or seven hundred books.

He Qizhi still remembered the scene at that time. It was cloudy and foggy that day, and the book city was full of people.

At that time, He Qizhi was thinking, no matter how hot it is, this is it?

Maybe tomorrow, he will be able to see even more exciting scenes.


What He Qizhi didn't expect was that the threshold of their "Contemporary" was broken by visitors that afternoon without waiting until the next day.

The reporters who came the most were the interviewers from the print media, the TV station recording programs, and the radio station recording audio recordings. All of a sudden, the editorial department of "Contemporary", which was originally not too big, was completely crowded.

I don't know how they knew Yu Dong was here. None of them came in the morning, but in the afternoon, they all ran over in a swarm as if they had made an appointment.

As soon as they came in, they shouted, "Where's Mr. Yu Dong? Where's Mr. Yu Dong?"

He Qizhi was taken aback by this battle, and he didn't dare to let Yu Dong go out. He only found out after he was asked. I don't know who tipped them off, saying that Yu Dong was already in the editorial department of "Contemporary".

Yu Dong usually lives in Jinling, and the various media in Yanjing seldom see him face to face. Naturally, they don't want to miss such a good opportunity.



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