Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 297 The answer is in hand

Chapter 297 The answer is in hand
"When a book is published for readers to read, it will face evaluations from various people. Some are well-intentioned, and some are malicious. I do not evaluate the level of those reviewers, nor do I question their motives, but since they can comment on my book, others can too."

"There are many people who refute their views this time. The alumni of Yan Normal University only account for a small part of them, but these few people can only see such a small part, and then assume that we are forming a clique. The reason why I say It’s a fantasy, because I still have a little respect for them, and I’m willing to speculate on them with the greatest kindness. Maybe it’s not a fantasy at all, but they deliberately distort the facts with some ulterior purpose.”

Hearing Yu Dong speak more and more bluntly, the reporters were very excited one by one.

Although most of the people present were state media reporters, they also wanted to find some big news.Compared with the sales of new books, of course, it is more interesting for writers to scold critics.

But Yu Dong didn't stop, and then directly changed the topic, "Actually, before the release of "Second World", there is another movie adapted from my novel to be released. At the end of October, the new movie "Butterfly Effect" directed by Feng Xiaoning, It is adapted from my novel "Chaos Diary", you can pay attention to it."

"Sure, we'll help spread the word."

"Teacher Yu, don't worry, our newspaper office will help write a feature later."

If Yu Dong cooperates with them, they will naturally reciprocate. He is influenced by "Second World" himself, and "Butterfly Effect" has attracted quite a lot of attention. It is not a loss to help write a news article.

The press meeting is going on in an orderly manner.

After He Qizhi came to the bookstore, he watched the press conference for a while, and after making sure that there was nothing serious, he went to the lounge to talk to Yu Dong's assistant, Jiang Jie.

After entering the lounge, I saw a second person in it, and this person looked very special.

"Who is this?" He Qizhi asked Jiang Jie.

Jiang Jie helped to introduce, "This is Teacher Wang Xiaobo. Teacher Yu likes his novels very much, so I specially invited him to come over for a chat. Teacher Wang, this is the editor-in-chief of "Contemporary", Teacher He Qizhi."

Yu Dong likes this guy's novels?He Qizhi looked Wang Xiaobo up and down, then reached out to shake Wang Xiaobo's hand.

"Hello, hello, I wonder what works Mr. Wang has written?"

He Qizhi was also very straightforward, if he didn't know him, he said he didn't know him.

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "I've written a few articles, but what I'm talking about with Yu Dong today is "Golden Age" published this year."

"Golden Age." He Qizhi thought for a while, but still had no memory, "I'll go buy a book and have a look later."

Wang Xiaobo laughed, "I'm afraid you won't be able to buy it."

He Qizhi asked suspiciously, "How do you say that?"

Wang Xiaobo shook his head, didn't explain, just smiled, "I'll give you a copy later."

"Okay, go to our editorial department to play when you have time. But I can't accompany you at the moment, Assistant Jiang, can we talk for a while."

Jiang Jie nodded, and said to Wang Xiaobo, "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, I'll be back later."


After the press conference, the signing session began quickly.

Today is less crowded than the signing in New York, but Yu Dong can't relax, and if he relaxes a little bit, he won't be able to sign.

The staff of the bookstore and the publishing house were a little caught off guard. They didn't expect so many people to come, and it took a lot of effort just to maintain order.Later, the police added some manpower before they released the staff.

Speaking of which, Xinhua Bookstore's preparations are not as good as Little Bear Bookstore's.

First of all, there was less publicity in the early stage. When Yu Dong came over, he saw a banner and two normal-sized posters.The location of the signing was also very sloppy. It was located in the back of the first floor, and the readers who participated in the signing could not be placed inside. Most of them could only stand outside and wait.

There is also a pen for signing. They only prepared the most common ballpoint pen, and the quality is also very average, so throw it away after writing.

It didn't matter what kind of pen Yu Dong used, but he felt that from a commercial point of view, Xinhua Bookstore was too far behind.

The director of this bookstore is a 50-year-old oily man who always looks like a Maitreya with a smile when he sees everyone, but he doesn't do things straightforwardly at all.The main reason is that he is still in this position at this age, and I am afraid it will be difficult for him to rise up, so he muddled along, resulting in the lack of vitality in the bookstore.

Fortunately, the signboard of Xinhua Bookstore is sufficient, otherwise today's signing will be really difficult.

At 05:30, everyone got off work on time. According to the last statistics, there were 600 people and [-] books.

When they were counting the results, Yu Dong went to the waiting room, and Jiang Jie told him that Wang Xiaobo hadn't left and was waiting in the waiting room.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Yu Dong apologized to Wang Xiaobo: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, for making you wait so long."

"No, Jiang Jie told me to go back first. But anyway, I don't have anything to do. A few days ago, I was pushing a cart to sell books. Now that I want to republish, I don't have to do this anymore. I just want to Wait, when you're done, I'll say hello to you before leaving."

"Let's have dinner together tonight." Yu Dong smiled and invited.

Wang Xiaobo shook his head, "Not today, there are people waiting at home, next time, next time I will treat you to dinner. Since I have already said hello, I will go back first."

"Stop sitting for a while?" Yu Dong said unexpectedly, Wang Xiaobo waited for a day, and now he has to leave after saying a few words?

Wang Xiaobo waved his hand and left without hesitation.

Yu Dong sent it to the door of the bookstore, looked at Wang Xiaobo's back and shook his head, Jiang Jie next to him smiled and said, "Ms. Wang is such a strange person. I thought he insisted on not leaving. He has something to tell you. I thought it was just to say hello."

"Let's also go say hello to the people inside, today's affairs are finally over."

Jiang Jie looked inside the bookstore and said in a low voice, "I feel that I could have signed more, but their bookstore is not well prepared. Next time we cooperate, we have to think about it."

"Let's talk about this later."

Different from Jiang Jie's reaction, the director of the bookstore and the publishing house were very satisfied with the final data. They originally expected to sign more than 1000 books, which would be great, but they did not expect to double it.

Moreover, many celebrities came today, including several writers, such as Ma Yuan, Hong Feng, not to mention some young writers.It is not surprising that several writers came, but the most surprising thing is that even the piano master Liu Shikun came.


After the signing session, Yu Dong and the others hurried back to Jinling. Unfortunately, there was no military parade this year, otherwise they could have stayed in Yanjing for a few more days to watch the military parade before leaving.

As soon as Yu Dongren returned to Jinling, he received a call from Zhang Yimou.

"You slipped away too fast. I only found out after asking "Contemporary" that you left in a hurry as soon as the signing session was over."

In the words, Zhang Yimou could be heard to be very regretful, and Yu Dong asked strangely, "What do you want from me?"

"There is a novel I want to invite you to read." Zhang Yimou said.

"Fiction?" Yu Dong was even more puzzled, "Why do you show me?"

"I want you to help me become a screenwriter."

"Let me be the screenwriter? Where's Liu Heng?"

"I don't need him this time, I want to try to let the writer do the revision." Zhang Yimou said.

Yu Dong asked: "Which novel, who is the author?"

"You should have heard that "Door Regulations" was only published on "Zhong Shan" this year."

Yu Dong twitched the corner of his mouth, it really was this novel, not only did he know about it, he also had dinner with Li Xiaotang and read the original manuscript.

From this point of view, Zhang Yimou still wants to make the film "Shake, Shake, Shake to Grandma Bridge".

"Shake, Shake, Shake to Grandma's Bridge" is adapted from "Gate Regulations". The screenwriters are Li Xiaotang and Bi Feiyu. Later, Bi Feiyu also wrote a novel called "Once Upon a Time in Shanghai" for the movie.

"I have read this novel, and I also know Teacher Li Xiaotang."

"I know you know each other." Zhang Yimou smiled, "Li Xiaotang recommended you and Bi Feiyu to me. My idea is to let you and Li Xiaotang, or you, Bi Feiyu and Li Xiaotang, be the screenwriters together. .”

"Okay, I'll discuss it with Feiyu later." Yu Dong nodded and said.

Yu Dong was very interested in this project. After attending the art festival last time, he suddenly became interested in screenwriting, thinking that he would also write some scripts when he had the opportunity.

"Okay, let's discuss it first, wait a few days...Are you going out on National Day?"

Yu Dong thought for a while, "I shouldn't go out, I'm in Jinling, if Bi Feiyu, the possibility of going out is not high."

"Well, if you don't go out, I will visit you on National Day, and let's have a face-to-face exchange."

"Okay, I'll tell Feiyu."

After hanging up Zhang Yimou's phone, Yu Dong took out the manuscript of "The Martian", which was finished with one last point, and then it could be sent to the magazine.

But then Yu Dong couldn't rest. He said at the press conference that he would have a series of short stories and short stories to meet with you in the near future. He didn't just say it casually, but actually saved several of them.

One is the one written during the Chinese New Year, "The One Who Drowned Inside", which has been kept in my hands and has not been published.The other one was written by Chunchun, called "Yujiaxiang·Abortion", which is the first of a series of novels conceived by Yu Dong. This series of novels mainly tells a story that happened in Yujiaxiang, involving scholars, farmers, businesses, Everywhere.

"Abortion" tells a story that happened in Yujiaxiang Junior High School. There was a girl in the school who had an abortion once, but it was rumored that she had had two abortions.In this regard, she never explained to others, but she met a boy later, and she tried her best to explain that she had only had one abortion.

The boy said he believed it, but in his heart he didn't care, because in his opinion, there was no difference between falling once and falling twice.Later, because the boy and the girl were found meeting at night, rumors spread that the girl had a third abortion.

Finally, there is another novel, with some black humor, called "Tree Hole".It is about a big tree in a mountain village with a hole in the tree. According to local legend, the hole in the tree can lead to the underworld.

Because of such a legend, many local people are reluctant to approach this tree.And when it is windy and rainy, you can hear the wailing sound from the tree hole from a long distance, intermittent and terrible.

There was a young man in the village who was very courageous and didn't believe these rumors. When it was another rainy day and there was another wailing sound from the tree hole, he ran to check.

Finding that it was just the echo caused by the wind blowing into the tree hole, he drilled into the tree hole again to see what happened, but he was stuck and couldn't get out.

He yelled all night but no one came to pay attention to him, and passed out the next day, and he had no strength to cry out anymore.

He stayed in the tree hole for several days and was found when he was dying.

When he was rescued, the whole village came to watch. Some people laughed at him, saying that he was so stupid that he could still fall into the tree hole.

For a while, the young man became a joke in the village. After dinner, everyone liked to talk about him.

Later, the young man couldn't take it anymore, and said that he didn't fall in by himself, but that he heard a special calling from the other side of the tree hole at home that night. He followed the calling and was caught by the tree before he could react. The hole sucked in.

As soon as this remark came out, the rumors about the tree hole were confirmed, and the version was upgraded.

The tree hole can not only lead to hell, but also can eat people.

The young man who didn't believe these rumors the most, talked about it to everyone, and made the tree hole magical.

Later, the young man found out that everyone believed this, and asked him what the underworld was like, so he made up some nonsense.He said that he had met Lord Yan, who showed him the book of life and death, and found that his life span was not over, so he let him back.

Hearing that the young man said that he had read the book of life and death, many people went to him to ask what was written in the book of life and death.

Gradually, the young man became a fortune teller in the village, specializing in life and death for others.

In addition to these few articles, Yu Dong also has several other short and medium stories in various genres.It is estimated that by the end of the year, he will publish at least six novelettes and short stories.

In addition to novels, essays will not be left behind. The second chapter of "Essays on Cucumber Garden" will also be published, and there will also be my own travel notes in Lanshi.

There are too many things in his mind now, some are his own, some are others'.But no matter whose it is, as long as he is willing, it will be his in the end.


On the last day of September, Tan Kai received the manuscript of "The Martian".

The moment he got the manuscript, Tan Kai was a little excited. The novel about Mars that people have paid attention to for several months is now in his hands.

Since Mars became popular, the magazine has received a large number of Mars-themed novels, because they are all follow-up works, and since Yu Dong's works have not been published, they have no chance to copy them, so the manuscripts received are basically not very good.

And because the time is short, they are basically short and medium stories, but there are also a few full-length novels, but the longer they are, the worse they are.

From these manuscripts, we can also see everyone's predictions about the direction of Dongxin's book.

Among the ten contributions, at least six are about how humans immigrated to Mars, or the stories after humans immigrated to Mars.The remaining few articles are mostly about the discovery of aliens on Mars.

So, did they guess right?
Tan Kai smiled, now, the answer is in his hands.




Today is [-] words, starting tomorrow, there will be more updates.

 Thank you [Prisoner's Dilemma] for the 2000 reward
(End of this chapter)

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