Chapter 298 Released (asking for subscription, asking for monthly pass)

"Ha ha ha ha."

When Yang Xiao went to the bathroom, he passed by Tan Kai's office, and heard two laughter coming from inside, so he stretched his head to look inside.

Tan Kai was alone, and he was reading a manuscript.

What manuscript is so funny?

Yang Xiao shook his head and went to the toilet.

A few minutes later, Yang Xiao came out of the toilet, and when he passed by Tan Kai's office again, he heard Tan Kai laugh again, "Haha, this guy."

Yang Xiao's curiosity was completely aroused. What kind of manuscript did this old Tan read to laugh like this?

"Old Tan, what are you looking at?"

Tan Kai was fascinated by the reading, and when he heard Yang Xiao's voice, he raised his head with a smile, "The manuscript of Yu Dong's new book has arrived, and I'm reading it."

Upon hearing that it was Yu Dong's manuscript, Yang Xiao became interested, "Did the manuscript come today?"

Yang Xiao walked to Tan Kai's side, picked up the manuscript and looked at it.

"The Martian, what is the new book about, why do you laugh like this?"

"Because it's really interesting, do you know the name of the protagonist in this book?"

"What's it called?" Yang Xiao asked.

"It's Bi Donghua."

"Bi Donghua?" At first hearing, Yang Xiao didn't think there was anything special about the name, but after thinking about it carefully, he laughed, "This is the collection of the names of Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua."

"It should be." Tan Kai nodded, "This novel is very interesting, and the character of the protagonist is very interesting."

"How much have you read?" Yang Xiao asked.

"I've seen half of it." Tan Kai pointed to half of it, "This is what I've already seen."

"Okay, I'll take this half and look at it first, and I'll come to you later and ask for the remaining half."

Yang Xiao returned to the office with the manuscript.

This is a No.1 novel...Yang Xiao is not sure, because the beginning is a diary...or according to what is written in the book, it is a diary.

"I" is Bi Donghua, the crew of the third phase of the Tianwen Project. Because of the sandstorm, the team encountered difficulties, and then the other crew members took advantage of the spaceship and left "I" to stay, probably because they thought "I" already dead.

"I" was about to die, but luckily survived.But fortunately there is also misfortune, that is, only "I" is left, and "I" has no way to leave. In addition, the supplies are only enough for me to survive for a month.Today, it is the seventh day that "I" has lived alone on Mars.

After reading the beginning, Yang Xiao already laughed. Yu Dong's writing this time was indeed very interesting, and the information he read was not in vain. In the rambling descriptions of "I", all kinds of Expertise is brought out.

The story unfolded in the ramblings of "I", and it was very clear, including the Tianwen Project-the whole process of humans landing on Mars, which was unknowingly explained.

Those technical terms, even though they couldn't understand them, didn't feel boring at all, because Yu Dong always had a way to make them look interesting.

With more and more diaries, the overall image of Bi Donghua also emerges vividly on the paper.

An engineer with a rich heart and a botanist background, he likes to watch football, and at the same time, he is a literary youth who loves to recite a few crooked poems.

In the No.13 day diary, the whole article is just one sentence: I want to know whether the Chinese team has qualified.

This sentence made Yang Xiao laugh out loud.

As for the poems he sang... For example, he would look in the direction of the earth and say: "Hometown is a place that can only be owned after leaving."

Well, the first sentence is very sad.

Then comes the second sentence: Health is something that you will understand after you get sick.

This sentence is not bad.

The third sentence: alive, only by relying on death can people experience it.

By the way, I teased the book "To Live".

The fourth sentence: Big feces, the more smelly it is, the stronger the activity.

what the hell!

The last sentence is not only untidy, but also destroys the atmosphere.

But because of the last sentence, Bi Donghua's plan was drawn out - he was going to grow food on Mars.

Yang Xiao found that Bi Donghua talked a lot of nonsense, but his nonsense could always advance the progress of the story.Originally, readers were still smiling at his broken thoughts and crooked poems, and then they were worried about his next situation, and at the same time they were full of hope.

He wants to grow plants, can he succeed?

After only reading half of the novel, Yang Xiao dared to say that the novel was a success.

It took a very special path, and Yu Dong's own skills made the story very interesting. Seeing the diary of the protagonist alone, it doesn't make people feel boring at all.


Yang Xiao hadn't read the first half, but Tan Kai had already finished the latter part.

Tan Kai came to Yang Xiao with the rest of the manuscript, and asked at the first sentence, "How is it?"

Yang Xiao smiled, "Very good, very good!"

Tan Kai raised the manuscript in his hand, "The second half is still of the same standard, and a thank you letter is attached, take a look."

Yang Xiao received the thank you letter, thanking the units that provided the information this time, such as the Sichuan Provincial Association for Science and Technology and Jinling University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

"Yu Dong has a heart. When we go back to the front row, put this thank you list at the top, so that readers can see it at the beginning."

Tan Kai said with a smile, "I think so too. I was worried before, that Yu Dong's new book really contains a story about Mars immigrants, and other people guessed the subject matter. It's not very good."

"This kind of worry is unnecessary. I believe that even if Yu Dong writes the story of Mars immigrants, he can write something different. Now that "The Martian" is published, others may not be able to imitate it even if they want to. It involves There are too many things. Let’s not talk about professional knowledge, those things can be done with care, but the shaping of Bi Donghua’s character is not something ordinary people can do.”

"That's right. I feel that this Tianwen project is going to be popular, and the name is very good. And have you noticed that this novel contains the world view of "Second World", and it mentions a lot of things mentioned in "Second World"?" s things."

"Of course I found out that this is Yu Dong's little thought. On the basis of not affecting the reading experience of readers who have not read "Second World", it can also arouse their interest in "Second World". Ingenious. Perhaps, after someone analyzes this novel in the future, they will still be interested in novels by Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu."

"That's why." Tan Kai said with emotion, "This novel is very thoughtful. I'm afraid the new issue will not be able to catch up. I plan to wait until the next issue."

Yang Xiao nodded, "The time is just right, and the next issue will be able to meet readers in late November. At that time, "Second World" has just been released in China. This time is quite lucky, and we in Rongcheng are also in the early 20s. In the list of cities. By the way, there is something I haven’t asked you yet, how is the response of the Mars knowledge column in these two issues?”

"The response was very good, but after watching "The Martian", I think our knowledge popularization is still flawed and not interesting enough." Tan Kai said.

"Yeah, it's good to make up some short stories later, and make a series, which just complements "The Martian". Although the "Martian" has been written as easy as possible, there are still many things that ordinary readers can't understand. So in the future we can take out these plots and explain them.”

"I think so."


"Jinling, I'm coming more and more frequently."

Sitting on the backseat of Bi Feiyu's bicycle, Zhang Yimou looked at Jinyi's gate and was quite emotional. He has come to Jinling more and more times in the past two years.

Unknowingly, he has become familiar with the school of Jinyi.

"There will be more frequent ones in the future." Bi Feiyu smiled, "I see, you might as well just take a part-time job in our school, and you will be well prepared when you come here in the future."

"Now I have a plan. Didn't I come here to make a movie? But if you want to talk about hanging up, you can really think about it. Anyway, you have to come often."

"I'm afraid you'll look down on our Jin Yi."

Zhang Yimou said with a smile, "Exciting generals? Xiaojiazi, right? I believe, with you and Yu Dong here, not to mention other majors, this drama creation will definitely be able to start. Maybe in the future, Yanjing Film Academy, Chinese opera, I can't even do you."

"Thank you for your good words." Bi Feiyu raised her body and accelerated her pedaling speed, "Sit still."

There are few people in the school right now, and the car can go fast. After a while, the two of them arrived at the single dormitory.

Bi Feiyu stopped the car and shouted inside, "Yu Dong, come out to meet the guests."

"Here it is."

Suddenly a person appeared in the vegetable garden, Bi Feiyu and Zhang Yimou turned their heads and saw that it was Yu Dong.Yu Dongmao was behind the cucumber shelf just now, and the two of them didn't see him.

Zhang Yimou looked at Yu Dong who was in the vegetable garden, and said jokingly, "Mr. Bi said you are busy, but it looks like you are."

Yu Dong raised the leeks in his hand, "You're coming, I'll cut some leeks for you to taste."

Bi Feiyu also laughed, "Leeks are good. Kelp in water and leeks on land are all good things. Now is the time to eat leeks. Didn't they say that leeks stink to death in June, and the Buddha speaks in September. And the leeks here are not simple, they are all cultivated with non-specific fertilizers."

"Non-specific fertilizer?" Zhang Yimou looked puzzled.

"Well, this fertilizer is both artificial and natural." Bi Feiyu said solemnly.

"Since it's artificial..." Zhang Yimou pondered for a while, then suddenly realized, and immediately burst out the country's curse: "It's really fucking evil."

Bi Feiyu spread his hands and said with an innocent face, "This is what Yu Hua said that day, I'm just relaying it. That's enough, Yu Dong, don't worry about it, come with us to my house."

The three of them went to Bi Feiyu's house, where Yu Hua had been waiting for a long time.

The four of them didn't say anything, and set up the poker table first.

It's not that I'm not in a hurry to talk about business, but business can also be said at the poker table.

Holding the cards, Zhang Yimou said, "I've made an agreement with Li Xiaotang. Let's meet again in a few days when we have time and explain the script in detail. What specific ideas do you two have?"

The other two didn't respond, Yu Hua spoke first as a bystander, "Director Zhang, I think it's definitely a foolish trick for you to let the three of them be screenwriters together, it's not to question their abilities, it's just that this matter has been dealt with." If you do it for three people, there will always be differences, which will affect efficiency."

"I have considered this matter. Teacher Li Xiaotang's side probably means that they don't want to participate in the specifics. At most, they can give their names and give some opinions. It mainly depends on Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu, so as long as the two of them divide the main Just once." Zhang Yimou said.

"Yu Dong is the master. After all, he is from Shanghai, and he must know more about Shanghai than I do." Bi Feiyu said.

Zhang Yimou looked at Yu Dong who didn't speak, "Yu Dong, what about you?"

"I have no objection." Yu Dong shook his head, "Let's write it like this first, and then change it if it doesn't work."

"We don't have enough time. The script will be out in two months at most."

"Enough is enough. Bi Feiyu and I will work overtime, and it will be soon. There is no need to prioritize. We will chat and write together when the time comes. Whoever is dissatisfied will roll up their sleeves and fight. Whoever wins will listen to them." Yes." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Zhang Yimou looked at Yu Dong, then at Bi Feiyu, "In my opinion, in the end, Teacher Bi is the main one. You can't beat him."

Several people laughed at the same time. Indeed, in front of Bi Feiyu, Yu Dong still looked thin and weak.

Of course, among the four people present, in terms of force value, Yu Dong should be able to rank second, and Yu Hua and Zhang Yimou will definitely not be able to beat him.

After a while, Zhang Yimou asked Yu Hua again, "What's the status of the booklet of "To Live" now? Can it still be sold?"

Yu Hua stared at the card, "Jimmy said yes, but I don't know the details. The publishing house called me before and asked me if I wanted books, and if so, send me some. Later, Jimmy contacted the other party and bought all the books, but It didn't cost much."

"This publishing house has to be very grateful to Jimmy. Originally, if Jimmy didn't buy these books, these books would have to be destroyed. Although they can't sell much, at least they can return some copies. But Jimmy is very generous. Since you are willing to give it away, why not take it for nothing?" Zhang Yimou said.

"Because after taking it for nothing, it's not easy to take it out and buy it. Now he spends money to collect the books, and he can deal with them as he thinks later." Bi Feiyu said.

Zhang Yimou suddenly realized, "That's the truth. In this way, Jimmy is indeed confident. In this way, I feel better. How many copies have been printed this time? When the books are released for sale, I will buy some as gifts."

"Twenty thousand copies were printed."

"It's not a lot."

"That's why the publishing house is uncomfortable, and it's because of a lot of determination that they decided not to sell it outside."

The four of them were chatting, and they were urging to close the table.

Everyone didn't drink too much in the evening, taking advantage of the weather, a few men greeted the female relatives, and went out together to disperse the alcohol.

After they came out, the few of them took advantage of the night to chat about business, discussing the novel "Door Rules" and the subsequent script.

As the director, Zhang Yimou naturally already had some ideas, and probably told Yu Dong and the others.

Listening to Zhang Yimou and Bi Feiyu chatting, Yu Dong basically talked about "Shake, Shake, Shake to Grandma Bridge", but Yu Dong is still a little dissatisfied with the script, thinking that the story is still Some loose, too freehand.

But Yu Dong didn't make too many comments, just listened quietly.

The main reason is that Yu Dong felt that Bi Feiyu was influenced by Zhang Yimou and was brought in by him, always talking about some problems on the screen.

Anyway, how the script is written depends on the two of them in the end, and now what Zhang Yimou said is not taken seriously by Yu Dong at all.

Zhang Yimou is still a little weak in the script. He always thinks about the picture when making movies. Now after making a few movies, he wants to play something different and engage in some complicated movie narrative techniques.

Yu Dong's idea is to wait for the script to take shape, then hand it over to him, and let him think about the screen according to the script, instead of letting him think about the screen before the script comes out.


The next day, after Zhang Yimou left, Yu Dong found Bi Feiyu and chatted with him about the script.

Bi Feiyu was a little surprised, "Since you have so many ideas, why didn't you bring them up last night when Zhang Yimou was around? He is the director, we should communicate with him more."

"It's good to communicate more with the director, but let's talk to him after we figure out the whole script first. Always follow his thinking, and it will be messed up."

Bi Feiyu still doesn't quite understand Yu Dong's thoughts, neither of them are professionals, shouldn't they listen to the director's opinion more?
But Bi Feiyu didn't ask any more questions, and began to talk seriously about the script with Yu Dong.

It only took one morning, the two of them settled down the general context of the story, and then began to discuss the details.

It only took two weeks later, and the two of them got the script out.

In this script, compared to the original version of "Shake Ah Shake, Shake to Grandma Bridge", Yu Dong has weakened many characters, but added a lot of stories into it, so that most of the storylines are concentrated on a few people.

In this way, the situation of uneven distribution of stories due to too many characters is avoided.

A movie is only one or two hours long, and there are too many main characters, which will definitely make the story look thin.

Moreover, Yu Dong abandoned Shuisheng's perspective and mainly focused on Xiao Jinbao, but it did not weaken the importance of Shuisheng's role. He is still important, but the story is no longer told from his perspective.

More often, he is under the eyes of others.


In mid-October, "Second World" was the first to be released in North America.

Although it is not the peak season, the cinema is extremely lively.

The YU Umbrella Reading Club booked two sessions a few days ago, and then launched a lucky draw for the feedback session.

On the day of the event, all the movie tickets for the two shows were sold out.

Members who did not get movie tickets could only buy tickets themselves, but found that tickets were very difficult to buy.

Although the lineup is already very high, tickets for the first day are still hard to come by.

"Kane, I bought these two tickets with great difficulty."

In front of a movie theater in Boston, a high school student looked at his companion and told him how difficult it was for him to buy two tickets.

Liu Yukun said with a smile, "So, I'll treat you to a big meal tomorrow night."

"It's okay... Actually, I don't think it's necessary to watch the premiere, it's too late."

"However, it's still hard to get tickets, isn't it? So I'm not the only one who wants to watch the premiere." Liu Yukun patted his companion on the shoulder, "Let's go, the movie is about to start."

 5k today, more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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