Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 299 Movie History Part 3

Chapter 299 Film History Third (asking for a subscription, asking for a monthly pass)

"Kane, do you think a non-sci-fi fan like me will like this movie?"

When entering the cinema, Lewis asked again.Although he and Liu Yukun are good friends, he doesn't usually read science fiction, let alone "Second World".

"I believe it will." Liu Yukun nodded with a smile, "Leaving aside what about YU, isn't Spielberg worthy of your trust?"

"Let's go, let's go, if it doesn't look good, you have to treat me to two big meals."

"no problem."

The movie begins.

The first picture is a large screen on the outer wall of a building, which is broadcasting the news.

The camera pans down, the bustling streets, passers-by are in a hurry, and many people are holding a small thing in their hands, which seems to be a mobile phone, because some people are holding it to their ears and saying something.

"It doesn't look too sci-fi..." Lewis muttered in a low voice, "Isn't this the popularization of mobile phones?"

Then cut to the front of a mobile phone, which is beautiful and has no buttons.

But it's not unusual for Lewis. This kind of communication equipment has already been in the movie, okay?This one just looks a little more sophisticated.

"Oh, is this paying? You can pay by simply scanning that small square... Isn't this too funny? I think it's better to pay with fingerprints or swiping cards. This small square is too dangerous."

"Hey, why do you still have a Nike phone? Oh... so it's just a phone jacket, why do you need this phone jacket?"

"What is this? A large mobile phone? But looking at the keyboard, it looks like a laptop."

"This TV is really big, but it's not as powerful as a [-]D projection."

Lewis has been whispering, basically evaluating every new thing he sees.Liu Yukun is used to it, as long as his voice is not loud and does not disturb others, it will be fine.

In fact, Liu Yukun can discover more things. For example, the mobile phones here are not the same, but have differences and layers. Unlike many sci-fi movies, all communication devices are unified.

People use desktop computers, tablets, mobile phones, and laptops all at the same time, and there are equally many kinds of them.

Although all this does not look cool, it has a sense of reality. On the one hand, it benefits from the superb film technology. On the other hand, the world is so detailed that it seems to be a real, tangible world.

This is the same as the novel, but the movie screen stimulates the senses more intensely, making people walk in at once.

The first two to 10 minutes of the movie are paving the way for a perfect world. At the same time, people's conversations and news broadcast on TV are used to draw out that the city is not peaceful recently, and violent incidents often occur.

The municipal government reminds residents to be careful when going out.

However, the protagonist meets a group of people with special functions by chance. These people form an organization and claim to be awakened.

They claim that the world is being controlled by some unknown force, and they hope that the protagonist will join in and fight against the mastermind behind it.

The protagonist didn't believe it at first, because these people couldn't tell what power was controlling the world. They were like a group of headless flies, looking for the so-called mastermind every day.

However, the man behind the scenes has not been found yet, and the world suddenly became chaotic. More and more people have supernatural powers, of various types, some can breathe fire, some can fly, some can see through, and some have superhuman abilities Infinity, and some people will deform.

When Liu Yukun saw this, he was a little surprised, because it was different from what was written in the novel.But... As a movie, such a plot seems quite interesting, at least the scene is very exciting.

The Awakened Organization was very happy to see more and more people with special abilities at the beginning. It absorbed many members in a short period of time, and the organization continued to grow.

But later, because there were too many people with their own ghosts, the organization was finally destroyed in a big battle, and at the same time, the whole world was turned into ruins.

The protagonist has also awakened the ability, and it is a very powerful ability. In this world, as long as he moves his mind, he can go where he wants to go.

During the civil war among the awakened, the protagonist has been helping to mediate, but failed in the end.

At the end of the movie, the protagonist stands in front of the ruins in a daze. At this time, a scene is inserted. In a dark space, countless glass cabins are lined up in a circle, and a person is lying in each cabin.

At this time, the voice-over said: Quickly restart it.

Then the scene cuts back to the protagonist, who stares blankly at the rebuilding of the whole world, the destroyed buildings stand up again, the dead people are resurrected one after another, and the silent world suddenly becomes lively again.

Everything, as if nothing happened.

The news is being broadcast on the big screen outside the building, exactly like the beginning of the movie.

Then the movie ends.

Watching the curtain call, Liu Yukun fell into deep thought.The movie's explanation of the real world is obviously not as detailed as the novel, only a picture is revealed at the end.

What did Spielberg do this for, to make the movie more dramatic or to prepare for a sequel?

"Why are you still in a daze, everyone is almost gone."

Lewis next to him patted Liu Yukun on the head, "Okay, the movie is very good, and you saved a big meal. Especially when the Awakened fought against each other later, the fight was so cool and exciting."

Liu Yukun smiled. Sure enough, different audiences have different perspectives.However, it also shows that Spielberg really understands the audience and what the audience likes to watch. The adaptation of the second half of the movie does give the audience more sensory stimulation, and the rhythm picks up instantly, which is completely different from the novel.

"By the way, didn't you notice that there are many advertisements in the movie?" Liu Yukun asked.

Lewis shook his head, "Ad, what kind of ad, I didn't find it."

"Didn't you notice that the phones in it are basically Motorola? One of them even shows Motorola's second-generation phone?"

"Isn't this to reflect the history of technological development? What's the problem?"

"What about Nike? Some people have a Nike logo on their phone case."

"What's there, it's not all Nike, I think there are some other elements, and I think the Nike shell is very nice and eye-catching."


Liu Yukun had to sigh with emotion that the advertisement of this movie was really well done, it could make people remember, but people couldn't realize that it was an advertisement.

Even Liu Yukun felt that the Premier League game in it was an advertisement.

It was getting late, the two of them walked out of the movie theater with the big team, and suddenly you turned to look at Liu Yukun as you walked, as if you had discovered something extraordinary, "Kane, did you find out that the world in the movie is full of everything?" Is it fake? The sleeping people in the hatches at the end are the real human beings. They are just controlled by something, so they live in a dream?"

Liu Yukun couldn't help laughing. Even if he hadn't read the novel, it shouldn't have taken him so long to realize it. The scene at the end of the movie plus the voice-over should be able to guess a lot of things.

Isn't the phrase "restart" obvious?

What Liu Yukun has been thinking about just now is why the whole world has been reverted after the restart, but the protagonist has not. The reason is not explained in the movie, or it is hidden in the previous plot, and he will not be able to figure it out for a while.

There are many differences between the movie and the novel, which surprised Liu Yukun, because it made him feel twice as happy.

When the movie ended just now, Liu Yukun noticed that YU’s name was included in the film’s art director and prop director, which indicated that Yu Dong participated in the design of the props, and those mobile phones and laptops were probably made by Dong.

Lewis prefers those exciting plots, but Liu Yukun pays more attention to the near-future technologies that appear in it.

These designs are reasonable after a lot of careful consideration. If this movie is popular enough, will it lead the future trend of electronic product design?
Will those technology companies use the things that appear in the movie as a template to update technology?
Or, those Motorola mobile phones that appear in the movie are actually concept products designed by Motorola itself?

Liu Yukun shook his head. He couldn't figure out these questions for a while. He planned to pay close attention to the news in the past few days. There must be news reports on these things. At that time, there will be professionals who will analyze the movie, and maybe they can see some valuable insights. .

He turned his head and looked at the audience who came out together, and it was obvious that most people liked the movie very much, and they were still discussing it enthusiastically after it came out.

And even though it was so late, people still entered the cinema one after another, rushing to the next show.

Perhaps the premiere is at zero, just to test the enthusiasm of the audience.

In any case, "Second World" is destined to succeed.


The success of "Second World" exceeded everyone's imagination. Although it missed the summer release, it caused a sensation when it was released.

The most important thing is that this time involved a lot of advertising, and the cooperating brands are also trying their best to help promote it. Motorola stores put movie posters next to the newly released mobile phones on the day the movie was released.

Many people who don't know about movies are curious, why are mobile phone sellers still promoting movies?

Universal probably didn't expect that this time they didn't put in too much effort, but the marketing efforts were stronger than they imagined, and there were so many channels.

I don’t know about other cities, just say New York and Los Angeles. It’s hard for people to walk on the road without seeing things related to "Second World".

There are movie theaters, bookstores, mobile phone stores, computer stores, and even clothing stores.

"What kind of movie is "Second World"? Why can it be seen in so many places?"

More people entered the cinema with curiosity.

After the movie came out, analysis about the movie came out overwhelmingly.

Great reviews, and of course, many of the first batch of positive reviews were curated.

Many people have begun to study the near-future technology that appeared in the movie, and this point of payment by scanning the code has caused controversy.Some people think that this payment method of scanning the code is redundant and unsafe, and it is not as good as paying by card at all, it just looks simple.

When everyone was arguing, an organization of Neon issued a statement, claiming that they had developed the basic model of the QR code based on the description in the novel.

As long as the technology is mature, it can absolutely guarantee security, and it is entirely possible to replace credit card payment.He also listed various advantages of scanning code payment, saying that perhaps scanning code payment will become the mainstream in the future.

However, the problem of scanning code payment does not lie in scanning codes, there are more other problems that need to be solved.

After the first week, Universal held a press conference, and Spielberg was also present. During the meeting, he told reporters, "There are still many things in this movie that need you to discover. The Second World is not just a name. .”

As soon as Spielberg said this, he instantly attracted the attention of various media.

What does this mean?
What is Second World not just a name?
Is this Spielberg's trick to lure everyone into the cinema to watch the movie repeatedly, or is there really a lot in the movie waiting for people to discover?

With curiosity, some people went to the cinema to watch the movie many times, and finally discovered many things that they didn't find when they watched it the first time.

Basically, every screen has a small idea. Whether it is a mobile phone or a computer in the movie, there is a complete set of logic when displaying the operation screen.

The icons on each phone are carefully thought out, the same icon, the functions are indeed the same when clicked in, and there is no difference in operation.This means that the production team has designed a complete set of operation actions for each mobile phone and each software.

Every QR code that appears in the movie is different.

The costumes of everyone appearing in the movie are different from the modern era.

None of the cars on the road are current-model cars.

Even the music is completely original, including the hit songs that the students listen to, all of which are new songs produced by someone.

Some people still didn't believe that the production cost of Universal Xuancheng's movie was 8000 million U.S. dollars. When someone picked up these things, the people who doubted before immediately shut up.

However, this movie is actually much cheaper than Jurassic Park, because a lot of the cost is shared by advertisers, and the real investment is not much.It is also because of this that Spielberg dared to spend money like this.

And the film's box office did not live up to its cost input.

The box office of the first weekend came out very quickly. "Second World" successfully surpassed "The Lion King" released in the summer with a box office of 200 million at its premiere. "Afterwards, it became No.3 on the opening score list of North American film history.

You know, this achievement was achieved in October.People can fully believe that if it had been earlier, it would have broken the opening record of "Jurassic Park".

But this is not important anymore, because "Second World" has performed strongly and has already created a whirlwind in the United States. Now what people have to look forward to is how far it can go and whether it can become another film that stands at the top of the box office in film history. of videos.

Next, it will first surpass this year's "The Lion King" and "Forrest Gump" to become this year's box office champion, and then attack "ET Aliens", which stands at the top of the North American box office.


"Second World grossed $200 million in its opening weekend."

In Wu Mengcheng's office, the general manager of China Film Corporation, the assistant excitedly reported to him the box office of "Second World" in North America.

The total U.S. box office of "The Fugitive" they were supposed to introduce was only 8000 million U.S. dollars, which is basically bound to be surpassed by "Second World".

In this way, their choice of "Second World" this time is definitely a wise choice.

Wu Mengcheng said with a smile, "What's so strange about this, in the United States today, the name Spielberg represents the box office. If "Second World" performs well in the follow-up, maybe the top three in the US box office list will be It's going to be taken over by Spielberg alone."

"There are also the top three in the global box office list." The assistant added with a smile.

Wu Mengcheng shook his head and said, "According to my observation, the global box office of "The Lion King" is likely to surpass that of "ET Alien". Let's ignore their list. From this year onwards, our domestic list will It's about to come out."

He leaned back and sighed: "I don't know when, our domestic movie box office list will be in the hundreds of millions of dollars."

The assistant was speechless, Mr. Wu really dared to think.


A week after "Second World" was released in the United States, "The Butterfly Effect" was also released in China.

"Butterfly Effect" received 980 million box office in the first week.

Compared with "Second World", this result is definitely not enough, but "Butterfly Effect", as the first domestic film that splits accounts in the true sense, has performed very well at the box office.

In other words, it now sets a new record for every dollar more tickets it sells.

It was not easy for "The Butterfly Effect" to get the bill. It took a long time to review the film, and it fell through several hands, and finally fell to China Film Corporation.

Regarding the distribution of accounts for "Butterfly Effect", China Film Corporation did not publicize it at all, and just proceeded quietly like this.

After getting the first week's box office data, Feng Xiaoning immediately called Yu Dong and told him the good news.

Yu Dong was also very happy when he heard the news. Although the box office is not high, it is very meaningful.And if the performance is good, the subsequent total box office should exceed 3000 million.

Such a box office, even if it is not the first one, is not too bad.

The cost of "Butterfly Effect" is only 180 million, that is to say, the cost has been earned back now.

Let’s talk about the China Film Company. It is said that they spent 350 million yuan to buy this movie.

"Congratulations, Director Feng, you are now the best-selling director in the country." Yu Dong congratulated with a smile.

Feng Xiaoning also laughed, "Don't make fun of me. In front of your other movies, I don't have enough to watch this one. I'm afraid it's at the bottom."

"Not necessarily, the ticket sales of "Butterfly Effect" should be higher than that of "Soft Knife."

""Soft Knife" didn't record the box office, so there is no comparison. The lowest of your other two films is "Groundhog Day", which also has [-] million US dollars. "Butterfly Effect" may become your novel adaptation movie, The first box office to be less than [-] million U.S. dollars."

Feng Xiaoning couldn't help laughing even harder when he mentioned "less than [-] million US dollars". It's not as simple as the box office of "Butterfly Effect" is less than [-] million US dollars.


In the editorial department of "Flower City".

"Lv Mengping, your letter."

"Well, let's put it here."

Lu Mengping looked at the stack of letters on the table, and then turned her gaze to the "Reference News" in her hand.

Recently, "Reference News" has almost become Yu Dong's private report, and there are news about him every now and then.

The box office of "Second World" broke through 200 million U.S. dollars in the first week, and it is reported that it is already the third highest in American film history, which is quite remarkable.

Lu Mengping recalled that time when she went to find Yu Dong. When she saw Yu Dong, she was quite surprised. She didn't expect Yu Dong to be such a handsome young man.

At that time, Yu Dong had just become famous, and her reputation was not as good as it is now. She tried to make an appointment for a manuscript, but failed.

Later, she wrote a few more letters to Yu Dong, but they all disappeared without a word.

"I couldn't make an appointment before, and I can't even make an appointment now."

Lu Mengping let out a long sigh, picked up the letter on the corner of the table, and prepared to start the day's work.

The first letter started with a self-recommendation of a newcomer, who spent a lot of space expressing his admiration for himself, and then began to introduce his works and resume.

To be honest, after reading the letter of recommendation, Lu Mengping had already lost interest in his manuscript. How could the work be better if the letter of recommendation was written like this?
However, Lu Mengping read the manuscript carefully and responsibly, and finally found that her hunch was right, the other's novel was simply nonsense.

The second letter, without a self-recommendation letter, was a short story. The writing technique was immature, and the characters were ugly but neat. Lu Mengping patiently replied to the other party, gave some verbal encouragement, and declined the other party's offer. Manuscript.

The third letter was a manuscript that was rejected last time, and the other party changed it, but it was even worse.

The fourth letter was a novella. It was well written. If it was polished, it might be published, but it was not in "Flower City". Lu Mengping recommended several magazines to the other party.

Fifth letter...

"Lu Mengping, we're going to eat."

When a colleague came to call Lu Mengping for dinner, Lu Mengping was about to read the sixth letter. She had already got the letter and opened it. She felt the thickness.

As soon as the letter was opened, Lu Mengping's eyelids twitched because she saw the word Yu Dong at the bottom.

Only then did she turn around to look at the address on the envelope, and it turned out to be the Jinling Art Institute. She read too many manuscripts just now, and didn't bother to read them.

Teacher Yu Dong contributed a manuscript to himself?

"Mr. Lu Mengping, hello, I've been very busy before, so I didn't have time to reply to your letter, I hope you can forgive me..."

Yu Dong apologized for not replying, and then briefly said that the manuscript he sent was a [-]-word novella called "Tree Hole".

Lu Mengping couldn't wait to open "Tree Hole". As soon as she saw the manuscript, she felt a sense of happiness in her heart.

Not only because it was Yu Dong's manuscript, but also because of the word.

Look, he is already such a well-known writer, and the manuscripts he transcribes are still so meticulous and neat. In contrast, the previous few, either because their handwriting is inherently ugly, or because they think their handwriting is good and flamboyant, it is hard to recognize anyway .

After reading that kind of manuscript all morning, when I suddenly saw Yu Dong's manuscript, my eyes became much clearer.

"Yao Xiang raised his head, a drop of rain fell from the sky and hit the tip of his nose... This heavy rain reminded him of that night two days ago..."

It is still a flashback, the story is told back to two days ago.

There is a big tree in the village, with various legends. Yao didn't believe it, so he ran to check it two nights ago, and got stuck in the tree hole.

Seeing this, Lu Mengping laughed out loud.

It turns out that from the perspective of the beginning of the story, Yao Xiang was already stuck in the tree hole
After the flashback was over, the story continued to move forward. Yao Xiang had no strength left. His point of view was that there was a tree hole left, and a bird flew to the hole and looked at him for a while.

He opened his mouth and made an indistinct sound, wanting to beg the bird to save him, but before he finished speaking, the bird flew away, and he also fainted.

When he woke up again, everyone in the village surrounded him.

It turned out that he was rescued from the tree hole.

Later, Yao wanted to become the magic stick in the village step by step.

After reading the novel, Lu Mengping smiled, and Teacher Yu Dong would not disappoint. A novel with more than 2 words, if you read it in one sitting, you won't stop at all.Yu Dong's control over the rhythm of the novel has reached the bottom of his proficiency.

Lu Mengping even felt that Yu Dong's language was more different than before.

The ending of the novel that impressed Lu Mengping the most.

At the end of the novel, the description of Yao wanting to raise a black bird just echoes the previous bird, which seems to show that Yao Xiang is not only deceiving the villagers, but actually believes in those mysterious and mysterious things in his heart.

Perhaps, he thought that the reason why he was saved was because the black bird understood his words at that time.




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