Chapter 300 Another one

"Lu Mengping, do you still want to eat?"

Colleagues urged her several times, and every time Lu Mengping replied, "Come on, come on." At this moment, the colleague finally couldn't help it, and ran over directly, "I'll go out by myself if I don't eat."

Lu Mengping closed the manuscript in her hands, "Come on, I'll treat you to some beautiful fried chicken."

The colleague looked at Lu Mengping, "Look at the unstoppable smile on your face, how beautiful you still want to treat me to, don't ask, you must have found a good manuscript."

Lu Mengping said with a smile, "It's not Tao, but Heaven pays off. Teacher Yu Dong finally sent me a novella."

"Really?" The colleague's eyes widened. "I heard that Yu Dong's manuscripts are difficult to get an appointment. Although he sees a high output, he doesn't like to write short and medium stories. When they come out, they will be long ones."

Lu Mengping nodded, the colleague hit the key point.

If counted by the number of words, even excluding those science fiction and mystery novels, Yu Dong's output can be considered high.

But Yu Dong doesn't seem to like writing short stories very much, so in terms of the number of articles, Yu Dong's output is very small, unlike some writers who can publish more than ten or twenty short stories a year.

Before royalties became popular, there was no essential difference between the money earned from writing long stories and short stories, and they were all calculated according to the number of words anyway.Short stories are easy to write and easy to publish. Even if they can’t be published, it doesn’t hurt to cut the manuscript and rewrite it.

Long stories are different. When a full-length novel is written, there are not many channels for publishing it. Once the manuscript fails, it will really hurt if it is cut.

And once the manuscript is cut, it means that there will be no remuneration for such a long period of time.

There are some writers with high output who produce a short story every few days.

But Yu Dong was different, he didn't live on the little remuneration for short stories at all.

Therefore, it is not easy to ask for Yu Dong's manuscript.

Moreover, as soon as Yu Dong's manuscript came out, it was basically accepted by "Zhongshan" and "Harvest", and other magazines had very few opportunities.

"That's why I said, the emperor pays off. He probably read the manuscript I often wrote to him, so he gave me the manuscript."

"How is the quality of the manuscript?" a colleague asked.

"That's a question, of course it couldn't be better. But I found that Yu Dong's style has changed a little this time, and the rhythm is more humorous and light, which is rarely seen in his previous works."

The colleague laughed, "It's not surprising. If you read his latest novel "The Martian", you will find that it is really humorous and light."

"The Martian?" Lu Mengping asked in confusion.

"Science fiction, it was just serialized in the new issue of "Science Fiction World". My son bought it, and I read it too. The writing is so funny, it made me laugh out loud."

Hearing such a description from a colleague, Lu Mengping became interested, "I'll buy a copy later."


"The Martian" came out at the end of October, and the new issue of "Science Fiction World" was sold out as soon as it came out.

Unlike Yu Dong's other books, "The Martian" took a very long time to prepare.

It started before the summer vacation, and I didn't finally meet you until almost November.

The topic of Mars has been hyped up again and again, and the readers have read the knowledge about Mars over and over again, but they have not waited for Yu Dong's new novel for a long time.

Fang Tao went to the association early in the morning.

Like the headquarters, the Jinling University branch also cooperates with outside bookstores. Once the new issue of "Science Fiction World" comes out, the bookstore owner will send the magazines ordered by the association to the association's activity classrooms.

So every time when "Science Fiction World" is about to come out, the members are very active in running the activity classroom.

Fang Tao has been coming to the activity classroom for several mornings to ask about the new issue of the magazine, and today he finally got it.

Changing the magazine with the note, Fang Tao couldn't wait to go far, so he stayed in the activity room and read it.

Because there was no notice in advance, Fang Tao didn't know that Yu Dong's new book was out. When he was about to look for "Deep Space", he suddenly found four prominent characters on the cover: Yu Dong's new work!
Then under these four words are four big words: Martian Rescue!
The cover of the magazine is only that big. These eight characters take up half of it, and the remaining half is a picture.

In the painting, an astronaut is standing in a desert, staring blankly at a blue planet in the distance, which seems to be the earth.

Fang Tao scratched his head, he was a little troubled.

Yu Dong's new book is out, should I read the new book first or "Deep Space" first?

"It doesn't matter, whoever is in front looks first."

In fact, making this decision has already explained his thoughts, because since "The Martian" is launched heavily, there is a high probability that it will be in the front.

Open the magazine, as expected, the first article is "The Martian ([-])".

In front of the text is a letter of thanks, in which Yu Dong thanked those units that provided him with information.

After a glance, Fang Tao didn't take a closer look, and hurriedly opened the text.


Fang Tao felt that in the blink of an eye, the main text of "The Martian" had been read.

But when he looked back, he found that he had already read more than a dozen pages. This article was not too small, with tens of thousands of words.

But he really felt that he finished it very quickly, without stopping at all.

The main reason is that this novel has a brisk pace, a compact story, and a lot of laughs, without any pissing points at all, so I finished it without knowing it.

Several times in the middle, he almost laughed out loud, but he held back.There are quite a few people in the activity room right now, everyone is reading seriously, he doesn't want to affect others.

But he held back, but it doesn't mean that everyone can hold back.

Just as Fang Tao flipped through the previous content and was about to study it again, he suddenly heard a laugh.

"Ha ha--"

The laughter suddenly came out, and then stopped abruptly, probably the person who was laughing also realized that something was wrong, and felt embarrassed to continue laughing.

It's just that his smile, like a primer, ignited the entire classroom on fire.

"Ha ha……"

More and more people laughed out loud.

It turned out that everyone was holding back their laughter just now, but now they heard someone laughing and finally couldn't help it.

"I thought you all had a good sense of humor."

After a burst of laughter, someone made a joke.

"No matter how high the laughter is, I can't hold it. Yu Dong's new book is too funny. Do you understand what the name Bi Donghua means?"

"Nonsense, I must have understood it. There is a living person in the middle who must rely on death to understand. This sentence must be teasing Yu Hua."

"There are some knowledge points in it that I don't quite understand. Can someone from a science and engineering department explain it?" Someone asked weakly.

"Haha, if you don't understand, first read the analysis at the back of the magazine. In this issue, some knowledge points involved in the book are popularized." Fang Tao said with a smile. He just discovered this, and the editorial department is quite considerate.

"Hey, after finishing this episode, I have to wait for the next one. It's really hard." Someone complained.

"Be content, the updates of "Deep Space" and "The Martian" add up to a lot. If you don't feel satisfied, the movie "Second World" will be released in the middle of next month, and then go to the movie to satisfy your hunger. Listen Said that this movie is particularly popular in the United States, and the box office is scary."

"I'm definitely going to see the 'Second World' movie, but I'm still wondering what 'The Martian' would be like as a movie."

"It's just come out a little bit, what's the hurry."


"I want to sue you for violating my right to name."

At noon, a student approached Bi Feiyu with "The World of Science Fiction" and told Bi Feiyu that Mr. Yu Dong's new book used his name.

He looked at it curiously, good guy, not only his name was used, but also Yu Dong's own and Yu Hua's.

Bi Donghua, thanks to this guy who figured it out.

So after dinner, he came to Yu Dong with a magazine.

Yu Dong had nothing to do to practice calligraphy after dinner, when Bi Feiyu came in, his hand shook, and the character he was writing was invalidated.

He exhaled slowly and sighed secretly, his skills were still not strong enough, his hands were not steady.

Putting down the brush, Yu Dong turned his head to look at Bi Feiyu, "Violation of your name right? Is your name Bi Donghua?"

Bi Feiyu smiled, "It's not impossible for me to be called Bi Donghua, I will change my pen name to Bi Donghua later."

"Then sue me for infringing your name right after you change it."

"Okay, stop kidding. Don't worry about it, I will come to you in the afternoon too. Old Wu has arranged a task for us both."

"What mission?" Yu Dong asked.

"It says that a new colleague is coming, let us pick it up."

"New colleague? Are we majoring in drama creation?" Yu Dong frowned, and felt a little wrong. If Xicreang wanted to have new colleagues, he should have known it long ago, but if it was another major, why did he let him follow Bi? Raindance to pick it up?
Bi Feiyu shook his head, "Old Wu didn't elaborate, and he doesn't need to go to the train station. He will bring someone here and let us two bring new colleagues to familiarize ourselves with the campus."

Yu Dong raised his eyes and looked at Bi Feiyu, "Old Bi, you are also an idiot. You didn't even ask what your name is or what major you teach, so you just took over the task."

Bi Feiyu said indifferently, "I'll find out soon, it's said to be there at four or five o'clock."

Yu Dong nodded, "Okay, got it, you go first, I'll write for a while."

"I'm here, can't you write?" Bi Feiyu stretched out his head to look, "It's just right, write me a sub-menlian during the Chinese New Year, so as not to spend money on it."

Yu Dong glanced at Bi Feiyu, picked up his pen again, "I've already thought about what to write for your door couplet."

"What to write?" Bi Feiyu asked curiously.

Yu Dong didn't speak, but picked up a pen and wrote a line on the paper.

"The west wind is thin on the ancient road, and the heartbroken man is at the end of the world. The word is a good word, but it is not suitable for the couplet." Bi Feiyu said.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "This is the first couplet. After reading the second couplet, you won't think it's out of place."

"You write down the second couplet and I'll take a look."

Yu Dong picked up his pen and began to write the couplet again.

He writes a word, and Bi Feiyu reads a word, "Mah, jong, pai, nine, 掼, egg, lose, finish, after, after, back, home—go to yours!"

Bi Feiyu cursed with a smile, walked out of Yudong's dormitory, and then turned around and asked, "Don't forget our task in the afternoon."


At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Dong went to the office. After waiting for more than an hour, Wu Changxin came to the two of them, "Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu, come here."

The two got up and followed to the principal's office.

When they arrived at the principal's office, they saw an acquaintance.

"Little tiger?"

In the principal's office, Ruan Xiaohu hadn't put down the big bag on his back. When he saw the two of them, he smiled innocently and said respectfully, "Teacher, Mr. Bi."

Yu Dong nodded, then turned to Wu Changxin and asked, "Principal, is this the new colleague you were talking about?"

Wu Changxin nodded with a smile, "Well, Xiaohu is our school's newly signed writer-in-residence, so it's not too much to call him a colleague."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "It's not too much, but the headmaster, you're doing well... I thought we were going to have a new teacher, but it turned out to be Xiaohu."

"Isn't this going to give you a surprise, okay, I'm not in a hurry here, Xiaohu is tired from the journey, you two hurry up and take him to settle down. Feiyu, he will live in the room between you."


The two dragged Ruan Xiaohu out of the principal's office. After a while, Ruan Xiaohu explained, "Teacher, I actually wanted to tell you about this, but Principal Wu said he wanted to give you a surprise, so he didn't let me tell you." .”

Yu Dong waved his hand, "It's okay, it's a good thing that you came to Jinling, and it was indeed a surprise."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Ruan Xiaohu felt relieved and said with a smile, "Teacher, I heard from Principal Wu that my dormitory is above yours."

"That's right, you will live on top of him from now on. But he won't be able to live for long. When your master and your wife get married, they will move to the apartment. Xiaohu, you have to work hard to find a wife , try to move to the apartment, closer to your master." Bi Feiyu said with a smile.

"How old is he, you don't teach him well."

"Haha, just kidding. But having said that, Xiaohu, you have been writing very well recently. I saw your article in "Yuhua" a few days ago, and it has become more and more mature. No wonder Lao Wu wants to sign you. You are a good seed, after a year or two, when you become famous, we Jinyi will pick it up."

"When President Wu contacted me, I was also very surprised. In my heart, a writer-in-residence should be like Teacher Yu Hua. I never thought that I could also be a writer-in-residence."

Bi Feiyu asked curiously, "How did Lao Wu contact you, you two probably didn't know each other before, right?"

"Master told Principal Wu about me, and then Principal Wu contacted me." Ruan Xiaohu explained.

Yu Dong scratched the center of his eyebrows, so his students and his teacher knew about it, but he was caught in the middle and didn't know anything.

But Ruan Xiaohu's coming to Jinyi is indeed a good thing. With him here, Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua, it is always easier to make progress than if he stays in his hometown.For Jin Yi, it is also a good thing, at least it may be a good thing.

Before the school signed Yu Hua, which brought some fame to the school, many people criticized that Jinyi would only spend money to find writers to be affiliated with, which could not reflect the strength of the school.

Ruan Xiaohu is really such a newcomer now, if Ruan Xiaohu becomes famous in the future, he will naturally be more convincing than Yu Hua, at least it can show that Jin Yi not only picks up ready-made.

"Xiaohu, it's actually very easy to be a writer-in-residence at Jinyi. The most important thing is to grow vegetables." When he was about to reach the dormitory compound, Bi Feiyu suddenly said another sentence.

The second monk Ruan Xiaohu was puzzled, "Grow vegetables?"

Bi Feiyu nodded solemnly, "Well, to grow vegetables, you have been to the dormitory compound, and you know that there is a vegetable garden there. As a writer-in-residence at Jinyi, the first thing to do is to take care of the vegetable garden."

"Of course, growing vegetables is difficult, and keeping them is even more difficult. You live on the second floor and be careful. There are often thieves in this vegetable garden."

 That's it for today, I'm in Jiangyin, I don't have a computer with me.

(End of this chapter)

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