Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 301 Can a movie still be made like this?

Chapter 301 Can a movie still be made like this?
After getting Ruan Xiaohu settled down, the two took him to the cafeteria for dinner.

"If I knew you were coming today, I would have prepared a table at home. Let's deal with it in the cafeteria tonight, and go to my house tomorrow to clean up the dust for you."

"No need, Teacher Bi, I should be the one who treats you to dinner." Ruan Xiaohu said.

Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "How much money do you earn, just treat yourself to dinner?"

When saying this, Bi Feiyu kept glancing at Yu Dong.Seeing Bi Feiyu's expression, Yu Dong knew what he was up to.

"Okay, stop arguing. I'll take you to a restaurant tomorrow night. It's been a long time since I went to a restaurant."

Bi Feiyu laughed, "It's up to you to invite me. You see, two movies have been released recently, and "The Martian" has come out. It's inappropriate not to hold a celebration party. Besides, Xiaohu is your student, and he has traveled thousands of miles. If you come all the way to join you, you should take good care of this kid."

Speaking of "The Martian", Ruan Xiaohu said, "Teacher's new book is very popular. When I came to school and passed the bookstall, I saw many people buying "Science Fiction World", and many of them went for "The Martian" Yes. I bought a copy too, but haven't read it yet."

"It's not just "The Martian". Your teacher recently exploded and sent out seven manuscripts in a row." Bi Feiyu said.

Ruan Xiaohu was surprised, "Where did they all go?"

"Flower City, Contemporary, People's Literature, Harvest...Anyway, one publishing house per article."

"Teacher, this is thinking, eh——"

Coming out of the cafeteria, the three of them chatted while walking, and now they were walking towards the dormitory compound, when Ruan Xiaohu suddenly pointed to the vegetable garden, "There is someone."

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu looked over, and there was indeed a man bent over looking for something, with his butt facing the three of them.

Bi Feiyu immediately recognized it from the "half of the back", and said with a smile, "It's Yu Hua, here to steal cucumbers again."

Hearing the word "steal", Yu Hua turned around and turned her face towards the three people's buttocks, "Steal what, I didn't remind you to plant autumn cucumbers, there are no cucumbers to eat now... Eh, isn't this... ..."

"Hello, Teacher Yu Hua." Ruan Xiaohu said hello.

Yu Hua walked out of the vegetable garden with a few cucumbers in her arms, "Did you come to see your teacher?"

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "No, he found a job in Jinling, and he will live here forever."

"Oh?" Yu Hua said with a smile, "That's good. Jinling will become more and more lively in the future. You used to work as a tour guide in Huizhou, right? Now you're looking for some kind of job here? Are you also a tour guide?"

Yu Hua went to the side of the well to wash the cucumbers, and then distributed one to each of them, "The tourism industry here in Jinling has also been developing these years, and it should be good to be a tour guide here."

"Teacher Yu Hua, I won't be a tour guide anymore. I signed a residency contract with Jinyi, and I will be in Jinyi from now on."

"Signed a residency contract?" Yu Hua was about to bite the flower melon, but when she heard Ruan Xiaohu's words, she smiled pleasantly, "So, we are the same. Oh, it can be regarded as giving the second writer-in-residence to our school." Looking forward to it. President Wu told me every day that it would be so much better after signing the contract with me, but I was not sure, and now I signed Xiaohu again, it seems that he really thinks it is good."

"You don't have a bottom yet? I think you have a bottom in your heart." Bi Feiyu raised the cucumber in his hand.

"Hey, if you don't eat these melons, you will get old. If you have melons to eat, just eat them. Don't wait until you run out of melons. But I think this vegetable garden is still small, and there are too few vegetables that can be grown. I will make a suggestion to President Wu later. Take out the open space behind and reclaim it."

"Jinyi is only so big, you can be content with such a vegetable garden. The land behind will be built in the future." Yu Dong took a bite of the melon and continued, "It happens that you are here, let me tell you, I will treat you to dinner tomorrow night, and tell Chen Hong not to cook."

"Okay, I'll tell her not to cook at noon tomorrow."

"I'm treating you to dinner tonight." Yu Dong reminded.

"I know, so I plan that the three of us will be hungry starting at noon, and have a good meal for you in the evening." Yu Hua laughed and waved to Ruan Xiaohu, "Xiaohu, I'm leaving first, see you tomorrow. Rain, I I called Lao Liu and Feng Ming to play cards, and you can go to my house after you finish your work."

"I'll go now." Hearing the game of cards, Bi Feiyu couldn't wait any longer, and said goodbye to Yu Dong and the others, "Yu Dong, Xiaohu will be handed over to you."

Ruan Xiaohu stared blankly at the backs of Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua. The last time he met in Yanjing, he didn't have much contact with Yu Hua and the others, and he didn't know much about them. He didn't expect to meet again. , one thinking about playing cards.

Yu Dong patted Ruan Xiaohu on the shoulder, "Look what's missing, I'll take you out to buy it tomorrow."

"I brought all the teachers I didn't need."


When Jimmy came to Jinling, he happened to catch up with Yu Dong's meal.At the same time, he brought Yu Dong a bad news and a good news. The bad news was that the garden-style house that Yu Dong asked him to inquire about could not be bought, and the good news was that it would not cost much to build one.

"I found a few places for you, and the land is easy to get. The land plus the house, a set of several million is enough. If it is bigger and the materials inside are better, 1000 million is definitely enough."

Yu Dong was a little hesitant. He didn't think new ones were good, but buying a ready-made one would take up different social resources than building one himself.

Seeing his hesitation, Jimmy smiled and said, "Are you thinking of the old one with cultural background?"

"That's not true." Yu Dong shook his head, "I want this house because I like the style of this kind of house, and it doesn't matter whether it's old or new."

"Then I probably understand what you're thinking."

Yu Dong narrowed his eyes, "Are you still the roundworm in my stomach?"

"I can't talk about roundworms, but I know you better. You probably have two concerns. Building a house takes up new land resources and wastes money. In addition, building a house is easier to attract people's attention than buying one. I'm keeping a low profile with you." personality does not match."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I'm just an ordinary person. I don't care about laboring the people, and I don't care about hurting money, but it's true to take up resources."

Jimmy laughed, "I'm guessing about the same. You, actually think too much. The places I found for you are all very remote, and the use of a piece of land has little effect. And, let me tell you, you think about it every day. Instead of focusing on charity and education, it is better to think about how to spend money. Sometimes, spending money is more useful in promoting society than simply doing charity.”

"I would like to hear your opinion."

"Then let me talk about it. In fact, most of the people at the bottom of China are very hardworking, but they don't get the opportunity to make money. As long as you learn how to spend money, they will have the opportunity to exchange money with their sweat. For example, you To build a house, workers must be needed, right? This house can support many workers."

Yu Dong shook his head and said, "What you said is reasonable, but there are also flaws. When I build a house, only a small part of the money goes to the workers, and most of the money goes to the material sellers or the foremen."

"How can there be such a good thing in the world that can cover everything. Rich people only need to spend money, and poor people can always have a chance to make money. Rich people don't spend money, just think about making money, and poor people have no chance at all. And you can also make money The money of the rich, and then let the money circulate in the society. The poor will always have the opportunity to earn money and accumulate wealth. In this society, there will always be poor people, because poverty and wealth are relative, so that the poor have the opportunity to become rich Only when there are opportunities can the society continue to operate stably.”

Yu Dong smiled, Jimmy has his own logic, don't tell me if it is right, but it must be positive in some respects.

"By the way, I have another news to tell you. The location of the first school has been confirmed by Yuyu, and it is now communicating with the government and the Youth Development Foundation. The local government and the Youth Development Foundation are very grateful for our plan. The interest should be settled soon. But—"

"But what?"

"However, the opinion of the Youth Development Foundation is that it should be rebuilt on the basis of an existing local primary school."

Yu Dong nodded, "I think this proposal is okay, and it saves on site selection and enrollment."

"I denied their opinions." Jimmy smiled, and then he saw the doubt in Yu Dong's eyes, and said, "Don't worry, I will explain it to you. I attach great importance to the first Deep Space Hope Primary School, and hope that all aspects It can be done well, and it can become a teaching template in the future. But when rebuilding on the original basis, many things have to be compromised, which greatly affects the follow-up plan. However, although I rejected their proposal, I agreed to them, and soon The plan for the second school will be launched, and the second school will follow their proposal."

"It seems that you have already dealt with it." Yu Dong smiled.

"After the first Deep Space Hope Primary School is established, I plan to make a plan for the first lesson. Invite some people to give the students the first lesson of each subject. In my plan, you are the first lesson of the Chinese subject Teacher, the purpose of launching this project is not for you to teach students much knowledge, after all, there is only one lesson, I just hope that you can broaden the horizons of students." Jimmy said again.

For Jimmy's plan, Yu Dong expressed his approval, "This plan is good, I agree. However, there are five grades in the school. Which grade do you teach the first class for? Or do you plan to teach every grade?"

"Of course it's the fifth grade... By the way, I can ask the proprietress to give music lessons to the students. Music is very important. No matter how poor you are, you must let the children learn to appreciate music."

"I told her about this, and I believe she will agree. If you want an art teacher, I can pull Lao Liu over."

Jimmy patted his thigh, "Okay, then pull Feng Ming over and give them a physical education class. The planning of the new school, football field, basketball field, table tennis field, everything is there. But considering the cost, the venue is not would be great."

"It doesn't need to be too good, just have such a place."


Jimmy has been here for a long time this time, and he will wait until "Second World" is released in China for a while before leaving.

On November [-], an ordinary Saturday, "Second World" landed in Jinling.

Unlike the midnight screening in the United States, the first show of "Second World" in Jinling was scheduled at 06:30 in the evening.

At the beginning of six o'clock, when Yu Dong's group arrived at the entrance of the Victory Theater, a large group of people had already gathered there.

Some people were waiting to enter the venue with tickets, and some people crowded at the ticket gate to buy a ticket, but the conductor told them that the tickets for "Second World" were long gone.

"Today's gone, tomorrow's gone."

The conductor slapped the table and yelled, but it was useless, people were still pushing towards the ticket gate.

Someone walked through the crowd and took out a ticket furtively, "Do you want a ticket?"

Yu Dong and the others watched from a distance. The domestic film industry has been very lonely in the past two years. The once iconic cinemas such as the Victory Theater now look a little dilapidated.

The first floor has even been turned into a coffee shop and game arcade.

As for the difficulty of getting a ticket, it is also for others.Jimmy had already arranged the tickets for Yu Dong and the others.

This time, there were a lot of people watching the movie with Yu Dong and the others. There were about twenty people, and most of the acquaintances from the school were there.

Bi Feiyu looked at the scene in front of him and said, "It's been a long time since I saw such a grand event in a movie theater. These people are too crazy."

The reason why he said crazy was because he saw a few people stepping on other people's shoulders and ran to the ticket gate to buy tickets, and some people almost got into a fight because of this.

"I don't know what's going on in other places, is Jinling the only one that's crazy?" Fu Jing muttered.

Not far from them, Jimmy heard Fu Jing's muttering and said with a smile, "Other places will only be crazier."

"I really can't imagine how crazy it can be."

"Okay, we can go in, let's go."

The crowd followed the crowd into the cinema, and there was an episode when they were looking for a seat.

The seats that Jimmy had arranged for them were all connected together, and they were in a very good position.After they entered, they found that several people were already sitting in their seats.

Yu Hua walked over first, and pointed to her ticket, "My friend, you took the wrong seat."

The man glanced at Yu Hua, "If there is no seat, just sit there."

As soon as he said this, Bi Feiyu, Yu Dong, Ruan Xiaohu, Feng Ming and Jimmy surrounded him.He didn't move violently, just looked at him with a smile.

These people are not low in stature, and there is a foreigner, which startled the man, and he bent his head and ran away.

The movie theater is messy, there are people doing everything, smoking and eating melon seeds are common, and sometimes the crying of children can be heard.There are also people who quarrel because of the seats. There are many people who occupy the seats.

It wasn't until the movie started that the noise was a little quieter.

Everyone spent money and finally got in, and of course they didn't want to waste money and time.

When the first picture of "Second World" came out, Yu Dong even heard the sound of someone holding his breath.This is very strange, because there is no sound when holding one's breath, but Yu Dong clearly heard the sound of holding one's breath.

For American audiences, these early scenes may not be exciting enough.But for Chinese audiences, even these foreshadowing pictures have left them stunned.

Could a movie still be made like this?

But this is just an appetizer. After the foreshadowing is over, the plot of the movie begins to advance rapidly, and the picture becomes more exciting.

When a supernatural being walked out of the fire in the movie, many audience members exclaimed.

How was this filmed?

It's too realistic.

These CG techniques, which Yu Dong saw as rough, were shocking to other viewers, because many of them had never seen such a movie before.

Especially when these pictures are presented on the big screen, the feeling of shock is even stronger.

In addition to the ability user who can set fire, there are various other ability users, and each ability user will cause a burst of exclamation when he uses his ability.

In particular, there is a person with the ability to transform. In the movie, he was given several seconds of transformation scenes. He just jumped and turned into a leopard.

The process in the middle, how he deformed, and how the hair on his body grew, are all shown in the movie.

"How did this come about?"

More than one is asking.

First of all, a person must not become a leopard.

However, you can't really find a leopard to play, can you?

Are leopards fake?But it seems to be true.

Yu Dong found that the plot of the movie doesn't need to be too exciting, and the story doesn't need to be too profound. These images alone are enough to conquer domestic audiences.

Moreover, the audience has no time to think about the inner meaning that the movie wants to express, they have already indulged in the exquisite picture and cannot extricate themselves.

After the movie ended, many people didn't actually see what the ending meant, but it didn't prevent them from talking about the movie with relish.

"That's called a movie."

"Isn't that right, I was so stupid when that John came out of the fire."

"That man's name is John, and that Tom, the part of turning into a leopard looks too real."

"Are you saying that American life is really so good? Look at the phones you use, there are no buttons, just swipe on the glass."

"Well, almost. I have a friend who is abroad. According to him, it is like this."


"Pfft." Hearing the conversation of the passers-by, Jimmy laughed, "This is a big misunderstanding. Many things in the movie are too real and complete. Many people who don't know the United States may really misunderstand."

Yu Dong didn't take it seriously, "This kind of misunderstanding is inevitable. It's nothing like this. You can hear the more bizarre ones in reality in the future."

"Can there be anything more bizarre?"

"Of course." Yu Dong nodded. In a few years, strange legends about foreign countries would spread throughout the country.

 Thank you [Bai 97 You] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Ghost Valley Holy Word] for the 200 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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