Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 302 Extraordinary Advertising Effect

Chapter 302 Extraordinary advertising effect (thanks to the leader of Wangyunshan people)
"Jimmy is right, and there are crazier ones."

On the third day after "Second World" was screened in China, Fu Jing was amazed with a newspaper that night.

There was an accident reported in the news. The railing outside the ticket gate of Rongcheng Peace Cinema was crushed due to too many people, causing three people to be injured.The condition of the injury was not detailed in the news, but judging from the situation, it should not be serious.

In addition to the accident in Rongcheng, the news also mentioned the grand occasions of movie theaters in other cities in the past two days.At the same time, it analyzes how commercial blockbusters will have an impact on the domestic film industry.

"Film industry technology, a term that was rarely mentioned in China before, has now entered the public's field of vision with a very strong attitude..."

Fu Jing pointed to the manuscript on the news, smiled and said to her husband: "This movie is indeed a household name now. When my mother called me in the morning, she asked me if I went to the movie and how the movie was. This time it is open There are still fewer cities, just over 20.”

"I can't help it, because it's a trial run, and it would be good to open more than 20. I heard that it was originally planned to open only six cities, and our Jinling was not among them." Bi Feiyu laughed.

"Since it is the introduction of "Second World", it doesn't matter if it is not opened in other places, and Jinling must have it. But I believe that other cities will open the show soon, after all, the market is so good."

Bi Feiyu shook his head, "There should be some, but not many, and the market won't last long."

"Why?" Fu Jing asked puzzled.


"Because there will be bootleg CDs coming out soon, and then people won't have to squeeze their way into movie theaters anymore."

In the deep space company, Yu Yu asked the same question. Jimmy looked at the information in his hand, explained something to Yu Yu, and then said, "You have to get up with the film and television industry as soon as possible. Our main battlefield in the future."

Yu Yu nodded, "I'm trying my best to study, and I've been watching some foreign film and television operating models recently."

"You can just look at foreign models. China has Chinese characteristics. You have to understand these characteristics." Jimmy smiled and asked again, "Has the third issue of "The King of Science Fiction" been released? How is the response? ?”

Yu Yu took out another document and handed it to Jimmy, "In continuous improvement, according to market research, the printing run of the first issue is 35 copies, the distribution cities are [-], and the final sales volume is about [-] copies. .The second issue had a printing run of [-] copies and distributed in [-] cities, and the final sales volume was about [-] copies. In the third issue, the printing run was [-] copies and the distribution cities were [-]. The sales volume has not yet been calculated.”

"Have you done any surveys?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes." Yu Yu nodded, "The summary report of the questionnaire survey is on the last page. Our people collected a total of [-] questionnaires in five cities, of which..."

Jimmy is very satisfied with the remaining work, "Well done, keep up the good work. The questionnaire survey can't be stopped, but it can't always consume so much manpower and material resources. Let the magazine attach a survey report at the back of the magazine and invite readers to fill it out. Post. This way, although the survey results will be greatly biased, it is also of reference value."

"I see, I'm going to connect with the magazine."


In the high-level meeting within the Premier League, everyone is also studying a document.

This information was only released in the last few days, about the actual effect of the advertisements put in "Second World".

At the beginning, there were different voices within the alliance about advertising an American film.

The Premier League has not been established for a long time, and it really needs to expand. The strategy they formulated is to firmly grasp the TV broadcasting, first starting from their own country, and then starting from the Asian region where football is underdeveloped.After the development of the Asian region, it will begin to expand to the North American region known as the "football desert".

In the original plan, the Premier League planned to arrange for Manchester United, Chelsea and other teams to conduct pre-season games and training games in these areas to attract attention.

Therefore, whether it is in terms of sequence or pioneering methods, placing an advertisement in an American movie is not the best choice.

It's just that in the end, an internal consensus was reached and a decision was made to launch the advertisement.

And now, it's time to harvest.

The report in their hands reports in detail the flow data of the Premier League in various regions since the release of "Second World".

The effect has exceeded their expectations.

"Don't worry, "Second World" has just been released in the United States and China, and we still have very little data. After two months, when it is released in other places, there will be more detailed information. Data." Ornstein, the general manager, leaned comfortably on the chair and said with a smile, "However, judging from the current situation, this advertising campaign has been successful. Our investment has at least produced a tenfold effect. Even I have received several letters of intent to acquire clubs, one of which is from the United States."

The other executives are also in a good mood. The year before last, Sky TV spent [-] million pounds to buy the broadcasting rights of the Premier League for five years. The money has greatly relieved their pressure and allowed various clubs to develop well.

Now because of the movie "Second World", their league has received very good publicity in these places where football is underdeveloped.

In general, although it has not been established for a long time, the development of the Premier League has indeed been getting better and better in the past two years.


Similar to the Premier League side, other companies that invest in advertising have received more than expected returns, among which Motorola, the main benefactor, has received the most returns.

During the period after the movie was released, the thresholds of their stores were broken down.

Some people even come up and say, "I want a cell phone that doesn't have buttons."

Of course there is no such phone, but as long as customers come in, the shopping guide will always have a way to let them buy something back, such as the new product they are about to launch, the Motorola 8900 that is being promoted.

What, you said that the Motorola 8900 has not been released yet, and it will have to wait until next year?
It doesn't matter, it hasn't started selling yet, you can pay some money to reserve one, and come and pick up the goods when the new mobile phone is released next year.

What, you haven't heard of the Motorola 8900?Haven't you seen "Second World"?That cool flip phone shown inside is it.

With such a good mobile phone, the output cannot be too high. In the early stage, our company only plans to sell [-] units.It is [-] units worldwide, not [-] units in the United States.

So if you don't make a reservation now, you won't be able to buy it at all.

How much is the deposit?

Not much, if you book now, you only need to pay two hundred dollars, and the money will be paid into the total price when you come to pick up the mobile phone later.

It is said that in just one month, Motorola pre-sold 8900 Motorola [-].

The deposit for each mobile phone is 200 US dollars, and [-] is [-] million US dollars.

At that time, they gave "Second World" an advertising fee of 2000 million US dollars in [-], and now they have recovered half of it.

And it's still early, Motorola can get new orders every day, and the cash flow is constantly growing.

As the sales of the products involved in "Second World" gradually became popular, many film critics discovered a problem, that is, they analyzed and analyzed during this period, but finally ignored the advertisement.

Looking back now, I realize that this movie is filled with a lot of advertisements.

Because there is no evidence, film critics simply count all the brands appearing in the film as advertisements.

In fact, this does not wrong Universal Pictures, because in fact, all the brands that appear in the movie are really advertisements, and none of the brands that did not put in advertisements entered the movie.

Except for the brands advertised in the movie, all the other brands that appeared in the movie were invented by Spielberg himself.

It is nothing new for brands to place advertisements in movies, and Spielberg also has a "conviction". Before that, "ET" accepted a sponsorship of 100 million US dollars from Mars.

But like "Second World", this is the first time that a movie with an advertisement can be found every few minutes throughout the film.

However, because of the characteristics of "Second World", although there are many advertisements, no one finds them abrupt, because these placements are very reasonable, and they are not advertisements for the sake of advertisements. Every advertisement appears where it should appear.

Take Motorola's advertisement as an example. In the movie "Second World", mobile phones are an important element of the film, so it doesn't matter if you add some advertisements to it.

The product placement of "Second World" was so successful, it opened up the minds of those practitioners in Hollywood and those brands that were in urgent need of marketing.More and more companies are setting their sights on film advertising, and more and more film and television companies are thinking of finding brands to help them share film costs.

As for whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, time will tell.


More than a week after "Second World" was released in China, the box office has also followed suit.

In just one week, the box office of "Second World" reached more than 6000 million, ranking first on the annual box office list... Of course, there are actually only two movies on the annual box office list, ranking No. No.2 is "Butterfly Effect" with over 900 million copies.

Further down, there are also a few movies, but they are not box office, but copy income, such as "Chongqing Negotiation" with more than 700 million yuan.Because it is not divided into accounts, it is impossible to accurately count the box office, and can only count the income from copying.

However, after the first week, the momentum of "Second World" has also declined. Although other places have gradually opened up to the theater except for the twenty-odd cities at the beginning, the audience who went to the cinema to watch the movie suddenly dropped a lot.

This is because after a week of gestation, a large number of domestic pirated CDs have begun to enter the market.

Affected by pirated CDs, box office revenue has naturally declined sharply.

On the other hand, in North America, although it has been released for more than a month, the momentum is still strong. "Second World" has won the box office champion for five consecutive weeks.

When the report of the fifth box office champion came out, Jimmy was still in China.

Wu Mengcheng from China Film Company asked for Jimmy's contact information through Universal, and then asked him to meet in Yanjing. This time Jimmy came over, and meeting Wu Mengcheng was also on his itinerary.

When Wu Mengcheng talked to Jimmy before, he felt very surprised just like other Chinese people who met Jimmy for the first time.He only heard that Jimmy could speak Chinese, but he didn't expect to reach this level.

This feeling is even stronger now that I see him in person.After all, only hearing voices on the phone can reduce the impact, but when chatting face to face, seeing Jimmy, a yellow-haired and white-skinned foreigner, speak authentic Yanjing dialect, Wu Mengcheng felt very shocked.

"Being famous is not as good as seeing it once. Mr. James speaks Chinese very well."

Wu Mengcheng shook hands with Jimmy, and the latter said with a smile, "Mr. Wu can just call me Jimmy. It's better to be famous than to see him. I should be the one who said that. I have heard that Mr. Wu has played a vital role in the development of the Chinese film industry." The important role, seeing it now, is really extraordinary."

Standing in Wu Mengcheng's position, he had already heard too much flattery, but it was quite fresh to hear a foreigner flatter him with authentic Chinese and authentic Chinese tone.

He smiled and said, "I would also like to thank you. Without you, "Second World" would not have been able to go abroad, be seen by Spielberg, and finally achieve such brilliant results."

"No, no, no, I only played some insignificant roles. The most important thing is that Yu Dong's works are good. There are so many writers in the world, but Yu Dong's works can be liked by American readers. Huo Yiyi, this explains the problem. Mr. Wu concentrates on managing the company's affairs, and may not know much about the situation in the United States. In fact, Yu Dong has become a cultural symbol in the United States. His readers are lined up in a row. It’s all around the New York area.” Seizing the opportunity, of course Jimmy had to boast about it.

At this time, the assistant brought a cup of tea, and Jimmy took it and praised, "Mr. Wu's tea here is good. It looks beautiful and smells good."

Wu Mengcheng laughed, "If you like it, just come and have a seat. Our China Film Group's door is open for you at any time. Now we introduce Hollywood blockbusters in China, on the one hand, to stimulate the market, and on the other hand, we also want to learn from experience. In the end, we still want to Revitalize the domestic film industry. I say that, Jimmy, you should understand."

Jimmy nodded, "I understand. In fact, I am also very optimistic about the Chinese market. Of course, it is not enough to have a market alone. You must have the ability to produce good works, otherwise the market will be eaten by others."

"That's right, you got to the point. The commercialization of domestic films has just started, not even started. We still have a long way to go, so we need a capable and experienced friend like you Jimmy to help us Some help."

"It's serious, Mr. Wu." Jimmy smiled and waved his hands, "It's not difficult to say that the film and television industry wants to develop. The big point is two aspects, supply and demand. Supply is the work, and demand is the market. The Chinese market is very It is big and has great potential, but there are too many unstable factors, such as pirated CDs. As for the works, we, Deep Space Company, have always wanted to contribute to the domestic film industry, but we are a private company, and we have no autonomy..."

Before Jimmy finished speaking, Wu Mengcheng understood, "Jimmy, this is why I called you here. China Film has its advantages, but there are also many shortcomings, so I thought we might cooperate, learn from each other's strengths, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. .”

"Wu is always a sensible person." Jimmy gave Wu Mengcheng a thumbs up, and then raised his teacup, "Mr. Wu, in order to have a sensible person like you in China's film and television industry, I would like to respect you with tea instead of wine."

Jimmy's movements were quite violent, but he took the tea cup back when it touched his mouth. After all, it was freshly brewed hot tea, which was very hot.

Seeing him like this, Wu Mengcheng smiled and raised his cup as a gesture.

"I wish us a happy cooperation."


November [-], Sunday.

In the morning, it began to rain lightly, and Yu Dong didn't go out after breakfast, just nestled in the house and wrote.

In the middle, Ruan Xiaohu came over to take a look, but ran back without daring to interrupt.During this time, Ruan Xiaohu worked very hard. He was either reading or writing in his room every day. Except for Bi Feiyu who asked him to play football, he didn't go out at all other times.

He is a newcomer, and now he is signed by Wu Changxin, and he takes the subsidy from the school every month, for fear that he will not perform well, and he is sorry for the importance.

Sometimes, even Yu Dong couldn't stand it anymore and urged him to go out for a walk.

Ruan Xiaohu was forced to go out by the teacher, and he would not go far. He usually went to poetry readings and meetings. He came and went, but he made friends with Jia Zhangke.

At noon, Yu Dong went to have a meal, and then came back to write. As soon as he picked up the pen, the phone rang.

After answering the phone, Xu Zheng's voice came from the microphone, "Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Xu Zheng, why did you remember to call me right now?"

"Mr. Yu, I don't know if you have time now. I want to visit you."

Xu Zheng's voice was a little excited, and Yu Dong said in surprise, "Why are you in Jinling?"

"Our troupe has some materials to connect with Jinling's drama troupe, and I'll help send them over. I just finished the matter, thinking I still have time, so I tried to call you."

"Okay, I'm fine now, come here. Do you know the place?"

"I know."

"Well, after arriving at the school, tell Uncle Zhou, the gatekeeper, that you are looking for Yu Dong, and then say..." Yu Dong recalled for a while, and continued, "Just tell him about cucumbers."

"Cucumber?" Xu Zheng was a little puzzled, not knowing what it meant.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, just tell him cucumber, and he will let you in."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Xu Zheng didn't ask again, "Well, okay, I'll go over now."

After hanging up Xu Zheng's phone call, Yu Dong thought about the cucumber again, and couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

Because people often came to find Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu and the others, it was more troublesome to verify, so Uncle Zhou thought of a way and came up with a set of codes.

This set of codes is very simple, divided into Monday to Sunday, Monday's code is eggplant, Tuesday's code is watermelon... Sunday's code is cucumber.

If Yu Dong and the others have made an appointment with someone, as long as they tell the other party the secret code for the day, Uncle Zhou will release him directly when he hears the other party's report, without further verification.

To be honest, Uncle Zhou did this set of codes mainly not for convenience, but because he thought it was interesting.This old man has a very young mind recently, and he likes to do some weird things.I heard that Wang Hailin and their Werewolf Club were added a few days ago, but I just don't know how it goes.

Sometimes, Uncle Zhou was afraid that Yu Dong and the others would forget the password, so whenever they passed by the guard room, he would remind them, "Don't forget, today is xx."

Last time, Yu Dong heard from Uncle Zhou that things like passwords need to be updated frequently, otherwise it will be difficult for others to know about them after a long time, so he planned to make another set of passwords after a while.

Yu Dong and the others were happy to make trouble with the old man, anyway, it didn't cost much, and sometimes the tricks he thought of could really work, like today.

Less than 10 minutes later, Yu Dong heard voices coming from the corridor and stretched out his head to see that Xu Zheng had arrived.

It was still raining outside, not too big or too small, but Xu Zheng didn't hold an umbrella and was drenched all over. He was taking off his hat to shake the water.

There was not a single hair left of him.

"Xu Zheng." Yu Dong called out.

Xu Zheng turned his head, saw that it was Yu Dong, and laughed, "Mr. Yu, I was going to look for you from room to room."

"Why didn't you open an umbrella?" Yu Dong handed him a towel, "Come on, wipe off the water."

"The rain was still light just now, but it became heavy when I saw it. The doorman kindly wanted to give me an umbrella, but I didn't ask for it after thinking about it." Xu Zheng wiped his face, then shook his trouser legs, "I don't know if it's because It’s raining, and it feels like Jinling is much colder than Shanghai.”

Yu Dong poured Xu Zheng a cup of hot water, "Take a sip of hot water to keep you warm. Jinling is already colder than Shanghai. Why did you arrive so soon? It's not far away?"

Holding the water glass in his arms, Xu Zheng said with a naive smile, "Hey, I actually called you only when I was near Jinyi. I was afraid that I would make you wait and waste time."

"You're lucky. I'm free today. But next time you come, you can call me in advance, and I can arrange a time to see you. It's not such a coincidence every time."

"The main thing is that I don't know how long it will take to hand over the materials. I'm afraid I won't be able to leave by myself after making an appointment in advance."

"Understandable." Yu Dong nodded, and looked at Xu Zheng with interest, "How about it, it's officially working, it's different from school."

"It's really different. In the past, it was just a show, acting for a while to earn money. Now I do this thing every day, and sometimes the passion will weaken. And after working, I realized that in the unit, there are many other things besides acting. Chores to do."

Although Xu Zheng said so, Yu Dong didn't see any fatigue in his eyes. It could be seen that he was satisfied with his work.

In the next half an hour, Xu Zheng chatted with Yu Dong about his work. After graduation, he participated in several dramas, and also starred in a small sitcom "Oriental Stories" in Shanghai Lane. Played Bao Xuan in the section "Bao Xuan's Marriage".

Overall, the development is very good.His own idea is to act in dramas for a few years and then hone his skills, and wait for the opportunity to appear on the big screen and act in movies in the future.

 Thank you [Wangyunshanren] for the leader of the boss
  Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
  It’s [-] today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I will arrange a [-]D plus update for the new leader

(End of this chapter)

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