Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 303 Write a Letter of Guarantee

Chapter 303 Write a Letter of Guarantee (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)
There is no acting student who does not want to act in movies, and Xu Zheng is no exception.

In fact, Xu Zheng was a little apprehensive about coming here this time, because the timing was too coincidental. He ran over just after "Second World" and "Butterfly Effect" became popular, and he was somewhat suspected of being inflamed.

The more famous Yu Dong became, the more embarrassed he was to come here.If it hadn't happened to be here on business this time, he wouldn't have mustered up the courage to come here.

If Yu Dong knew what Xu Zheng was thinking, he would probably laugh it off. Young people are still young, with too many ideas and not enough confidence.

The main reason is that the skin is not thick enough.

After Yu Dong sat here for a while, Xu Zheng got up and said goodbye.

Yu Dong didn't keep him either, but just gave him an umbrella, "It's raining, I can't do without an umbrella. Remember to return it to me next time we meet."

Xu Zheng understood the meaning, took the umbrella and said with a smile, "Thank you, Teacher Yu."

After Xu Zheng left, Yu Dong started writing again.In fact, he originally wanted to write a play for Xu Zheng, or simply push him to directors like Zhang Yimou or Feng Xiaoning.

But after thinking about it, Xu Zheng has just graduated, and it is a good thing for him to spend more time in the troupe.His age is the time for accumulation. If he misses the accumulation during this period, it will be difficult for him to develop in the future.Yu Dong was afraid that if he tried to help at this time, he would become a spoiled child.

It was raining again outside, and the small ditch formed by the rain for many years on the side of the walkway was filled with water again.

When the weather is fine and the wind is warm, when you are in the hut, you always feel that this cramped small room is like a cage where people are trapped.Now that the wind and rain are blowing, the hut has become a shelter from the wind and rain, and it depends on it to be protected from the wind and rain.

Listening to the sound of rain, my heart slowly calmed down.

It wasn't until the evening that the rain gradually stopped that Yu Dong put away his pen.

When he looked up, he saw a red figure in the corner of the courtyard again.Cheng Yanqiu held the umbrella and lowered his head, stepping on the small leather shoes, jumping and jumping, avoiding the puddles on the ground.

Finally on the cement road, she raised her head and saw Yu Dong who was looking at her.

"How long have you been watching?"

Yu Dong laughed, "I've been watching it since you turned into a frog."

"You're the frog."

"Well, I'm a frog, so what's your business here looking for the frog?"

"Mom and Dad told us to go back to dinner at night."

Yu Dong asked strangely, "Why didn't you call, and made a special trip?"

"Isn't this the way to go, what are you doing wasting phone bills?"

Yu Dong nodded, "I'll clean up."


When he arrived at the old man's house, Yu Dong knew that the old couple was doing it for the furniture of their new house.

The mother-in-law gave Yu Dong 2 yuan in big brand new bills, which should have been withdrawn from the bank on purpose.

The economy has developed in the past two years, and 2 yuan is much worse than in previous years, but it is not a small amount.There are not many families who can take out 2 yuan in cash at once.

Yu Dong pushed it a few times and didn't push it away. In the end, he didn't say much, and took the money directly.

"The money is here for you, you decide what you want to buy. According to your plan, you will get the certificate in one month, and the house will follow. So I suggest that you take some time to visit the mall during this period and prepare to buy furniture. gone."

Yu Dong nodded and said with a smile: "I've been looking at it, but I still have to wait until the decoration is completed to determine which ones to buy. Now in the past, the main thing is to take a look and compare, so that I will know when I buy it."

"Well, family, no matter how big or small the house is, it's always right for the husband and wife to manage it step by step seriously. You don't have to worry too much about eating. You can start the fire yourself if you have time. If you don't have time to talk to the family, Her dad and I are fine at home, so cooking a meal is easy." Chen Yuqing said with a smile.

Cheng Liye waved his hand and said, "Don't come back too often, you have your own life, and we old couple also have our own life. But I have a little request for you, I still have to take time to visit my grandparents in the future, They are old and it is not easy to ride a car, so you should work harder and run more."

Yu Dong nodded again and again, "Definitely, definitely."

As they talked, the old couple had a feeling that they wanted to entrust their daughter, and the atmosphere suddenly became sad.Fortunately, they also felt that the atmosphere was not right, so they didn't continue talking.

When he was about to leave, Cheng Liye suddenly said, "Yu Dong, is the brush still usable?"

Yu Dong knew that his father-in-law was worried about Cheng Yanqiu's loan of brushes, so he smiled and said, "I ordered a batch of new brushes, and I'll send them over for you to choose when they arrive."

Cheng Yanqiu curled his lips aside, "Stingy."

"Stingy? It is said that my daughter is a thief of her mother's family. I think this is not false at all. If you say you, just take it. There are indeed a lot of them. Fortunately, you will be wiped out all at once."

"You don't usually write a lot." Cheng Yanqiu muttered.

Cheng Liye laughed angrily, "I'm still blessed to have such a filial daughter."


In the Lanshi Hotel, Gao Hongbo looked at the writing on the wall, smiled and asked Lin Ruoqi, the manager next to him, "What is the origin of this poem?"

Because Gao Hongbo is a knowledgeable person, Lin Ruoqi is not good at talking nonsense, so he said truthfully, "Teacher Yu said that this poem was written by a poet named Cucumber Garden Sanren, and it was written for his wife."

"Scattered people in the cucumber garden?" Gao Hongbo narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then laughed, "Xiao Lin, you were teased by Teacher Yu Dong."

Lin Ruoqi asked in confusion, "Mr. Gao, what do you mean by that?"

Gao Hongbo pointed to the poem on the wall and said, "If there is no accident, this poem should be written by Yu Dong himself. The Sanren in Cucumber Garden refers to himself, and the Cucumber Garden refers to Jinling Art Institute. Xiaolin, have you never read " Cucumber Garden Essays?"

Lin Ruoqi said in embarrassment, "I really haven't read it, I don't know which masterpiece it is."

"It was also written by Yu Dong and the others." Gao Hongbo held his chin and looked at Yu Dong's poem seriously, and then said, "This poem is well-written, but it is simple and artistic, and it really comes from the heart. I didn't before. It is said that Yu Dong still writes poems, it seems that he just hides them and doesn’t publish them.”

"Why did he hide it?" Lin Ruoqi asked curiously.

Gao Hongbo shook his head, "I don't know. Everyone has their own ideas. But your restaurant has made money. As far as I know, Yu Dong hasn't published a single poem before."

In fact, there is, that is, the song "Tree" written by Yu Dong before, which is widely circulated among some college students in Jinling, but Gao Hongbo doesn't know it.

Hearing Gao Hongbo say this, Lin Ruoqi was of course happy, and it was not in vain for him to beg for words from Yu Dong.Before, he thought that there was really someone like the Cucumber Garden Scattered Person, so he searched for it in some ancient poetry collection, but he couldn't find it.

Now Gao Hongbo's words can be regarded as clearing his doubts. At the same time, if someone asks about the origin of this poem in the future, he will also say something.

After knowing that the Sanren of Cucumber Garden was Yu Dong, Lin Ruoqi's mind suddenly opened up.

Yu Dong said at the time that this poem was written by Sanren of Cucumber Garden for his wife in his 20s. Now it seems that Yu Dong wrote it for his wife.The subject matter of this story is already compelling enough.Lin Ruoqi has even sketched an epic and touching love story in his mind.

Gao Hongbo also thinks this theme is very good.

He came to Lanshi for business, and the local government arranged for him to stay in a Lanshi hotel.Because I have lived here several times, Lin Ruoqi and Lin Ruoqi are old acquaintances.

When I passed by just now, I saw an extra line of characters, so I stopped to look at it, and found out from the inscription that it was actually written by Yu Dongxia, so I specially asked Lin Ruoqi to ask.

In the past two years, Yu Dong has become a name that cannot be bypassed in the domestic literary world. His books can be seen everywhere in street stalls, bookstores, popular, serious, and literary, and he is not absent.

Today, when literature is gradually declining, it is really not easy for Yu Dong to open up such a situation.

And their "Poetry Magazine" has long since lost its glory. There are still rising stars such as Yu Dong, Yu Hua, and Bi Feiyu in novels. What about poetry?By whom, Bei Dao, Shu Ting?Even if they can still write for many years, what about readers, people don't like to read poetry anymore.

There are also some poets, such as Han Dong, who think about writing novels every day, and write less and less poems.

In recent years, some people have clamored that the novel is dead, but the novel is not dead.Some people clamored that poetry is dead, and poetry is really dying.

Later, after much deliberation, Gao Hongbo called Su Tong and asked for Yu Dong's contact information, and then he had to call Yu Dong again.

When Yu Dong received the call, he was about to go shopping with Cheng Yanqiu to look at furniture and home appliances, so he was in no mood to chat with Gao Hongbo in detail.

I heard that Gao Hongbo saw the poem he wrote in the Lanshi Hotel and wanted to publish it in "Poetry", but Yu Dong didn't say much, but said, "Mr. Gao, if you think the poem is okay, please publish it." ...You can pay the manuscript fee as you see, I do have something to do right now, how about we have a chance to talk about it later?"

"Uh... well."

Gao Hongbo hung up the phone in a daze, and Yu Dong agreed quite simply, but he was not too enthusiastic, and didn't give a chance to communicate at all.He thought that when he revealed his identity, Yu Dong would chat enthusiastically with him for a while, but he hung up after saying such a hasty sentence.

But I can't find anything wrong. It's normal for people to be busy with things.

But no matter what, at least Yu Dong agreed to publish the song "Luo Luo", and the goal was achieved.

As for Yu Dong, he has already gone to the mall with Cheng Yanqiu.

The new business building of the first phase of the new hundred has just opened this year, and it is very lively. Before the two of them entered the building, they felt the turbulent crowd.There are more people shopping and more people coming to join in the fun.

Although everyone generally has little money, the supply and demand relationship of many items in the mall is still less than the demand.For example, TV sets, after more than 20 years, generally no one will spend a year or even a few years' salary to buy a TV set.It is different now, TV sets are very expensive, but many people are willing to buy them.

Because in this era, TVs represent different meanings. Unlike later generations, TVs have become less important, and many people prefer to watch TV on their mobile phones or computers.

The two of them went to watch TV first. The current color TVs are very small, basically about 21 inches in size, and the price is not cheap. Yu Dong saw a [-]-inch color TV made by Neon with a price tag of [-] yuan, which cost him more than a year’s salary. .

Later, I saw a 29-inch one, which is basically the treasure of the town store. The price is more than 1 yuan, and there is only such a prototype in the store. If you want to buy a new machine, you need to make a reservation.

Originally, when Yu Dong and the others watched the small color TV, the salesperson was quite enthusiastic, but after Yu Dong asked about the big color TV, he could obviously feel that the salesperson's enthusiasm had dropped by half.

It's not bad, but it's not as responsive as before.Yu Dong didn't say anything, because he wasn't going to buy a TV in the first place.

The house won't be available until after January, and it will take at least half a year to decorate and buy furniture. He can wait until the furniture is in the house before purchasing electrical appliances. Anyway, electrical appliances can be installed after purchase, without wasting time.

In such an ever-changing era, it is really not wise to buy electrical appliances half a year in advance. Who knows if there will be a new TV set in half a year, and will the price drop?
"Cheng Yanqiu."

The two had just left the electrical appliance area when they suddenly heard someone calling Cheng Yanqiu.

They looked back and saw a fat woman who was about their age came over.She didn't come alone, but she held one in her arms, one in her hand, and one behind her buttocks.

The one in her arms and the one in her hands should be her child, and the one behind her should be her husband.

"Cheng Yanqiu, it's really you. You haven't changed much over the years."

Cheng Yanqiu looked at the other party, but couldn't remember who the other party was for a moment, the woman smiled and said, "I'm Kan Tingting, we were at the same table in junior high school for more than a month."

"Kan Tingting." Cheng Yanqiu opened his eyes wide, showing an incredulous expression, "I remember you used to..."

"Haha, I used to be very thin, right. Now that I'm not married, I have two more children, and I'm blessed. These are our two children. The older one has just entered elementary school, and the younger one has not yet been weaned." Said, Kan Tingting Patted the eldest daughter on the back of the head, "Call me Auntie."

"Hello, Auntie." The little girl called obediently.

"You are also good." Cheng Yanqiu bent down and greeted the little girl with a smile, "What's your name?"

"My name is Lu Yanyan."

"By the way, are you married now? Who is this?" Kan Tingting looked at Yu Dong and asked.

Cheng Yanqiu introduced with a smile, "This is my fiancé, Yu Dong."

"Hello, hello, what a beautiful woman. When I was in middle school, Cheng Yanqiu was the beauty of our class, and every day there were small notes from other classes."

Kan Tingting looked very happy when she met her old classmate, she pulled Cheng Yanqiu and said, "Are you here to buy something today? I heard that you went to the Conservatory of Music, how are you doing now? Are you working in other places or just came back? I have been in Jinling, but I have never met you. I have met many of my former junior high school classmates, but I rarely meet those who have gone to college, and most of them have gone to other places."

She had a lot of questions, and Cheng Yanqiu didn't know which one to answer first.But Kan Tingting obviously didn't want Cheng Yanqiu to answer, she was still talking on her own.

After a while, his husband said impatiently, "Whether you want to buy something or not, the store is almost closed."

"Oh, good." Kan Tingting responded quickly, and then said to Cheng Yanqiu, "I have something to do today, let's talk again when we have a chance."

After finishing speaking, he took his daughter and her husband and walked forward.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Kan Tingting's back and was stunned for a while.

"What are you thinking about?"

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, "It's nothing, I just feel very surprised. Kan Tingting used to be very thin, even thinner than me, but she didn't expect such a big change now. Besides, she got married too early, and her daughter is already in elementary school."

"Is there a feeling that getting married is terrible?" Yu Dong asked with a smile.

"No, but I feel that his husband is not very friendly."

"It's really not very friendly." Yu Dong nodded, always feeling that Kan Tingting's husband looked bitter and bitter, which made everyone unhappy.

Moreover, Kan Tingting seemed to be quite afraid of her husband. Originally, she was happily chatting with Cheng Yanqiu, but once her husband spoke, she didn't dare to talk any more.

But Yu Dong and the others couldn't take care of other people's family affairs, so they stopped talking after a few casual conversations and continued to stroll around.

About 10 minutes later, Kan Tingting found them again and gave Cheng Yanqiu a note, "This is my home phone number, you can call me if you have nothing to do, but try to call during the daytime during the week, I don't know much about other times. available."

After finishing speaking, she hurried away again.

Cheng Yanqiu clutched the note, feeling that the weight of this light note was extraordinarily heavy.What did Kan Tingting go through after she got married, even chatting with middle school classmates in such a sneaky way?
Later, when Yu Dong saw that she was absent-minded, he pulled her and said, "Let's go, there's nothing to go shopping, let's come over next time."


By the end of November, the box office of "Second World" in China has basically come out, and Yanjing has already released the film ahead of schedule.The current box office is 1000 million, and it won't increase much in the future.

However, as the first blockbuster movie to be introduced, it has a box office of 1000 million, which can be said to be a good start.

At the same time, "Butterfly Effect" also broke through 3000 million, and finally won 400 million box office, and the results are also very eye-catching.

During this time, "Second World" has also been released in other countries and regions, first in the UK, then in Neon, Korea, Hong Kong, China...

"Reference News" has been reporting the box office news of "Second World" recently. This is the first time that "Reference News" has paid such attention to a movie since its inception, and it is also a foreign movie.

Although the news of "Reference News" lags behind foreign media, for domestic audiences, this is the only window for them to learn about foreign countries, so many readers who pay attention to the situation of movies watch the column of "Reference News" every day, thinking Be the first to know the box office situation of "Second World".

"Won another weekly box office champion!"

Wang Hailin patted the table, "If this continues, "Second World" may really be able to kill "Jurassic Park" and win the global box office championship in film history."

"How do I feel that chasing the reports of "Reference News" is more exciting than chasing the teacher's novels."

"Don't talk nonsense, I still prefer to read novel updates. But the teacher always publishes science fiction, why don't you publish another mystery novel, our mystery novel club doesn't have enough cards."

"Will it be long for you to talk to Mr. Yu and ask him to write another mystery novel?"

Wang Hailin said angrily, "I think you want me to use a lantern to go to the toilet, looking for death. Can I influence what novel Dong Ge writes? But then again, don't complain that our mystery novels have no cards, this card also has no cards. You can’t rely on Dong Ge alone. There are often members of the Science Fiction Association publishing novels in "Science Fiction World", how about you? Can you not steam the steamed buns, and let’s write a few mystery novels? "Sprout" is not always Are you doing a mystery essay essay? Give me some strength."

Hearing what Wang Hailin said, most members shrank their necks, expressing that they were powerless.

After a while, another member said, "President, you are so easy to say, but you are showing us. You are still a play creator, and writing novels is not easy?"

"Yes, President, you are so good at writing, writing a mystery novel is not difficult."

"Yes, yes, come on, President."

Wang Hailin looked at the cowardly behavior of the members and couldn't help but get angry.

However, he should think carefully about the issue of the Mystery Fiction Club. Most of the members now come for the werewolf killing game. There are not so many people who like to read mystery novels, and almost none of them can write.

Sometimes he thinks, just write it himself, but he really doesn't know where to start.

Seeing the members making a fuss, he held his chin and thought for a while, then patted the table, "Just make a proof, but I have agreed, when I finish writing, each of you will write an article, no matter good or bad, At least five thousand words."

Why is it five thousand words?Because Wang Hailin was particularly impressed by this number, Yu Dong assigned them homework, many of which started from [-] words.

Seeing Wang Hailin patting the table and rolling up his sleeves, other members also booed.

"Write, everyone writes together, I don't believe that one of the dwarves can't choose a general."

"Three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang. With so many of us, we will definitely produce good works."

"Fuck, you can't be looked down upon by those from the Science Fiction Association."

In this way, the Reasoning Association launched a writing campaign, because this day was December 123rd, and this campaign was later called the [-] campaign.

After the 123 Movement started, Wang Hailin went to find Yu Dong.

In front of the members, he was so excited that he wanted to write a mystery novel, but after he calmed down, he found that he still had no ideas, so he ran to Yu Dong with a sullen face and asked Yu Dong to give him some advice.

"You want to write a mystery novel?" Yu Dong looked at Wang Hailin in surprise, "Seriously? Isn't it just a joke?"

Wang Hailin patted his chest and promised, "I will never play tickets. Whether the writing is good or not is another matter. I must write a mystery novel this time."

Yu Dong took a serious look at Wang Hailin again, then gave Wang Hailin a pen and paper, "Come on, write a letter of guarantee that you decide to write a mystery novel, and it will be completed within one year, with a length of no less than [-] words."

Wang Hailin looked at the pen and paper, and said in a low voice, "Brother Dong, it's unnecessary, between people..."

"Write or not?" Yu Dong glanced at him, "If you don't write, get out, don't bother me."

"Write, I'll write right away."

Wang Hailin hurriedly picked up a pen and wrote: I, Wang Hailin, solemnly promise to finish a mystery novel with at least [-] characters within one year.

"Payment, time and name." Yu Dong pointed to the blank space below and reminded.

Wang Hailin wrote down the time and name again, and then asked, "Do you want to have your fingerprints?"

He was joking, but he didn't expect Yu Dongzhen to find ink pads for him, "Press it."

"This..." Wang Hailin licked his lips, but still pressed his fingerprints honestly.

"Okay, it's all over." Yu Dong put away the letter of guarantee, and then said with a smile, "Since the letter of guarantee has been written, then take it seriously. You said you want to write a mystery novel, do you have an idea?"

"It's because I didn't come to see you."

"Then let me give you a rundown. You have written a few short stories, and the quality is not bad. But writing a long story is different from writing a short story, and it is easy to fail. I suggest you start with the ones you are familiar with."

"Start with the familiar ones?"

Yu Dong nodded, "You have lived for so many years, what is the most familiar?"

"Go to school." Wang Hailin replied honestly.

"Okay, let's talk about going to school. You can put your story in the campus. Mystery novels, there must be a case, usually a murder case. You first think about who died, and then think about who killed He or they, finally think about who found the murderer."

"After you have thought about all this, you have to start to think deeper, such as why the murderer kills the person, love killing? Passionate killing? Vengeful killing? There must be a motive. Then there is how the murderer killed the dead, with a knife ? Using poison? Making accidents? These sounds pretty simple, right?"

Wang Hailin nodded, then shook his head again. He felt that what Yu Dong said was quite simple, but it was not easy to conceive it.

Seeing his reaction, Yu Dong smiled and continued, "Let's give an example. I am the deceased and you are the murderer. Why would you kill me?"

Wang Hailin tilted his head and thought for a while, "Then I probably..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Yu Dong said coldly, "It seems that you really want to kill me."


Wang Hailin immediately petrified. He didn't expect Yu Dong to dig a hole for him to jump into.

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Okay, let's continue."

How could Wang Hailin dare to continue the conversation? He swallowed, and said carefully, "If the deceased was a teacher and the murderer was a student, it is very likely that the student was treated unfairly. It is also possible that male students like The female classmate was violated, or the murderer was the female student who was violated. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the student and the teacher had an enmity. Or, the teacher discovered something ulterior about the student and was silenced ..."

Yu Dong pressed his hand and signaled him to stop, "Look at you, didn't you say something very well?"

Wang Hailin chuckled, "I was also inspired by you."

"Okay, that's it for today, go back and sort out the things you think about, see if you can find some inspiration, and come to me next time."

"Alright, I'll go back and get ready."

Seeing Wang Hailin leaving excitedly, Yu Dong knew that this guy must have a thousand words in his chest now, but when he actually writes, he will write without a word.

This is a process that Wang Hailin must go through.

 It's seven thousand today
(End of this chapter)

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