Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 304 Football Hooligans and the UK Box Office

Chapter 304 Football Hooligans and the UK Box Office

"Xiao Wang, what are you thinking?"

Wang Hailin passed the guard room with his head down, and was stopped by Uncle Zhou.Because of joining the werewolf killing game group, Uncle Zhou and Wang Hailin have gotten closer recently.Seeing that he was preoccupied at this time, he asked a question.

"Hey, I want a novel." Wang Hailin shook his head and sighed. After chatting with Yu Dong, he went back to start writing, but when he actually wrote it, he found it was not so easy.

There are some fragmented plots in my mind, but either I can't get in touch with each other, or I just write that I don't feel right and it's boring.

For example, some plots seem reasonable at first glance, but after careful analysis, they feel unreasonable.

"Fiction? Whose novel?" Uncle Zhou asked.


"You write novels?" Uncle Zhou's surprise was written on his face, "Have you assigned homework by Teacher Yu? No, what grade are you in, and Teacher Yu assigned you homework? And Teacher Yu's assignments are all essays And so on, I won’t let you write novels.”

Not to mention, Uncle Zhou is a doorman, and he really knows the teaching situation of drama creation major.

"It's not homework, I want to write it myself, and it's a long mystery novel. Isn't this a problem, I don't know where to start."

Wang Hailin had nothing to hide from Uncle Zhou, so he roughly told him about the matter.After listening to it, Uncle Zhou said with a smile, "It's good to write a novel. When your novel is published, I will put the magazine that published your novel on the top row of the bookshelf. You are right, you write about the campus, because You are familiar with it, and it is relatively easy to write."

"That's the reason, but it's not easy to actually write it." Wang Hailin scratched his head in distress.

"You, it's still rare. I've seen too many campus murders like that, and I can't count them with two hands. Love killings, vendetta killings, and murders because of trivial things."

"Really?" Wang Hailin didn't believe it. Uncle Zhou is good at everything but likes to brag.

"What's the point of lying to you? There was an associate professor in a school who had a problem with his style and had an affair with a female student. Later, the female student asked him to divorce him and he quit. The female took advantage of the male at the back door. He didn't pay attention, stabbed him with a knife, and then committed suicide."

"What about our school?"

"It's been a long time, and I can't remember which school it is from."

"Uh, is there anything else?"

"Yes." Uncle Zhou smiled, "But now I'm at work, and I don't have time to chat with you one by one."

Wang Hailin was also sensible, and hurriedly said, "Grandpa, when you get off work at night, I'll invite you to have a drink. Let's talk while drinking."

"Oh, it's just a few stories, that's fine, I'll wait for you tonight."


After "Second World" was released in the UK, the box office was strong, but it also caused dissatisfaction among many people.

"Why is the picture inside not my home team?"

Fans of ordinary small teams naturally cannot ask such questions, but fans of teams like Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester City, and Tottenham have opinions, because the game scenes that appear in the movie are Manchester United and Liverpool. of.

Is it because I have few Arsenal fans?Or do I have no cards for the Blues?

In fact, it is not only fans of other teams that do not appear in the screen that have opinions, but even Liverpool fans are very upset because their team is wearing away jerseys in the game screen.

Obviously it's a double red club, why do you and Manchester United wear home jerseys?
Some people say that there are as many football hooligans as there are football fans in the UK.

For this matter, many football hooligans fought among themselves.

But what is interesting is that most of the fights took place in London, and Manchester United fans were less attacked because they were far away.

In fact, most football hooligans, the so-called football is higher than life and death in their mouths, it is nonsense, many people are just bored and causing trouble.

But the more violent they are, the higher the box office of "Second World".On the one hand, the movie is really good. On the other hand, from a global perspective, no matter which two teams are playing, it is always their Premier League game. This kind of advertising effect is definitely beneficial to other teams.

Even if you scold, you can still scold them vigorously while watching the movie.

Universal Pictures did not expect that it was originally an advertisement to spread the cost, but it did not expect that such a Premier League advertisement would directly detonate the film's box office in the UK.

In just one month, the box office of "Second World" has successively surpassed "The Lion King" released this year and the British local film "Four Weddings and a Funeral", becoming the No.2 box office list in British film history, second only to "Jurassic Park."

But judging from the situation, "Second World" should be able to catch up soon.

Compared with breaking the global box office record of "Jurassic Park", it seems easier for "Second World" to win the UK box office record.

In fact, the box office performance in the UK this year has been very good. Before "Second World", there were four films with a box office of more than 2000 million pounds. City Paradise".

With the box office performance of these films, if you just pick one up and put it in another year, you will have a chance to win the annual box office champion, but there is no way, this year's box office competition is so cruel. Although "Stone City Paradise" also has a box office of more than 2000 million pounds, it can only be ranked No.5.


"Get kicked out by Teacher Yu again?"

As soon as Jia Zhangke entered the activity room of the poetry reading club, he saw Ruan Xiaohu who was reading with his head down, so he laughed and teased him.Jia Zhangke knew that Ruan Xiaohu didn't usually go out, and he would only go out when Teacher Yu kicked him out.

Ruan Xiaohu nodded, "The teacher ordered me to stay outside for three hours today before I can go back."

"Haha, in fact, you should go out for a stroll. There is not much difference between staying here and staying in the dormitory." Jia Zhangke said with a smile, "Are there any new works these two days?"

"No, I've been patronizing reading for the past two days."

"By the way, do you remember the last time I told you that I was going to turn your "Little Tiger" into a script? I've already started writing, and I'll show you when it's finished."

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Jia Zhangke said that he wanted to turn "Little Tiger" into a script, but Ruan Xiaohu didn't take it very seriously.In his opinion, Jia Zhangke is just practicing with this novel.

"I don't have any money now. When I'm going to make a movie later, I can help you make up for the licensing fee." Jia Zhangke said again.

Before Jia Zhangke met Ruan Xiaohu himself, he had read the novel "Little Tiger" in a magazine, and at that time he had the idea of ​​making this novel into a movie.

What he didn't expect was that the author himself was signed by President Wu later.

When Ruan Xiaohu became Jin Yi's writer-in-residence, it was not a sensation, but Wu Changxin still posted a notice on the notice board.When Jia Zhangke saw the notice at that time, he felt that he had a great destiny with "Little Tiger", and the idea of ​​​​moving before became stronger.

Jia Zhangke thought for a while, closed Ruan Xiaohu's book, and said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll take you out for a walk, it's not a good thing to stay in school all the time."

"Where are you going?" Ruan Xiaohu asked.

"Go to Jinling University, we have a branch there."

Ruan Xiaohu pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay."

It's good to go out for a walk, otherwise when the teacher asks him where he has been, he doesn't know how to answer.

The branch of Jinling University is the most developed among all the branches. It has its own activity classroom very early. When Jia Zhangke and Ruan Xiaohu arrived, there were seven or eight students in the activity classroom.

Jia Zhangke came here often, and his face was familiar. When he saw him, the students in the classroom greeted him one after another.

"President Jia, come to inspect the work again today."

The chairman of the poetry reading club is Liu Changmin, but Jia Zhangke is usually doing a lot of things, so many people jokingly call him Chairman Jia.

Jia Zhangke was also used to it. He waved his hand and said with a smile, "Let's see how your branch has developed recently. By the way, I will introduce an important person to you."

When the others heard what he said, they all looked at Ruan Xiaohu.

"This is Ruan Xiaohu." Jia Zhangke introduced.

Hearing the name Ruan Xiaohu, these seven or eight people had different reactions, some were flat, some were surprised.

Someone asked, "Is it Ruan Xiaohu, the author of "Little Tiger" and "Spirit Mountain"?"

Jia Zhangke looked at the other party and said with a smile, "Old Yan, you still have a good memory. Ruan Xiaohu is now Jinyi's writer-in-residence. He has nothing to do today, so I'll bring him over to see everyone."

Ruan Xiaohu also greeted them, "Hi everyone."


The students responded without knowing what to call.Let's call it a name, after all Ruan Xiaohu is a writer who has published many articles.Call the teacher, Ruan Xiaohu is too young, younger than most of them.

"You can call me Xiaohu," Ruan Xiaohu said.

"Teacher Xiaohu." They still consciously added the word teacher.

The word "teacher" made Ruan Xiaohu a little ashamed. What kind of teacher can he be, he just wrote a few unknown novels.In his heart, the teacher should be like Yu Dong.

But if others called it like that, he couldn't say anything.

In fact, Ruan Xiaohu's novels are more famous than he imagined. When "Little Tiger" came out, it attracted a lot of attention.

Now he is different from those writers who submit articles everywhere every day, and many magazines take the initiative to ask him to write articles.In Yu Hua's words, this is called fame.

Writers are rare creatures. No matter whether they have read Ruan Xiaohu's novels or not, when the students see a writer coming, they can't help but want to get close to the real person.

So, soon there was a circle of people around Ruan Xiaohu.

Ruan Xiaohu's personality is not very outgoing, but he is not stage fright. After all, he has been in the society and worked as a tour guide, so it is easy to deal with a group of students.

"Mr. Xiaohu, how did you embark on the path of writing?"

"Why did you go to Jinyi?"

"I heard that you dropped out of high school before finishing high school. Is it because you were ready to make a living by writing at that time?"

Facing the students' questions, he would answer all the questions he could answer, and he would not answer if he could not answer, nor would he make up any stories to deceive them.


When Cheng Liye passed the poetry reading room, he heard the noise inside, so he poked his head in to have a look.

I only saw a group of people gathered together, and it seemed that there was someone in the middle, but I couldn't see who it was.

He did see Jia Zhangke.

At the poetry reading club, Cheng Liye was the one who paid the most attention. After all, such a large organization was right under his nose. As the vice president of the Faculty of Arts, he certainly couldn't ignore it.

So he knew Jia Zhangke who came here often.

Jia Zhangke also saw Cheng Liye and hurried up to say hello, "Hello, Dean Cheng."

Cheng Liye nodded, then pouted towards the crowd, "What's going on?"

Jia Zhangke explained with a smile, "Ruan Xiaohu is here, and the students are curious and chatting with him."

"Ruan Xiaohu?" Cheng Liye was no stranger to this name. He knew that Ruan Xiaohu was Jin Yi's new writer-in-residence, and he also knew that Ruan Xiaohu was Yu Dong's student.

I heard it from my daughter before, but I have never seen what a person looks like.

"I'll go and have a look too." Cheng Liye walked over with a smile, and saw the young man surrounded by students, with delicate features and clean eyes.

As the dean of him stood beside the crowd, the other students naturally noticed and greeted him one after another.

"Hello, Dean Cheng."

Jia Zhangke also came up and introduced to Ruan Xiaohu who looked puzzled, "Xiaohu, this is Dean Cheng of the Faculty of Arts. The poetry reading club also depends on his support to develop so well."

"Hello, Dean Cheng." Ruan Xiaohu hurriedly greeted him.

Cheng Liye said with a smile, "Welcome to our Jinling University. How is it? Is the reading atmosphere here at Jinling University okay?"

"Very good, the students are very enthusiastic." Ruan Xiaohu replied.

"If you think it's good, you can come and sit more. If you like this place, you can also come to our school as a writer-in-residence. Principal Wu is with Yu Dong, and I'll tell them."

"Thank you, Dean Cheng, for your kindness. I am doing well in Jinyi now."

Cheng Liye nodded, "Okay, you continue, I won't bother you. Next time you have time, come with your teacher."

After speaking, Cheng Liye left.

Ruan Xiaohu looked at Cheng Liye's back, and asked Jia Zhangke in a low voice, "Have you told Dean Cheng about my teacher?"

Jia Zhangke shook his head, "No."

Ruan Xiaohu asked a little strangely, "Then how did he know?"

"I don't know either. Maybe your teacher told him. I guess Dean Cheng is very familiar with Teacher Yu. I heard him mention Teacher Yu several times before."

"Oh, that's it." Ruan Xiaohu nodded and didn't think much about it.


Chinese New Year is very early this year, and the [-]th of January is New Year's Eve.

In January, the weather is getting colder and colder. The weather forecast has always said that there will be snow, but it has not fallen for a long time.

On the morning of the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu ran to the Civil Affairs Bureau with the certificate issued by the unit.It was written on the calendar that today is a good time to get married and obtain a certificate, so many people came to the Civil Affairs Bureau in the morning.

After receiving the certificate and coming out, the sky suddenly began to snow heavily. The other newlyweds who had lined up together just came out and complained angrily: "What a pity, this snow will not fall until we get the certificate."

Although the newlyweds may not be superstitious, they were always in a bad mood when they saw a white scene on the day of receiving the certificate.

Yu Dong didn't take it seriously, and pulled Cheng Yanqiu forward, "Get the certificate today, let's go and have a good meal."

"What's good to eat?" Cheng Yanqiu asked.

"Walk, and go in when you see one that pleases your eyes."

Cheng Yanqiu thought the idea was good, nodded, "OK."

Without an umbrella, the two just walked on the road hand in hand.

The snow was getting heavier, and a thin layer was spread on the ground. Yu Dong held his marriage certificate and household registration book in his arms and covered them to prevent them from being wet by the snow.

He looked at the snow falling on Cheng Yanqiu's head, and said with a smile, "Walking, walking, my head turned gray."

Walking, walking, his head turned gray, Cheng Yanqiu smiled knowingly.

She thought, maybe it didn't snow a few days ago, just to wait for today.There will be a day when they will walk down the road holding hands with frosty white hair like today—she hopes that there will be a day for them.

The two walked for a while without deciding what to eat, Cheng Yanqiu suddenly said: "How about, let's go to that duck blood vermicelli."

Yu Dong laughed and said, "This is our first meal after we got married, are you really a fan of duck blood?"

"Well, I suddenly want to eat his duck blood fans."

"Okay." Yu Dong nodded, "We want a top match today."

The so-called top configuration is nothing more than a large portion, with more ingredients in it.

The two of them have been together many times, and because of their outstanding temperament, the boss is very impressed with them. Hearing that they want top matching, he specially added more ingredients, and the two of them almost didn't finish eating.

Although this meal was very simple, both of them were very happy, because this duck blood vermicelli shop carried many memories for them.


The next day, Yu Dong took the materials and went to Wu Changxin to ask for a house.

Wu Changxin has been staring at Yu Dong and the others' marriage. The house has been arranged for them a long time ago, just waiting for them to claim it.

"I got the license, when are you going to have a drink?"

Whenever someone in the school got married, Wu Changxin was very happy, and when Yu Dong married Cheng Yanqiu, he was even happier.

"It's tentatively scheduled until autumn, and you will be notified of the specific time." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"Where is the plan, Shanghai or Jinling?"


Hearing that it was Jinling, Wu Changxin said with a smile, "Jinling is good, find a holiday, and the school teachers will go there to be lively. If you can't find a hotel, I will rent the school auditorium to you later. It's not impossible. "

"Farewell, no one gets married in the school auditorium, not watching a performance."

"Haha, just kidding, that's all, go get busy, there are still a lot of things waiting for you in the future."

In fact, Yu Dong was not very busy. He found a professional team for the decoration and asked the other party to come up with a plan. Then he and Cheng Yanqiu chose a plan, and left them alone for the rest.

The only thing that keeps him busy recently is the school work, because the winter vacation is approaching, the school has a lot of finishing work, and he has to attend meetings, big and small.

These things are the same every year, and they don't bother you, just take up time.

He has no new works to write recently, so he still has a lot of time, but he can handle it.

However, although he has no new works to write, this month is the peak period for his works to be published. The six manuscripts he sent out some time ago were all published in January.

Six magazines including "Flower City", "Harvest", and "Zhongshan" all chose to publish Yu Dong's article in January as if they had agreed.

It was only later that they discovered that not only their family had received Yu Dong's manuscript.

As Yu Dong's hardcore book fan, Fang Tao's feeling during this time is: the whole world is Yu Dong.

At the end of last month, he first read the serials of "Deep Space" and "The Martian". At the beginning of this month, every time he bought a magazine, he found a new article by Yu Dong.

"Well, people's literature is also coming to Yu Dong's manuscript. It's not bad. This short story is very good."

"Hey, Huacheng also got Yu Dong's manuscript? Oh, it's still a novella, this one is better."

"What, "Zhong Shan" and "Harvest" also released Yu Dong's new works?"

"Is Yu Dong crazy?"

Yu Dong, who rarely publishes short stories, published six in a row in one month.

Could it be that this year, Yu Dong will start a mode of crazy publishing works?If at this rate, six articles are published a month, 72 articles a year...

Just thinking about it, Fang Tao felt very excited.

Later, "Literary News" also published an article, which specifically discussed why Yu Dong published six short stories in one month.

There are two arguments put forward in this article. The first point is that Yu Dong may be destocking, that is to say, he published all the unpublished novels he wrote before. The second point may be that Yu Dong listened to When I heard the news that the Short and Novella Awards would be reopened, I frantically published short stories and wanted to win the award.


"These people are really idle."

In Yu Hua's house, the three of them sat around a coal stove, roasting their hands and cracking melon seeds.Bi Feiyu talked about the article in "Literary News" and gave a very pertinent comment.

To this, Yu Hua expressed great agreement, "That's right, it's just that I'm too idle, but Yu Dong, you published six new works at once, which really scared them."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "Six articles are nothing, I still have a few articles to publish. Later, the three of us will make an appointment to post together, and give them a battle of hundreds of articles."

"Three people, one hundred articles, how dare you think about it." Yu Hua curled her lips, "I don't have any short or medium stories for you to make up for, and I'm thinking of a novel recently."

"What novel?" Bi Feiyu asked.

"I haven't decided on a name yet. I'm going to write more nonsense in this novel about blood sellers," Yu Hua said.

"What do you mean by writing more nonsense?" Bi Feiyu was puzzled.

"Isn't this easy to understand? Write more nonsense, write thicker, and make more money. The main reason is that I am with you every day recently. I feel that my nonsense is getting better and better. This skill needs to be used. Row."

Bi Feiyu glanced at Yu Hua, then asked Yu Dong, "Do you know what's going on with his new book?"

Yu Dong actually knew it, and he knew it better than Yu Hua himself. He had read "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood" several times.But at this time when Bi Feiyu asked him, he shook his head, "I don't know, I just heard about it."

Bi Feiyu looked at Yu Hua again, "Just by hearing the word selling blood, you know it's very hard."

"You know me, my work is always witty."

"I know, you like to make readers laugh and cry."

"It's okay to laugh and cry. It's better than you. It always makes readers unable to laugh or cry."

Bi Feiyu thought Yu Hua's comment was very interesting, and pointed to Yu Dong and asked Yu Hua, "What about him, what about his works?"

"His works." Yu Hua looked at Yu Dong and pondered, "His works first make people laugh and cry, then make people cry and laugh, and finally make people don't know whether to cry or laugh. But the recent article " I watched Tree Hole, and skipped the first two steps. I didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at the last step. You said you wanted to laugh, it’s really funny, but you’re too embarrassed to laugh, after all, the protagonist is miserable. You said you wanted to cry Well, you can cry in some places, but you just can’t cry.”

"Isn't that the same as me? People can't cry or laugh."

"It's still not the same." Yu Hua shook her head, "When you finish reading "Tree Hole" and go back and watch it again, you should be ready to cry. Yu Dong buried all the subsequent emotions in the front, You only know why you cry after reading the back and looking at the front."

Yu Dong picked up a peanut from the side of the coal stove, peeled it and put it in his mouth, "You, you can also contribute articles to the "Literary Newspaper". It's a pity that you are not a critic."


On the third day of the winter vacation, Fang Tao went out for a stroll at home, and when he passed by a bookstore, he ran in to have a look.

Dai Huan, the owner of the bookstore, was already very close to Fang Tao. When he saw him coming, he pointed to the shelf and said, "A few new copies of "Poetry Magazine" have arrived. Do you want to buy one?"

Fang Tao pouted, "Brother Huan, was it the first day you met me? When did you see me buy "Poetry Magazine"?"

Dai Huan said with a smile, "I bet you will buy a copy today."

"What do you mean?" Fang Tao asked puzzled.

"Just look at the cover of this issue of Poetry Magazine."


With doubts, Fang Tao ran to the shelf to find "Poetry Magazine". On the cover... Fang Tao suddenly showed a surprised expression, because he saw Yu Dong's name on it.

Is it the same name?
Yu Dong did write a poem. Fang Tao heard about it when he went to Jinyi, and he saw that poem at the poetry reading meeting. It is a very short modern poem. It is said that it was the first time Yu Dong participated in the poetry reading meeting at that time. Written on the spur of the moment.

It is not an earth-shattering and wonderful poem, but it is also quite artistic to read.I heard that Yu Dong wrote such a poem, and it has never been published anywhere.

With doubts, Fang Tao followed the catalog and turned to that page.

It turned out to be a five-character quatrain, the poem is very simple, it is catchy to read, and it tells a rural scene.

There is just such a poem on the whole page, and there is an introduction to the origin of this poem below.

According to the introduction, this poem was written by Yu Dong to his lover. It was not published before, but it was written and hung in the lobby of the Lanshi Hotel. Later, the editor came across it by chance and contacted Yu Dong himself to publish it in "Poetry Magazine" "above.

Yu Dong really wrote it!
In this way, Yu Dong not only published six novels this month, but also a short poem, adding up to a total of seven works.

It's crazy.

Dai Huan saw that Fang Tao was fascinated by his thoughts, so he said with a smile, "How about it, can I buy this issue of "Poetry Magazine"?"

Fang Tao nodded, "Buy."

 Thank you [Xuefeng Weiyu] for the 100 tip
  Today is still [-]. Originally, I planned to write [-] in the past two days, but in the end I only finished [-]. Let’s make it up tomorrow.

  Also, this book is free on the 31st, students who want to raise can wait until that day to start reading.

(End of this chapter)

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