Chapter 306 Awards Ceremony (Big Chapter)
At the entrance of a food stall in Tsim Sha Tsui, two young people just had a meal and were squatting at the entrance to pick their teeth.

Looking at the vehicles passing by on the road, a young man in blue clothes suddenly said, "Ah Xing, watch "Second World" again tonight."

Ah Xing glanced at his friend, curled his lips and said, "No way, I've watched it several times, still want to watch it? It's up to you to watch it yourself, I won't go again."

"It's the last time. I read the news today that the box office is about to surpass that of "Jurassic Park". Let's work hard."

"Aren't you stupid? No matter how high the box office is, they can give you a dime. Besides, they said that they will surpass it. In the remaining days, they will definitely surpass it. It's not bad for the tickets of the two of us."

"If everyone thinks like you, how can the box office exceed?"

"Even if you want to support it, you don't have to ask people to go, you just buy the ticket and don't go, or just give the ticket to someone else."

"But, I still want to see it."

"In just a few days, I watched a movie four or five times..." Mumbling, Ah Xing patted his knees and stood up, then kicked his companion, "Let's go, I'll invite you to watch it tonight."

The companion stood up and said with a smile, "Ah Xing, I knew you liked this movie too."

When Ah Xing and the others went to the cinema, the box office of "Second World" had already surpassed that of "Jurassic Park" with a box office of 500 million, leaving behind "God of Gamblers 2", which was released at the same time.

It's just that the statistics were delayed, so Ah Xing and the others didn't see it.

"Jurassic Park" is Xiangjiang's first movie with a box office of more than 6000 million, and "Second World" is the first movie of Xiangjiang with a box office of more than 500 million.

If it weren't for the strong release of "Red Fan District" a few days ago, which squeezed the film schedule, the box office of "Second World" would be even higher.

With the explosion of the "Second World" movie, the name Yu Dong also entered the field of vision of Xiangjiang audiences.

Because the physical book of "Second World" has not yet entered Xiangjiang, the local people only know that the original book of "Second World" was written by them Chinese, and the author is Yu Dong. As for the content of the original version of this book, Yu Dong What books they wrote again, they don't know at all.

The public began to be curious about the author named Yu Dong, and people from major bookstores often went to ask if "The Second World" or other works of Yu Dong were for sale.

Where there is demand, there will be supply.

Seeing that so many readers were interested in Dong's works, several major publishing houses in Xiangjiang mobilized at the same time, hoping to obtain the copyright of Yu Dong's works first.

In fact, the publisher of Xiangjiang asked about the copyright of Yu Dong's works a long time ago. Although Xiangjiang does not have much communication with the mainland, the circle of the publishing industry is so big, and Xiangjiang basically knows about the best-selling books in the mainland.

It's just that Jimmy kept pressing and didn't let go.

The market in Xiangjiang is not big, and the other party also has a condescending attitude, neither willing to pay high royalties nor to add the first printing.Jimmy thought, it is better to wait for a good time to make a move than to be thankless.

And now, the timing is right.

Representatives of several publishing houses arrived in Jinling, but neither Yu Dong nor Jimmy met, only Yu Yu met them on behalf of the company.

At the beginning, the margin told them ten points in royalties and an initial printing of [-] copies.

Several representatives were overjoyed after hearing it. With the popularity of "Second World", this condition is not high. Deep Space Company is simply the conscience of the industry.

However, the margin later said another sentence, the one with the highest price wins.

Only then did they understand that what Yu Yu said was not the final price, but the starting price. If they wanted to get the copyright, they had to increase the price.

Yu Yu did not play any tricks, gathered representatives of several publishing houses together, and then listed a series of Yu Dong's works for them to bid for.

"Everyone, here are four of Yu Dong's works, namely "Second World", "Resident Evil", "Fatal Identity" and "The Last City". There are many works of Mr. Yu Dong, but we decided to only Release these books. Before everyone bids, I will introduce these books to you first, in case you don’t have any regrets because you don’t understand.”

Afterwards, Yu Yu told the representatives of the publishing house about the market performance of these books.

In fact, these things, the publishing house has done research before sending people here, and the information is very detailed.Yu Yu also knew that they had investigated all of them, but he still wanted to tell them face to face, just to mobilize their enthusiasm for bidding.

The bidding process is very long. It is not like raising a sign like an auction house, just knocking a hammer.Everyone is watching the opponent's reaction and adjusting the price accordingly.

Four books, talked for a whole day before ending.

The "Second World" that received the most attention was won by Sanlian Bookstore, while the Commercial Press, which was defeated in the competition for "Second World", won the remaining three books in one go.

Among the seven publishing houses present, the other five all returned empty-handed, so naturally they were not in a good mood.

But at this time, Yu Yu said that the bidding was not over, and then came up with several collections of short stories, which belonged to He Hongwei, Wang Jingkang and Hu Changqing.

Sanlian and the Commercial Press had already obtained the treasures, so they were not very interested in these novel collections. The other companies didn't want to leave empty-handed, so they went to discuss with Yu Liang.

Because they don't know the situation of these books, the next discussion will take a long time. These publishing houses have to evaluate the market value of these books before making a decision.

But in any case, the purpose of the margin has been achieved, at least five publishing houses are reading these books.

Originally, the company was not in a hurry to push Wang Jingkang and the others to Xiangjiang, but now that these publishing houses came, they followed the trend and pushed them all out.


The spring of the new year was very warm, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu returned to school four or five days early, and planned to go to see the house decoration first.

They left it for a month, but the decoration masters didn't rest for a few days.

The house itself is not big, and the construction period is not long. When Yu Dong and the others went to see the new house, most of it had already been completed.

The work is done in batches, and each batch is a different master. This batch of masters has never met Yu Dong and the others, and they were very surprised when they heard that Yu Dong and the others were the owners of the house.

"I thought the young man who came before was the owner of the house, and he would come to see it three times a day." A master said.


Yu Dong thought for a while, and guessed that the young man the master was talking about was either Yu Hua or Bi Feiyu.

"That's right, the young man didn't say much when he came, he just watched from the side, and it lasted half an hour."

A young master joked, "He watched carefully, but we dare not be sloppy."

The old master next to him glared at him, "What nonsense, even if no one is watching, we won't be careless."

Later Yu Dong went to ask about it, and it was indeed Yu Hua.

"You worry more than I do. You go there three times a day, and people say you're serious about it."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "The main reason is that I haven't seen it before, and I want to read it. Maybe I will write another novel about decoration workers in the future, so I have some idea."

"Have you seen the decoration?"

"I've never seen such a good one. Although the house is not finished yet, it can be seen that it must be very beautiful. I smell the paint they use, and it doesn't smell very good."

"It doesn't smell good?"

"You don't know my nose. The worse the paint, the better it smells. Conversely, the worse the smell, the better the quality."

"You smoke too much, and your sense of smell is disturbed."

Yu Hua tilted her head and looked at Yu Dong, "I said, why are you arguing with Chen Hong that as long as I have a problem with my body, it's all caused by smoking?"

"Isn't it?"

"Hey, I won't talk nonsense with you. Did Yu Yu tell you that "To Live" is about to start selling."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Good thing, haven't you been looking forward to it?"

"I've been hoping it's true." Yu Hua sighed, "But I've got to tell me that I need to help me with some interviews, and maybe I'll be on TV in the future. It's said that it will help promote the novel."

"What's the matter?" Yu Dong shrugged.

"Mainly I haven't been on TV, so I don't have much experience."

Yu Dong smiled, and patted Yu Hua on the shoulder, "Comrade Yu Hua, some things depend on talent, and experience is not important."

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong left, school was about to start, he was still busy, how could he have time to chat with Yu Hua here.

Seeing him leave, Yu Hua looked puzzled, "You're talking nonsense, what do you mean? Don't leave, let's discuss it, let's be companions together on TV."

Yu Dong ignored him at all, and waved with his back turned.


At the beginning of the new semester, Qu Aiguo came to find Yu Dong.This year is the last semester of their Gongmei 91, and the courses have basically been suspended. Now they have to face the problem of work.

Although the distribution of packages will end next year, it is no longer a distribution of packages, but a two-way choice. All business units come to the school to ask for people, and they can leave if they want to, and wait and see if they don’t want to.

Compared with other art majors, it is easier to find a job in engineering and fine arts, but compared with those majors in science and engineering, it is far behind. There are not many units that come to ask for people, and the conditions are not very good.

However, the situation this year is more complicated. There are not many companies that require people, and not many students are willing to go to those companies, because many students are starting to think about entering private companies or simply starting their own businesses.

Wang Kuo is the vanguard of entrepreneurship. His family background is quite good, and his parents support him in entrepreneurship.Moreover, the bonuses he got before were not willing to use them, and they have been kept until now, just to be used as start-up funds.

Generally speaking, this year's engineering and art students have a broad horizon and a lot of ideas.Perhaps influenced by Yu Dong, many students wanted to develop into the film and television industry. Some of them, such as Li Huixiang, had already gone to an advertising company as an intern.

Today's advertising companies are actually similar to the media companies of later generations. They are not as simple as advertising, and they cover a wide range of fields, including the film and television industry.

Qu Aiguo didn't come to Yu Dong for the work of his classmates, he wanted to discuss with Yu Dong about the new president of the Science Fiction Association.

"Brother Dong, I'm about to graduate, and I'm going to choose a new president, right?"

"Who do you think is suitable?"

"My personal opinion is that it is more appropriate for Huang Xiaohui to take over. He has also been the vice president for a year, and he has rich experience."

"But Huang Xiaohui is already in his third year of junior high school. Now that he is allowed to be the president, he can only serve for one year. You mean, the president of the Science Fiction Association will be one-year in the future?"

"But, aren't all the organizations in the school like this? The student union, football team, and various associations are basically one-year, and some are only half a year."

"I know, but your Science Fiction Association is different. It has grown too much and is no longer just a school organization."

Qu Aiguo scratched his head, "Brother Dong, what do you mean?"

Yu Dong asked back, "Have you found a job yourself?"

"Not yet, looking for it."

Yu Dong nodded, and took out a document from the drawer, "Look at this."

Qu Aiguo took the document with a puzzled look on his face, and after reading it for a while, he showed a surprised expression.This is an employment contract. Party A is the Jinling Art Institute, a unit directly under the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, and Party B is Ta Qu Aiguo.

Before Qu Aiguo asked, Yu Dong said, "Since you haven't looked for a job yet, you might as well consider this contract. The helm of the association changes every year, which is not good for the development of the association. Since you have done a good job, you can Keep working, the salary standards are all written in it.”

"But I'm an art student..."

"I don't mean to force you to make a decision. You can take the contract back. I will give you an answer within three days. If you don't give an answer within three days, you will be considered as a rejection. I will discuss with the principal about the candidate for the new president."

When Yu Dong mentioned this point, Qu Aiguo had no objection, nodded and said, "Then I'll go back and think about it carefully."


Qu Aiguo was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something, "Brother Dong, I have something to trouble you. I have a friend who is a reporter. I want to give you an exclusive interview. I don't know if it is possible. ?”

"Your friend?" Yu Dong looked at Qu Aiguo's secretive expression and asked, "What friend, boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend... Female friend, you still know Ma Xiaohong who came to interview you last time."

Yu Dong stared at Qu Aiguo with a half-smile. Last time, he felt that there was something wrong with this kid. It seemed that he really liked him.

"I've already done an exclusive interview with their "Xinmin Evening News", so it's not appropriate to do it again."

Qu Aiguo said with a cheeky smile, "How long has it been since the last time? Isn't it because Dongge is developing rapidly and has a lot of news? Their previous interviews are also outdated."

Yu Dong pointed at Qu Aiguo's smiling face, "Isn't this what you call a fake public benefit?"

"Brother Dong, look at what you said. I'm not talking to you as the president of the Science Fiction Association, but as your younger brother. It's done, she is your younger brother and sister, so it's okay to ask the younger brother to give you an exclusive interview, right?"

Qu Aiguo's rascal spirit came out again. He was obviously older than Yu Dong, but he was the first among the students to call Yu Dong Zuo Dongge.But he has such an ability, even if he is playing a rogue, it will not make people feel bored.

"Okay, you tell Ma Xiaohong, let him call me later, and I will make an appointment with her."

"Okay, then I'll just get out of here and not disturb Brother Dong's work."

That evening, Ma Xiaohong's call came. She probably didn't expect that Qu Aiguo would really win her an interview opportunity, and she could hear that she was very excited when she made an appointment with Yu Dong.

The reporters followed the trend of the news, and there were fewer reporters visiting Jinyi for a period of time.But since "Second World" hit the box office, the number of reporters has increased, and it is much more than the previous wave.

There are more and more people, but it makes Uncle Zhou very busy.

Considering that there are more and more visitors to the school, the pressure on the doorman has increased a lot, so now two more people are added to the doorman's class.

The other two were in charge of maintaining law and order at the gate, and Uncle Zhou was in charge of coordinating and receiving those visitors at the same time.

Uncle Zhou is enthusiastic and good at chatting. Although he has not read any books, he has been influenced by his ears and eyes, and sometimes he speaks quite well.Often he would chat with the group by himself, talk about the past and the present, leaving others with nothing to say.

Seeing Uncle Zhou's posture, others felt their hearts pounding, darling, this gold art is incredible, even the guards are so good.

Ma Xiaohong arrived at the school on Friday afternoon, and many reporters were queuing up at the gate guard to register information.She looked at it for a while, ran to Uncle Zhou, and said, "Master, I'm here to find Teacher Yu Dongyu."

Uncle Zhou snorted, then stared at Ma Xiaohong, waiting for her next words.Only then did Ma Xiaohong remember, and quickly said, "Broccoli."

Hearing the broccoli, Uncle Zhou smiled, "Go in, do you know where Teacher Yu is?"

"I know, I know." Ma Xiaohong nodded straight.

After putting Ma Xiaohong in, a reporter next to him came over with a puzzled look and asked Uncle Zhou, "Old man, what does this broccoli mean? Why can she go in just by saying something about broccoli?"

Uncle Zhou looked at each other up and down, and said with a smile, "The one just now is our school's special reporter, and Broccoli is her code name."

code name?

The question mark on the reporter's head, this Jinyi is too evil, and you have to report your code when you enter and leave the door?


When Ma Xiaohong saw Yu Dong, she also looked puzzled, "Mr. Yu, what does broccoli mean? Why did I say that the guard of broccoli let me in?"

Yu Dong explained with a smile, "This is the code that Uncle Zhou made up, and it's quite convenient to use."

Ma Xiaohong said in surprise: "This guard still has so many tricks."

"There are many ways to talk about it. You will know more when you have more contacts in the future." Yu Dong smiled, "I will take you to the conference room."

Following Yu Dong, Ma Xiaohong was still thinking about the doorman, thinking that maybe there would be a chance to interview that Uncle Zhou later, maybe she could get some interesting things.

Ma Xiaohong's business is more proficient than before, and her preparations are more adequate.The interview went well, and the questions were mostly about Second World and the upcoming Resident Evil.

More than half an hour later, after all the listed questions were asked, Ma Xiaohong added another question temporarily, "I also just got the news that "Second World" has been shortlisted for eight Academy Awards. Are you not satisfied with the result, will you attend the Academy Award ceremony next month?"

Yu Dong already knew about the Oscar nomination list.Being shortlisted for eight items sounds pretty impressive, but none of the awards that "Second World" was shortlisted for were grand prizes.

For the more important ones, such as Best Picture, Best Actor and Actor, Best Supporting Actor and Best Director, none of "Second World" was shortlisted.

This is actually expected. Sci-fi movies have never been favored by the Oscars. For example, this year's hit "Forrest Gump" is the most popular work at the Oscars.

"Second World" is usually shortlisted for the visual effects category, which sounds like a lot, and it's all just extras.

Yu Dong didn't answer Ma Xiaohong's question directly.

"The Oscars have an Oscar selection mechanism, and I don't know much about their mechanism, so I won't go into details. As for whether it will appear at the awards ceremony, it depends on fate. It is not easy to travel to the United States, and I may not have the time."

Ma Xiaohong was already very satisfied with such an answer. She put away her notebook and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Yu, for taking the time to accept my interview today. I will notify you in advance when the manuscript is published."

"You're welcome, don't be in a hurry to go back today, let's have dinner together tonight."

Ma Xiaohong hesitated and didn't know how to answer, and Yu Dong was still puzzled, but when he opened the door and saw Qu Aiguo standing at the door, he immediately understood.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore."

Yu Dong smiled and left first.

Ma Xiaohong's face was already blushing at this moment, and after Yu Dong left, she slapped Qu Aiguo on the shoulder, "It's all your fault for making me embarrass myself in front of Teacher Yu."

Qu Aiguo laughed and said, "What's the matter, you should have agreed to eat with Brother Dong just now, and I can still have a meal."

Ma Xiaohong spat, "Shameless."


Oscar did send an invitation letter to Yu Dong, but the invitation letter is not in Dong's hands now.Oscar first sent the invitation letter to Universal, and Universal sent the invitation letter to Jimmy, and now the invitation letter is still with Jimmy.

This year's Oscars ceremony was held at the Holy Auditorium in Los Angeles on the evening of March 27.

Whether Yu Dong will go or not depends on whether he is busy or not.If he's not busy, Yu Dong would like to go and have a look.This trip happened to be with Cheng Yanqiu, it was the first trip after marriage.

It just so happened that "Fatal Identity" was about to be released, so he could hold a signing event by the way.Now that we have said that we must work hard to make money, we must put it into action.Properly helping Jimmy to run publicity and share the pressure is also appropriate.

After leaving the government affairs building, Yu Dong went back to the dormitory first, and then ran to find Cheng Yanqiu.

The new house is not finished yet, and the couple now live in their own dormitories every day. Although they are not far apart, it is quite difficult to be honest, so Yu Dong ran to find his wife whenever he had time.

"Teacher Yu, here we come again."

I don't know why, but every time Yu Dong came to see Cheng Yanqiu, he always met those two female teachers, and they started booing as soon as they saw Yu Dong passing by.Always like this, never tired of it.

Yu Dong waved to them both from downstairs, "Here we come, we come."

The two female teachers smiled and stopped booing.Cheng Yanqiu heard the movement earlier, ran down thud thump, dragged Yu Dong away.

Although they are already a legal couple, she is still thin-skinned, and it is embarrassing for people to coax her together.

The two walked for a while, and Yu Dong talked about the Academy Awards, "I'm going to see if I'm busy. If not, let's go to Los Angeles for a few days, how about it?"

"Okay." Cheng Yanqiu agreed, "I haven't been to Los Angeles, Disney, or Hollywood. I went to the Mannes School of Music with my teacher and others before, and then some students went to Los Angeles, but I didn't go with them. "

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Then let's go there this time and have fun. Later, you make a list of the places you want to go, and we will play them one by one according to the list."

"Then how you can play it, it depends on the situation, how much you can play."

"Okay, I'll ask Jiang Jie to buy the ticket first."

"Yeah." Cheng Yanqiu hugged Yu Dong's arm, "Let's go to the mall tonight to look at the kitchen utensils and tableware, as well as the lights. I'm going to put a floor lamp by the window next to the sofa, and we'll read on the sofa later. A floor lamp is enough. There are also curtains that should be ordered, but there is no rush tonight, the curtains will be looked back..."

When talking about adding furniture to the family, Cheng Yanqiu was very enthusiastic, and he put his arms around Yu Dong's arm and talked non-stop.Yu Dong didn't speak, just looked at her and said, very happy.


In mid-March, senior students went to participate in graduation internships one after another, and Yu Dong was almost busy with what he should be busy with. At this time, he received a call from Yanjing.

The number was very strange. Yu Dong thought it was another magazine calling, but he didn't expect that after the call was connected, Li Qiuhao's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Yu, hello, I'm Li Qiuhao, do you remember me?" Is it?"

Li Qiuhao called Yu Dong from the phone in the small shop. Before making this call, he thought about it for a long time.He told Yu Dong that he only met once, and he never contacted Yu Dong again.

Can a busy person like Yu Dong still remember himself?

Later, he mustered up the courage to make the call.

At first, the phone rang several times but he didn't answer it. As the number of rings increased, Li Qiuhao's heart beat faster and faster. Just as he was about to hang up, a voice called "Hello!" ".

Then Li Qiuhao made an opening remark like an endorsement.

Yu Dong on the opposite side smiled and said, "Do you think my memory is so bad? I have forgotten you? Not only do I remember you, I also remember Ma Kai, I remember when we went to visit Tianfu Sha Palace, and I remember those little stories you told. And those The little story left a deep impression on me, and later I wrote a short story and mentioned it.”

He had read the novel Yu Dong mentioned, and he was wondering if Yu Dong would be inspired by him.Now that Yu Dong personally confirmed this, Li Qiuhao was flattered.

"Why are you in Yanjing? I saw it was Yanjing's number, but I never thought it would be you." Yu Dong asked again.

Li Qiuhao explained, "I'm doing an internship here."

"It's great to be able to go to Yanjing for an internship."

"It was our teacher who took care of me. Knowing that I had applied to Yan Normal University, he specially asked me to come to Yanjing for an internship so that I could retake the exam later."

"So the written test has passed?"

"It's over, the results just came out."

"Yes, it seems that we have a chance to become alumni. I hope to see you next time I go back to school."

"I will try my best."

"By the way, where is Ma Kai, how did he do in the exam?"

"He won't have any problems taking the exam at this school. It's almost done now, so don't worry about re-examination later."

"Well, that's good." Yu Dong thought for a while, and felt that Li Qiuhao seemed to have something to say, so he asked again, "Qiu Hao, how did you think about the arrangement of the story I told you last time?"

Li Qiuhao has been looking for an opportunity to talk about it, but now that Yu Dong brought it up, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "I've been sorting it out recently, and I'm calling today to ask you a few questions, Mr. Yu. I don't know if it's convenient for you."

Yu Dong said bluntly, "It's convenient, of course it's convenient, but I suggest not to say on the phone, let's write a letter to communicate, you write your thoughts in detail, and then send it to Jinling Art Institute, just write my name and accept it .”

"Okay, Teacher Yu, then I won't disturb you for now."

After chatting with Li Qiuhao, Yu Dong began to think about fairy tales.The set of stories that Li Qiuhao told at that time was very interesting and very valuable to explore.If Li Qiuhao can sort it out, maybe he can use this set of stories to sort out a rich system of mythological stories in the future.

Yu Dong wasn't sure if he could do it, but he didn't lose anything by reaching out for this kind of thing.Everything lies in trying. If you can’t do it once, you can do it a second time. If you can’t do it the second time, you can do it a third time. As long as you do it, it’s better than not doing it.

The key is that he now has the capital to promote this matter.


"Are you sure you're coming?" When Jimmy received Yu Dong's call, he was in a mixed mood. He must be happy, but now there are only two days left until the 27th, and there is not much time left for him to prepare.

Everything else is fine, the key is the signing event.

He had already contacted a bookstore in Los Angeles in advance, saying that Yu Dong might come to hold a book signing.

The other party was also very proud. Although he knew that Yu Dong might not go, he agreed without hesitation and made preparations in advance.

It's just that they haven't publicized it to the outside world, because they are afraid that Yu Dongren will not come after the publicity, and they will release the pigeons of the readers, which will arouse the disgust of the readers.

So after talking on the phone with Yu Dong, Jimmy quickly contacted the person in charge of Langton Bookstore, saying that Yu Dong had already decided to come, and all publicity work could be started.

Ron almost screamed when he got Jimmy's call.During this period of time, the bookstore has been preparing for YU's signing event, and everything has been prepared, including the huge posters used for publicity.

They spent a lot of manpower and material resources. If YU didn't come in the end, all these efforts would be in vain.

Fortunately, God bless them, their sacrifices were not in vain, and they finally hoped for YU.

Regardless of the working hours, Ron quickly called the employees together.

"Come here, everyone, I have something to announce."

The employees ran over one after another, and the customers in the bookstore couldn't help but look over when they saw this movement, wanting to see what happened.

Ron suppressed his excitement and said, "On March 28th, YU will come to our bookstore to hold a book signing event. This matter has been settled. Everyone, get moving, and follow the plan I set for you earlier. carry out."

The employees had no special reaction, but the readers were dumbfounded.

"What? YU is coming to hold a book signing? It's the 28th, damn it, it's already the 24th today."

"If it's true, you should be lucky because you heard the news ahead of time, and many people didn't know about it."

"Look, they took out the huge poster. It can't be fake."

"God, did YU finally come to Los Angeles to hold a signing event? The last signing event was in New York, and I didn't even attend it."

"The 28th turned out to be the middle of the week, why would someone hold a book signing in the middle of the week..."

"It seems that YU's new book will come out the day after tomorrow, so it's time to buy a new book."

"What's the name of the new book?"

""Fatal Identity", there is a poster at the door of the bookstore, didn't you pay attention to it?"

"It's been a long time since I came to the bookstore."

"No wonder, now there are posters of the new book in major bookstores, and many newspapers have also reported it."

"I heard that YU also designed a game for this book."

"I've also heard about it. I have a friend in New York who said there is a game club and the games are very fun."

"Is there any here in Los Angeles?"

"I haven't heard of it."



Although the time left for Jimmy is not long, the publicity work of the signing event is still very good.Among them, the YU reading club also played a vital role.

As soon as Jeff got the news, he quickly mobilized members to promote it.They also have a branch in Los Angeles, and they handed over the task that day.

Because the new book is released this time, and the signing will not be limited to books, readers are more interested in it, and the publicity work is relatively easy to do.

Langton Bookstore is the largest bookstore in Los Angeles, and they have a lot of customers, so their bookstore alone can attract many readers.

 Thank you [Supreme Supreme Autfo] for the 100 rewards
  Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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