Chapter 307 Appearance (million words)
When Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu went to ask Wu Changxin for leave, Wu Changxin agreed immediately.

The two of them have relatively few teaching tasks now, so asking for a few days off will not delay things at all.In fact, in Wu Changxin's view, as a well-known writer, Yu Dong rarely asks for leave.

It's the same wherever a writer is, very free, basically wherever he wants to go.There are many reasons, such as gathering folk songs, participating in activities, being invited to give lectures, and even academic exchanges.

However, the writers of Jinyi are different. Although Bi Feiyu is lazy, he does not sloppy in his work. Except for attending the exchange meeting before, he has basically never asked for leave.In addition to teaching, he also serves as the counselor of three classes, and usually has a lot of trivial matters.

In this way, Bi Feiyu is still keen on organizing sports activities, and often leads the students to play football games and volleyball games with Feng Ming.

As for Yu Hua and Ruan Xiaohu, two writers-in-residences, Yu Hua is better, and sometimes asks for leave... In fact, there is no need to ask for leave at all, and the writers-in-residence don't have to sit down for a job. They only need to inform the school when they leave for a long time .

As for Ruan Xiaohu, he just stayed at the school. If Wu Changxin wanted to find Ruan Xiaohu, basically he just had to go to the dormitory.In Wu Changxin's impression, Ruan Xiaohu had never been out of the dormitory.

Generally speaking, the four writers in their school don't like to socialize everywhere.

"You go to the Academy Awards, I'll do some publicity on campus." After the leave was approved, Wu Changxin said with a smile.

"It's all right. Even if it doesn't publicize, I believe that various newspapers will report it later."

Wu Changxin nodded, "That's the way, I might trouble you with something."

"Well, principal, tell me."

"It's like this. After the end of this semester, the directing major will enter the second year. My idea is to organize a few students to go to some crews to study on the spot. You have more resources in this regard. Can you help me and ask which crew is willing to accept. Of course, all expenses are paid by the school, and the students will not delay the filming."

After hearing this, Yu Dong laughed, "Principal Wu, you have invested a lot in this."

"How can there be development without investment? I also need your help, try to find some high-level crews, so that the students can see more." Wu Changxin said earnestly, "The school's directing major has just started, and the directors in our heads That string must be taut."

Yu Dong nodded, "I'll tell Yu Liang about this and ask them to help arrange it. I'll ask him to connect with you later."

This favor, Yu Dong will definitely help, it won't cost much, it will benefit both the school and the company, maybe one of these directors will come out in the future, and the company is also close to the water.

When Jimmy came here some time ago, he mentioned one thing, saying that he wanted to provide financial support to some potential directors in China.If you want to build an entertainment empire, an excellent director is an indispensable part. The earlier you lay out the layout, the lower the price you will pay in the future.

Giving charcoal in a timely manner is always more useful than icing on the cake.

For Jimmy's proposal, Yu Dong of course agrees with both hands.At that time, the first candidate that popped up in his mind was Jia Zhangke. This kid wanted to make a movie every day, but he had no funds. If he had the opportunity, he could ask the company to sponsor some money.


When Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu arrived in Los Angeles, they were greeted by the soft morning sunlight, or in other words, they followed the sun to Los Angeles.

The sun is still the same sun they saw in China yesterday, but it appears in a different place.

Because they will be staying for a while, they brought some luggage, but not much.However, Yu Dong also brought paper, ink and pen, thinking about writing in his free time.

When he was packing his luggage, Cheng Yanqiu still laughed at him, and he couldn't be free for just a few days.

Yu Dong replied, writing and writing, he became addicted again.

Practicing calligraphy in the early years was forced by my parents on the one hand, and on the other hand for the sake of face, which was somewhat unpleasant.

Now I started writing again, no one forced me, and I didn't care what others thought, I just focused on writing.

But he would also like to thank his parents for forcing him to write, which at least gave him a foundation. Now that he writes again, he will not be clueless, and save the most basic and painful stage.

Assistant Jiang Jie also came along, and this time he just took him to see the company in the United States.

Jimmy has been very busy these two days, so he didn't come to pick up Yu Dong, and sent a company employee to pick him up.

Go to the hotel first, take a comfortable shower, and then have breakfast.

After breakfast, the first person to meet Yu Dong was not Jimmy, but Romero.

It was the first time for Yu Dong to meet Romero in person. Romero was tall, not ordinary tall. It can be said that Romero should be the tallest among all the people Yu Dong had come into contact with.

Standing in front of Romero, Yu Dong, who is 1.8 meters tall, is a short man who needs to look up at him.

It was estimated to be two meters.

If Spielberg is there, it is estimated that he can only reach Romero's armpit.

It was also the first time Romero saw Yu Dong. He smiled and hugged Yu Dong, "YU, I have always wanted to see you, and today I finally got my wish."

In order to facilitate communication, Yu Dong called Jiang Jie to his side, but Yu Dong can handle these simple conversations, and Jiang Jie is not needed.

"Mr. Romero, I have always wanted to see you. I heard that "Resident Evil" has been finalized. Congratulations."

"It's not easy for "Resident Evil" to come out, and many things are more difficult to overcome than I imagined." Romero laughed, "However, the final result is good, I think, when you see the movie would be surprised. This time, we used a lot of technology."

"I believe that the final box office will also reward your efforts."

"It's all thanks to you. If it weren't for such an excellent original novel, the movie would be..."

The two had another wave of commercial bragging, and then Romero suddenly said, "It must be a good thing if the cycle of a series of movies can be shortened. If the time span is too long, the audience's desire for sequels may be wiped out. "

Romero didn't say it clearly, but the meaning is obvious. "Resident Evil" hasn't been released yet, and he is already staring at "Resident Evil 2".

Since he came to talk to Yu Dong about this matter, it proves that the previous communication with Jimmy was not very smooth.

"Mr. Romero, you have to go to Jimmy about this matter, I think you will have a pleasant exchange." Yu Dong smiled.

"YU, to tell you the truth, we have already had an exchange with Jimmy, but he doesn't want to simply sell us the film and television adaptation rights, but wants to invest."

"Isn't this a good thing for you? Mr. Romero, I know what you mean, but I have authorized all business matters to Jimmy. Like now, if you bypass him and go directly to me, I am afraid it will affect The cooperation between the two parties, if the Deep Space Corporation finally decides not to cooperate with you, this is probably not what you want to see."

Romero opened his mouth and said nothing, and Yu Dong continued, "Mr. Romero, let me tell you directly that there will be at least five "Resident Evil" series. You should understand that after a whole series is completed, the field of zombie themes may No one can beat you. And, as far as I know, you guys have priority over the sequel, so why worry?"

The room was silent for a while, and Romero didn't speak immediately. He thought that YU was a simple writer and should be easy to deal with, but after talking like this for a while, he realized that it was not the case.

Before Romero came, he was thinking about how strong the cooperation between YU and Jimmy was, and whether there was a possibility of dividing them.But now it seems that YU trusts Jimmy unconditionally, and doesn't even give him a chance to speak.

After pondering for a long time, Romero smiled again, "I will go to Jimmy again, and hope that my views with him can be unified."

"I'm sure it will."

After sending Romero away, Yu Dong went out with Cheng Yanqiu. They didn't have much time, so they had to act quickly, make the most of the time, and play a few more places.

The first stop they went to was Santa Monica. The weather was fine today, and they were going to enjoy the sea breeze.

According to Jimmy, the best season to visit Santa Monica is from April to October, but it's only the end of March, and there are already many tourists on the beach.

Yu Dong and the others did not rush down to the beach, but rented a bicycle and rode it on the coastal road.This coastal road is five or six miles long. In addition to the beach, there are also shops, restaurants, and picnic areas along the road, which are quite rich.

For this trip, Yu Dong specially bought a camera and spent a lot of money.

Cheng Yanqiu originally wanted him to take a photo of himself with his back against the coast, but Yu Dong couldn't do it after a long time of fiddling.He is a novice in photography, and he knows how to press the shutter. He doesn't know much about aperture and focal length.

"I was bragging just now."

Tired of posing, Cheng Yanqiu simply turned to look at the beach.

Yu Dong was about to make an excuse, when he looked up and saw Cheng Yanqiu's graceful silhouette.Railings, sea level, sunlight, everything seems to be in just the right place.

Another gust of wind blew, gently lifting Cheng Yanqiu's hair.

Yu Dong didn't bother to raise the camera anymore, and when he raised it, he was shooting wildly.

Hearing the sound of the shutter, Cheng Yanqiu turned his head, "Are you ready?"

Yu Dong smiled and flipped through the photos in the camera.

Not to mention, the shot is really good, the focus is not accurate, but there is a kind of hazy beauty.

"My wife is so pretty." No matter what else, it's right to praise first.

Cheng Yanqiu also ran over, looked at the photos, and was quite satisfied, but he still said unforgivingly, "A blind cat meets a dead mouse."

Yu Dong joked, "I'm a blind cat, who is a dead mouse?"

"Find a fight!"

Cheng Yanqiu made a gesture to hit Yu Dong, but Yu Dong hugged him and put him on the back seat of the bicycle. Then he also stepped forward, kicked the brace, and kicked his feet: "Come on, let's go shopping again. .”

At the same speed, Cheng Yanqiu could only honestly hug Yu Dong, put her face on Yu Dong's back, and enjoy the seaside scenery comfortably.

After eating at noon, the two walked around the third pedestrian street again.

Such a world-famous pedestrian street did not arouse Yu Dong's desire to shop, but Cheng Yanqiu's interest was aroused by a piano at the door when they passed by a piano store.

It was an old dark yellow piano that looked old, and the paint on some of the keys had peeled off, exposing the wood inside.

This piano should be specially set up by the store for passers-by to play.

When they saw the piano, a little boy about ten years old was sitting on the stool, playing "To Alice".

The little boy played well, at least Yu Dong thought it was good.

Apart from Yu Dong and the others, there were other people watching. It was obvious that they also thought the little boy played well.

When the little boy finished playing a song, the onlookers applauded one after another.The boy bowed to pay tribute, and someone told him to play another song, but he shook his head and left.

Seeing that they hadn't seen the show, the others wanted to leave one after another.

Cheng Yanqiu stared at the qin for a while, said to Yu Dong, "I'll go and feel the qin", and then ran to sit down.

Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu in surprise, but he didn't expect her to take the initiative.Cheng Yanqiu is not a showy person, probably he really became interested in this piano.

The onlookers who were about to leave just now stopped when they saw another person sitting in the past, wanting to see if there was another wonderful performance.

After Cheng Yanqiu sat down, he took a breath first, and then without any temptation, directly shot at the piano.

As soon as it came up, it was very fast - from Yu Dong's perspective, he couldn't see anything except fast.

The notes are very dense, and they are getting denser and stronger.

Even people who don't know how to do it can feel very powerful.

Yu Dong heard a low cry from around, the voice was full of surprises, all kinds of surprises, including old people's surprises, children's surprises, men's surprises, women's surprises, everyone's surprises.

The little boy who had just finished playing and left also came back. He didn't make any sound, but just stared blankly at the dancing fingers on the keys.

This song is difficult at the beginning, and even more difficult in the middle.Yu Dong felt that even if he pressed randomly, it was impossible to reach this speed.

After about three to four minutes of violent wind and rain, Cheng Yanqiu's performance ended, and warm applause broke out from around.

Yu Dong vaguely heard someone say that this must be a professional pianist.

Facing the applause, Cheng Yanqiu bent down to express his thanks, and then pulled Yu Dong to leave.The little boy ran over just now, "Ma'am, are you a professional pianist?"

Cheng Yanqiu laughed, "I'm a vocal teacher."

"Vocal music?" The little boy scratched his head, "Isn't he a piano teacher?"

"No, but I used to major in piano."

"So that's the case, are you from Korea?"

"I am Chinese."

Hearing that Cheng Yanqiu was Chinese, the little boy was obviously a little surprised. After a pause, he said, "Can you teach me how to play the piano? None of my teachers are as good as you."

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head and said, "I'm just traveling here with my husband, I'm afraid I can't teach you."

"Your husband?" The little boy looked at Yu Dong, and then said, "I'm very rich, and I can give you a lot of money."

Hearing this, the couple both laughed.

Seeing them laughing, the little boy frowned and said, "I'm really rich."

"We believe that you have money, but it has nothing to do with money. We will only stay here for a short time before returning to China." Cheng Yanqiu laughed.

"Okay." The little boy said regretfully, "May I know your name?"

"Of course, my name is Cheng Yanqiu."

"Appropriate..." the little boy read a sentence, and introduced himself, "My name is Jessica Johnson."

Yu Dong suddenly realized that he was wrong, the person in front of him was probably not a boy, but a girl.The point is that this child is wearing a small black suit, with short hair, parted crookedly, and combed greasy. He looks like a boy.

Cheng Yanqiu was also a little surprised, probably mistakenly thought that the other party was a boy.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party is really a boy, but with a girl's name.It's normal for a child of this age to be indistinguishable.

After passing the names, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu said goodbye to Jessica.From the beginning to the end, Jessica did not ask Yu Dong's name, probably because she was not interested in Dong.

After walking for a while, Yu Dong asked Cheng Yanqiu, "What's the name of the piece you played just now?"

"The Bell by Liszt."

"Oh, no wonder, I heard the feeling of the bell from the sound of the piano." Yu Dong said pretendingly.

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes at him, "You heard it called "The Bell", so you could tell it sounded like a bell."

"Hey, it's all the same." Yu Dong laughed and asked, "Why play this song?"

Cheng Yanqiu smiled slyly, "Because this song will make people feel very powerful."

Yu Dong nodded approvingly, "Indeed, it's very skillful."


The day's play ended soon. After returning to the hotel, Jimmy came over and discussed with Yu Dong what clothes to wear to the ceremony tomorrow, whether to wear makeup or not.

In the end, I decided on a decent suit, so makeup was naturally avoided.

The next afternoon, Yu Dong and Spielberg's car arrived at the entrance of the sacred auditorium. The road in front of the door was already crowded with cars, and people got off the car one after another.

It was the same for Yu Dong and the others after they got off the car, but Yu Dong purposely walked in the back, away from the reporters.

The red carpet is L-shaped, not very long, and it is full of stars and other film practitioners.The current red carpet is not as gorgeous as the later generations, it is ordinary and there are few links.

Because the red carpet is very crowded, there are basically no female stars wearing that kind of dress with tails, most of them are making a fuss about the chest, and each one is more revealing than the other.

With so many stars crowded on one road, Yu Dong was naturally not very eye-catching. He looked back at Spielberg who was chatting with someone, and instead of waiting for the other party, he quickened his pace and moved forward against the low wall inside. Walk.

On the way, Yu Dong met Morgan Freeman and Tom Hanks who were competing for Best Actor, and Jessica Langton and Jodie Foster who were competing for Best Actress.

In addition to these few, Yu Dong also met someone he knew, Quentin Tarantino, who is familiar with Chinese culture. His pure pronunciation and full of momentum "beautiful" is still fresh in Yu Dong's memory.

Just as Yu Dong stopped to see if he knew anyone else, he suddenly heard a voice calling from above his head: "YU, YU!"

Yu Dong looked up and saw a man standing on the wall calling him.

The low wall behind him is actually a slope with an aisle above it, full of spectators who come to join in the fun.

Yu Dong didn't expect that someone would recognize him.

He is different from those stars, he has never been on TV, nor has he had any photos taken, so not many people in the United States know what he looks like.But not many does not mean that there are no. When the signing event was held in New York, thousands of readers had seen him.

Now that he was recognized, he waved at the other party generously.

This waving didn't matter, many readers around heard that it was YU, and they also booed and shouted "YU, YU".

Although there were not many people, they shouted very vigorously, probably thinking that no one recognized Yu Dong, so they shouted louder on purpose to attract others' attention.

Don't say it, such a shout is really effective.Many celebrities who were also on the red carpet turned their heads to look at Yu Dong, and some reporters also pointed their cameras at him.

Quentin, not far from Yudong, was the first to run over, "Hello YU, I'm Quentin Tarantino."

The surroundings were in chaos, Quentin deliberately amplified the volume, and got very close, shaking Yu Dong's eardrums painfully.

"Hello." Yu Dong shook hands with Quentin.

"I love so much……"

As soon as Quentin said something, several reporters shouted: "Quentin, Quentin, YU, YU."

Hearing the reporters shouting, Quentin simply took Yu Dong's arm, "YU, let's go and take pictures first."

Most people are not really familiar with it the first time they see it, let alone pull someone's arm like this.But that's just unfamiliarity, otherwise Quentin would be able to drag Yu Dong over by his neck.

Yu Dong also followed to take a few photos. Some reporters wanted to ask questions, but Quentin and Yu Dong ignored them and continued to walk forward.

After walking to relatively few places, Quentin spoke again, "YU, I like your novels very much. Of course, I have only read two books. One is "Second World" because of the movie. The other It was "Fatal Identity", and I just passed by a bookstore and saw it, so I bought a copy. What I didn't expect was that I actually liked "Fatal Identity" more."

Yu Dong nodded. He was not surprised that Quentin preferred "Fatal Identity". Most of this guy's movies are crime thrillers, which are not suitable for children.

"However, I don't understand one thing. Why don't you add some kung fu elements to the novel? When I was reading the novel, I was always looking forward to the fighting plot. Unfortunately, I didn't wait for it." Quentin questioned.

Yu Dong explained with a smile, "Because I'm not good at it."

It's not just that he is not good at it, he actually doesn't think it would be better to add fighting plots in "Fatal Identity".

Quentin murmured, "If it is made into a movie, I think it would be better to add some fighting plots. For example, when the last one and six are five-killed, the design can be more complicated... Although the martial arts of the teacher and the students are very strange, but Aren't those all the fantasy personalities of the protagonist? Adding a little absurd plot to it will have a miraculous effect."

It is worth mentioning that when "Fatal Identity" was translated into English, Jimmy mentioned an idea, which was to change the background of the novel to the United States, and then make some changes to the plot.

In fact, the plot changes do not need too much, because there are relatively few Chinese symbols in "Fatal Identity".The reason why Jimmy made this suggestion was because he felt that the homonyms of the names used in the novel would be incomprehensible to readers in non-Chinese regions.

If it can be changed to an American background, the characters can be named after the ancient Roman gods who named Monday to Sunday, which will make it easier for non-Chinese readers to understand.

However, in the end, this was not done, but a note was made at the end of the book.

Quentin saw the annotation, so he used numbers to refer to the characters.

Although Yu Dong didn't quite agree with Quentin's statement, he still nodded, "Well, your proposal is very interesting."

Later, when they entered the auditorium, the two of them separated without sitting together. Before leaving, Quentin said, "I'm going to China this year, and I'll find you when it's over."

Yu Dong nodded, "Okay."

Once the awards show starts, it gets boring.The auditorium is very large, but due to the limitation of the times, the stage effect is very mediocre, and Yu Dong's English level can only support simple daily communication.Others, whether it was a joke made by the host or a joke made by the award presenter, there were many that he couldn't understand.

Yu Dong sat with several producers of "Second World", sometimes they all laughed, only Yu Dong didn't laugh.

Ordinary people might follow others and pretend to smile, but Yu Dong didn't.

After the awards presenter announced that "Second World" won the award for the best art direction and prop arrangement, several members of the production team pushed Yu Dong up because he was in the "Second World" art direction and props advisory group. people.

This award, logically speaking, belonged to Yu Dong.

Being pushed, Yu Dong also went up.

Spielberg also went up, and he was quite happy, because he knew that if he could not win the grand prize, he could win one of the other awards.

There were quite a few people going up, five or six of them. Yu Dong stood behind Spielberg, thinking that he could pass by with soy sauce, Spielberg suddenly pointed at Yu Dong when he was happy and said, "This movie The reason why the film won this award is due to YU's great contribution."

Spielberg also deliberately gave way to show Yu Donglu to the audience.Yu Dong didn't want to lose face, and smiled at the people and the camera below, as a greeting.

However, Spielberg just mentioned Yu Dong, and did not let Yu Dong speak.He wanted Yu Dong to come over and say a few words, but considering that he didn't say it in advance, he was afraid that Yu Dong would not perform well if he was not prepared, so he didn't let Yu Dong speak rashly.

This was also the only time Yu Dong appeared on stage throughout the night, and he watched the ceremony from the audience at other times.

The biggest winner of this year's Oscars is "Forrest Gump", which was shortlisted for [-] categories and finally won five categories, among which the most important Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor were all won by it.

However, in terms of quantity, "Second World" is slightly better, because it won six awards in one fell swoop, namely Best Visual Effects, Best Art Direction\Props and Sets, Best Original Soundtrack, and Best Costume Design , best sound effects, best makeup.

Although the sum of these awards is not as good as other people's best picture, you can make a fuss when promoting it later, and the news headline can write ""Second World" became the biggest Oscar winner, winning six awards in one fell swoop, overwhelming "Forrest Gump" Biography", if people who don't know why read this news, they must think that "Second World" swept the Oscars this year.

In fact, "Second World" won six awards, Yu Dong was quite surprised, after all, the subject matter of the movie is not flattering.Originally, he estimated that it would be good to get two to three, but he didn't expect to double it.

In these awards, apart from the fact that the best visual effects are stable, it is hard to say anything else.For example, the best soundtrack, this year's "The Lion King" soundtrack is pretty good, and it was originally favored by film critics, but in the end it lost to "Second World".

The best costume design may be because there are more original designs of clothes in "Second World", so I gave them the award.

The best art direction/props and scenery was given to "Second World", which is the most unexpected. Don't look at the word props in this award, it is actually an art award, and it is usually awarded to those movies with aesthetic tension in the scenery .

After the awards ceremony, some people were happy and some were sad, but the dinner that followed was quite satisfying.Quentin walked up to Yu Dong with two glasses of wine, and gave him one, "The food tonight is very good, much better than previous years."

Yu Dong took the wine glass and asked him, "Have you been here before?"

Quentin suddenly smiled, and patted Yu Dong on the shoulder, "You are the first person to ask me this question tonight, and you are indeed the one who wrote "Fatal Identity". Your observation ability is good."

The wine in Yu Dong's hand was almost spilled by Quentin's slap. The key is that he just asked casually, because it was his first time here, and it had nothing to do with observation skills.

But Quentin thinks so. He said excitedly, "Many people are too lazy to think proactively and like to follow blindly. And often only those who don't follow blindly can finally succeed."

To be honest, Yu Dong didn't think of what "follow like sheep" meant at first, and it was only after he heard it that he realized that it meant blindly following.

"YU, I'm going to China with the film festival this year. If I have time, I'll find you. Do you have any contact information for me?"

Yu Dong thought for a while, took out a pen and a small notebook from his pocket, and wrote his landline number and mobile phone number to Quentin: "When you arrive in China, you can call these two numbers to find me."

Quentin happily put away the number, and then said goodbye to Yu Dong, "We'll talk next time when I have time, I'm going to find someone else, I wish you a pleasant night."

"You too."

After Quentin left, Yu Dong quietly held the wine glass by himself, occasionally finding something to put in his mouth.He noticed that there were several people around who wanted to come up to say hello to him, but they never came.

Probably because no one introduced him, so I was embarrassed to come here. Not everyone is as familiar as Quentin.It would be better if Yu Dong was an American, but the key point is that he is a Chinese, and others don't know how Yu Dong's English is.

After a while, a female star in a black dress came over.When she arrived in front of Yu Dong, she introduced herself: "Hello Yu, I'm Winona Ryder."

Yu Dong recalled for a while, and remembered who the other party was. She was the heroine in "Edward Scissorhands", but Yu Dong's impression of her also stayed in the movie "Edward Scissorhands".

The Winona Ryder in front of her had long black hair and stiff eyebrows, which was very different from the image in the movie.Speaking of which, Yu Dong and Winona still have some intersections, because Winona is also the heroine of "Resident Evil".

Although she was not selected by Yu Dong to be the heroine, Jimmy did show Yu Dong the information of several candidates when deciding the role before, and Yu Dong also thought that Winona was the most suitable.

It was precisely because of this relationship that Winona came to say hello to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong responded with a smile, "Nice to meet you."

Winona was relieved to hear that Yu Dong could speak English well. She was worried just now, if Yu Dong's English was not good, how would they communicate? Would it be embarrassing.

She also hesitated whether to come and say hello, but as the heroine of the movie adapted from the other's novel, since she met her, she should come up to say hello.

"I heard from Director Romero that your new book has just been released, and there will be a signing event tomorrow. Congratulations."

"Thank you, I have seen your "Edward", you and Johnny Depp's performances are very good."

Hearing Yu Dong's praise, Winona still had a smile on her face, but the smile was a bit strange, Yu Dong also noticed it, and was still wondering if she said a word wrong.Or, because she doesn't know the word scissorhands, is she offended by calling the movie Edward?Not so.

Winona quickly adjusted her expression and said, "I will definitely buy a copy of your new book when I have time. I hope to see you again this time next year, so I will excuse you."

"Okay, see you later."

After Winona left, Yu Dong still couldn't figure out what he said wrong. The other party was obviously interested in chatting with him at first.

But he couldn't figure it out, so he didn't want to think about it, it was sad.

Maybe it was because Winona also came to chat with Yu Dong, and then other people also ran over. There were directors and actors, some of whom Yu Dong knew, and some of whom had no impression at all.

The Oscar dinner is for them to socialize, so everyone is unwilling to miss the opportunity.

The global box office of "Second World" just exceeded one billion US dollars a few days ago, and it has officially become the No.

You know, Yu Dong has more than one bestseller.Another "Resident Evil" is about to be released. The whole film circle is paying attention to this movie. Everyone wants to see if Romero, the father of zombies, can make a comeback with this movie. They also want to see Yu Dong's novel is It doesn't really have such a deep impact on the box office.

Still, the success of "Second World" mainly depends on Universal and Spielberg.

In addition, anyone who knows a little bit about the book market knows what the name YU has represented since the year before last. Without it, there are only two words: Bestseller.

Throughout the dinner, Yu Dong was meeting various people. At the end of the dinner, his stomach was empty and he didn't eat anything.

After the dinner party, when Yu Dong returned to the hotel, it was already eleven o'clock, and Cheng Yanqiu hadn't slept yet.When Yu Dong went back, she excitedly showed Yu Dong the camera: "I saw you on TV, and I took a picture of you."

Yu Dong stretched out his head to look, the photo was very blurry, and he was taken in a daze.In the photo, he's standing right behind Spielberg, giggling.

"This photography technology is amazing." Yu Dong gave a thumbs up, "It's just that the equipment is not very good, which affects the performance of the photographer."

Cheng Yanqiu pinched Yu Dong's arm, "I'm not serious, it's because I took the photo too hastily, otherwise it wouldn't be so blurry."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "There is a rebroadcast on this TV, if you think the photo was not taken well, go back and watch the rebroadcast before taking a picture."

"I don't want it. This photo truly records the first time I saw you on TV. It has a different meaning." Cheng Yanqiu put the camera in his arms, as if protecting some treasure.

Yu Dong chuckled, and held Cheng Yanqiu in his arms, "What's so good about watching it on TV? In reality, you can not only watch it, but also touch it."

Cheng Yanqiu pushed him out, "Hurry up and take a bath."


Dan Brown also watched the live broadcast of the Academy Awards ceremony tonight. He only focused on two awards throughout the ceremony, that is, the best original soundtrack and the best original song.

He is more optimistic about "The Lion King" and "Second World".

Speaking of the movie "Second World", he didn't plan to watch it before, but someone told him that there are many original songs and original soundtracks in it, so he paid special attention to it.The man didn't lie to him, there are indeed many original songs and soundtracks, and not many.

Those hit charts that appear in the movie are all new songs that the production team spent money to find someone to make.

But while watching live TV, Dan Brown suddenly found a familiar face... In fact, there are many familiar faces on TV, but this familiar face is different.

The young man on the TV was exactly what he met in the record store in Hollywood last year. Later, Howard, the owner of the store, said that this young man even bought his album.

But I didn't expect to see him again, it was on TV.

And he turned out to be YU.

Now that he has watched "Second World", Dan Brown naturally knows more about this movie, knowing that the original novel was written by a person named YU.

His fiancée, Bryce, came in with a fruit plate. Seeing him staring at the TV in a daze, she asked with a smile, "What's the matter, are you not satisfied with the results of the awards?"

"No, I know this person..."

Dan Brown pointed to the TV, but found that the picture had been cut away, and YU in the TV was also missing.

"Who do you know?" Bryce asked.

Dan Brown scratched his hair, "YU, I know YU."

Bryce asked unexpectedly, "Did YU also attend the awards ceremony? I heard that he is a very young guy, is it true?"

"It's true." Dan Brown nodded, "I met him before, do you still remember the time I came back and told you that I met an Asian guy and bought my album?"

Bryce showed a surprised expression, "Don't tell me, that's YU."

"But he is indeed YU."

"Are you sure you're right? Asians all look alike, maybe they just look alike."

Dan Brown shook his head, "No, I remember very clearly, it's him."

Of course I remember it clearly, it was an embarrassing experience, and it was impressive.

Bryce still couldn't believe it, she thought about it, and said, "It's actually very easy to prove, I just ask someone to ask."

Bryce is not kidding, she does have this ability.As the director of the Creative Arts Department of the National Academy of Composition, Bryce has a very wide network in Los Angeles.Otherwise, there would be no ability to help Dan Brown hold events and make albums.



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  Thank you [Yue Yin Xing Zang Nong] for the 100 rewards
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(End of this chapter)

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