Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 308 Maybe it can also be made into a movie

Chapter 308 Maybe it can also be made into a movie

Between two strangers, only five people are needed to know each other. American social psychologist Milgram 60s proposed such a theory and named it the theory of six degrees of separation.

Although this theory cannot be proved to be completely correct, in reality, in most cases, it does take less than five people to know another person.

Bryce contacted Yu Dong through only two people. She first approached the famous musician Kenny Rogers and asked if he could help contact Spielberg. She wanted to contact Yu Dong through Spielberg.

But coincidentally, Kenny Rogers knew Jimmy and still had Jimmy's phone number.Kenny Rogers directly gave Bryce Jimmy's number, and Bryce called Jimmy.

When he received the call, Jimmy and Yu Dong had just arrived at Langton Bookstore.

Hearing that the other party wanted to find Yu Dong, Jimmy covered the microphone and said to Yu Dong, "Bryce, the director of the Art Creation Department of the National Academy of Composition, said he wanted to talk to you."

"Bryce?" Yu Dong was a little puzzled, he couldn't figure out where he could connect with the other party: "Did you say what it was for?"

"Let me ask."

After Jimmy asked a question on the phone, he covered the receiver again, "She wants to ask you if you know a man named Dan Brown."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "I really know her, what is her relationship with Dan Brown?",

"Now that we know each other, let's talk about it."

Yu Dong nodded, took the phone, and said, "Hi, I'm YU."

Bryce was wondering how Jimmy should stop and stop, but then he heard Yu Dong's voice and said unexpectedly, "Hi Yu, I didn't expect you to be right next to me."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's also a coincidence that I have only been in the United States for two days, and today I happened to be holding a book signing, so I was with Jimmy. I heard you mentioned Dan Brown. Why do you know Dan Brown? Is it?"

"I'm his fiancée." Bryce laughed.

This guy is going to get married, Yu Dong smiled, "I bought an album of his at a record store in Hollywood, because the music is very special, so it left a deep impression on me."

Bryce was stunned, her fiancé remembered correctly, the person who bought his album at that time was YU.

"YU, will your signing be in Los Angeles, is it convenient for us to meet you?"

Yu Dong was also taken aback, what other good things are there?He had been thinking about how to find Dan Brown before, but he didn't expect this to come to his door.

"Of course, but I may not be able to give you too much time. Well, my signing is about to start. If you want to come, you can call Jimmy on this number."

"Okay, we'll definitely get there."

Yu Dong returned the phone to Jimmy, and Jimmy asked, "Isn't that Dan Brown the down-and-out musician we met in Hollywood last time?"

"That's right, this Bryce is his fiancée."

Jimmy shook his head in disbelief, "He has such a fiancée and is doing so badly, which shows that my judgment is still okay. He is unlikely to make a name for himself in music. Dong, if you want to get involved in the music industry, I will introduce you later. A few well-known musicians for you."

Yu Dong laughed, "Are you afraid that I don't understand music and mess around?"

"Look at what you said, I have [-]% trust in your aesthetics." Jimmy changed the subject again, "Let's go, the autograph session is about to start, and there are no fewer people here today than last time."

Yu Dong took a look at the queue outside. Indeed, it was only after eight o'clock, and the readers had already lined up outside the bookstore.

The Langton Bookstore is much more spacious than the Little Bear Bookstore, and there are three to five hundred people lined up around it.

The two walked towards the signing table, and Jimmy said again, "I think you have to make a world tour signing event, and come up with a theme name for the signing event."

"It's not a concert, what is the theme name, and I don't have much time to hold a signing event."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have much time, let's put the name of the global tour signing meeting first. The global tour... sounds amazing, even readers who don't know you will know it as soon as they hear it is a global signing tour You are a great writer known all over the world."

Yu Dong had already sat down at the moment, and while adjusting the chair, he listened to Jimmy saying that this time Random Books had bought a chair of good quality, and it was very comfortable to sit on.

Jimmy continued: "I will organize a feedback event with publishing houses and bookstores from all over the world. A survey form will be attached to the new batch of printed books. Readers can fill out the survey form and send it to the publishing house. The number of questionnaires received by various regions will determine whether to go to the local signing event.”

Yu Dong laughed and said, "Questionnaires are easy to forge. Others just need to copy them."

"No." Jimmy shook his head, "Each questionnaire has a specific number, and the paper is oil-colored paper. If you want to forge it, you need to find a special printing factory and re-typeset, and if the printed number is the same as the one sent by someone else It will become invalid. Of course, the most critical issue is that the total number of books sold in many regions is only so many, even if someone forges it, it cannot exceed the total number of books sold.”

Yu Dong finally understands that Jimmy is not worried about other people's forgery at all, because what he finally looks at is the local sales of books.To put it bluntly, this trick is just to stimulate sales.

Some people may think that it is not necessary to go to such a trouble, just tell the readers which region sells well and just go there to hold a signing meeting.But in this way, it is too straightforward and utilitarian, and readers may be disgusted. It is much gentler to change to the questionnaire.

"You, the routine reader is good at it." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Jimmy laughed, "I'm not a routine reader. I'm working for them. Without me for this activity, they want you to go to their place to hold a book signing. I don't know that it will take until the year of the monkey. That's the deal. It will definitely take some time for this event to produce results, and it just allows us to slowly plan a route."

"Okay, just do as you say."

After Jimmy left, Cheng Yanqiu walked over holding a thermos cup, which probably contained the health-preserving tea she made.After getting married, she began to like to study some things in the kitchen, but usually there is no place for her to experiment, so she settled for the next best thing and started to study some health teas.

This thing is simple, just have a kettle to make it.

Yu Dong didn't count in detail, but he had drunk at least twenty kinds of health-preserving tea during this period, such as wolfberry tea, candied date tea, white fungus tea, reed rhizome honey tea, orange black tea...

Some are good, some are terrible.But what the daughter-in-law does is a good medicine.

"What tea is today?"

Looking at the vacuum flask, Yu Dong suddenly remembered a line from "Forrest Gump": Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like.

If you let Yu Dong say, life is like health tea, you never know what's in the next pot.

Cheng Yanqiu opened the lid of the cup, and slapped the smell towards Yu Dong with his hand, "Smell it."

Yu Dong sniffed and guessed: "It has a faint smell of candied dates, goji berries, there must be goji berries, seems to have ginseng."

Cheng Yanqiu laughed, "It's as if it's true, there's nothing in it. I didn't find any materials, so I poured you a pot of plain water."

"There's nothing wrong with it. My wife made it. Even plain water can taste like sugar."

"Bullshit." Cheng Yanqiu gave Yu Dong a sweet look, "Go ahead, I'll find a place to read."

Yu Dong looked at his wife's back with a smile, then beckoned someone to let readers in, and the autograph session officially began.

According to Yu Dong's practice, the first reader always gets special treatment, and this time is no exception. He took a pen and wrote on the title page: Life is like boiled water. What it tastes like depends on the person who drinks it.

"Friend, what's your name?"

"My name is Bai Juyi, YU."

"What?" Yu Dong looked at the blonde young man in front of him in surprise. His pronunciation was not standard, but he could still hear "Bai Juyi".

"Bai Juyi." He probably thought he couldn't pronounce it well, so he repeated it again, and then explained, "Because you and I started to like Chinese culture, so I asked my Chinese friend to give me a Chinese name. He told me this name Very nice, symbolizing purity and abundance."

Purity and abundance...isn't it, pure, white!Abundance, Juyi!

"Very good." Yu Dong nodded, and continued to write on the title page: To Bai Juyi.

Returning the book to the other party, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Come on, if you like Chinese culture, you can go to China for a walk. If there is a chance to meet again, next time I will introduce you to another Bai Juyi."

"Another Bai Juyi?" Bai Juyi scratched his head, not understanding what he meant, but Yu Dong said that he would meet again next time, which made him very excited, "I will definitely work hard."

The first reader is Bai Juyi, who brought Yu Dong a good mood. At the same time, he is also looking forward to whether Li Bai, Fan Zhongyan and the like will appear later, so today he gave a lot of special signs, just to ask what they are called name.

But it's a pity that Li Bai and the others didn't come for just Bai Juyi.


Around noon, Bryce and Dan Brown went to the bookstore together.

Yu Dong happened to be a little tired, so he stopped to rest for a while, just in time to meet them.

When seeing Bryce, Yu Dong was a little surprised. Although the other person was in good condition and had a good temperament, it could be seen that he should be 40 years old.

Yu Dong couldn't remember how old Dan Brown was, but Dan Brown was standing in front of Yu Dong now, no matter how you looked at it, he was only about thirty, and there was probably at least ten years of age difference between the two.

Yu Dong didn't know anything about Dan Brown's private life. He had only read Dan Brown's works, so he didn't know whether Dan Brown was with Bryce later.

Seeing Yu Dong, Bryce was very enthusiastic. He shook hands with Yu Dong first, and then introduced him, "This is Dan Brown..."

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "Bryce, no need to introduce, you know, I met Dan Brown."

Then Yu Dong took the initiative to shake hands with Dan Brown, "Long time no see."

Today's Dan Brown hasn't written a novel yet, and he doesn't do well in the music industry, and he is in a depressed mood. If Bryce hadn't pulled him over, he probably wouldn't have come to see Yu Dong.

Bryce has always believed that Dan Brown is talented in art, so whenever he has the opportunity, he sells Dan Brown everywhere. This time he came to find Yu Dong, but he didn't have any specific purpose. He just wanted to follow Yu Dong, who is now A popular best-selling author in the film and television industry hooks up.

After the meeting, Bryce and Yu Dong were chatting most of the time, and Dan Brown just listened quietly.The things that Bryce and Yu Dong talked about were not very nutritious, because the two were not in the same circle, and it was impossible for Bryce to talk about music with Yu Dong. At most, he would mention Dan Brown's album.

At other times, Bryce was praising Yu Dong's novel. Yu Dong wanted to praise it back, but he didn't know what to praise. He only knew that Bryce was the director of the creation department of the National Academy of Composition, and he didn't know anything else.Praise Dan Brown, you can only praise his album, too much and it seems fake.

After 15 minutes, Bryce took the initiative to leave. He knew that Yu Dong was busy today, and there were still many readers waiting outside.

Yu Dong smiled and sent them out of the office, and then said to Dan Brown, "Mr. Brown, I am not usually in the United States. If you want to find me, you can go through Jimmy. You have seen Jimmy, the one who was with me last time Americans, you also have a number. I believe that your artistic talent, like Bryce, may just have not been well developed for the time being."

Such words seemed like polite words, but Dan Brown was still grateful: "Thank you, YU."

Yu Dong is special to him, because Yu Dong is the first celebrity who bought his album without knowing his relationship with Bryce. Such affirmation is an extraordinary encouragement to him.He once lost confidence in music before, if it weren't for Bryce, he would have even given up on music.

Meeting Yu Dong this time, although he didn't say a few words, it made him regain his confidence in music.

After sending away Dan Brown, the signing will continue.

Cheng Yanqiu occasionally came to add some hot water to Yu Dong.

About drinking hot water, Ron didn't quite understand it, because he had never seen anyone around him who usually drank hot water. Isn't cold water better?

However, Ron still respected Yu Dong's habits, prepared hot water for him, and took over the job of adding hot water to Yu Dong at the same time, but seeing Cheng Yanqiu going to add hot water to Yu Dong, he didn't bother him anymore .

He was laughing at the long queue at this time. Not surprisingly, he should be able to sell at least [-] copies of Yu Dong's novel today.

Of course, this is all secondary. The key point is that their Langton Bookstore is the second in the United States, and the first bookstore in Los Angeles to hold a signing event in the East.

Moreover, Yu Dong also agreed to leave some signed books for them as event prizes after the autograph session is over.

Of course, the best seller at this signing event was the new book "Fatal Identity", followed by "Second World".

He has already finished reading "Fatal Identity", and he was quite shocked, not only by the reversal at the end, but also by the wonderful perspective in the novel.

YU's writing style has always been a mystery, he seems to like to do some experiments, from "Resident Evil" to this "Fatal Identity", his style has been changing.

Or maybe it's not a change, it's more like... There's this warrior who has all kinds of weapons in his arsenal, and he only uses them when the time is right.

Of course, some people speculate that the reason for the difference is because the translators have different styles, maybe YU's original style is very uniform.


Martin Scorsese also attended this year's Academy Awards, having traveled from Las Vegas, where he was filming his new film "Casino."

The next morning, he went to Universal Pictures, and he needed to talk to the company about some movie matters.

As soon as I entered the company, I met Joe James, the director of the marketing department, who was holding a book in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

Seeing Martin, Joe greeted with a smile, "Hey, Martin, is the budget for "Casino" not enough?"

Martin also laughed and said, "If your marketing department can help the movie get a few more advertisements, I won't worry about funding."

"Didn't we advertise a watch for you before? We've tried our best."

Martin narrowed his eyes, "What book are you reading?"

Qiao smiled and raised the book in his hand, "YU's new book "Fatal Identity", maybe our company will vote for this novel in the future, I will read it in advance to prepare."

"You can always talk about being lazy in a very high-sounding way."

Of course Martin knew about YU, and he had seen her last night. He thought about going to chat with YU during the dinner, but in the end he didn't go because he met too many friends and there were many people around YU.

After thinking about it, he asked again, "Is it pretty?"

"I just bought it too, and the boys in the planning department said it was very good. Since our company filmed "Second World", many people in the company have become fans of YU's books. I heard that YU is signing books today, A lot of people want to ask for leave."

Hearing what Joe said, Martin became interested, "I'll go to business first, and you can lend me the book later."

"I haven't read this book yet..."

After finishing the business, Martin went to Joe, and the latter threw a copy of "Fatal Identity" to him, "I borrowed a copy from the planning department for you, you read it first, but remember to return it."

Martin shook his head, "The one I took is yours, and the one in your hand was borrowed from the planning department."

After speaking, Martin took the book and left.

Joe rolled his eyes in the office, this Martin takes advantage of everything.

Martin returned home with Fatal Identity, sat down comfortably in the soft chair by the bed, and began to read.

After watching for a while, Martin suddenly felt that the surroundings were gloomy, but when he looked up, it was still sunny outside, and he realized that it was not the gloomy weather in reality, but that the novel was too gloomy.

If this novel is compared to a house, then this house should have no windows and no doors.There is a black ceiling, which is very high, and there are also black walls on all sides, only one wall has a crack that is not too big.

Looking out from this slit, you can see a glimmer of light, but it's just light, and you can't see anything else.

Although there is no particularly horrifying plot in the novel, there is an invisible force between the lines. This force pulls people to a place where you can't see your fingers. It is quiet, and you can only hear footsteps coming from nowhere. Voice.

It is just such simple footsteps that can arouse all the emotions of the readers.

The description and details of the characters' psychology in this novel are incredible, which somewhat subverts Martin's imagination.Because his previous understanding of YU was limited to the two books "Resident Evil" and "Second World". Although he has never read these two books, he has some understanding.

He thought Yu Dong was a purely commercial novelist, but he didn't expect his novels to be so delicate.

When Martin finished watching the ending, he suddenly patted his thigh: "It turned out to be like this."

He originally thought that what this novel wanted to discuss was family, school violence, and adolescence, but he didn't expect to turn to split personality in the end.

But if you think about it carefully, the foreshadowing has indeed been laid before.Although they are different in age, gender, and identity, these characters really feel like one person.

If this novel were made into a movie...

Martin suddenly had such an idea, and he couldn't stop once this idea came out. He even found a notebook and a pen and began to record his inspiration.

How to change here, how to design there.If this novel is to be adapted into a movie, it must not be copied according to the original work, otherwise it will definitely die a miserable death.Many psychological descriptions in the book cannot be shown in movies at all. Martin needs to conceive more plots to make the movie full.

Changing and changing like this, before I knew it, it was already night.Looking at the night, Martin suddenly patted his head, what was he thinking, since "Casino" was only filmed, there was no time to worry about the next plan.

 Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [lvliang1976] for the 100 reward
  In a while, I will figure out how to get the monthly pass extra, and I will make some extra for you to see.
(End of this chapter)

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