Chapter 31 Saved 20 Yuan

On the morning of the [-]rd, Yu Dong went to the "Zhongshan" magazine.

Because he has been here twice, many people in the club know about Yu Dong, so when he passed by this time, the editors who were working took the initiative to greet him.

"Teacher Yu is here."

Yu Dong also responded with a smile. When walking past the deputy editor's office, He Yongle sat behind the desk and looked towards the door. Yu Dong met his eyes and simply said hello: "He is busy. what."

He Yongle nodded, ""Mending the Sky" is very good."

"Thank you, thank you."

"Come to Editor-in-Chief Su, you can go over there. If you have time, come here and sit down after a while."

Yu Dong agreed immediately: "Okay."

Then he gestured to He Yongle, turned and entered the editor-in-chief's office. Su Tong was pouring water, and when he heard footsteps, he said with his back to Yu Dong: "You happened to be in time, and I just poured you a glass."

Holding two glasses of water, Su Tong asked Yu Dong to sit down, "I thought you would come the day before yesterday."

Yu Dong took the water and said with a smile, "I originally wanted to come here the day before yesterday, but there are a lot of things going on at school in the past two days, so I didn't find the time."

Su Tong burrowed into the sofa and lit a cigarette, "I made the decision to publish "Mending the Sky" in advance, mainly because of the issue of space. Mr. Wang and the others are not short. It's all in one issue, and it's a bit crowded. Now it seems that my decision is correct, and I can arrange a good position for you to publish in advance, which is better for the publicity of the work, and the response of the novel is really good. "

Yu Dong was a little surprised: "It's only been more than two days, and the company has received feedback?"

In today's era, information dissemination is slow, and collection is even slower. It is difficult for newspapers to get feedback on sales so quickly, let alone readers' opinions.

Unlike later generations, when an article is sent out, feedback can be obtained online within one minute.

Su Tong sat up and lit some cigarettes in the ashtray, then slid back into the sofa, "I received two calls from Ma Yuan and Yu Hua yesterday evening. I'm very interested in you."

Yu Dong was not surprised that Ma Yuan and Yu Hua contacted Su Tong, because all three of them have a common label - avant-garde writers.

Perhaps when someone mentions avant-garde literature, the first person that comes to mind will be Yu Hua or Ye Zhaoyan.

But for those who really experienced the period of avant-garde literature in the 80s, Ma Yuan is definitely the most important figure in the avant-garde, and it can even be said that he is the originator of the avant-garde.

In 84, he published "The Goddess of the LS River", which is considered by many to be the pioneering work of the avant-garde. It was only after this novel that people realized that the focus of the novel was not necessarily "what to write", but also "what to write". how to write".

In fact, according to Yudong, the avant-garde is not a literary genre, because it does not have the core that a literary genre should have.

Looking at the novels of these representatives of the avant-garde, we can see that their works do not have a unified style or the same theme, but they are more novel in technique than relatively traditional novels.

The avant-garde has its progress, but it also has great limitations, so it is only a short-lived carnival in the history of Chinese literature.

Yu Dong's previous article on "Harvest" pointed out the shortcomings of avant-garde literature, which is why Su Tong paid so much attention to him.

However, Yu Dong pointed out the shortcomings of avant-garde literature, but it does not mean that he is denying avant-garde literature. On the contrary, he believes that a novel and in-depth exploration of literature by Chinese authors of avant-garde literature is a perfection for the Chinese literary world.

Subsequent events also proved Yu Dong's idea.When these avant-garde writers are no longer avant-garde, they can produce better works, such as Su Tong's "Wives and Concubines" and Yu Hua's "Alive".

Yu Dong quoted Saussure, the founder of structuralism, in his article "Harvest": language is like a thin piece of paper, thoughts are on the front, and sounds are on the back, we can't cut the front without simultaneously cutting the back. , also in language, we cannot take the sound away from the thought, nor the thought away from the sound.

When it comes to avant-garde literature, the same is true of "how to write" and "what to write".

This time, Ma Yuan and Yu Hua called Su Tong for themselves, but Yu Dong really didn't expect that "Mending the Sky" would attract their attention.

"Mr. Ma, they shouldn't know about the article I posted on Harvest?" Yu Dong asked.

Su Tong smiled and looked at Yu Dong, "Why, I'm afraid they will be careful. They didn't know about it before, but I told them about it. In fact, their views on the narrative structure have changed a little from before. If You should have seen Yu Hua's new work "Shouting in the Drizzle" this year, that he put a lot of thought into his characters and no longer only cares about his own narrative skills like before."

Yu Hua's new book, Yu Dong hasn't read it yet in this life, but he read it several times in the previous life. Indeed, as Su Tong said, in this work, Yu Hua has made great changes.

This work is also considered to be Yu Hua's transformational work.

Yu Dong has seen Yu Hua's interview. When asked about the transformation, Yu Hua's answer is this: I found that the characters in my writing began to resist the oppression of my narrative. They strongly demanded their voices, and I gave in. .

"Haha, I'm afraid, but just like what you said, the current situation is different from before, and everyone's understanding of avant-garde literature has changed a lot." Yu Dong smiled and took a sip from the water glass.

After Su Tong finished smoking one cigarette, he was about to light another cigarette, but suddenly stopped and put the cigarette back into the cigarette case.

He turned to pick up the water glass and took a sip, "They appreciate "Mending the Sky" very much. Listen to me that you and I are from the same school. You are only in your early 20s this year. You don't believe me. If I lie to them, I have time Must see you. I said I'd bet them ten bucks, but they wouldn't agree."

Yu Dong laughed: "Brother, you have earned 20 yuan less."

Su Tong shook his head, "No, I saved 20 yuan."

"How do you say that?" Yu Dong wondered.

"Because I also told them that Yu Dong is a woman and a beautiful woman."

"Pfft—" Yu Dong just spit out a sip of water from his mouth, "Senior brother, you're joking..."

"Haha, so maybe Yu Hua and the others still want to meet a great beauty in the literary world in the future. I must be by your side when you meet. It must be interesting to see their expressions."

Yu Dong rubbed his forehead, Su Tong looked like a kind person, but he was also full of bad water.

 Thanks to [Luohanhua] for the 10100 reward and become the first helmsman of this book

  Thank you [-God-Word-] for the 1500 reward
  Thanks for the 1500 reward of [Moon Hidden Star Hidden Night Cong]
  These two are old friends from the last book.
  There is also a 100 reward thanks to [Dawn Light]
  Thank you guys, I will add another chapter today and another chapter tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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