Chapter 32 Mask
After sitting in Su Tong's office for a while, Yu Dong got up and said goodbye, "Senior brother, you are also busy, so I won't disturb you."

Su Tong was really busy, so he didn't stay in the east, just said: "If you have more manuscripts, just submit to "Zhongshan", it's closer here, it's more efficient than other agencies, and it's very difficult to pass. Get feedback soon."

Although Su Tong didn't point it out, Yu Dong also knew what "other societies" he was referring to.

"Okay, I remember." Yu Dong nodded, and pointed to the next door, "I saw Editor-in-chief He when I came here just now, and I made an appointment to visit."

"Go." Su Tong took out a cigarette and lit it.

Yu Dong smiled knowingly and stepped out of Su Tong's office. Obviously, he influenced Su Tong to smoke while he was there.

Probably because Wang Anyi mentioned it last time, so now Su Tong is somewhat scruples when smoking in front of Yudong.

The deputy editor's office was open, and Yu Dong raised his hand and knocked.

He Yongle, who was writing at his desk, looked up to see Yu Dong, and got up with a smile: "Have you finished chatting with Editor-in-Chief Su?"

"He is also very busy, and he does not dare to waste his time too much."

"It's been really busy in the club recently." He Yongle walked to the cabinet and took out a water cup, and asked Yu Dong: "What to drink, white tea, melon slices? I'll just have these two kinds of tea."

Yu Dong waved his hand quickly: "Editor He, you're welcome, I just had a big meal at Editor-in-Chief Su's side, and now I'm still swaying in my stomach when I walk."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, He Yongle put the water glass back, "I'm not a polite person, so don't be polite when you come to me."

"It's natural."

"Sit down." He Yongle pulled Yu Dong to sit down on the sofa, "I came here today to ask about the early publication of "Mending the Sky"?"

"The editor-in-chief Su told me that he moved "Mending the Sky" to this issue in consideration of the space."

He Yongle said with a smile: "This is only part of the reason, and there are some other reasons."

"Oh, any other reason?"

He Yongle looked at the door, then lowered his voice and said, "Didn't you meet Ye Zhaoyan when you left last time? He came here last time for this matter, probably because he was afraid that "Mending the Sky" would be too long and crowd them out. There are several lengths, so I propose to separate your article."

"Ah, is it?"

Yu Dong made a surprised expression and stared at He Yongle.

The deputy editor is about forty years old, a little fat, with a natural smile on his face. This smile is like a mask, which is placed on his face, and all other expressions are completed on this mask. .

Yu Dong didn't expect that he called himself here just to talk about this.Whether what he said was true, Yu Dong felt a little credible.

The reason why Su Tong didn't tell him about it was probably because he was afraid that he would think too much and become a partner with Ye Zhaoyan.

But in fact, Yu Dong didn't really care whether this matter was related to Ye Zhaoyan.To him, Ye Zhaoyan was just a acquaintance who had met twice and was not even a friend.

Yu Dong didn't put his time and energy into fighting against such people.

As for He Yongle, Yu Dong has already drawn a cross for him in his heart.He told himself this definitely not out of good intentions, maybe to provoke the relationship between himself and Ye Zhaoyan or between himself and Su Tong.

The latter is more likely.

After He Yongle finished speaking, he kept staring at Yu Dong's eyes. After confirming that he only saw surprise, the smile on the outer layer of the mask became even brighter, "Hey, don't be surprised, it's the literary circle. Don't blame Editor-in-Chief Su, He is also for your own good, I am afraid that you will have an opinion on Ye Zhaoyan after you find out, after all, Ye Zhaoyan has been in the Jinling literary world for so long, it is not good to offend him."

After listening to Yu Dong, he nodded earnestly and said, "Editor He, you are right, I really have to thank Editor Su when I look back. He is really thinking about me. And he compares "Mending the Sky" with the rest of them. The separation of the articles is also a good thing for me, after all, I am a newcomer, and the works will definitely be eclipsed by the others.”

He Yongle was stunned for a moment. He didn't know whether Yu Dong was really stupid or cowardly. He made it like this, but Yu Dong didn't even get angry at all.

"Cough, it's good if you can think like this." He Yongle didn't know what to say for a while.

Yu Dong smiled to himself, "Editor He, there is still something to do at my school, I'm afraid I have to go back earlier."

He Yongle didn't expect Yu Dong to leave so soon, he was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Well, okay, I'll send you off."

Yu Dong stretched out his hand and stopped: "He editor-in-chief stay."

After walking out of the "Zhongshan" magazine, Yu Dong couldn't help but look back at this three-story building. In the past few decades, countless excellent works in the Chinese literary world have come out from here.

And in this square inch of land, there are also discord.

After meeting He Yongle for a while today, Yu Dong already understood why He Yongle, who is now in his 40s, did not become the editor-in-chief after staying in the agency for more than ten years, but Su Tong, who was less than 30 years old, became the editor-in-chief.

Turning around, Yu Dong looked at the time, "Yo, it's getting late."

Muttering to himself, Yu Dong hurriedly went to find a bicycle and hurried to school.

What he said to He Yongle was not all excuses, there were indeed some things at the school.

For the "Decoration Design" competition, the monitor Qu Aiguo plans to organize a discussion meeting, and brings the students who are going to participate in the competition to communicate with each other, and strive to make good works.

After hearing this, Yu Dong was very happy. He was very willing to see the students have such autonomy, so he told Qu Aiguo that he would also be there when they organized a seminar.

It was scheduled to start at 30:[-], and Yu Dong rushed to the classroom after [-]:[-].

There were a total of eight people participating in the competition from Gongmei 91 this time, but more and more people came to participate in the discussion. Basically, everyone in the class was there. Although other students did not participate, they all wanted to take a look.

When Yu Dong walked to the door, he heard the noise in the classroom, all kinds of voices were mixed together, and he couldn't hear what they were saying.

After he entered, the classroom suddenly fell silent.

But it was only silent for a few seconds, and the students gathered happily when they saw Yu Dong.Especially the girls, surrounded by Yudong, babbled and talked non-stop.

The boys consciously leaned against the outer ring and looked at Yu Dong with bright eyes.

Since Yu Dong became famous in Jinyi in some areas, the students of Gongmei 91 were so proud that they wanted to put two signs on their heads while walking on the road. One sign said "Class of Gongmei 91" and the other sign Write "Counselor Yu Dong".

(End of this chapter)

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