Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 310 Don't talk to strangers

Chapter 310 Don't Talk to Strangers
There is one more thing that Yu Dong did not tell Yu Hua and them, not only "To Live", but also his "Xiang Xi" will be published in France soon after.

Not only in France, the English versions of these two books have already been translated, and they can meet audiences in the English-speaking area after they are published in the French-speaking area.

According to the plan of Deep Space Corporation, a large number of Chinese novels will be published in Europe in the future, including popular ones, serious ones, avant-garde ones, realistic ones, magical ones, and stream-of-consciousness ones.

As long as it is an excellent novel, it will be sent to Europe by Deep Space Corporation.

French, Spanish, German, Italian, their purpose is to let Chinese novels cover the whole of Europe.


The next day, when Yu Dong went to report to Wu Changxin, he heard good news from Wu Changxin.

The crew for field study in the director class has been finalized.

"I really didn't expect that Manager Yu gave me a big surprise. He actually contacted the crew of "Water Margin"."

As soon as he mentioned this, Wu Changxin's face was red. He just thought that he could find a small crew and send the students there to have a look.I didn't expect the margin to be so powerful, and it was immediately arranged into "Water Margin".

Hearing this result, Yu Dong was also quite surprised. The crew of "Water Margin" is attracting attention now, because CCTV has filmed three of the four major masterpieces, and only one "Water Margin" has not yet come out.

The broadcast of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" last year caused quite a stir and caused a wave of Three Kingdoms fever.

The filming of the previous three works has been successful, so the pressure has come to "Water Margin".Yu Dong has seen this version of "Water Margin", and knows that the final result is good. The difference from the previous three is that "Water Margin" has a very large adaptation, and there are many places that are different from the original work. It can be said that the screenwriter and director All very bold.

Of course, it is not appropriate to film the original "Water Margin". Most of the Liangshan heroes in the original are murderous and cruel villains, while the TV series shows more brotherhood.

Yu Dong also paid attention to the news before. The filming of "Water Margin" started last spring, and it has only been a year now. As for when the filming will be completed, no one can say for sure.

After hearing what Wu Changxin said, Yu Dong knew why Yu Yu contacted the crew of "Water Margin" and why he was able to.

After Wu Changxin told Yu Liang about this at that time, Yu Yu began to look around for the film and television dramas that were being filmed. After looking around, he found that "Water Margin" was the most suitable.

The time span of "Water Margin" is long, and the students naturally study for a long time. Moreover, most of the scenes of "Water Margin" were shot in Liangxi City, Jiangsu Province, which is not far from Jinling, so it is very convenient for students to go there.

Afterwards, Yu Yu tried to contact screenwriter Yang Zhengguang, and the matter was quickly settled.

Yang Zhengguang is a screenwriter as well as a writer. He also won the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award in 1991. The company had contacted Yang Zhengguang before, so we were able to get in touch this time.

When the director Zhang Shaolin heard about this, he hesitated at first, but later he told him that these students were sent there not only to study, but also to help the crew with some chores, and they did not need to pay wages or package. room and board.

When Zhang Shaolin heard that there was such a good thing, he immediately agreed.What the crew lacks most now is people. These students used to, among other things, at least they can have more group performances, and it's free.

Deep Space Company is also very interesting, not only helping to contact the crew, but also donating 3000 yuan to Jinyi as the director support fund.Although these are not many, they also helped Jin Yi solve many things.

Wu Changxin also reciprocated, posting notices around the school, vigorously publicizing the establishment of Deep Space Corporation's establishment of support funds for new directors.Moreover, only students majoring in directing were originally scheduled to go for internships. Later, with more funds, the school added drama creation majors to it.

The students majoring in drama creation voluntarily applied, and the best were selected. Finally, five people were selected, including Jia Zhangke and Wang Hailin.


In mid-April, Yu Dong brought Wang Jin here.

It's already this time, the internship in the class, the entrepreneurship, and Wang Jin is left like a headless chicken, staying in the school all day without knowing what to do.

Moreover, this kid Wang Jin is not as active as Qu Aiguo and Wang Kuo, he likes to keep everything in his heart, and never comes to talk to Yu Dong on his own initiative.

Looking at Wang Jin in front of him, Yu Dong said unhappily, "Does it mean that if I don't look for you, you will never come to me?"

Wang Jin shook his head, "No, Teacher Yu."

"I think so." Yu Dong snorted softly, and pointed to him the class roster, "Look at the people on it, who else is in school?"

Wang Jin didn't speak.

"It's just you, Wang Jin. What do you think? You don't want to work? But I haven't seen you take the postgraduate entrance examination... With your professional grades, there is no problem with the postgraduate entrance examination. You also have an advantage in finding a job. You have good grades and you are still with me If you have been to the United States, whether it is a public company or a private company, it is not difficult for you to get in."

Wang Jin squeezed the hem of his trousers with one hand, but did not answer.He didn't answer, and Yu Dong didn't open his mouth, just spending time with him like this.

After a while, Wang Jin said, "Teacher Yu, I want to start a business."

Hearing Wang Jin said that he wanted to start a business, Yu Dong was a little surprised. Wang Jin was different from Qu Aiguo and Wang Kuo. He was more introverted, even a little shy, and he was not suitable for starting a business at all.

But since he opened his mouth, let's have a chat, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Isn't this an idea? Then why don't you do it? Because of the money?"

Wang Jin shook his head, "It's not about money, it's because there are some disagreements in my family."

It turned out to be a problem at home. Wang Jin's family, Yu Dong, knew a little bit about it. After all, he had taken care of him for eight years.Wang Jin's family is from Henan Province. His parents made some money by dumping shoes a few years ago, and now they have a small workshop specializing in making shoes. It is said that they are doing well.

"What do your family think, and what do you think?" Yu Dong asked.

"I want to make clothes and make my own brand, but my dad insists that I go home and sell shoes to him."

Yu Dong was a little surprised. Although the economy has developed in the past two years and the world has changed, it is still rare for a college student to be born in the family. After graduation, he will be pulled back to start a small business.

"Is your family doing a big business?" Yu Dong asked.

Wang Jin shook his head and said, "It's not that big. The main reason is that my dad has made some money in the past few years, probably 30 to [-] yuan. He thinks that the times are developing now, and I have no future in finding a job and earning a dead salary. "

"Don't you want to start a business yourself? This doesn't conflict with your father's idea."

"He felt that I was unreliable in starting my own business, so I might as well follow him. Now the shoes are easy to sell, no matter if they are upside down or made by our family, they will be sold out as soon as they are taken out. My father wants to make the workshop bigger. Open a regular store." Wang Jin said distressedly.

Yu Dong narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "It's easy to handle. You can make shoes with your dad. You are responsible for the design and production, and let your dad and the others be responsible for the sales. You, use what you have learned, your workshop It will definitely be able to sweep your house."

"But I don't like designing shoes, I like designing clothes."

"Then design clothes. Since shoes can be sold, clothes can also be sold. You are stupid. With your father helping you open up the market, you can just do design and production. It will be easier to build a brand in the future."

"But my dad wouldn't agree to let me make clothes. He just wanted to make shoes, and he didn't think about designing products for his own brand. He thought it would be better to imitate those brand shoes directly than making his own brand."

Yu Dong smiled, Wang Jin is not as tactful as Qu Aiguo and the others.

"Goujian was able to sacrifice his salary for the restoration of the country, so you can't compromise with your father for your own brand? Your father doesn't want you to make clothes because he thinks that the profit from selling shoes is enough for him now, and there is no need to expand other businesses. And he doesn’t want to design his own shoes to make a brand, because he thinks it’s thankless. What do you do? You study arts and crafts. You not only need to understand design, but also know how to analyze the market. You give your father an analysis of the market situation. , won't he understand?"

Wang Jin didn't speak, and Yu Dong continued, "Okay, even if he still doesn't understand, you go back and pick up the workshop, what kind of shoes you want to make, or even clothes, isn't it up to you? If you are right I am very confident in my design, and I think that if something is made, it can be sold, and I don’t think your father will have any objections.”

"Teacher Yu, aren't you teaching me to usurp power?" Wang Jin muttered with his head bowed.

Yu Dong glanced at Wang Jin angrily, "Even if you don't want to usurp power, then you can start another small workshop and start making a few clothes and sell them through your father's channel. If they sell well, your father won't In other words, if it doesn’t sell well, your design has also been verified by the market. Of course, you still need to decide by yourself in the end. But whether you want to start a business by yourself or go home with your family, you must make a decision quickly, and you can’t delay it. This kind of matter will not be resolved automatically after delaying time."

Perhaps it was Yu Dong's words that moved Wang Jin, he nodded, "Mr. Yu, I understand. I'll go back and talk to my dad."

"That's right, there is nothing we can't talk about. If you insist on starting your own business, I think he can understand." Yu Dong smiled and asked, "You said you want to start your own clothing brand, what's the matter?" Specific ideas, what style do you want to focus on, and what consumer groups are you facing? There should always be a plan for these.”

Speaking of this, Wang Jin is obviously more willing to say, "I want to be a sports brand, focusing on the low-end market. With the development of the economy, the national demand for clothing will definitely increase, especially sportswear. Now It is still a blue ocean, waiting for development. When I went to the United States, I found that many people in the United States wear sportswear as their daily clothes, and I think this will happen in our country in the future.”

Yu Dong nodded, "Since you want to be a sports brand, why don't you want to start with shoes? As far as I know, there is no sports brand that does not make shoes. It can be said that shoes are the foundation of a sports brand. And your home is As for shoe making, it will be easier for you to follow suit.”

"The research and development cost of mainly making shoes is too high." Wang Jin shook his head and added, "It is impossible for us to make shoes that surpass those big brands."

"Your idea is wrong. If you make shoes, there is still hope. If you don't make shoes, you will never be able to compare. Everyone knows that making shoes is more difficult than making clothes, but no sports brand will give up making shoes." Then Yu Dong waved his hand again, "I don't understand business, and I don't have many suggestions for you. However, if you encounter any difficulties in the process of starting a business in the future, you can come to me. Even if I don't understand, you can find someone who understands." Someone help you."

"Thank you, Teacher Yu." Wang Jin said gratefully.

"You're welcome." Yu Dong patted Wang Jin on the shoulder and encouraged him, "Work hard, I hope one day I can wear a set of your brand's clothes all over my body."

Wang Jin nodded heavily, "I will definitely work hard."


Wang Jin finally decided to go home and develop their small factory with his parents.

When he came home, Yu Dong sent him to the school gate.

Seeing Wang Jin get into the car with his luggage, Yu Dong heaved a sigh of relief. Gongmei 91 is fighting for the time being.At the same time, this also means that it has been almost four years since he returned to Jinyi.

Four years are like a snap of the fingers, but there are too many memories left behind, not to mention, when watching Wang Jin get in the car and leave, Yu Dong was really sad.

But for students, this is not the end, but another beginning.

After standing at the door for a while, Yu Dong turned around and went back. Uncle Zhou stood at the door of the reception room and said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, don't be sad. They will come back after a while. The graduation ceremony hasn't been done yet. When the time comes, they will come back." I have to come back to get my graduation certificate. I welcome newcomers every year and send off old ones. I’ve seen a lot and I’m used to it.”

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Don't be sad, they left, nothing happened."

Uncle Zhou stared at Yu Dong's back, and said with a smile, "It's all the same, just be stubborn."

Then Uncle Zhou entered the reception room playing a ditty. The nature of his work has changed now, he doesn't need to stand outside often, he is more like a clerk.

Just as Uncle Zhou was about to make himself a new cup of tea, he caught a glimpse of a woman with a veil outside who was stopped by another guard.

This kind of thing often happens in Jinyi Jinyi, Uncle Zhou just glanced at it and then ignored it.

But after a while, the woman still hadn't left, so Uncle Zhou came out and asked, "Xiao Fang, what's the matter?"

Xiao Fang turned to explain to Uncle Zhou, "This lady said she wanted to see Teacher Cheng, but she didn't have an appointment."

"Which Teacher Cheng?" Uncle Zhou asked.

"Teacher Cheng Yanqiu from the Conservatory of Music." Xiao Fang replied.

"Oh." Uncle Zhou walked up to the woman with a teacup in his hand, "Girl, what do you want from Mr. Cheng?"

"I just have something to do with her," the woman said.

Uncle Zhou frowned, no matter how suspicious this woman looked.It's mid-April, and the weather is fine today, and the sun is bright, but she is wearing a thick hat and a scarf covering the lower half of her face, only a pair of eyes can be seen.

These eyes, as if they haven't slept for a few days, are covered with a layer of dark circles and are still swollen.

The point is, ask her if there is anything she doesn't say.

After thinking about it, Uncle Zhou said to Xiao Fang, "Xiao Fang, you are troubled, go to the government building to find Teacher Cheng, she should be in the office at the moment. If you can't find it, go to Teacher Yu..."

When she heard that she was looking for Teacher Yu, the woman quickly waved her hand, "No, don't look for Teacher Yu, if you can't find Teacher Cheng, forget it."

Uncle Zhou looked at the woman strangely, nodded and said, "That's it, but what's your name, girl?"

"Just tell her my surname is Kan."

"Look?" Uncle Zhou pointed to his eyes, "This look?"

"There is a dare in the word door."

"Read this word." Uncle Zhou said with a smile, "Okay, Xiao Fang, you can go, girl, come in and have a drink."

Kan Tingting shook her head and said, "Thank you sir, no need."

Seeing her refusal, Uncle Zhou didn't say much, and entered the reception room with his teacup in his arms. There was a young man outside.

After about seven or eight minutes, Cheng Yanqiu came over with Xiao Fang.

When Cheng Yanqiu came over, he saw Kan Tingting who was living in a strict manner, and said in surprise, "Tingting, this is you."

The moment she heard Cheng Yanqiu, Kan Tingting's eyes covered with dark circles suddenly turned red, and two tears welled up in her eye sockets.

Cheng Yanqiu quickly grabbed Kan Tingting's arm and asked, "What's wrong?"

Kan Tingting shook her head, and this shaking of her head shook the tears from her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Cheng Yanqiu had no choice but to say, "Let's go to the dormitory first."

Before leaving, Cheng Yanqiu did not forget to thank Uncle Zhou and the others.Uncle Zhou smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, it's all on duty."

After Cheng Yanqiu and Kan Tingting left, Uncle Zhou patted his head, "There must be a story."


After arriving at Cheng Yanqiu's dormitory, Kan Tingting took off her hat and untied her scarf.Cheng Yanqiu looked at her face and was startled, "Tingting, how did you do this?"

Kan Tingting's face was bruised and purple, and a small piece of hair above her temple was also missing, exposing the scalp inside.

She didn't speak, but Cheng Yanqiu suddenly realized, gnashed his teeth and said, "Your husband beat you?"

Kan Tingting nodded, still crying.

"This beast!" Cheng Yanqiu pulled Kan Tingting's arm, "Let's go."

Kan Tingting looked at Cheng Yanqiu, and asked tearfully, "Where are you going?"

"Go to the police, this is intentional injury, it is a crime!"

Kan Tingting shrank her arms, "Isn't it enough to call the police?"

Seeing Kan Tingting like this, Cheng Yanqiu was angry and disappointed, "You don't want to go back to live with him, do you? If I'm right, this is not the first time. So you should also know that the more tolerant you are, The more he got worse. Once this kind of thing starts, it won't stop."

"But..." Kan Tingting pursed her lips, "I don't know what to do, our children are so old..."

As she spoke, she covered her face and cried again.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at her helpless look, and sighed, "If I were you, I would definitely call the police. Even if I didn't call the police, I would definitely get a divorce. You are still young now, and you will have a long life in the future. You can live well without him. Live your life."

"But child..."

"You think you are doing it for the good of your children, but think about it, your two children live in such a family and watch their father beat their mother every day. Do you think this is good for them? , I don't believe that he doesn't beat his children, even if he doesn't beat his children now, he will probably beat his children in the future."

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Kan Tingting, "I've told you everything I need to say. If you still decide to go back and live with him, I can't help it. Don't come to me again."

After hearing the last sentence, Kan Tingting suddenly raised her head and met Cheng Yanqiu's eyes.

"I also went through a dark period, and then I met someone who made me come out. I was very lucky, but I also knew that if I didn't have the desire to come out, then I would go forever. not come out."

After saying this, Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, took out a medicine box from the cabinet, "Let me deal with it for you."

When dealing with it, Kan Tingting asked Cheng Yanqiu, "Yanqiu, have you experienced dark times before? You are so beautiful, good at studying, and have a good family. How could you also go through dark times? At that time, people in our class and the class next door , many boys like you, we are all envious, I have been thinking, if I were you."

Cheng Yanqiu gave her the medicine, shook his head and said, "Tingting, the malice in this world will not be reduced because of your appearance. Sometimes what you own can become a crime in the eyes of others."


When Yu Dong later heard what happened to Kan Tingting from Cheng Yanqiu, Kan Tingting had already decided to divorce, but the matter was not simple, because Kan Tingting's husband did not agree to the divorce, and they had two children.

Before Yu Dong advised Cheng Yanqiu to be cautious, but this time he encouraged her to help Kan Tingting, because Kan Tingting had already made up her mind to divorce.

"I am relieved that when her husband threatened her that a divorce would upset his family, she did not budge."

"So, she is worthy of your help now. As for his husband's threat, don't worry, I will help you deal with it."

This kind of thing is really a bit tricky if ordinary people want to help, but it is really not a problem for Dong.As long as you give money, the lawyer will help solve everything.

It was also because of this incident that Yu Dong suddenly wanted to write a script, "Don't Talk to Strangers".

Before, he had been thinking about what to write in the first independently completed script. He had thought about science fiction, reasoning, and ethics, but he hadn't decided on it.Just at this time, when he encountered Kan Tingting, the classic TV series about domestic violence appeared in his mind, "Don't Talk to Strangers".

For a period of time after that, Yu Dong was catching up on the script of "Don't Talk to Strangers" every day. He wanted to write the script as soon as possible, and then find someone to shoot it immediately, regardless of other actors. The protagonist must find Mr. Feng.

Yu Hua and the others would come to play with him every day as usual, but seeing that he was busy, they would usually just squat at the door of his dormitory and smoke a cigarette before leaving.

Sometimes Yu Dong thought, maybe these two people didn't really want to come to him, but simply wanted to go to the door of his dormitory to smoke a cigarette, just like clocking in at work, but it was uncomfortable to come here.

 Karsie [Flying Big Stupid Bear] Big Brother's 5000 reward
  Thank you [Feiyun leaves no trace after passing] the big guy's 100 reward
  Thank you [June Yu Ruyi] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
  Thanks to [Lice 1990] Big Brother for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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