Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 311 There is a script, are you interested?

Chapter 311 There is a script, are you interested?

On May [-]th, in the evening, Yu Dong came out of the house, first stretched himself, and then poked Yu Hua's ass with his toe, "Why are you here so late today?"

Yu Hua was startled, like a cat whose fur has exploded, she stood up suddenly, turned her head to look at Yu Dong, "Are you out of customs?"

"Well, it's done."

Yu Hua took a puff of cigarette, "It's not too long this time, what are you writing?"

"A TV script."

"TV drama?"

"What happened to the TV show?"

"Nothing?" Yu Hua shook her head, "Why did you think of writing a TV series? Which director invited you?"

"What I want to write, is your "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood" finished?"

"Not yet, it's too early. Do you think everyone is as prolific as you? We all thought that you would relax after marriage, but we didn't expect that nothing has changed." Yu Hua thought for a while, and then said, "It's not the same. , I used to have time to play cards with us at night, but now I don’t even have time to play cards.”

"You just think about playing cards."

When it came to playing cards, Yu Hua waved his hand, "I won't tell you anymore, I'll go home for dinner, and make an appointment with Fei Yu and Lao Liu to play eggs at night."

Then, he walked away without looking back.

Yu Dong shouted from behind, "Hey, didn't you come to look for me? Why did I come out and you walked away?"

Yu Hua waved her hands without looking back, "I thought I had something to do with you, but when I saw you come out, I suddenly realized that I had nothing to do with you."

Yu Dong stood at the door, the corners of his mouth twitching, Yu Hua is crazy.

"Haha, Teacher Yu Hua is interesting."

A voice came from above his head, Yu Dong turned and looked up, Zhang Xian stood on the balcony on the second floor, looking at him with a smile.

"Old Zhang, how is the situation of the student organization? I haven't seen you in the past two days, so I forgot to ask." Yu Dong said.

This time, students majoring in directing and drama creation will go to the crew of "Water Margin" to study on the spot. Zhang Xian and Bi Feiyu will personally lead the team, which is why Yu Dong asked this question.

Zhang Xian said with a smile, "There's nothing to prepare, we can't just let the students pack their bags now. Are you going? It's not far away, just follow the past and have fun. I heard that Shuihu City is well built."

"I'm definitely going to go, but I'm not sure when I'll go. I'm also busy during the summer vacation."

"You're busy all the time, that's fine, I won't tell you anymore, I have something to do with Xiaohu."

As soon as Zhang Xian finished speaking, Ruan Xiaohu came out of the room and greeted Yu Dong: "Teacher."

During this period of time, Yu Dong concentrated on writing the script and rarely went out, and Ruan Xiaohu often stayed indoors.Although the teacher and the student went upstairs and downstairs, they didn't see each other a few times.

"Go out for a walk if you have nothing to do, don't stay in the house every day." Yu Dong reminded.

Before Ruan Xiaohu responded, Zhang Xian said with a smile, "You have to lead by example yourself, don't let people see you when you write something. Xiaohu has performed very well during this period, and I plan to take him to Shuihu City together." Play."

"I do it once in a while, this kid does it every day... It's good to go to Shuihu City for fun, you guys go first, and I'll go later."

"I didn't take it seriously at first, but when I heard that Xiaohu was going, I got interested? Haha, Xiaohu, your teacher still cares about you."

"Okay, you guys are busy, I have something to do, go out for a while."

Yu Dong locked the door and went out.

This "retreat" is different from the last "retreat". He is now a married person. If there is no accident, he must have dinner with his wife in the evening.

After finishing the script work this time, he wants to go shopping with Cheng Yanqiu. The decoration has already started. Next, if they order the furniture and electrical appliances, they will deliver them to the new house one after another.

During the meal, Cheng Yanqiu said: "Mom and Dad told us to go back for dinner tomorrow night."

Yu Dong thought for a while and asked, "What's the matter?"

Cheng Yanqiu tilted his head and looked at Yu Dong, "What's the matter with you?"

Every time Cheng Yanqiu talked to Yu Dong about eating before, Yu Dong would not ask anything, but this time he asked suddenly, so she felt that Yu Dong had something to do.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Isn't it May [-]th tomorrow, I want to take you out for a stroll."

"What happened on May [-]th?" Cheng Yanqiu wondered, "Is there anything special?"

"5, 2, 0, I love you."

Cheng Yanqiu burst out laughing, "I didn't see it, Comrade Yu Dong, you have a lot of thoughts, you can think of this kind of homonym?"

"It's more popular among young people now."

"Tch, even if 520 is a homonym, it means I love you. It's not good. I think it's not as good as 521. The homonym is I love you."

Yu Dong nodded, "That's right, but the word Yi is not good."

"Why not?"

"The word Yi can represent both her and you. It's a bit vague. I love Yi, do I love you or I love her..."

Yu Dong's voice became smaller and smaller, because he saw the fierce light in his wife's eyes getting stronger and brighter, he quickly changed the subject, "I suddenly thought of a sentence about Yi, calling Jiang's me Gu Yi, and Yu Jiayi's looking after me, I want to change it."

Cheng Yanqiu was distracted and asked, "How to change it?"

"I take care of Yi from the Yu family, and Yi from the Cheng family, how about it?"

"The meaning of Yi here has been changed. The Yi here in the original text should be their meaning." Cheng Yanqiu picked a thorn, but she was still full of joy, and she was quite pleased with Yu Dong's love words.

"That's right." Later, Cheng Yanqiu remembered another thing, "I heard from my aunt that Chen Tao recently set up a reasoning club with his classmates, and he was very fascinated."

"Really? Is there any delay in studying?"

"That's not true. They usually only get together on weekends. Chen Tao's grades are good, so there shouldn't be any problems in the senior high school entrance examination."

"Are they going to take the high school entrance examination?"

"At the end of June, there is still more than a month to go. If there is no accident, he will go to Jinling Middle School. My aunt also said that we should help take care of him more usually."

"Is this what I told my dad? Jinling University is really close to Jinling Middle School." Yu Dong smiled and said, "Next time I see Chen Tao, I'll ask them how their reasoning club is doing. "

"I heard that it's quite formal, and it seems that there are attendance checks."

"Oh, is it?"

Yu Dong smiled, but he didn't take it seriously. He knew that boy Chen Tao was very offbeat, and setting up such a reasoning club was probably just a whim, just like a child playing house.


On the weekend, Fang Tao asked his high school classmate Zhu Fu to go to Yuhuatai Park first.

"Brother Tao, the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association branch of Jinling University is doing well, right?"

Entering the park, Zhu Fuxian suddenly asked.

Fang Tao nodded, "Okay, I guess apart from the Jinyi General Assembly, our side has the best development. Not only the Science Fiction Association, the Cucumber Garden Poetry Reading Club is also developing very well in our school."

Zhu Fuxian sighed, "I envy you, our school doesn't pay much attention to these things, and there are many people in our association, but we have been unable to apply for activity classrooms."

Fang Tao nodded. There is nothing to do in this situation. Every school has its own situation, and it is impossible for the General Assembly to intervene too much.Zhu Fuxian was in the southeast, and the school in the southeast has not been very concerned about these things.

"If you have nothing to do, you can go to the general meeting. It's not too far anyway. I have been there a few times. If you are lucky, you can still meet Teacher Yu Dong. The atmosphere in the general meeting is very good. I saw you last time. When it comes to Teacher Fushui, he is quite serious."

Zhu Fuxian said listlessly: "I know, but I have only been there once. If it wasn't for the president to bring us in, it would not be easy for us to go in. Jinyi's guards are quite strict."

"It's not strict. There are too many people who want to enter their school. We members don't talk about it. There are also many media reporters. I went there once and saw several reporters registering information at the door." Fang Tao laughed. He said, "The next time you want to go in, just tell me. I'm the vice president of our branch now, and I'm already familiar with Uncle Zhou."

"Uncle Zhou?"

"It's Jin Yi's doorman, a very interesting old man."

Zhu Fuxian looked at Fang Tao enviously, "Brother Tao, you are still so good."

"Tch, don't flatter me, I'll take you there next time."

The two were talking, entered the park, walked to an open place, and suddenly saw a group of middle school students gathered together, about 40 to [-] people. When they got closer, they realized that they were divided into several groups and were playing Werewolf. .

Seeing this scene, Fang Tao was quite moved. He didn't expect that the werewolf killing had developed to such a degree that even middle school students could gather so many people to play together.It seems that most of these students are junior high school students, very young.

After the Werewolf Killing game came out, Fang Tao organized the members of the association to play together. The game is also very popular with everyone, and now he will organize a game from time to time.

It's just that there has never been a scene of this scale before.

Jin Yi has set up a Mystery Fiction Association, and there is a werewolf killing game group in it. There are also many games organized, but usually it's just one or two games.

Fang Tao stopped and watched for a while. The game level of these middle school students was beyond his imagination. Most of them played well, and Luo Ji who spoke was quite strong.

There are also those who can't play, but they are also very serious. The judge's rhythm control is also very good. Everyone speaks in order, and it doesn't look chaotic at all.

The only downside is that several groups of games are not far away, and sometimes the speeches will affect each other.

Fang Tao also noticed that there was a student who had been memorizing things with a notebook.Out of curiosity, Fang Tao walked over and asked, "Student, are you all students of the same school?"

Jin Yang was memorizing something, and when Fang Tao asked him, he raised his head and said, "We are all from a nearby school, but it's not the same school, most of them are junior high school students, and some high school students."

"Who organized this?" Fang Tao asked again. In his opinion, it is not easy to organize such an event, and some adults must be involved.

But Jin Yang's next answer made Fang Tao's jaw drop in shock.

"We belong to Yuhua Reasoning Club. I am the vice president and he is the president." Jin Yang pointed to Chen Tao not far away, "We organized this event."

Fang Tao looked in the direction of Jin Yang's finger, and then he looked surprised. Such an event was organized by these two boys. I have to say, it is really awesome.

"I just saw that you have been recording in the notebook, can I ask what you are recording?" Fang Tao asked again.

"There's nothing you can't ask." Jin Yang directly opened the notebook and showed it to Fang Tao: "Our reasoning agency basically has such a game competition every week. After each round of the competition, I will record their results. Calculate the points for them, and when the competition starts later, they can be grouped according to the points, so as to avoid the situation where masters and novices meet together."

Fang Tao was amazed, "This task is not a small one, is it tiring?"

Jin Yang shook his head, "Fortunately, there are only more than 100 people in our reasoning club now, and each activity is not complete, just like today, there are only 42 people, and it is not troublesome to record."

The two were chatting, and Chen Tao walked over with a smile, "Xiao Jinzi, is this old brother your friend?"

Although Chen Tao is not very old, he has a thick skin and is not afraid of anyone. Even if Fang Tao is several years older than them at first glance, he is not afraid, so he said this with a smile on his face.

Fang Tao looked at Chen Tao, found it interesting, and introduced himself with a smile, "Hello, President, I am Fang Tao, a student of Jinling University."

"Oh, Mr. Jin, I know that place well." Chen Tao laughed.

Fang Tao pointed at Zhu Fuxian who had been silent all this time, "This is my high school classmate, Zhu Fuxian, from Southeast."

"I've never been to Southeast. My name is Chen Tao. I'm the president of Yuhua Deduction Club. Has Xiao Jinzi introduced our deduction club to you? I just saw that you have been chatting."

Fang Tao nodded, "I've said that, I'm also very surprised, the two of you are still in junior high school and you can organize such a well-organized reasoning club, it's really amazing."

Chen Tao waved his hands pretendingly, "Average, average, a little bit of low grades, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning. Two senior brothers, are you interested in joining our reasoning club? Come and play when you are free."

"Can we join too? I thought only middle school students could join." Fang Tao asked in surprise.

Chen Tao said with a proud face, "Our Yuhua Reasoning Club adheres to the concept of eclectic recruitment of talents. The recruitment of members is aimed at people of all ages, old, middle-aged and young. And we also want to grow up. Jin Zi is about to go to Jinling Middle School, and in a few years, he will go to college again, so he must not limit his attention to middle school students."

"You guys are going to Jinling to go to school next semester? Isn't this because the high school entrance examination has not yet been done?"

"Hey, it's not important." Chen Tao laughed, "We can definitely go to Jinling Middle School."

Fang Tao smiled and said, "It seems that you are quite confident. Zhu Fuxian and I graduated from Jinling Middle School. When you go over, we will be considered alumni."

Hearing that Fang Tao and the others graduated from Jinling Middle School, Chen Tao said excitedly, "Wow, I didn't expect to meet two brothers today. It's fate. Brother, since I am your brother, it should be no problem to join the reasoning club." Bar."

Fang Tao was amused by Chen Tao's appearance. He looked at Chen Tao and that little Jinzi. The two presidents had very different personalities. One was passionate and the other was calm and steady.

He was also very interested in the Yuhua Reasoning Club, so he nodded and said, "Then what procedures do we need to join?"

"Just write down your name and school, and I will register for you," Jin Yang said.

Fang Tao nodded, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Afterwards, Jin Yang registered information for them.

"Your membership numbers are A0123 and A0124 respectively, and the current points are both 100."

"Hey, we are lucky, this number is pretty good. But our points are all 100, which should be the lowest, so we can't find a suitable opponent?"

Jin Yang smiled and shook his head, "No, there are others lower than you."

Fang Tao understood right away, no wonder the initial points were [-], which was used to deduct them. Some members kept losing, and the points must be less than [-].

Later, Jin Yang arranged a novice game for Fang Tao and the others. Chen Tao watched from the side and laughed straight away. Finally, college students joined their reasoning club.

Chen Tao has always wanted to invite some college students to come in. His idea is to invite some college students to come. Every time there is an event, not only can they play Werewolf Killing, but also let the college students help other members with homework, so that they are equivalent to layering. Tiger skin, it's better to explain it to the parents.

During this time, Jin Yang and the others have been urging the members to study, for fear that any member will be restricted by their parents because of their grades.

Fortunately, this kind of thing has never happened, and it is also related to the grades of Jin Yang and Chen Tao. These two grades have always been at the top of the grade, and students with good grades are always more popular with parents.

It's just that Chen Tao's idea of ​​attracting college students to the reasoning club has never been realized. Usually they don't have many college students, and sometimes they meet one or two, and they don't want to play with them.

I didn't expect it to go so smoothly today, and I took two at once.


Zhao Baogang had just talked with Wang Shuo on the phone, and was about to go to the study to look at the scripts he had received during this period. Before he got up, he remembered the phone call again.

He thought it was Wang Shuo who called, so he answered the phone and said, "Is there something I forgot to explain?"

The person on the opposite side didn't realize it for a while, "Baosteel, what do you mean?"

As soon as he heard the other party's voice, Zhao Baogang knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly explained with a smile, "I just talked to Wang Shuo on the phone, and thought he forgot to say something, so he dismissed it and explained it. Director Xu, what do you want from me? "

The person who called him was Xu Zeyuan, the director of the art center, who was also his immediate leader.

Xu Zeyuan smiled and said, "It's a good thing. A company sent a script and asked if you are interested."

"which company?"

"Deep Space is Yu Dong and Mo Yan's agency."

"Deep Space Company." Zhao Baogang became interested, "What script? Was it adapted from a novel by the author they signed?"


Just as Zhao Baogang was about to be disappointed, Xu Zeyuan said again, "It's not an adaptation, this script was written by Yu Dong himself, and the name is "Don't Talk to Strangers."

Yu Dong still writes TV series?This surprised Zhao Baogang.Although there is no distinction between high and low art, very few well-known writers go to write scripts for TV dramas. Even if they write scripts, they are also writing movies, and more of them are adaptations.

Otherwise, Mo Yan and the others would not have been asked to write the script for a sky-high price.

There is no doubt that the identity of a writer is higher than that of a screenwriter.Yu Dong is not short of money, why did he take the initiative to write a TV series?
But this question is not something he should consider. Xu Zeyuan can't lie to him. Yu Dong's script must have been written, and it may have even been sent to the art center and placed on Xu Zeyuan's desk.

He began to think about the script itself, "Don't talk to it a suspenseful reasoning?"

Xu Zeyuan smiled and said, "Do you think if it's a suspenseful mystery drama, they will find you?"

"Director Xu, look at what you said, it's not that I can't film suspense reasoning, isn't it just that I have never had a chance? If this drama is suspense reasoning, I will get it no matter what."

"Okay, you can shoot, but this drama is really not a suspenseful reasoning. Specifically, you should come to the center. I have already got the script. Come and have a look. If you want to shoot, you can accept it. In addition, the other party has another Require."

"any request?"

"The other party requested that the leading role must be played by Feng Yuanqi."

"Feng Yuanqian from Renyi?"

"Yes, it's him."

Zhao Baogang muttered: "Why did you find him? I know him, and his acting skills are really solid, but his image is average, and he hasn't had any previous works."

"I'm not sure about this. Anyway, that's what people said. It seems that Teacher Yu Dong hand-picked it. Why don't you go back and ask Teacher Yu Dong?" Xu Zeyuan said.

"Ask is definitely a question, but I'd better read the script first."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Baogang put on a coat and went out.

When we arrived at the art center, Xu Zeyuan was not there, but he had already left the script for him and put it on the desk.

Zhao Baogang was not too polite, first he found director Xu's tea, made himself a cup of hot tea, and then sat comfortably on the sofa to read the script.

Except for science fiction, Zhao Baogang has basically read Yu Dong's novels, even including the "Fatal Identity" published in "Sprout" before, so I just heard Xu Zeyuan say that the name of this script is "Don't Talk to Strangers" Speaking", he immediately thought it would be a suspenseful reasoning drama.

There is also Yu Dong's "Xiang Xi". He also asked someone to ask for a signed book from the People's Publishing House, and he placed it in the most prominent position on the bookshelf, next to Wang Shuo's books.

So he really wanted to see what the subject matter and how well the TV series Yu Dong wrote would be.




Pig stomach, you voted for 1768, do you really want me to pay two thousand?This number looks sad

 Thank you [Moon Hidden Star Hidden Night] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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