Chapter 312 came out
"Fuck it, An Jiahe!"

Xu Zeyuan's meeting was over, and when he returned to his office, he suddenly heard a loud shout, which startled him.

"Baosteel, what's your situation?"

At this time, Zhao Baogang was staring at the script angrily, as if he was about to rush in and fight the characters in it.

Seeing Xu Zeyuan come in, he exhaled first, then took a sip of the cold tea on the table, and then calmed down.

"Director Xu, I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

Xu Zeyuan laughed instead, "Do you feel that An Jiahe is too bad?"


"The portrayal of this character is indeed successful, but Baosteel, you are also a seasoned director. You have read countless scripts, big and small, and you know how to write scripts. How come you have such a big reaction."

Zhao Baogang nodded. Indeed, looking back, all the designs in this script are actually regulated, and the purpose of the screenwriter is also obvious.

But when he was watching it just now, he was immediately taken in, and he had no time to judge it from a professional perspective.

After thinking about it, Zhao Baogang said, "This script is well written."

"Want to pick it up?" Xu Zeyuan asked.

"Take..." Zhao Baogang hesitated suddenly, because he thought of the other party's conditions, "Does Feng Yuanqi have to play the male lead?"

In fact, what Zhao Baogang wanted was to find Wang Zhiwen. After all, he was his old partner. Moreover, since "Having Fun" became popular, Wang Zhiwen is also famous now. Looking for him to film, the ratings are guaranteed.

"The other party said quite firmly, do you have no confidence in Feng Yuanqian?"

"It's not that I don't have confidence. Feng Yuanqi still has less experience. I think it might be better to find Wang Zhiwen." Zhao Baogang expressed his thoughts, "How about, Director, you can go talk to the Deep Space Company again, If it doesn’t work, go talk to Teacher Yu Dong. To be honest, I still don’t understand why he appointed Feng Yuanqi, there must be a reason?”

Xu Zeyuan glanced at Zhao Baogang, and changed some tea leaves for himself, "I suggest you, try to find this Feng Yuanqi first to see if he is qualified for this role. Don't you understand why Teacher Yu Dong appointed him? Maybe you’ll know why after you try it.”

Zhao Baogang pondered for a while, then patted his head, "What you said is also a method, I will go to Renyi tomorrow."


As soon as Liu Jingyun went to work in the morning, he saw Zhao Baogang standing at the door of his office.

"Xiao Zhao, why are you here?"

Zhao Baogang said with a smile, "Come and see you."

Liu Jingyun smiled and opened the office door, "Come in, I'll pour you a cup of tea."

"Don't." Zhao Baogang waved his hand and said, "I have something to do, so I won't drink the tea."

"Didn't you come to see me?"

"Come to see you, I have something urgent to do."

Liu Jingyun nodded, "Okay, what's the matter, let's talk."

"I want to ask Feng Yuanqian to try a play."

Liu Jingyun smiled and said, "I think it's a big deal, Xiao Feng has already arrived, you just go to him directly."

"It's your soldier. If you want to borrow it, of course you have to report it to you first. Then I will go to him and report to you after I finish my work."

"The report work will be skipped. Come over and have a cup of tea after a while."

Zhao Baogang nodded and went directly to Feng Yuanqian.At this time, Feng Yuanzheng had just started work not long ago, and his buttocks were still hot, when he heard someone shouting at the door of the office: "Feng Yuanzheng."

He looked back and saw Zhao Baogang standing at the door, looking at him with a smile.Zhao Baogang is very familiar with Renyi, and basically all the actors in Renyi know him, and Feng Yuanqi is no exception.

"Director Zhao." Feng Yuanqian stood up with a smile, "Are you looking for me?"

"I'm looking for you, are you busy now?"

"Not too busy."

"If you're not busy, come try a play."

"A test play?" Feng Yuanqian was stunned for a moment, was it so sudden?

However, he is also an old actor, and it is not unreasonable to face such a sudden scene, so he nodded and followed Zhao Baogang.

The two found a meeting room at random, Zhao Baogang took out a page and gave it to Feng Yuanqian: "This is the script, I will tell you about the whole story and your character. This is a play about domestic violence. The leading actor is a..."

Zhao Baogang explained carefully, and Feng Yuanqian felt that something was wrong when he heard it. The hero is a bad guy, and he is very bad.When he heard the middle, he looked at Zhao Baogang with some doubts, why did Director Zhao ask him to try this play?He has never played a role like this before.

The key point is that he and Zhao Baogang are nodding acquaintances, and they are not familiar with each other at all. Just now when Zhao Baogang asked him to try a play, he thought he was looking for a supporting role, but he didn't expect it to be the protagonist, or a villain.

After Zhao Baogang finished speaking, he said, "How about giving you half an hour to familiarize yourself with this paragraph, and then let's start later?"

"Time is fine, but this scene is a rivalry with the heroine..."

"It's okay, I'll play the heroine."

Hearing that Zhao Baogang wanted to play the heroine, Feng Yuanqian nodded without saying anything, "Okay, I'll make preparations."

Zhao Baogang gave him half an hour, but Feng Yuanqian didn't dare to take it too seriously, and used up the half hour without missing a minute.

The difficulty of this scene is not low. When the hero goes home and finds that the heroine is on the phone, he questions her, then beats her, and finally apologizes to her. The emotional changes are very complicated.

"Director Zhao, I'm ready, shall we start now?"

"I'll just sit here and pretend to be on the phone while you come in from the outside."

Feng Yuanqian nodded and walked out the door. Inside, Zhao Baogang began to read the heroine's lines to the manuscript. Feng Yuanqian was leaning against the door outside to listen. When he heard Zhao Baogang speak, he gently pushed the door open.

It's just that this door is not very strong, even if it is pushed lightly and slowly, it will make a harsh sound, after all, it has been like this for a long time.And what is written in this paragraph is that the process of the protagonist opening the door is basically silent, so that the heroine who is on the phone doesn't notice the hero's return.

When such a situation happened, Feng Yuanqi didn't panic at all, as if he couldn't hear the sound of the door opening, he walked slowly inside.

In addition to this, Zhao Baogang's performance will also affect Feng Yuanqi's performance, because he has to pay attention to Feng Yuanqi's performance, so Zhao Baogang stared at Feng Yuanqi while reading his lines.

But Feng Yuanqi had to act like Zhao Baogang hadn't found him yet, until Zhao Baogang finished reading his lines, Feng Yuanqi looked at him coldly.

"Who are you calling?"

"Jiahe, listen to my explanation."

Feng Yuanqian didn't change much in his expression, all the drama was in his eyes, "I don't want to hear your explanation, I know who you are calling..."

At this moment, Zhao Baogang felt the tension in Feng Yuanzheng's performance. The character of An Jiahe was very distorted, swayed by gains and losses, insecure, and even mentally ill. But in normal times, he was a normal person, even a good person in the eyes of some people.

Has a decent job, treats people kindly, and looks good in every way.

He is not a frizzy young man, so when performing this part, the emotions cannot come up all at once, but need to move forward slowly and step by step.

Watching Feng Yuanqian's performance, Zhao Baogang almost forgot that he still had lines to read, paused for a while before starting to read the heroine's lines, "Jiahe, you misunderstood."

At this moment, An Jiahe...Feng Yuanqian squatted down slowly, looked at Zhao Baogang, "Xiao Nan, I did not misunderstand, I made more than 100 phone calls..."

During the whole process, Zhao Baogang paid attention to Feng Yuanqi's expression, and when he saw a faint smile appearing on Feng Yuanqi's face, he was suddenly frightened.This is not a smile, but a facial change caused by a person restraining inner anger and impulse.

With such an expression, coupled with Feng Yuanqian's low voice, the frightening aspect of this character is immediately highlighted. For a moment, Zhao Baogang felt that An Jiahe had stepped out of the script.

The audition was still going on, and the heroine played by Zhao Baogang was struggling and shouting non-stop. In the end, An Jiahe made a move.

At this time, Feng Yuanqian's face was ferocious, very terrifying.

Zhao Baogang shouted quickly, "No, stop, stop."

Feng Yuanqian didn't stop at all, and continued to wave his hands, Zhao Baogang pushed, and quickly floated away.

After running for a while, Zhao Baogang looked at Feng Yuanqian who was in a daze, "Didn't I tell you to stop?"

Feng Yuanqian sneered and said, "I thought Director Zhao, you were still in the play, speaking the heroine's lines. Isn't there a part at the end of this scene, the hero has to apologize after beating the heroine."

Zhao Baogang waved his hand, "That's enough, you don't need to try later."

Indeed, there is no need to try, Zhao Baogang has already seen what he wanted to see in the previous paragraph.There is no doubt that Feng Yuanqi's performance is very good. With such a short preparation time, he was able to master the role to such an extent that Zhao Baogang was very surprised.

If it wasn't for Feng Yuanqi's good performance, Zhao Baogang wouldn't have reacted so badly and asked him to stop directly.

But selfishly speaking, Zhao Baogang still wanted Wang Zhiwen to try.

After thinking about it, Zhao Baogang said to Feng Yuanqian: "Let's end today, and I will notify you whether I have booked you or not. It shouldn't take too long, within a week."

"Okay." Feng Yuanqian nodded, and he didn't expect to be able to fix him today.

"Oh, by the way, the image of this character is very unflattering, you are fine."

Feng Yuanqian shook his head again, "No problem, no matter what the role is, there must always be someone to play it."

"That's good, you go back first... By the way, there is one more thing, do you know Yu Dong?" Zhao Baogang thought for a while, and still asked out the doubts in his heart.

Feng Yuanqian asked in surprise, "Director Zhao, are you talking about the writer Yu Dong?"


"Then I must know him. After all, he has been so famous in the past two years. It's hard not to know him. As for Renyi, many people like to read his books."

"I don't mean that when I say acquaintance. Put it another way, does he know you?"

" probably don't know me. I'm a young actor and I haven't been in any big dramas. How can he know me? Why does Director Zhao ask such a question?"

Zhao Baogang shook his head, "Just ask."


After leaving Renyi, Zhao Baogang contacted Wang Zhiwen again, wanting him to try the play as well, and finally compare.If Wang Zhiwen had no problem, Zhao Baogang still wanted to fight for Yu Dong.

But what Zhao Baogang didn't expect was that Wang Zhiwen had no schedule at all in the near future.

Ever since "Passive Addiction" became popular, Wang Zhiwen has become famous, and invitations from various crews have poured in.In the past two years, he has taken on four or five more plays. If he is to be found, "Don't Talk to Strangers" may need to be postponed until next year.

Where could Zhao Baogang wait, he could only make Feng Yuanqian.

But this also made him feel relieved. Sometimes choosing a better choice makes people more relaxed. Besides, Feng Yuanqian has performed well in all aspects except for his little reputation, so he is a very suitable candidate.

At the same time, Feng Yuanqian was handpicked by Yu Dong, since he could only be appointed, Zhao Baogang didn't have to go to persuade Yu Dong to change his mind.


After receiving "Don't Talk to Strangers", Zhao Baogang made a special trip to Jinling.

When Yu Dong led him into the dormitory for singles, Zhao Baogang was quite surprised. He didn't expect such a great writer like Yu Dong to live in such a place.

Literati are not directly linked to being rich, but Yu Dong is different. Yu Dong should be the richest writer in China right now.Before that, the richest person should be Wang Shuo. In fact, this is not true. Wang Shuo may just make a lot of money, but he may not be the richest. After all, that guy spends money like water. People who want to spend their money.

However, although Yu Dong's room was cramped, it seemed to have a bookish atmosphere, because in this room, books were everywhere.

Zhao Baogang also noticed the pile of papers in the corner, all of which were calligraphy practiced by Yu Dong usually.

Eight words suddenly popped up in his mind: this is a humble room, only my virtue.

"Mr. Yu Dong's leisure and elegance are enviable." Zhao Baogang looked at the Four Treasures of the Study on the table and said with a smile.

Yu Dong waved his hands, "It's just doodling."

Then he poured a glass of water for Zhao Baogang, and the two sat facing each other. Yu Dong said again, "Director Zhao, what is the main purpose of coming here this time? I didn't make it clear on the phone."

Zhao Baogang put down the teacup, and then took out a stack of materials from his bag, "There are a few things, but the most important thing is casting. These are some candidates I have proposed. You can see which ones are suitable."

"Casting?" Yu Dong took the information with doubts, "I don't quite understand what I think about this casting, you just decide."

Zhao Baogang smiled and said, "You are modest, the Feng Yuanqian you ordered before is very good."

"Oh, that's why." Yu Dong also smiled, "Feng Yuanqian, I'm just making a suggestion. It's up to you whether you choose him or not. I've watched Mr. Cao Yu's play "Yanjing Man" before." , Zeng Wenqing played by Feng Yuanqian impressed me deeply, so I mentioned him."

Zhao Baogang's expression froze. He originally thought that Yu Dong was a screenwriter with a strong desire to control, but he misunderstood.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Yu Dong didn't tell the truth at all, but he only said so now because he had fixed Feng Yuanqian.Because I can't tell the truth, it would be too magical.

(End of this chapter)

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