Chapter 313 Gifts
"Since the information has been brought over, you can show it to me." Zhao Baogang said with a smile, "There are still many things to trouble you in the future."

Yu Dong nodded, and opened the information in his hand. The first few were heroines. Among them, Jiang Shan, Jiang Wenli, Xu Fan, Chen Xiaoyi, and Fu Yiwei knew each other, and Yu Dong had never met the other two.

After reading the materials, Yu Dong discovered that Jiang Shan, Xu Fan, and Chen Xiaoyi were classmates.

"Director Zhao, you're catching them looking for actors in the same class."

Zhao Baogang smiled and said, "It's a coincidence that I didn't find her class on purpose. There is also this Jiang Wenli, Mr. Yu Dong, you should also take a look. Although her works are not many, her performance in several plays is remarkable. .”

Hearing what Zhao Baogang said, Yu Dong understood.In fact, it can be seen from the order of visits in the materials that the first one is Jiang Wenli, and Zhao Baogang should be very fond of her.The other one, probably Jiang Shan who had just worked together, was placed second.

"Jiang Wenli is pretty good." Yu Dong nodded, "Have you ever tried a mirror?"

"Not yet. We will start after we go back this time. After the characters are selected and the materials are prepared, we will go to Shanghai to prepare for the filming."

Yu Dong put the background of "Can't Talk to Strangers" in Shanghai, so Zhao Baogang and the others decided to shoot in Shanghai without much hesitation.In this case, sometimes Yu Dong can visit the crew. He is a screenwriter after all. Although Zhao Baogang doesn't ask him to talk to the crew, he still has to show up occasionally to communicate with the director and actors.

Yu Dong just roughly flipped through the information on the following actors. Many supporting actors Yu Dong didn't know him at all, and he couldn't offer any good opinions.

After a while, he returned the materials to Zhao Baogang, "Director Zhao, you guys can decide on the actor's affairs. When you decide later, just tell me."

Of course Zhao Baogang had no objection, he was afraid that Yu Dong would randomly arrange actors for them.

"Okay, Teacher Yu Dong." Zhao Baogang put away the materials and took out the script: "Also, I have some questions about the script that I want to talk to you about. There may be some changes in it, of course, don't worry , there won’t be any major changes, it’s just small things.”

Yu Dong nodded, and took over the script from Zhao Baogang. Zhao Baogang had already marked the parts that needed to be revised.

As Zhao Baogang said, it's really not a major modification, but there are quite a lot of things that need to be modified.

Zhao Baogang also thoughtfully marked each place to be modified with a serial number, and Yu Dong turned directly to the back. The last place to be revised was marked 52, which meant that there were 52 places to be revised in total.

"Although there are 52 places, there are actually only five places that I think must be changed. Other places can be changed or not. I have marked these five places with a red pen. The first place is here..." Zhao Baosteel helped turn the script to the front and found the first place marked with red pen: "Here, when An Jiahe came home from the hospital..."

The script written by Yu Dong, if you just read the text, there is definitely no problem, but from the perspective of shooting, there are some problems, and these problems raised by Zhao Baogang are also some stage descriptions related to the specific shooting.

Seeing these questions raised by Zhao Baogang, Yu Dong felt very happy on the contrary, because these are what he lacked.

On the way, Yu Dong even took out his notebook and pen, and wrote down what Zhao Baogang said.

Zhao Baogang was taken aback by this set of movements, he didn't expect the famous Yu Dong to be so humble and studious, he secretly sighed, it's no wonder he can succeed.

When the question was about the same, Zhao Baogang smiled and said, "In fact, as long as you go to the group to see more and feel how the filming is done, you will be able to avoid these problems when you write the script in the future, Mr. Yu."

"Understood, I will learn more when you guys start filming later."

"Haha, it's not about studying, it should be about guiding."

Zhao Baogang smoothed his hair with his hand. Now he has long flowing hair. Although he is 40 years old, he has the demeanor of a literary youth.

Because they chatted very late, Yu Dong invited Zhao Baogang to Jinling Restaurant for dinner.Considering that he also came all the way here, Yu Dong called a few friends to join him.

The Cengfan duo will definitely not be absent, plus Zhang Xian and Ruan Xiaohu, there are six people in total.

In fact, Yu Dong called Zhang Xian and Bi Feiyu for a purpose. Zhang Xian is the top leader of the drama department, and Bi Feiyu is the second leader of the drama department. The two of them will definitely have ideas when they see Zhao Baogang.

The facts were exactly as Yu Dong expected. Before they had dinner, when several people were playing cards, Bi Feiyu spoke first, "Director Zhao, how do you arrange your itinerary?"

Zhao Baogang didn't think much about it, he thought it was just a small talk, so he replied with a smile, "The matter here is over, I'm going back to Yanjing to start preparations, first assign the roles."

Zhang Xian took over the conversation and said, "Director Zhao means that he is not in a hurry to leave?"

Now Zhao Baogang understood the meaning, and asked with a smile, "What's the matter with you two?"

Zhang Xian made eye contact with Bi Feiyu, and finally Bi Feiyu said, "Director Zhao, it's like this, you came here with great difficulty, we were thinking, can you give a lecture to the students in Jin Yi's director class .Our Jinyi students are suffering, it is too far away from the capital, and it is difficult to get in touch with a great director like Zhao Dao. What can we teachers do, we can only say that we have the cheek to invite you."

"Yes, Director Zhao." Zhang Xian followed up, "Yu Dong is also a teacher of the drama department, and he knows the situation of our drama department better than anyone else."

Mentioned by Zhang Xian, Yu Dong smiled and said, "You two, having a meal, your thoughts are too simple. Director Zhao is not an idler, he has his own arrangements, and he goes to give lectures to the students temporarily. His own business was delayed."

When the three of them sang together, Zhao Baogang couldn't stand it at all. He raised his hands and smiled, "Three teachers, three teachers, can I agree? But try to arrange this class for tomorrow morning. I'll go back in the afternoon when I'm done."

"It's no problem, I'll arrange it." Zhang Xian said happily, "Thank you Director Zhao for your support."

"Not bad, not bad, thank you Director Zhao for your support. Director Zhao, you still have a sheet four in your hand. It's okay, I'll give you a three." Bi Feiyu smiled and threw the sheet three out.

Zhao Baogang was taken aback, "Mr. Bi, your card counts really well, and I really have an extra 4."

After throwing out Leaflet 4, Zhao Baogang only had a small bomb left in his hand, so No.1 left.

Yu Dong looked at Bi Feiyu on the opposite side, and said speechlessly, "Old Bi, you are going too far."

"Hey, Director Zhao is a guest here."

Yu Hua pulled Yu Dong up from the side, "You stink from beating yourself, otherwise you won't be able to release the last rainstorm."

Seeing Yu Hua's eagerness to go to the poker table, Yu Dong stood up and said, "Okay, let's play, I'll go get the food."


In this way, Zhao Baogang was fooled into going to Jinyi to give a class to the students majoring in directing.

When Zhao Baogang was in class, Wu Changxin deliberately went to listen for a while, laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.After the class was over, he wanted to invite Zhao Baogang to the hotel for dinner on behalf of the school, but because Zhao Baogang was going back to Yanjing in the afternoon, he only had a meal in the cafeteria in the end.

When sending Zhao Baogang away, Wu Changxin excitedly held Zhao Baogang's hand, "Director Zhao, on behalf of Jinyi, I would like to thank you for your support to our school, and hope that you will come to Jinyi as a guest more often in the future. It is also a pity this time, It's really not good hospitality, we will definitely arrange it when you come next time."

"Principal Wu is too polite. There are so many excellent people in Jinyi. I will definitely come here often in the future. I just hope you don't think I'm too annoying. Well, I won't say much, and I have to hurry go back."

Zhao Baogang greeted everyone and left.After Zhao Baogang left, everyone turned back and walked into the school. Wu Changxin walked in front and said with a smile: "This time you gave me another surprise, and it was the same when Zhang Yimou came. It can be seen that Zhao Baogang's class is The effect is remarkable, and the enthusiasm of the students is also visible to the naked eye."

"It's thanks to Yu Dong, Zhao Baogang was able to come because of him." Zhang Xian said from the side.

Wu Changxin nodded, "Yes, thanks to Yu Dong, but I believe that with everyone's continuous efforts and continuous development of Jinyi, more and more people like Zhao Baogang will be willing to come here in the future. There will be such a day , your contributions are indelible.”

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I believe there will be such a day. The first drama creation major is about to graduate, and it's time for us to reap the fruits."

"That's right, the first batch of students majoring in drama creation has matured, especially a few of them, who have performed very well. I believe that if they are thrown into a theater now, they will be able to walk out of their own way. " Bi Feiyu said.

"By the way." Wu Changxin looked at Yu Dong again, "Have you ever thought about giving students a special class based on your new script this time? I think the students are very curious about this new play."

"Let's wait until next semester. There's not much time left in this semester, and the students are busy with exams recently."

"You have to take this matter to heart, Mr. Zhang, I have a task for you to remind Yu Dong so that he doesn't forget about it."

Zhang Xian nodded and said, "I promise to complete the task."


Cheng Yanqiu was not in a good mood today, Yu Dong called her in the morning and said that he was going out for a while, and he couldn't accompany her home for dinner at noon.

The dinner at home was decided yesterday because today is her birthday, but it seems that Yu Dong forgot her birthday.

Originally, she didn't really care about birthdays, but she just felt very upset. It was obviously her first birthday after marriage.

Shakingly walked home.

Mother was cooking in the kitchen, when she heard the door open, she came out wearing an apron, "Luoluo, you're back."

The voice was surprisingly loud, as if it was not intended for Cheng Yanqiu, but for people farther away to hear.

Cheng Yanqiu had something on his mind, so he didn't pay much attention, nodded and said, "Well, Yu Dong suddenly has something urgent, and he won't be back at noon..."

Before she finished speaking, a piano sound suddenly sounded in the room, which turned out to be "Happy Birthday to You".

The method is very childish...

Cheng Yanqiu suddenly realized something, and hurried to his room, Chen Yuqing looked at her daughter with a smile on her face, this silly girl seemed to be about to cry just now.

In the room, Yu Dong was sitting in front of the piano, playing "Happy Birthday to You" earnestly. Cheng Yanqiu did not bother, but leaned against the door frame and listened quietly.

She hadn't heard such an ugly "Happy Birthday" for a long time. Even a primary school student probably wouldn't be able to play such a few simple notes so discordantly.

But it has been a long time since she heard a song that moved her so much. Although these notes are not harmonious, they can hit her heart at once.

She felt uncomfortable before and didn't cry, but now she saw her husband playing the piano for her seriously like a child, but she cried.

This bad guy will make people cry.

Yu Dong spent a lot of effort to finish playing the song "Happy Birthday to You", then turned his head and said with a gentle smile, "Happy birthday, wife."

Immediately afterwards, Yu Dong couldn't laugh anymore, because his wife was teary-eyed at this moment.

He hurried over, "Why are you crying?"

Cheng Yanqiu thumped his chest, "Isn't it all your fault? Why don't you say you can't have dinner with me, liar!"

Yu Dong put his arms around her and wiped her tears, "Isn't this a surprise? How about it, your husband and I are still talented, I learned this song in two days."

Cheng Yanqiu was amused again, "Two days? When I was four years old, I would be able to play this piece after listening to it once. I don't even need to read the score. Besides, it's outrageous that you can play the numbered notation in such a chaotic rhythm. .”

"Ahem, it's not that the rhythm is messed up. I made some adaptations and added some stream-of-consciousness things. Look, even though the playing is messy, you can still hear it as "Happy Birthday to You". This is stream-of-consciousness. You should be able to hear some literary spirit from my rhythm, alas, Comrade Luoluo, I still think highly of you." Yu Dong shook his head and sighed, saying the truth.

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes, "Not serious."

Yu Dong smiled and pulled her arm, "Let's go, see if my mother can help."

After Cheng Liye came back from work, he heard what Chen Yuqing said just now, and said to Dong with a smile, "I heard that you have been studying "Happy Birthday to You" for two days?"

Yu Dong said with a sneer, "Two days of learning but not learning."

"No, it only took me two weeks to learn "Fur Elise" from scratch."

Chen Yuqing broke the stage and said, "Just brag, two months can be said to be two weeks."

"I also don't study. It's only two weeks when I really study. By the way, Yu Dong, how is your new house decorated?" Being demolished by his wife, Cheng Liye changed the subject again and asked about the new house. things.

"The furniture and electrical appliances will start to be installed in mid-June, and then it will be ventilated for two months, and we will be able to live in it in September."

Cheng Liye nodded, "Also, what we discussed earlier was to hold a wine on September [-]th. Have you found a hotel yet? You can't delay this matter."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Don't worry Dad, I've already made arrangements. I'll give you the specific address in a few days."

This year, September [-]th happened to be a weekend, and September [-]th was the Mid-Autumn Festival, so Yu Dong and the others decided to hold the wedding on September [-]th.Both of them are teachers, so it is very appropriate to get married on Teacher's Day.

Hearing that Yu Dong said it was settled, Cheng Liye didn't ask too much. The son-in-law is a steady person, so he doesn't need to worry too much about things.

After eating, Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu aside, "Comrade Luoluo, I'll take you out to see the birthday presents later."

"Birthday present?" Cheng Yanqiu questioned, "I thought the song "Happy Birthday to You" just now was a birthday present."

"That's true, but there's more."

"Is it something big? Do you want to go out and see?"

"It's very big, super big, not ordinary." Yu Dong laughed.

"Where are you going, are you at school?"

"No, you'll know when you go."

Cheng Yanqiu pouted, "It's mysterious."

Afterwards, the two greeted Cheng Yanqiu's parents and went out.

Jiang Jie had already driven the car to the gate of the community and waited. Seeing the car, Cheng Yanqiu was even more puzzled, "Is it very far?"

"You'll know in a while."

Hearing Yu Dong say this again, Cheng Yanqiu simply stopped asking and sat obediently.

After driving for more than half an hour, Cheng Yanqiu suddenly pointed to the front, "This is Niushou Mountain, where are we going?"


This time it was really coming soon. The car did not enter Niu Shou Mountain, but went to the west side of Niu Shou Mountain. It is quite far from the urban area and has not been developed yet. There are many farmhouses and farmland, and there are some large and small hillsides.

The car turned behind a small hillside, and there was an antique house in sight, but there was a wasteland around it, and some construction vehicles were parked nearby.


Yu Dong got out of the car first, then took Cheng Yanqiu's hand and walked to the door of the house. The house looked like it was newly built, and there were some workers busy inside.

"This is?"

"This is a birthday present for you, go, I'll take you in and have a look."

As soon as you enter from the gate, there is a patio, and a corridor paved with green bricks leads to the hall. There are two pools on both sides of the corridor. There is nothing in it now, but some fish will be raised later.

The hall is now empty, and there is nothing.

"In the future, there will be a long table and a few chairs here, which are usually used to welcome people. Let's go to the back and have a look."

Different from the emptiness in front, the yard in the back is almost finished, with rockery and pavilions.

Walking along a curved corridor around the lotus pond, we first came to an independent small building, which is actually not too small. The area of ​​a single floor should be [-] square meters.

"This building is for receiving guests. The first floor is a whole hall, which can accommodate many people. After we get married, we will put the banquet here. The second floor is divided into many rooms, and the functions should be complete. There are meeting rooms. Tea room, study room and two guest rooms. If friends come to visit in the future, they can live in the guest room.”

Going further inside, there is another small building, this time it is really a small building, it is more than half smaller than the one just now, and it also has two floors.

"This is the house we live in. The three rooms on the first floor are connected, which is equivalent to the living room. There are three rooms on the second floor, one is my work room, one is your piano room, and the other is our bedroom. I I'll take you there to see..."

Looking at everything in front of her, Cheng Yanqiu was stunned. She had indeed told Yu Dong that she wanted to get married in the old house, but she never expected that Yu Dong would actually build her an old house.

This is a typical Soviet-style garden. The whole garden is centered on the pond, and other scenery is completely in line with the layout of the middle pond.A river channel leads out of the pond to connect with the lotus pond in front, and there is a small stone arch bridge in the middle.

Except for the two independent buildings in the front, there is a row of connected houses in the back, how many of them are beyond count.

It's not over yet, in the end, Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu, who seemed to be in a dream, to the last building.

This building is the tallest building in the entire house, with a total of three floors, each of which is very high, adding up to more than ten meters. There is a small attic on the top floor, and a viewing platform is also built.

"What's going on here?"

"This is the Wangqiu Pavilion, which is specially used to store books. You can go up to look at the moon when you have nothing to do. We can look at the moon here during the Mid-Autumn Festival this year."

"Such a big place to put books..."

"In addition to books, you can also put other things, such as your qin, flute and so on. From now on, this will be the place for our family's cultural heritage." Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's still empty now, but I believe it won't be long. We can fill it up."

Cheng Yanqiu looked up at the attic above, and then at Yu Dong, "When did you secretly build such a house?"

"Thanks to Jimmy, he helped with the operation. I only gave a general opinion on the whole garden, and then a special person was responsible for the design. I didn't expect it to be built so soon, just in time for your birthday to bring you here have a look."

Speaking of it, I really want to thank Jimmy and the others. From the site selection to the construction, Yudong didn't worry much at all, and he was responsible for the checkout.

The whole garden plus some open space outside, totals more than 30 mu, which is neither too big nor too small for a garden.

In fact, there are not many houses inside, and the main areas are ponds and gardens.This Wangqiu Pavilion was added by Yu Dong's special attention. There are no tall buildings nearby, and the view from above is very good, and you can see far away, including Niu Shou Mountain in the east.

In fact, Wangqiu Pavilion can not only store books and musical instruments, but also letters sent by readers to Yu Dong. There are more and more letters, which has become a problem. Now that there is Wangqiu Pavilion, this problem can be easily solved.

In addition, there are some calligraphy, paintings, antiques, etc., which can also be placed here. It is said to be a book pavilion, but it is more like a treasure pavilion.

"Comrade Luoluo, are you satisfied with this birthday present?"

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "Satisfied is satisfied, but I feel that we can't usually live in such a big house, it's a bit wasteful."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, my parents will move here first, and your parents will also move here after they retire, and then we will make a few more small things for them to bring, won't this house be lively?"

Cheng Yanqiu's pretty face immediately blushed, but she didn't refute Yu Dong's words, instead, she followed what Yu Dong said and thought about it, the more she thought about it, the more blushed she became, until it was like an overripe apple.

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  Thanks pig stomach, today it’s only 6k, it’s been a long time in the past two days, I drank a lot of wine with the client last night, and now my eyes still hurt a bit, last month’s monthly ticket was paid to [-], I will add [-] words, tomorrow It will slowly fill up at the beginning.

  Pig stomach, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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