Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 314 The Culture That Jimmy Can't Understand

Chapter 314 The Culture That Jimmy Can't Understand

After returning from the garden, Yu Dong told his father-in-law and mother-in-law about the matter. They expressed their surprise, but they didn't say much.They knew that Yu Dong was rich, but they didn't know how much Yu Dong had.

Yu Dong told them that a room was also arranged for them, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law said they didn't need it, and they lived in a good place now, but later Yu Dong said that they needed someone to take care of the baby, and they were obviously moved.

There are also Cheng Yanqiu's grandparents, Yu Dong's idea is that when they retire, they can also live in the garden if they want.

Cheng Liye and the others couldn't make the decision about this matter, they just said to talk to the old man and the old lady later.

Not to mention Cheng Liye, the old man and the others will probably only agree to live there occasionally, and permanent residence is basically impossible. They have lived in Yanjing for so many years, and their old friends are there. If they go to Jinling to settle down, their circle of friends will be large broken.


At the beginning of June, Yu Dong received two invitations, one for the Galaxy Awards ceremony and the other for the Saturn Awards ceremony.

Needless to say, the Galaxy Awards are a regular event every year.

The invitation letter for the Saturn Award was also within Dong's expectations. As an award that mainly promotes science fiction, fantasy, and horror themes, it is impossible for "Second World" not to be shortlisted.

In the last Saturn Awards, "Jurassic Park" received eleven nominations at once, and finally won four awards. "Park" has one more item, and all the awards that can be nominated have already been nominated.

Moreover, the two items of the best sci-fi movie and the best special effects are basically already in the bag, and there is no possibility of rivals in these two items.

The Saturn Awards ceremony will be held on June 26, and Yu Dong will definitely not go there. He has no plans to go to the United States in the near future, and he is not very interested in this award.

However, he might go to the UK in the summer, because the questionnaire that Jimmy made was in full swing in the UK during this time.


"Benny, is Manchester fun? You seem to have grown a lot taller."

At the gate of Harrow School, Charlie hugged his good friend and asked him how he was doing with a smile.They were both Harrow students and spent six years together.

It's just that after graduating from high school, Benny went to Manchester to study drama, while Charlie went to the London School of Economics to study economics.

This time, it was hard to catch up with Benny and he had time, so Charlie asked him out.

As Charlie said, Benny has grown taller. Before, he was shorter than Charlie, but now he is the same height. The key point is that he is very thin, so when Charlie saw him from a distance, he felt that he was taller than himself .

Benny smiled and said, "There are a lot of factories there, and nothing else is special. You haven't changed at all, it's the same as before."

He pointed to the gate of Harrow School again, "Just like Harrow School, shall we go in and have a look now?"

"Nothing to see." Charlie grabbed Benny's arm and walked in another direction. "There is an event in the bookstore these two days, so let's go and have a look together."

"What event?" Benny asked.

"Have you seen "Second World"?"

"Are you talking about movies or novels?"

"Listen to you, you should know about YU."

Benny nodded with a smile, "Of course, I also bought his new book "Fatal Identity."

"I bought it too, but I'm going to buy another one today."

"Why?" Benny looked curious, "Is there anything special to buy today?"

"I heard that in the new batch of books, there is a form, as long as you fill out the form and send it to the publisher or to the bookstore, it is possible for YU to come to London to hold a signing event."

Benny raised his eyebrows. He had slender eyebrows with prominent browbones. When he raised them casually, it felt like his eyebrows were going to fly out. "Really?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Of course it's true. When I passed by the bookstore just now, I saw many people filling out forms in it. If I hadn't come to you in a hurry, I would have bought it just now. How about it, would you like to go with me Buy a copy and do something for our London area."

Benny scratched his head, "I was wondering if I should contribute a form for Manchester, after all, I spend more time there."

Charlie rolled his eyes, "Benny, you traitor."

"Haha, let's go, first go and see what's going on with that form."

The two rode bicycles to a relatively large bookstore nearby. At this time, the hall was full of people, and many of them were holding a form... In fact, many people had more than one form in their hands.

One table represents one book, which means that many people bought more than one book.Of course, everyone is relatively restrained, and basically no one buys too much, at most two or three copies.

Compared with those movie fans and music fans, these book fans are much more sensible.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Benny was a little emotional.

He paid attention to YU's book when it first entered the UK. It can be said that he is the first batch of regular readers of YU in the UK.

In the past, YU was not well-known in the UK. Although his book sales were good, it was only good, and his reputation was far from what it is now.

Today's grand occasion is due to the release of "Second World".

Since "Second World" became popular in the UK, the original book has also become popular. No matter whether they usually read science fiction or not, people will go to the bookstore to buy a copy of "Second World" or "Resident Evil" by the way.

In the UK, this kind of thing is very normal. After the release of "Schindler's List" last year, the book "Schindler's List" has been very popular. It has been on the best-seller list for a year, and it is still on the list.

Of course, in addition to the effect of the movie, it is also inseparable from the marketing of major booksellers. Before the movie "Second World" was released, Benny could often read about "Second World" in newspapers. "News, and basically every news will mention the original work.

Whenever the original work is mentioned, it will introduce how YU's books are best-selling in the United States and how much they are loved by American readers.The reason why the report is written in this way is because the editor knows that the British use this method.

Not only that, but many bookstores also advertised at that time, and put YU's book in the most conspicuous place of the bookstore.

Therefore, in just a few months, YU has become the most famous writer in Britain nowadays.

Now that I heard that YU is coming to hold a book signing event, the enthusiasm of the readers is of course very high.

In fact, the readers are highly motivated, not just wishing to see YU, this questionnaire activity has become a kind of competition, spreading from the readership to the fans.

When the "Second World" movie was released before, fans in some cities were very dissatisfied. This time they finally found a chance to win back the city, and of course they didn't want to miss it.

In particular, there are so many teams in London, but none of them can appear in the movie, so this time, whether it is a deadly enemy or something, everyone is willing to work together to bring YU over first.

It’s just that it’s not that easy for teams in the same city to join forces. It was okay at first, but then Arsenal fans found out that Chelsea fans had indicated on the form that the signing meeting must be in the southwest of London, so they quit. It is also stated that the signing will be held in the north of London.

The fans of Tottenham, another team in North London, are naturally not far behind. They decided to put their arch-rivals aside and follow Arsenal fans to ask for the signing to be held in North London.

The civil war is raging on the London side, and the Manchester side can't stand it anymore, why?How many big balls do you have?Do you think the signing will be held in your London?Instead, he divided the southeast and northwest.

Manchester United and Manchester City combined, what the hell, and also called on the fans to definitely bring YU to Manchester.

That's it, things began to slowly become outrageous, even Jimmy didn't expect this to happen, he really just wanted to do a simple marketing campaign at first, and didn't think about provoking fans of various teams Emotions.

He needs to know that fans are so easy to use, he has already made a fuss about it, and the situation is probably even more outrageous than it is now.

Mainly as an American, it was difficult for Jimmy to understand this kind of football culture in England.


Jimmy doesn't understand British football culture, just like Yu Dong doesn't understand why Wang Hailin's novels are so badly written.

Yu Dong looked at the more than 5-character manuscript in his hand, and a word Sichuan appeared between his two eyebrows.

Wang Hailin stood beside him, not daring to move. He knew that the situation was not good by seeing Yu Dong's expression.

After a while, Yu Dong put the manuscript on the table, then pressed his hand on the manuscript lightly, and said, "Have you shown this novel to others?"

Wang Hailin shook his head, "No, I came here immediately. I thought, write half of it first and show it to Brother Dong. If it doesn't work, I can change it earlier."

"I suggest you go back and finish writing it," Yu Dong said.

"This..." Wang Hailin didn't quite understand, "Brother Dong, you mean that the novel is not bad, can you continue writing?"

Yu Dong didn't answer, just said, "You listen to me, go back and write it according to your own thinking."

"If it doesn't work, isn't this work for nothing?" Wang Hailin muttered.

Yu Dong squinted his eyes and looked at him, "Tell me, what does it mean to not work in vain? Does it mean that once your novel is written, it will be sought after by thousands of people immediately, and all publishing houses and directors will come to you. Isn't it a waste of work?"

"I'm not like this..."

Wang Hailin wanted to defend himself, but was interrupted by Yu Dongexit, "Then tell me what you think. Do you know why I asked you to continue writing? It's because I want to read, just such a story The plot, can you still write it? If you are a cook, this novel is a dish. You don’t care about the three sevens and 21, and throw all the materials at hand into the pot first. Then I would like to ask you, When are you going to cease fire? Huh?"

Yu Dong suddenly became stern, which startled Wang Hailin. He didn't dare to say anything, but Yu Dong continued, "You put the meat and vegetables in the pot together, stop the fire early, the vegetables are cooked, but the meat is still raw. Chi Turn off the fire, but the meat is not raw, but the vegetables are mushy. Tell me, how can you finish writing this book?"

"Even if you are good, after finishing writing, is this a pot of stewing, is it for people to eat? A [-]-word novel, which involves love killings, vendettas, perverted serial murderers, police, detectives, transnational crimes, and various killing methods. Cyanide, daggers, falling, drowning, explosives."

While talking, Yu Dong suddenly laughed, out of anger.Although Wang Hailin was a bit stunned, he did well in professional courses and was at the top of the class.

At that time, he came to tell Yu Dong that he was going to write a novel. Although Yu Dong frightened him, he still had expectations in his heart.

Seeing Wang Hailin not speaking in a daze, Yu Dong handed the manuscript to him, sighed, and eased his tone, "I asked you to finish writing, and I also hope that after you finish writing, you can look back in a few days. Stand Look at your own novels from another perspective, so that you can find the problem. This is a process, and I have also experienced it. Don’t bring your ideas of writing scripts and essays into it, and then you will use an ordinary From the reader’s point of view, if you think about it, what kind of novel is this?”

"I see, thank you Dong Ge." Wang Hai said in a low voice, and then left with the manuscript.

After he left, Yu Dong took out a pen and prepared to write out the specific problems that appeared in Wang Hailin's novel, and show it to him next time.

But just before he started writing, Feng Ming walked in hurriedly, and said with a smile, "Old Yu, I just saw that kid Wang Hailin leave here, it doesn't look right, he's about to cry, what do you want?" Is he in trouble?"

"It's fine if he doesn't make trouble for me, and I can still make trouble for him?" Yu Dong curled his lips, and teased Feng Ming again, "Director Feng is here, what's your business?"

"Yo, you're still angry. I've been in office for a few months now, so I can't take it easy? I really neglected you during this period. Isn't this here to apologize to you?"

"Don't, don't, I've got goosebumps all over my body." Yu Dong waved his hands repeatedly.

Feng Ming was indeed very busy during this period. The former director of the Sports Department, Ge Yiming, retired, and the deputy director, Liu Hua, was promoted, so Feng Ming filled the vacancy of the deputy director.

He's new, and he's still a deputy. He's too busy with all the big and small affairs in the department.

Yu Dong also knew about his situation, but he just joked with him out of habit.

Of course Feng Ming knew that Yu Dong was joking. He said with a smile, "My hometown sent some chickens and some eggs. I went over to have a drink in the evening. I called everyone else. There are also some other local products, such as tea. , I’ll give you points later.”

"You can divide the tea, but forget about the chicken. Teacher Wu is about to give birth. Let her make up for it. The old chickens raised at home are not easy to buy." Yu Dong said.

"I didn't tell you, I brought several of them, and we will only eat one tonight. Besides, I won't let you eat for free tonight. I have a favor for you to help."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Let me tell you, Director Feng's chicken is not so delicious. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"You will know in the evening." Feng Ming patted Yu Dong on the shoulder, "I told you, don't ask me to invite you in the evening. Teacher Cheng's Aiyuan has already said that you will go there together in the evening."

After Feng Ming left, Yu Dong shook his head with a smile, picked up his pen again and began to list the problems in Wang Hailin's novel.

The writing is very detailed, divided into several big questions, and then divided into many small questions within each big question.

There are indeed many problems in Wang Hailin's novel. The biggest one, as Yu Dong told Wang Hailin just now, is that there are too many elements and the structure is complicated.

This is also the part that makes Yu Dong the most angry, not to mention the others, the students of their play should know the structure best.A qualified script must have a crisp and powerful structure.

What is structure? Structure is what type of story it is and what it is about. Take Journey to the West as an example.

It's simple and straightforward, and it's easy to understand right away.

As for the organization of Wang Hailin's novel, what I have to say should be: several people committed suicide by different methods for different reasons, and several people knew each other, so several murders that were originally unrelated were connected together, and finally they were killed. Three cops and a detective teamed up to take it down.

Wang Hailin didn't write the following content, and Yu Dong didn't see it either. He guessed it all, but it should be almost the same.

Things like structure are what the teacher will talk about when they are in class, and they are also the most basic things. It is impossible for Wang Hailin not to know, but he forgot all these things when he was writing novels.

Yu Dong thought that if he wanted to give writing classes to his students in the future, he might be able to take out this novel written by Wang Hailin as a model for making mistakes.

In order to list the problems for Wang Hailin, Yu Dong spent more than two hours, from more than two o'clock until almost five o'clock.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yu Dong got up to exercise his muscles and bones, and then went to Feng Ming's house with Cheng Yanqiu.

When Yu Dong and the others arrived, Feng Ming was preparing dinner in the kitchen, and Chen Hong and Fu Jing brought Haiguo to chat with Wu Aiyuan.

"How many of them are there?" Yu Dong asked.

Fu Jing smiled and said, "I'm playing cards at my house."

"Why..." Yu Donggang was about to ask why he didn't play here, but suddenly remembered that Teacher Wu was pregnant, so it was not good for them to play cards here and smoke.

Feng Ming yelled in the kitchen, "You go over to play cards too, it will take a while to eat."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Forget it, I won't smoke their second-hand smoke, can you do it alone, do you want me to help?"

"Hey, I'm fine by myself, but with you I guess it's not so good."

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders, "Well, you're being treated like a donkey with good intentions."

Looking back, Yu Dong went to play with Yu Haiguo again.

This kid is almost two years old now, his two little thick legs are very strong, and he can run steadily. Right now, he is eating a bag of oily fruits by himself.

"Haiguo, come, come to Uncle."

Yu Hai Guoniao is not a bird in the east, and concentrates on dealing with the Youguozi in his hand.

Chen Hong smiled and said, "Haha, you are not as popular as him, Uncle Feiyu. When Feiyu called him, he ran over immediately."

Fu Jing also laughed: "Don't look down on the person, he knows everything. He knows that following Bi Feiyu, there are delicious and interesting things."

Yu Dong rubbed his head, "Looks like I'll have to bribe this kid later."

"That's not it."

Several female family members laughed together, Fu Jing looked at Wu Aiyuan's stomach, and said, "After a while, there will be more people, and our area will be more lively."

"Yeah, it's going to be more and more lively. Ehime, I heard you had a back pain the day before yesterday. Has it gotten better these two days?"

Wu Aiyuan nodded, "It's getting better after going out for a walk in the past two nights."

"That's right, you still need to move more. Don't feel reluctant to go out because you have a stomach. It's not a good thing to sit for a long time or lie down for a long time. At that time, I..."

Several women, one who has given birth, one who is about to give birth, and two completely inexperienced get together to discuss the matter of having a baby.

Chen Hong, who had experience in childbirth, naturally said a few more words. Wu Aiyuan was about to give birth, so she had a deep understanding and nodded from time to time. The other two listened carefully and learned from experience.

Yu Dong is a big man, so he can only meet Yu Haiguo's eyes. The key is that this kid doesn't pay much attention to him, he's a bad fart.He felt a little regretful, he should have gone to watch Yu Hua and the others play cards just now.

After staying up for another hour, the game between Yu Hua and the others finally broke up. Several men ran over and released Yu Dong.

Feng Ming's side was almost done, and everyone started to clear the tables for dinner.

It has to be said that Feng Ming's cooking skills are good, and the dishes on the table are full of color, flavor and taste, and the ingredients are solid, so everyone eats to their heart's content.

After drinking for three rounds, Feng Ming raised his glass and said, "Brothers, brothers, sisters-in-law and younger sisters, I called you here today because I have an important matter to discuss with you."

Seeing Feng Ming's solemnity, the others also became serious and waited quietly for his next words.

"Ehime will give birth in a short time, but the baby's name hasn't been chosen yet, so I called you here to brainstorm a name for her."

"Hey, I thought it was something, I was surprised." Bi Feiyu shook his head, "Why don't you just name it and make such a big fight?"

Feng Ming said with a smile, "Actually, it's been a long time since we had dinner together. I was thinking about getting together, and I happened to settle the matter of names by the way."

"You shouldn't look at us in this matter, you should look at these great writers." Liu Changmin pointed at Yu Dong and the others and said.

Yu Hua waved his hands again and again, "You guys know me, I don't know much, if you ask me, I have to look at Fei Yu and Yu Dong, they are two top students in the Chinese department."

As soon as the voice on this side fell, Bi Feiyu waved his hand, "You know me, I even struggle to name my characters, if you want me to say, it depends on Yu Dong, he is good at naming names."

Yu Dong quickly followed up, "You know my..."

Everyone looked at him, Feng Ming asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I have never given birth to a child, so I have no experience."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "It means how many of us have lived?"

"You can mention one, let's talk about whether it's good or not." Feng Ming said.

Yu Dong didn't refuse anymore, he looked at the lively scene in the room, thought for a while, and said with a smile, "Then let me mention one, if it's a boy, how about Chang Di?"

"How do you write it?" Feng Ming asked.

"Changdi's flower, Ebuwei." Bi Feiyu helped to answer, "The Book of Songs·Xiaoya·Changdi, Changdi's flowers are connected with branches, which refers to the deep brotherhood. The second half of this poem has a beautiful meaning. , is a scene of joy and harmony, just right at this moment. And this period of time happens to be the flowering and fruiting period of Chang Dihua, I think the boy is called Feng Changdi, which is very good."

"I think so too." Wu Aiyuan smiled, "That's the boy's decision, what about the girl?"

Since the mother agreed, it was naturally decided like this. Feng Ming also thought that the name Feng Changdi was good, so he nodded and said, "Then this is it. Where is the girl, Yu Dong."

Yu Dong smiled and spread his hands, "I said it just now, so I'll just mention one. I suggest that you give the girl's name to Yu Hua. He must have thought of many girls' names before, but Haiguo came out and it was useless. "

Everyone looked at Yu Hua again.

Yu Hua smiled and said, "My names are very common, but they have nothing to do with the Book of Songs."

"You mention one first, and everyone will talk about it after listening."

"Okay." Yu Hua nodded, "If it's a girl, I think Feng Lele is pretty good."


"I just think it sounds good. I'm happy. I'm happy with everyone, Feng Lele."

When Feng Ming heard that it was quite interesting, he raised his glass again, "Okay, I will prepare these two names first, thank you all."

At the end of the cup, the atmosphere on the table became lively again. Everyone drank a lot of wine that night, and Yu Dong also performed exceptionally, drinking half a catty of white wine down his stomach.

And after drinking, he was still in good condition, holding hands with Cheng Yanqiu, the husband and wife took a walk in the school.As for why he was able to perform supernormally, Yu Dong himself also made a summary. It is probably because he often drank with his father-in-law recently. Although he didn't drink much every time, after many times of exercise, his drinking capacity increased.

It's just that after returning to the dormitory, after Cheng Yanqiu left, the spirit of alcohol came up instead.

He sat dizzily on the edge of the bed, thinking about taking a bath, but he was too lazy to move, so he simply didn't think about taking a bath, and leaned against the bed, staring at the window in a daze.

He doesn't think about anything in particular, but something always pops out of his head, as if there is an open space in his head, with various leaves falling on it, and when a gust of wind blows, the leaves float up.

When the leaves float up, even the lines can be seen clearly, but when the leaves fall, they are so blurred that nothing can be seen.

What are those textures?

Yu Dong got up, ran to the table, took out his notebook and took out his pen, he would write down whatever passed through his mind, but there were always some things that passed away before he had time to write them down, and he had to stop and go. Make a note of one thing.

I don't know how long I remembered it, and then Yu Dong ran to the bed in a daze and fell asleep.

 Thank you [Apache is very white] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Wild Cat 09] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [reading web articles from 2010] the big guy for the 500 reward
  Thank you for the 100 rewards from [Kneeling and begging not to squeeze the car]
(End of this chapter)

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