Chapter 315 Unexpected Situation (asking for subscription, asking for monthly pass)

Yu Dong was woken up by a rooster crowing.

He stumbled over from the bed and sat up. It was already bright outside, and he raised his watch to see that it was already eleven o'clock.

Seeing the watch that had not been taken off, he recalled that he fell asleep in a daze without taking a shower last night.

After a crow, Yu Dong heard the clucking of the hen again. The sound was not far away, and it sounded like it was in the vegetable garden outside.He got up and opened the door, and saw Feng Ming who was busy in the vegetable garden.

Feng Ming got a nylon net from nowhere, surrounded a field in the vegetable garden, and put a few chickens sent by his hometown in it.There is also a chicken food bowl inside, it seems that they are going to be kept here.

Yu Dong scratched his messy hair and said with a smile, "Old Feng, aren't you afraid that I will eat the chickens raised here?"

Feng Ming raised his head and looked at Yu Dong, "You've slept till now, you drank a lot last night, you can't stand it when you come back... You can eat this chicken if you want, are you a good chicken?"

"It's not good to kill, but it's always good to eat. As long as there are chickens, are you afraid that no one will help you kill them? Yu Hua can kill chickens. Although he is a dentist, he has also touched a scalpel, let alone killing chickens..."

"Can he still kill people?"

"I don't know about murder, but I guess he can cut the appendix of a chicken."

"The chicken still has an appendix? Don't bully me because I'm a physical education teacher who doesn't understand biology." Feng Ming snickered, grabbed rice husks and sprinkled them into the chicken coop, "Look at you, you didn't take a bath last night, it's a hot day Yes, sloppy."

Yu Dong laughed and said, "I suspect that what you gave me to drink last night was fake wine, and I fainted when I came back."

Feng Ming smiled disdainfully, "You usually measure two or three ounces, but you can still walk after half a catty of dry work last night, am I drinking?"

"Isn't that right? I can't drink two or three taels of other people's wine. I can drink half a catty of your wine. Do you think your wine is fake or not?"

"Yeah, I can't say no to you." Feng Ming put down the basin and clapped his hands, "I'll put some chicken food on the side, if you have nothing to do, help feed some."

Before Dong could reply, Feng Ming walked away.

Yu Dong looked at the chickens that were pecking, and stretched his arms back to the room.It's really a bit overwhelming to not take a bath in this weather. He is going to take a bath first, and then go to the cafeteria to eat.

But as soon as he returned to the room, he saw a few pieces of paper scattered on the table with dense words on them.

He frowned, what is this?Rubbing his forehead and thinking for a long time, he finally remembered that he seemed to have written something in a daze when he came back from drinking last night, but he couldn't remember what he wrote.

I picked up one and looked at it, but I couldn't understand it, not to mention the sloppy writing, and the typesetting was completely out of order, written horizontally, vertically, and even obliquely.

Some words overlap with other words and it looks like a mess.

Not only that, even if you can barely recognize it, many of them will not make sentences.

Nonsense such as "have you eaten" and "didn't eat" often appear, which seems meaningless.And there are a lot of Shanghai dialects in it, as well as some other characters.

The other few pieces of paper were similar, they looked like drunken ravings.

The main reason is that he doesn't have time to study carefully now, bathing and eating are more important.Fortunately, the hot weather is also good, just get some cold water and rinse.

After taking a bath, he went to the cafeteria refreshed, and happened to meet Hu Changqing who was blushing.

"Secretary Hu, what kind of happy event happened to make you so happy?"

Hu Changqing was cooking, and just ordered a piece of braised pork. Seeing Yu Dong, he said to the cook, "Xiao Zhao, give Teacher Yu also a piece of braised pork. One piece is two yuan, and one piece is three yuan." Yes, exactly."

He handed over two meal tickets, and exchanged a large spoonful of braised pork for Yu Dong's lunch box.

Braised pork is the signature dish of the cafeteria, and it costs five yuan a piece, which is considered a luxury.However, because the supply is not large, although it is not cheap, it may not be worth eating if you come late.

"Hehe, this happy event is not ordinary."

"Hey, let's sit down and talk."

The two walked side by side to an empty table and sat down. Hu Changqing said with a smile, "I made a small fortune today, so reward myself."

"No wonder, it turned out to be rich, so I was lucky, and I even got a piece of braised pork."

Yu Dongdao didn't ask Hu Changqing what kind of money he made, but Hu Changqing took the initiative to say, "Jimmy used "Alien Monkey" to make a show, and gave 10 yuan for the authorization fee. After removing the miscellaneous money, there is still 5000 yuan left. , It finally came to me today."

"10 yuan copyright fee, there is [-] yuan left, why so much money for miscellaneous things?" Yu Dong asked in surprise.

"Before, I got credit for a lot of things from the company one after another, such as computers, telephones, etc., and I hadn't paid them off. The agent who took me took the lottery." Hu Changqing explained with a smile.

Speaking of the withdrawal, Hu Changqing not only didn't feel distressed, but showed a sense of pride.

But when you think about it, it is true. According to the contract Jimmy signed with them, the rake is paid at the beginning, which proves that they have made money, and it is not a small amount, at least [-].

Hu Changqing said just now that he made a small fortune, but in fact more than 6 yuan is no longer considered a small fortune.Although the economy has developed rapidly in the past two years, a lot of water has been released, and the money is not as valuable as before, but for a university teacher, more than 6 yuan is definitely not a small amount. After all, 2 yuan can buy a house and change it.

But Hu Changqing doesn't need to think about the house. Although he usually lives in the bachelor's dormitory, the school has allocated a room for him, but he has never lived in it. In addition, he still has an old house in the local area.

"I'll have to buy a mobile phone in the future, and the price seems to be reduced now. There is also a laptop computer. The desktop computer is too clumsy, and I can't bring it with me..."

Seeing Hu Changqing excitedly planning what he wanted to buy, Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh, this old Hu's mentality is still young, following the fashion, other people at his age may only want to save money when they earn money.

Even if it costs money, I probably won't think about electronic products.

Lao Hu has an obsessive obsession with electronic products. If you ask him to spend a few dollars on braised pork, he may feel distressed, but if you spend 2 to [-] yuan to buy a computer, he will not care too much.

Yu Dong thought it was pretty good, Lao Hu didn't have to worry about food, clothing or shelter, he had both sons and daughters, and he was basically about to give up.His salary is not low now, and it will get higher and higher in the future. Even without the extra income of manuscript fees, there is no pressure in life. It is completely understandable to spend some money for his own preferences.

As for the drama he was talking about, Yu Dong knew about it. Jimmy told him before that he wanted to make a sci-fi series. The script had already been written at that time, and now the filming has probably started.

The reason why I chose novels such as "Alien Monkey" to change is also because the plot is simple, dramatic, and very funny, and the market prospect of the film should be very good.

After eating, Yu Dong went back to the dormitory first, while Hu Changqing went to the office.

After returning to the dormitory, Yu Dong poured himself a glass of water to take a rest, and saw the few pieces of paper on the table that he had tidied away, so he picked them up.

I have a lot of free time right now, and I just happened to study what I wrote last night. After all, this is the first time Yu Dong has experienced such a thing of writing such a lot of things while drunk.

At first, I still couldn't understand anything like before, but after reading it for a while, I started to have some clues. It seemed that what I wrote here seemed to be what I had seen and heard before.

For example, "Su a foreigner ran away", Yu Dong guessed that it should be "Aunt Su ran away with a foreigner".

This was an incident that happened in the village when he was a child. Aunt Su's original name was Yu Dong. I have forgotten it, but I only remember that it was the daughter-in-law of Liao Zhengnan in the village. The couple had a bad relationship because they had no children, and they often quarreled. Later, a foreigner came to the village. Man, soon Aunt Su is gone too.

Everyone in the village said that Aunt Su fell in love with a foreign man and ran away with him.

At that time, Yu Dong was still young, and he didn't know whether what everyone said was true or not. He only knew that a foreign man had indeed come to the village in those two days, and Aunt Su had indeed run away.

Next to this sentence is "Liao Li is not born", Yu Dong guessed that he wanted to write "Liao Zhengnan wants to divorce because the son is not his own".

This happened two years ago. After Aunt Su ran away, Liao Zhengnan took a new wife home not long after, and later gave birth to a son.

After the child was born, Liao Zhengnan told people everywhere that he was able to give birth because of his ex-wife's fault.It's just that a few years ago, he found out that his son was not his own, and he wanted to divorce his current wife.

"Liao Li Bu Sheng" is covered with "Tao Quilt".

This matter is about when Yu Dong was in junior high school, there was an art teacher in their school named Tao Wenwen, young and beautiful, one day when Liang Xin, a classmate in their class, passed by Tao Wenwen’s dormitory at night, he happened to meet the principal in there, The headmaster also ran out to talk to Liang Xin and asked him to help bring the quilt over.

This thing is quite magical. When Liang Xin told the students, everyone didn't believe it. The principal's son and Yu Dong were still in the same class.But later the principal did divorce his wife, and then married Tao Wenwen.

Later, the principal was arrested as a prostitute, causing a commotion in the school.

Anyway, the things recorded here are messy, from all ages, including what happened in the 60s before Yu Dong was born, and these things were all told by Yu Dong's elders later.

The characters that appear in it include students, teachers, migrant workers and so on.

The timeline of these things between them is very messy, for a while it was a matter of the 60s, for a while it was a matter of the 80s and 90s, and for a while it was a matter of the [-]s.

Some can be connected, and some are not related at all.

Yu Dong didn't quite remember many trivial things, but he was still recorded by his drunken self.

Yu Dong thought for a while, and then found some new sheets of paper, trying to sort out what he wrote last night.

He thought it was not difficult at first, but he felt the difficulty when he actually did it.

On the one hand, the recorded content is really crude and sloppy, on the other hand, it takes a long time to remember many things, and some things have no impression at all.

It took half a day for Yu Dong to sort out the contents above.

At this moment, the story line became clear. From the perspective of time, it should be three lines, five 60s, seven 80s, and 90s. The latter two can actually be merged into one line.

There are many characters and stories involved in it, some of which can be connected together, and some of which are independent of each other.If this is a novel, it is a novel with a bit of historical meaning, focusing on the Shanghai market.

But that alone does not make it a novel.

Yu Dong needs to add a few main characters to connect the stories inside, so that they can live from the earliest five 60s to the 90s.And to express the changes in Shanghai, the local dialect is definitely indispensable, but the pure local dialect is very unfriendly to non-local readers, and he has to spend his time transforming the local dialect so that people can feel Shanghai through language, and at the same time Let people understand.

It's just that if Yu Dong does this, Jin Yucheng's blooming flowers may not necessarily come out later.

But compared to "Flowers", Yu Donghui did it more thoroughly. He himself has no attachment to dialect writing, and even the modified dialect will only be leftovers in his works.

Because he was worried that these things would limit his creation to a circle. Yu Dong had this feeling when he was reading "Flowers". Jin Yucheng seemed to be restricted by the language he transformed.

Or, he was restricted by the network serialization.

Yu Dong wanted to write Shanghai, but it was impossible to write "Flowers". He was very touched by the ravings he wrote last night.

This magical flow of consciousness is unpredictable and fascinating.

But Yu Dong was not in a hurry to start writing, he wanted to wait a little longer, maybe he could "decipher" more things from these few pieces of paper.


Several days passed after such a delay, and Yu Dong almost forgot about it, but he himself was not in a hurry.

At the beginning of July, the furniture of the new house began to move in one after another.At the same time, Yu Dong also started to write invitations, and planned to send them out one by one in July.

The relatives of both parties were handled by the four parents of both parties, and Yu Dong and the others sent the rest by themselves, mainly Yu Dong's friends.

Yang Xiao, Tan Kai, and the teacher Hu Yueming must all be sent.

Cheng Yongxing and Li Xiaolin, Yu Dong didn't want to invite them at first. After all, it was so far away, and he hadn't paid the gift before, and it would be difficult to return the gift in the future.

But when they met last year, Li Xiaolin and the others specifically mentioned this matter, and it didn't seem too good for Yu Dong to keep silent.

And Zhang Yimou, he was still talking about this when he came to drink last time, saying that he must come to drink Yu Dong's wedding wine, so he had to send an invitation.

Han Dong and Gu Qian are in Jinling, and the two of them often come to poetry reading clubs, and they have a lot of contacts with Yu Dong, so naturally they must be invited.

There are also some people, such as Cao Yang, Wang Anyi, and Zhao Changtian, who work in the same building as Li Xiaolin every day. If Li Xiaolin and Cheng Yongxing are invited, it seems impossible to invite them.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong didn't bother at all, and sent invitations to those who had similar relationships.

Sometimes it's unnecessary to get too entangled in this kind of thing. People need to consider the world's sophistication, but it's just too complicated, otherwise it will only increase troubles.

Before the invitation was finished, good news came from the United States, saying that the film "Second World" had won five more awards at the Saturn Awards Ceremony.

Yu Dong didn't take it seriously, but the domestic media people were very excited, after all, there was another big news to write.In the past two years, there have been more and more reports about foreign countries in the news media, and the people are very interested in foreign affairs. The news of a Chinese in the United States has even more interested them.

The people of the country can be dubbed "glory for the country" if they do something outside, not to mention Yu Dong's solid achievements are enough to make the media write a lot.

"Reference News" almost opened a column for Yu Dong. After reporting the box office news of "Second World" some time ago, it continued to update the release of "Fatal Identity" in the United States.

Not only that, but they really put in a lot of effort. They even figured out the news that the Werewolf Killing Club was established in the United States, and made a column.

When it was July [-]th, Yu Dong's invitation letter was almost badly written, and all the furniture and appliances for the new house were sent in.

Yu Dong and the others opened all the cabinet doors at home, and then did a thorough cleaning. After finishing, the husband and wife lay comfortably on the sofa.

The sun at four o'clock in the afternoon is half blocked by the balcony, and the remaining half shines on the ground through the windows. Although the house is not big, the windows are bright and clean, and all internal organs are complete.

Cheng Yanqiu lay on his side, resting his head on Dong's lap, watching everything in the room.

Here, she and Yu Dong personally selected everything from the refrigerator to the teacup.

She doesn't care about the outside world, but the world inside the house belongs to the two of them.They will live here for a long time, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and hops.

Occasionally, they may quarrel, as for what?Who knows, maybe it's about who's going to do the dishes after dinner, or maybe it's because the TV shows you want to watch don't match up.

But no matter what, this room is destined to be infused with the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the two of them, and everything in the room will be stained with their breath and record their lives.

She raised her head and looked at her husband's jawline, "Husband, did you read Shelley today?"

Yu Dong smiled, lowered his head and kissed his wife.

At some point, Shelley had become a secret signal between them.

A kiss is where soul meets soul on a lover's lips, and the lips are where two souls of a lover meet.


Before going to Rongcheng to attend the Galaxy Awards Ceremony, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu planned to follow Zhang Xian and the others to visit Liangxi Water Margin City.

But before departure, Zhang Xian and the others found Yu Dong.

Yu Dongzheng and Cheng Yanqiu were writing calligraphy, Zhang Xian ran over with Jia Zhangke and his students in a hurry.

Although everyone was very anxious, seeing Cheng Yanqiu was here, the students still respectfully greeted Cheng Yanqiu first, "Hello, Teacher Cheng."

Seeing their fight, Cheng Yanqiu froze for a moment, then nodded, "Hello."

Then Zhang Xian said anxiously, "Old Yu, something happened."

Seeing Zhang Xian and the students anxiously, Yu Dong asked, "What happened?"

"There is something wrong with the crew of "Water Margin", and we can't start filming now. They just notified us suddenly today."

Yu Dong wondered, "What's wrong with them? Why didn't they notify you until now?"

"I don't know. They are also in a state of desperation. It would be nice if they could take care of telling us. I heard from them. I guess they won't be able to start shooting for a while, and it may have to wait until next year. If we want to talk about this matter, we don't know. It’s hard to say anything, after all, we are here to learn, if they have problems, we can only follow their rhythm.”

Zhang Xian licked his dry lips, and it could be seen that he was really anxious, "But the students have been preparing for so long, and their enthusiasm has been extinguished at once. And there are only a few of them in total. Summer vacation, if they miss this time, they won't have many chances in the future."

Now that this is the case, the best thing is to temporarily find another crew to arrange the students there.But looking at the whole school, Yu Dong was the only one who could accomplish this, so Zhang Xian went to Yu Dong as soon as he got the news, to see if he could think of a way.

The students also looked at Yu Dong eagerly. As Zhang Xian said, they had indeed prepared for a long time, both physically and psychologically.I didn't know that this happened when I was about to leave.

Yu Dong nodded, he knew what Zhang Xian and the others meant when they came to him.

"Old Zhang, students, don't worry, I'll help you ask."

After finishing speaking, without any delay, Yu Dong immediately called Zhao Baogang in front of everyone. The call was not to Zhao Baogang's home or Yanjing TV Art Center, but directly into "Don't The crew of Talking to Strangers.

At the end of June, the crew of "Can't Talk to Strangers" had set up camp in Shanghai, and Zhao Baogang immediately gave Yu Dong the phone number of the crew.

The phone was connected, and the students held their breaths and leaned over to listen.

"Hi, hello, who are you looking for?"

A deep and magnetic young man's voice sounded from the opposite side, and Zhang Xian and the others' hearts jumped, and at the same time they prayed in their hearts that they must succeed.

Yu Dong said, "Hello, is this the crew of "Don't Talk to Strangers"?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Yu Dong."

"Teacher Yu Dong?" Hearing that it was Yu Dong, the other party was a little excited, "Teacher Yu, you can call Director Zhao, I'll call for you."

"Thank you..."

Before Yu Dong could finish speaking, he heard the sound of the other person putting the microphone on the table, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

After about two or three minutes, there was another sound of footsteps, but this time it was much calmer.

"Hello, Teacher Yu Dong?" Zhao Baogang's voice came from the phone.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's me, Director Zhao, I've been very busy these two days."

"Haha, yes, I just came here, and there are a lot of trifles. How about it, it's summer vacation now, do you want to come and have a look?" Zhao Baogang said.

"I want to go and have a look, but I may not go there alone."

"Not alone?" Zhao Baogang was a little puzzled, "Is there anyone else? Is it your wife?"

"Also." Yu Dong said with a smile, "Director Zhao, I won't play tricks on you, that's right, before our school was with..."

It took a while for Yu Dong to explain the situation to Zhao Baogang, and then asked him if he could do a favor and let the students go and stay for a while.

After listening to it, Zhao Baogang said very straightforwardly, "I don't think it's a problem at all. You can come here at any time. It just so happens that there are still a few vacant rooms in our rented residence. Students can squeeze in if they don't mind. You don’t have to worry about eating or anything, just eat in the crew, what we eat and what they eat, since it’s an experience, let’s experience the life of the crew completely.”

Although the phone was off the speakerphone and the voice was very low, some students still heard Zhao Baogang's words.Excitement spread among them all at once, but the students dared not speak for fear of disturbing Yu Dong's speech with Zhao Baogang.

Yu Dong didn't expect Zhao Baogang to agree without any hesitation, and took the initiative to take care of the students' food and lodging. He said gratefully, "Director Zhao, you have been of great help this time."

"Hey, it's easy to do, and we are short of extras. I made money after getting so many free extras. Okay, you guys have to come and let me know in advance. I'll let someone arrange it. Although the crew is simple, but we This big screenwriter can’t be neglected when he comes here, can he?” Zhao Baogang said with a smile.

Yu Dong nodded, "Okay, I'll discuss it with them, and I'll give you a call later."

"Okay, I may not be able to answer the call later, just tell the person who answered the phone and let them tell me, so as not to delay the matter. Then I will hang up first, there is something I need to do here Go and decide."

"OK, bye."

When Yu Dong hung up the phone, a loud voice burst out from beside him.

"Long live Teacher Yu."

"Long live brother Dong!"

"Teacher Yu is a living Bodhisattva who saves suffering."

Yu Dong smiled and pressed his hands, "The matter is settled, and you all put your heart in your stomach. I will make people prepare. If you don't leave tomorrow, you will leave the day after tomorrow. I will go there with you when the time comes. Before going, I will go with you." Tell me, you must not cause trouble to others when you are on the set, but don’t just ask questions just because you are afraid of trouble. I put down my face and won this opportunity for you. If you don’t learn anything, I will take you one by one. Ass kicked."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yu, we will cherish this opportunity and we won't let you down."

"Yeah, Brother Dong, this time we're going, as long as we don't die, we will learn from death."

"Okay, okay, don't play tricks with me." Yu Dong waved his hand, "Go back first, Director Zhang and I have something to discuss."

"Okay, goodbye, Teacher Yu."

The students said hello and left happily.

After they left, Yu Dong asked Zhang Xian, "Can the car you're looking for leave tomorrow? I said to go to Liangxi, but now I'm going to Shanghai. Is it okay?"

The matter was settled, and Zhang Xian also heaved a sigh of relief. He shook his head and smiled, "No problem, we can leave tomorrow."

Yu Dong nodded, "Let's go tomorrow, and I'll talk to Zhao Baogang later. Zhao Baogang said that they arranged food and lodging, so we don't have to refuse, but when we get to the crew, we must be busy. Lower your posture a bit, don't waste the funds you prepared before, treat them to a meal when you see the opportunity."

"I still need you to explain it?" Zhang Xian laughed, "Don't worry, I know it well."

"Okay, I won't say much, I'm waiting to set off tomorrow."

After Zhang Xian left, Yu Dong was still frowning and thinking about something, Cheng Yanqiu asked aside, "What's the matter, is there anything unresolved?"

"It's nothing." Yu Dong shook his head, "It's just a matter of time to go home and have a look."

In fact, Yu Dong was thinking about the young man's voice he heard just now. He always felt that he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

 Thank you [Ghost Valley Holy Word] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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