Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 319 This Boss Is Quite Simple

Chapter 319 This Boss Is Quite Simple
After calling Almond, Jimmy turned on the computer and logged on to the werewolf killing community website.

At the beginning, this website was only used to record the data of the Werewolf Killing Club players, as well as the leaderboard of each issue, and sometimes announced some award-winning information.

But later members reported that they also hope to exchange some game experience and interesting stories on the website, so Jimmy simply made the website a community forum that can be used for communication.

Now the number of registered Werewolf Forums has reached [-], and there are hundreds of daily active users.

There is also a deep space bbs set up in China, but it can only be accessed through the ip address for the time being, and no one pays attention to it, most of them are played by internal employees of the deep space company.

The deep space bbs is just a test of the water, a seed that Jimmy planted. Maybe one day, this seed will grow stronger and eventually grow into a towering tree.

But this is all for the future, and now Jimmy is more concerned about the werewolves killing the community.

He looked at the speeches of members in the werewolf killing community, and was a little surprised.

When he watched the werewolf killing community before, the members were mostly exchanging content related to the game, such as who was on the list in this issue, and what new "black words" and tactics came out recently.There are also some retail players who will find someone to form a team in the community. Everyone will make an appointment on the website, and then go to the club to play some internal communication battles among social friends.

But looking at it this time, Jimmy found that the content inside was very different from before, because the first few speeches were all about buying and selling information.

[If anyone has YU's autographed book, I'd like to offer one hundred dollars to buy it. 】

[I have a book signed by YU, which is specially signed. It contains a lot of Chinese characters written by YU himself. It only costs [-] US dollars. Is there anyone willing to buy it? 】

[Who has the first edition of "Resident Evil", I will offer twenty dollars, is anyone willing to sell it? 】

[I have a photo of the front of YU, if anyone is willing, the price is negotiable. 】

[I have a private room voucher for the Werewolf Killing Club, because there is a problem with the schedule, if someone wants to, I can sell it at a [-]% discount. 】

[A ticket for a private room at the Werewolf Killing Club in Los Angeles, on July [-]th, the price is negotiable. 】

What Jimmy didn't expect was that there were so many people buying and selling items in the community.This reminded him of a chat with Yu Dong before, because Hu Changqing wanted to sell his broken bicycle, but after pushing the bicycle around, only the car repair shop was willing to buy his car and bid Very low, Jimmy and Yu Dong talked about it when they were bored.

At that time, Yu Dong mentioned that because of the lack of information, the things in the hands of many people cannot be reflected in their value. In addition, there are many people who clearly need what they want, but they can't get what they want.

Yu Dong also gave Hu Changqing an example. The reason why Hu Changqing's bicycle could not be sold, or at a good price, was because he could not meet anyone in need.If there is a person who just needs a bicycle and cannot afford a new one, he may consider Hu Changqing's old bicycle, and Hu Changqing will probably get more money.

The emergence of the Internet is likely to change this situation.

Jimmy naturally understands this truth, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the time. He didn't pay attention again until now when he saw someone posting second-hand items in the community.

Perhaps, we can set up a community for everyone to exchange idle items, but how does this community bring profits?
A commission from the turnover, advertising fees for certain products... There are many ways to make profits, but the premise is that the website can be done.

This doesn't seem like a small plan. After thinking about it, Jimmy decided to find a chance to talk about it with Yu Dong.The company involves some projects that require large funds to operate, and Jimmy needs to discuss with Yu Dong.Every project that exceeds 100 million US dollars must be known to Yu Dong, and every project that exceeds 500 million US dollars must be reported to Yu Dong in advance, which is determined by Jimmy himself.

Jimmy wants to restrict other employees of the company in the future by restricting himself.

Of course, Jimmy can also pay for this project instead of going to Deep Space Company. In his agreement with Yu Dong, there is no provision that he cannot do other business.

But Jimmy knew in his heart that he didn't need to do this. The Deep Space Company had already grown in size. Relying on the Deep Space Company to make this idle item exchange website grow rapidly, he would definitely make more money than doing it alone.

Moreover, he approached Yu Dong not only to report, but also to hear Yu Dong's thoughts. Although Yu Dong didn't chat with the Internet many times, he was always able to put forward some constructive opinions.

Looking at the posts on the website again, Jimmy suddenly had some bad tastes, and then posted a post.

[I have a tattered shirt worn by Yu Dong, anyone else? 】

After posting, Jimmy turned off the computer with a smile. He is a busy man and doesn't have much time to chat with these members.


On July 02, at 30:[-] pm, the [-]th Galaxy Awards ceremony officially began.

The Galaxy Awards Ceremony is indeed getting better and better. The stage layout is getting better and better every year, and the programs presented are also more abundant.Of course, these programs are not arranged randomly, they are all carefully crafted programs related to science fiction.

What Yu Dong didn't expect was that the last program before the official awards was actually a drama related to "The Martian".

It is said to be a drama, but it is actually a one-man show, which lasts about 5 minutes. Basically, the protagonist is talking to himself, saying the classic lines in "The Martian".

Although the program is very simple, but the effect is very good, the laughter of the audience is a good proof of this point.

After the show, the award ceremony officially began.

Unsurprisingly, the special prize went to "Deep Space", while the first prize was divided among He Hongwei, Wang Jingkang and Hu Changqing.

Yang Peng won the second prize.

Among them, only Liu Cixin did not win the award.

Because the development of science fiction is getting better and better, and the Galaxy Awards are getting bigger and bigger, so these two years have been different from before. In the past, as long as you received an invitation letter, it proved that you would definitely win an award. If you call them over and don't give them a reward, it will be a waste of time.

It's different now, it's already an honor to accept the invitation, but it's not certain whether you can win the award or not.

Of course Liu Cixin was a little disappointed, but he had already expected it.

If it was a few years earlier, his "Micro Era" would definitely win an award, even a second prize.But in the past two years, the competition in the science fiction field has become more and more fierce, and there are more and more professional science fiction writers, and the quality of their works has also improved accordingly. It is no easy task to win awards.

After the awards ceremony, Yu Dong deliberately found Liu Cixin to chat with him alone for a while.

"Da Liu, have you been focusing on revising "Supernova Era" recently, or do you have other ideas for new books?"

Liu Cixin grinned. He didn't know why Yu Dong called him Da Liu. He thought it was weird at first, but after listening to it a lot, it seemed reasonable.In terms of age, he is a few years older than Yu Dong, but in terms of qualifications, Yu Dong is much older than him, so it is difficult to address him.

Probably this is the title Yu Dong specially thought up to avoid embarrassment. Liu Cixin explained it in his heart, and persuaded himself to accept this title.

He said with a smile, "There are many flashy thoughts, but basically none of them are mature. For example, after watching your "Deep Space" and "The Martian" before, I wanted to write an article describing the loneliness of astronauts. novels, but I still don’t know where to start.”

"Describe the loneliness of an astronaut?"

"Yeah, after the astronauts go out on missions, they face endless deep space, but they are not accompanied by their relatives and friends. Especially like Bi Dongyu, who stays alone on a distant planet, it is conceivable that they have something in their hearts. How lonely. Bi Dongyu is optimistic by nature, and the final outcome is not bad, but if there is another person who is less lucky in the end and can only stay in that place forever, what should I do?"

Yu Dong nodded, "This idea is very good, but if the angle is not well found, it will easily become a clichéd novel."

Liu Cixin said with emotion, "Yes, if this subject is not well written, it will definitely backfire."

Yu Dong looked at Liu Cixin, and suddenly thought of a novel of his called "Bring Her Eyes", which seemed to be similar to what Liu Cixin just said.

In the novel, the protagonist is a ground worker of an aerospace system who asks for a vacation because he works overtime for a long time, but the leader assigns him another task, asking him to take a vacation with a pair of "eyes".

Eyes are sensing glasses, which are specially designed for people working in outer space. It is difficult for people working in outer space to return to the earth, so in order to allow them to "return" to the earth for vacation occasionally, NASA designed this pair of glasses .

After wearing the receiving glasses, you can see everything that the person wearing the transmitting glasses sees, and even receive the sense of touch and taste through brain wave collection.

At first, the protagonist thought that the eyes she was wearing belonged to an astronaut, and she might be performing a mission somewhere in outer space.

But then the protagonist slowly discovers that the owner of the eyes is not in outer space, she is actually the navigator of a spaceship.The "Sunset Six" where she was in crashed and was trapped underground, and her companions also died one after another, leaving her alone in the end.

And the only connection she has with the outside world is the pair of glasses, but the glasses can't last for too long. When the protagonist finished his trip, she had already lost contact with the surface.

The system in the ship can sustain her for decades, so she will spend the rest of her life alone underground in the next few decades.

This novel also talks about the loneliness and devotion of astronauts, but the angle of entry is very special and the drama is very strong.

Yu Dong thought about it, and decided to give Liu Cixin a push.

"You might be able to do the opposite."

"Do the opposite? What do you mean?" Liu Cixin didn't quite understand.

Yu Dong considered the language and said, "From the perspective of drama, sometimes reverse thinking is easy to refresh. For example, instead of thinking about the sky, you can also think about the underground. We have been exploring outer space, but for The planet we live on has not been fully understood."

Liu Cixin thought about Yu Dong's words, then narrowed his eyes and said, "You mean, with the development of science, we may continue to explore the center of the earth."

"That's probably what it means." Yu Dong nodded.

"If this is the case, it is indeed quite special. Astronauts... If they are exploring the center of the earth, it is not appropriate to call them astronauts. It seems that it is more appropriate to call them earth astronauts. If an accident occurs to the earth astronauts, they will be trapped in the center of the earth. It seems more depressing, compared to being in space and seeing the stars, being trapped underground is more like being locked in a cage."

Yu Dong smiled. Sure enough, he was the original author of the novel. If he mentioned it casually, he could think about it smoothly.

"If you want to write, you may need to learn about geological knowledge. Also, this is only a key element of the story. How can the story be cut into the perspective of the astronauts? If it is still cut in normally, it seems to be different from ordinary aliens. Space is not fundamentally different."

"In this case..." Liu Cixin pondered for a moment, and then his face was filled with surprise: "It's still the opposite. Most of "The Martian" is from the perspective of the protagonist on Mars. Can we consider the perspective of people on the surface? ?”

"I think this idea is good." Yu Dong nodded with a smile.

It's not just good, it's almost outlining "Take Her Eyes".Yu Dong wanted to push it just now, but he didn't expect it to go so smoothly. Before he said much, Liu Cixin had already planned in this direction.

"Although it is from the perspective of the surface, it can connect the people on the surface with the people in the center of the earth... Regarding this, I have to find a way." Liu Cixin was a little excited when he said this.

From Yu Dong's point of view, he would feel that he didn't do much.

But from Liu Cixin's point of view, it is completely different. From Liu Cixin's point of view, it was Yu Dong who led him step by step to outline the framework of the novel.

Liu Cixin couldn't help looking at Yu Dong with grateful eyes, "Yu Dong, thank you very much, I have benefited a lot from the few words you said casually."

Yu Dong patted Liu Cixin on the shoulder, "You're welcome, Da Liu, it's mainly up to you. If you write a novel, remember to show it to me. I'm very interested in this novel."

Liu Cixin said excitedly, "Don't worry, after the novel is written, I will show it to you as soon as possible. I can still..."

"What else can I do?"

"It's nothing." Liu Cixin shook his head. He originally wanted to say that he could sign Yu Dong, but after thinking about it, it was more like he was using Yu Dong's fame.

Yu Dong didn't ask too much, and said, "After you write it, you can also show the novel to Jimmy. He is working on a sci-fi series recently. Your novel is very suitable for him to adapt."


"Really." Yu Dong nodded, took Liu Cixin's arm again and said, "Let's go, the banquet is about to start, let's go to the restaurant. I believe that next year I can see you appear on the stage of the awards ceremony. "

"Okay, I will try my best."

Later, during the meal, Liu Cixin sat at a table with Hu Changqing and other first- and second-prize winners. This was arranged by Tan Kai, because Liu Cixin and the others were both authors under the banner of Deep Space.

During the meal, I saw that Liu Cixin was very excited all the time, and the people at the same table were very strange, because the other winners seemed not as happy as him.

Wang Jingkang asked directly: "Xiao Liu, why are you so happy all of a sudden? What did Yu Dong tell you?"

Liu Cixin was Da Liu in Yudong's place, and he became Xiao Liu in Wang Jingkang's place. He pretended to be mysterious and said, "Don't say it, don't say it, you will know it later."


The next day, except for Liu Cixin, everyone else stayed, and they planned to have a good time in Rongcheng together.

Cheng Yanqiu went shopping with Yang Xiao and Ning Jing. Although Ning Jing was a carefree little girl, she was very sweet-mouthed. She had been sticking to Cheng Yanqiu's side for the past two days. The one on the left was sister Yanqiu, and the one on the right was calling out to sister Yanqiu.

Especially since she knew that Cheng Yanqiu was a vocal teacher and she sang well, she kept pulling Cheng Yanqiu to learn to sing.

Moreover, she is not only sweet-mouthed, but also very good at flattering people. Before she knew each other for two days, she drew a sketch for Cheng Yanqiu and titled it "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World".

Yu Dong also looked at that painting, and he could see that Ning Ning still had some skills, and the painting was very good.

Cheng Yanqiu was very happy to be coaxed by this little sister, so when Yang Xiao said he wanted to take her out to play, she pulled Ning Jing together.

After his wife was abducted by Yang Xiao and Ning Jing, Yu Dong could only hang out with Hu Changqing and the other big men.It was agreed before that they were going to go to the science fiction bookstore.

Although Hu Changqing and the others had been there before, they still went with them.

The bookstore is located on the small street opposite Tianfu Square. It is an old row building with two floors, and the bookstore occupies the middle one.

Yu Dong raised his head and looked at the door. It read "Erdaoxiangzi Science Fiction Bookstore".

Entering inside, Yu Dong found that the area of ​​the bookstore was much larger than he had imagined before he came here. The single floor was estimated to be [-] square meters in size. The counter was not placed at the door, but placed inside the roof.

When Yu Dong and the others entered, there were already several readers in the bookstore sitting on the ponytail and reading.

It seems that for the convenience of readers to read books in the bookstore, there are a lot of foldable small mats in the corner.

The bookstore is very big, but there are not many books. There are many bookshelves that are empty. It should be because the bookstore has not been opened for a long time and has not had time to fill the bookshelves.Moreover, the bookstore only sells books related to science fiction, so it is more difficult to purchase.

On the display shelf in front, there are several rows of magazines, all of which are "Science Fiction World" and "Science Fiction King", arranged in chronological order.

On the back shelf, the top row is full of Yu Dong's books, and there are even English versions of "Resident Evil" and "Second World".

The following are some foreign science fiction novels, both original and translated.

From the arrangement of the bookshelves, it can be seen how casual the boss is, because the order of these books is not organized, and all languages ​​and ages are placed together without any division or classification.It seems that the placement of these books is all up to the boss's preference.

This is not very friendly to customers who come to buy books.

In other bookstores, books are usually classified into categories, domestic, foreign, humanities, social sciences, music, sports... Whichever type of book you want to buy, just go to the corresponding bookshelf to find it.

But here is different, you have to spend a long time to find the book you want.

Considering that there are other readers reading books in the bookstore, they did not communicate much after entering the bookstore.Yu Dong walked in along the bookshelf, and finally saw the real face of the boss behind the counter in the back.

He is a young man under the age of 30, with parted hair. Maybe because of his fair skin, he looks slightly fat.

He was leaning on the recliner at this moment, reading an English version of "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea".

Yu Dong looked at the height of the counter and couldn't help smiling. According to the boss's sitting posture, he couldn't see the inside of the bookstore at all. Even if someone came in to take a book and left, he shouldn't be able to find it.

It seemed that the boss not only didn't think about making money, he didn't even worry about someone coming to steal the books.

Seeing that he was engrossed in watching, Yu Dong didn't bother him, but looked at the stairs next to him, planning to go up to the second floor to have a look.

But as soon as he reached the stairs, he heard a voice from behind, "The second floor is not open yet."

Hearing the sound, Yu Dong stopped, then turned his head, "Sorry, I thought it was open."

"It's okay, it will be..."

As Qin Fen said, he was about to turn his attention back to the book, but he suddenly caught a glimpse of the person in front of him, and immediately sat up from the reclining chair.

He wasn't sure at first, but after taking a closer look, his eyes widened, "Are you—"

"You are" sounded loudly, but Qin Fen suddenly realized something was wrong, and quickly lowered his voice, "Are you Yu Dong?"

Although his voice was very low, his expression showed how excited he was at this moment.He had met Yu Dong before. Yu Dong came to hold a signing event before, and he even ran to participate, but he was not lucky at that time, and he didn't get a special signing.

Yu Dong didn't expect that the other party knew him, so he nodded openly and said, "I'm Yu Dong, hello."

Hearing Yu Dong's confession, Qin Fen quickly turned over from his chair, put on his slippers and ran over, "Everyone Yu, hello, hello, I'm your book fan."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. People called him many names, but this was the first time he heard someone call him Yu everyone.

"Hi, just call me Yu Dong."

"Okay, everyone."

Yu Dong smiled and let him go.

"Are you the owner of this bookstore?"

Qin Fen nodded, "Yes, Yu everyone. It hasn't been long since we started. Look, there are still some bookshelves that haven't been filled."

As he spoke, he moved another chair out from behind the counter, "Everyone, sit down."

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "You're welcome, I heard from my friend that there is a science fiction-themed bookstore here, and I'm a little curious, so I came here to take a look."

As he was talking, other people also came over. Although Qin Fen braked in time just now, his loud "Are you" still attracted Hu Changqing and the others.

"Well, they're here too."

Qin Fen looked in the direction of Yu Dong's finger, saw Hu Changqing walking in front, and was taken aback, "It's him."

"Why, do you have an impression?" Yu Dong asked.

"Yeah, I came here the day before yesterday, and I chatted with him, but I didn't expect him to be your friend." Qin Fen said, "I want to know that he is your friend, so I must have treated him well."

The implication is that the last time I did not entertain well.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't treat him well, it was just that Qin Fen was fascinated by the book at the time, and he liked to ignore Hu Changqing.

While the two were talking, Hu Changqing and the others had already come to the front.

Qin Fen greeted quickly, "Welcome to the shop, I'll make you a cup of tea."

Hu Changqing waved his hand and said with a smile: "You don't need to make tea, but what I'm curious about is, boss, why are you so arrogant and respectful?"

Qin Fen said shyly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was too busy reading a book at that time, so I didn't treat you well, I didn't treat you well."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Secretary Hu, don't tease him, I think his bookstore is doing very well."

Hu Changqing laughed, "Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

Qin Fen muttered in his heart, is this guy a big shot?Or some other secretary.

He rubbed his hands, "Yu everyone, why don't I take you upstairs to have a look."

Yu Dong asked suspiciously, "Didn't it mean it's not open yet?"

Qin Fen smiled and said, "It's not open to the public yet, but everyone, you and your friends are here, of course you can go up. The first floor is full of ordinary books, and the second floor is not fully finished yet, but I made it myself. These designs will be specially used to put some books or other items in my collection in the future."

Hearing what he said, Yu Dong nodded and said to Hu Changqing and the others, "Then let's go up and observe."

On the way upstairs, Yu Dong asked, "Boss, I haven't asked your name yet."

"My name is Qin Fen, Qin Shihuang's Qin, Fen who works hard, you can call me Xiao Qin."

Hearing his name, Hu Changqing laughed and said, "Qin Fen, your name suits you very well."

Qin Fen knew that what Hu Changqing said was ironic, touched his head, and said embarrassedly, "Sometimes I'm a little lazy."

"It's not your fault. Sometimes things like names can have the opposite effect." Hu Changqing said seriously, "For example, I, my name is Hu Changqing, but when I was a teenager, I looked like I was 30 years old. Now I am 30 years old. See Does it look like fifty?"

Qin Fen stared blankly at Hu Changqing, feeling that his world view was a bit subverted. He really felt that this Secretary Hu was 50 years old, and Secretary Hu's appearance did not look like he was 30 years old.

Seeing Qin Fen in a daze, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Secretary Hu was just joking with you."

"Oh." Qin Fen breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought Secretary Hu really..."

"Actually, Secretary Hu is the same age as me this year, less than thirty." Yu Dong continued.

"Ah?" Qin Fen was stunned.

Seeing that Qin Fen really believed it, the others laughed, this boss is really innocent.



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(End of this chapter)

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