Chapter 320 For Our Cause (Subscribe)

Yu Dong and the others followed Qin Fen up to the second floor, and found that there was indeed a hidden world up there.

The layout of the second floor is completely different from the first floor.

Compared with the bookshelves on the first floor, the second floor is much more spacious, with a coffee table in the middle and a cloth sofa around the coffee table.It looks more like a reception room for people to rest.

There is a long glass display case in the back. These display cases are a bit like the cabinets for gold and silver jewelry in gold shops, but here are some books and newspaper clippings.

Qin Fen pointed to one of the cabinets and introduced: "This cabinet is a special cabinet for winning works of the Galaxy Awards, and all the winning works of the Galaxy Awards are placed in it. Except for a few booklets of everyone, I cut the rest from magazines. down."

After listening to his introduction, Yu Dong and the others walked to the front of the cabinet.

The cabinet has already placed seven grids, that is, the seven Galaxy Award-winning works.

Hu Changqing looked at the grid of the seventh session, and asked strangely: "Why is there only one grand prize in this session?"

Others also looked at it. Indeed, there is only one special award "Deep Space" in the box of the [-]th Galaxy Awards, and other awards are still missing.

Qin Fen explained with a smile, "Isn't it just yesterday that the Galaxy Awards were awarded? I haven't seen the news yet, and I don't know which works have won the awards. The reason why I put "Deep Space" is because I believe that this year's Grand Prize will definitely It's from Deep Space."

"That's right." Qin Fen suddenly said excitedly, "Yu everyone, you just attended the awards ceremony, so you must know which works won the awards, right?"

Yu Dong glanced at Hu Changqing and the others meaningfully, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, let me tell you. You guessed right for the special prize. It is indeed my "Deep Space". There are three first prizes. They are "Underwater Revolution" by Lishui, "Skyfire" by Wang Jingkang, and "Black Domain" by He Hongwei. The second prize is..."

"Yu everyone, wait a moment, I'll find a note." Qin Fen turned to look for a pen and said, "Yesterday I wanted to join in the fun, but my wife has something to do and can't help me these two days. I look at the store, so I can't go there. If I go, even if I can't go into the auditorium, I guess I can get news from the people who come out. Although my memory is good, but there are too many awards this year, I'm really afraid that I won't remember. "

Seeing Qin Fen looking for a pen, Hu Changqing and the others looked at each other and smiled.The scene in front of him was too paradoxical. All the winners that Yu Dong reported just now were present.

When Qin Fen found a pen and paper, he began to memorize the works that Yu Dong had just mentioned, "Actually, the works that won the first prize are also within my expectation. He Xi's "Black Territory" and Wang Jingkang's "Sky Fire" are both It is a more tragic and desolate novel, and it also inherits their long-standing style. On the contrary, this "Underwater Revolution" written by Covered Water is more serious than his previous works, and it is not as relaxed, humorous and reversed as before."

Hu Changqing said with a smile, "I think "Undersea Revolution" is quite humorous."

"Although the language is somewhat humorous, the underwater world shown is magnificent and serious. The novel discusses many aspects of human nature. The underwater kingdom is divided into two factions because of whether to go ashore..."

Qin Fen's understanding of "Undersea Revolution" is quite deep, and his analysis of the plot in the novel is very detailed.And he seems to have a good memory, and can even recite the lines in it.

Hearing Qin Fen's analysis, Hu Changqing said with shame: "I can't even remember some of the lines you said."

Qin Fen said with a smile, "It's normal. I've seen it twice, so I'm more impressed."

"I've seen it at least ten times, but I don't remember it," Hu Changqing said.

Qin Fen said in surprise, "Secretary Hu, you like flooding so much."

Hearing what he said, He Hongwei and Yang Peng finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

He Hongwei clutched his stomach, couldn't straighten his back from laughing, "Hahaha, I can't do it anymore."

By this time, Yu Dong didn't want to tease Qin Fen any more. He pointed to Hu Changqing and the others and said, "Qin Fen, Secretary Hu is overwhelmed. The man who couldn't breathe from laughing is called He Hongwei, also known as He Xi."


Qin Fen has lived for 27 years, but there has never been a day as exciting as today.

July 1995, 7, he believes, he will always remember this day.

He liked to read science fiction since he was very young, but when he went to the bookstore when he was a child, he could never find science fiction.

At that time, he was thinking that it would be great if there would be a bookstore full of science fiction one day.

After waiting for a long time, he did not wait for such a bookstore to appear, so he thought about opening such a bookstore by himself.

Later, this dream came true.

But he never thought that there is a buy-one-get-one-free offer for such things as dreams, and when he realizes one dream, another dream will follow.

After Yu Dong introduced Hu Changqing and the others, Qin Fen had been in a state of excitement and shock, until later when Yu Dong and the others signed a copy of "The World of Science Fiction" for him, he was still a little dazed.

He had a good memory, but after sending Yu Dong and the others back behind the counter, he found that he couldn't quite remember how he sent Yu Dong and the others away just now, and his mind went blank at that moment.

Later, when his wife came to the store, seeing him in a daze, she waved her hand in front of his eyes, "Why are you dazed?"

Qin Fen didn't answer, but handed over the magazine in his hand.

The wife took the magazine, saw the signature on it, and laughed, "I said that you think about signing every day, and if you want a special signature, you will have problems with your head sooner or later. But your signature is too fake, how can there be so many authors? If it is signed in a magazine, it must be faked a bit..."

"It's not fake, it's really Yu everyone's signature. Daughter-in-law, slap me and see if I'm dreaming?"

His wife didn't slap him, but kissed him on the face, and he covered his face and yelled, "Too bad, I'm really dreaming! My wife can't be so gentle!"

His wife rolled her eyes, which really slapped him.


After leaving the bookstore, He Hongwei and the others were still discussing things in the bookstore.

"I really died laughing today, this boss is too funny."

Yang Peng smiled and nodded, "That's right, he was completely stupid afterwards."

"The boss is very interesting, and he is indeed a loyal sci-fi fan." Hu Changqing said, "I thought his bookstore would not last long, but I have changed my mind now. Maybe this bookstore can really become a sci-fi fan in the future. Assembly point."

"I also think so. When we left, there were already more than a dozen readers in the bookstore who were reading books seriously, and there will only be more and more readers in the future." Wang Jingkang said.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's easy to make this bookstore famous. You can hold a book signing party in this bookstore later."

"If I hold a signing event in the future, I can consider holding it at his house. But is the place in his house a little small? If my book fans go too much, I won't be able to stand up."

Yang Peng glanced at He Hongwei: "You think a lot, kid."

"Haha, people always have dreams."


On the shooting site of "Don't Talk to Strangers", Zhao Baogang was taking a break at noon when he walked around the scene and suddenly saw Li Yu reading "Harvest" with his hands in his hands. You have also started to pay attention to literature? Is it because our screenwriter is a great writer, so we want to read his novels? But in this issue you took, there are no works by Teacher Yu."

Li Yu shook his head embarrassedly and said, "I just heard that Teacher Yu's student published a novel in it, so I bought a copy to read."

"Ms. Yu's student published a novel in "Harvest"? Which student, Jia Zhangke?" Zhao Baogang asked in surprise. If any of these students could publish a novel, he could only think of Jia Zhangke.

"No, it's Ruan Xiaohu, Director Zhao, don't you know? Ruan Xiaohu is a writer."

"Ruan Xiaohu is a writer?" Zhao Baogang was even more surprised.

He knew this kid Ruan Xiaohu, among this group of students only Ruan Xiaohu was the most diligent.It cannot be said that other people are not diligent, but Ruan Xiaohu is different from others.

In addition to helping with work, other students usually seek out the staff of the crew or the director for advice on filming TV dramas.

As for Ruan Xiaohu, he worked every day except for work. Sometimes he was busier than the crew when he did the work of several people, and he never came to ask any questions.

But what about Ruan Xiaohu being a writer?
Li Yu was also a little strange, "Ruan Xiaohu is Teacher Yu Dong's direct disciple. Didn't Teacher Yu tell you? And when we were having dinner, several people in our crew heard it. Didn't they tell you?"

Zhao Baogang looked at Li Yu, "You heard that too, didn't you tell me?"

Li Yu was stunned for a moment, yes, she knew the news at the time, but she didn't think about telling Zhao Baogang about it after several days.

Like her, several other people probably thought that Zhao Baogang knew about it.

Zhao Baogang looked at Ruan Xiaohu, who was helping the prop master move the props in the distance, thoughtfully. He didn't really understand what it means to be a direct disciple, but it is not easy to publish a novel in "Harvest".

There is no hard and fast standard for a person to be a writer. It seems that anyone who has published something can be called a writer.

But there is a saying in domestic literary circles that to judge whether a person is a writer depends on whether he has published works in "Harvest".

Of course, this statement is not objective, because magazines such as "Zhongshan", "People's Literature", and "Contemporary" are also top-level literary publications. Those whose works are published in these magazines are not writers.

But in any case, being able to publish a work in "Harvest" definitely proves the strength of this writer.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Baogang asked Li Yu, "Can you lend me the magazine?"

Li Yugang started to read it, feeling a little bit reluctant, but still handed the magazine to Zhao Baogang, and then said pitifully, "Director Zhao, you must return it to me after you finish reading it, I'm not done yet."

Zhao Baogang was amused by her appearance, "Don't worry, I can still have a magazine with you?"

After getting the magazine, Zhao Baogang didn't go to Ruan Xiaohu immediately, but found a place to read the magazine first.

Ruan Xiaohu's novels are easy to find because Ruan Xiaohu uses his real name.

It was a short story, and Zhao Baogang finished it quickly. After reading it, he couldn't bear to close the magazine, still staring at the ending and sighing.

This novel is called "Putong", and it tells the story of the mountainous area in southern Anhui.

There is a village in a certain mountain. This village is very closed. There are only two roads leading to the outside. One needs to climb several mountains, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive. some risk.

The river is very wide and the current is so fast that it is difficult for ordinary swimmers to swim across it. The cliffs are so high that even if you want to swim across it, it is difficult to get into the water.

Besides, most people have things to do when they go out, and they usually bring some things with them, and they don't want to get wet at all.

So people generally choose to climb a rope connecting the two sides.

It’s just that things always happen. Occasionally, someone will fall from the rope and fall into the water. If the water quality is good and luck is good, they can survive. up.

The protagonist Lin Wei once went out with his friends, but when the friend fell into the water halfway, Lin Wei immediately jumped down to save him, but the current was too fast and he couldn't save him at all. He swam continuously for two hours , just fished up the body of his companion in a shoal behind.

From then on, Lin Wei wanted to build a bridge, but it was not easy to build a bridge. He found a lot of people and tried a lot of methods, but finally failed.He has petitioned, but the relevant department has shelved the bridge repair because of funding problems. They just issued a notice telling the villagers not to use the ropes, but try to take a detour and walk along the mountain road.

It's just that even the death of a person didn't make the villagers give up walking the river, how could a notice stop them.

In desperation, he had no choice but to give up building the bridge.It's just that although he gave up building bridges, he couldn't let go of the river, so he built a house by the river and lived in it all day.

Most of the time, he would watch others cross the river. Sometimes he had no choice but to listen to the movement carefully. Once he heard the sound of "plop", he would run out to save people.

Sometimes it can be saved, sometimes it can't be saved, but even if it can't be saved, he will help collect the body.

After so many times, the people in the village were unwilling to see him, because it was not a good thing to see him a lot of time.Someone even nicknamed him Lin Yanwang, which means that seeing him means another death.

When some villagers cross the river, they will deliberately avoid him.Later, he also knew that others didn't want to look at him, so he stayed in the room and just listened intently for the "thud".

At the end of the story, Lin Wei was about to go out again to petition for bridge repairs, but only left a "plop".

For the ending, Zhao Baogang seems to have expected it long ago, because at the end when Lin Wei crossed the river, there was a hint repeated in the book.Just the sentence "he is very old" was repeated seven times. After so many repetitions, it seemed that Lin Wei's death was already a foregone conclusion.

This novel shocked Zhao Baogang, not because he hadn't read better novels, but because this novel was actually written by Ruan Xiaohu.

His previous impression of Ruan Xiaohu was that he was a down-to-earth student who didn't like to talk much, but he didn't expect that now Ruan Xiaohu has transformed into such a profound writer.

After thinking about it, Zhao Baogang did not rush to find Ruan Xiaohu, but called Yu Dong to ask about the situation.


When Yu Dong received Zhao Baogang's phone call, he was drinking tea with Cheng Yanqiu in the teahouse in the People's Park. It was the teahouse they came to together that year, and they even sat in the same seats.

After answering the phone, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Director Zhao, good afternoon, have you had dinner yet?"

"I've eaten. Teacher Yu is still in Rongcheng?"

"Yeah, I plan to have fun here for a few days."

"Rongcheng is a good place, you have to have fun." Zhao Baogang said with a smile, and then changed the topic, "But you are not very interesting, teacher."

Yu Dong was a little puzzled, "What does Director Zhao mean by that?"

"I'll just ask you directly, what's the situation with Ruan Xiaohu? I've heard that he is your direct disciple, and I've read his novels, and they are of a very high level. You said you put such a person in my crew Li, don't even tell me, what if I'm negligent?"

Yu Dong laughed, "What should I do? Ruan Xiaohu is my student, and everyone else is also my student. There is no difference. You can treat him the same as others, and you don't have to have any other concerns."

"So, are you really a direct disciple?" Zhao Baogang asked.

"The direct disciple is not accurate. It can only be said that I am a special student. The child didn't cause you any trouble, did it?"

"Then how can it be?" Zhao Baogang laughed, "I only found out about this by accident. Ruan Xiaohu performed very well in the crew. Before that, I wondered why this kid knows how to work every day and doesn't know how to communicate with the crew. Ask me a question, now I know, he didn't even think about learning these things. But I'm more curious, since he didn't learn these things, why did he get him on the set?"

"It was Director Zhang who wanted to take him there to play. The reason why I didn't object is because he usually stays in the house at school, so it's good to let him play on the set. Director Zhao, I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"Look at you, the one on the left is troublesome, the one on the right is troublesome, am I such a person who is afraid of trouble? Besides, I am not in trouble, not only Ruan Xiaohu, but the students from Jinyi who came over this time helped the crew a lot I’m busy, I don’t even talk about helping with work, but occasionally I can play tricks.”

Yu Dong smiled and said, "That's good. After I return to Shanghai in a few days, I will go to the production team. Let's meet and have a good chat then."

"Okay, see you in a few days."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong smiled and said to Cheng Yanqiu, "Sure enough, this kid Xiaohu still doesn't listen to me, he just stays working in the crew every day."

"It's better to stay in the crew and work than to stay in the house. In fact, you could have brought Xiaohu to Rongcheng and let him go shopping with us."

Yu Dong couldn't help curling his lips. He originally planned to come here with Cheng Yanqiu to have fun, so how could he bring a big light bulb by his side.

Speaking of light bulbs, Yu Dong couldn't help complaining, "Ning Jing, this girl has been like a follower these two days, following you every day, and she can't be chased away."

Cheng Yanqiu gave Yu Dong a blank look, "Jingjing is such a good little girl, you say she is a follower. I think she is carefree and pretty."

"As a young girl, when I was her age, I was already teaching in school. And don't look at her carefree, in fact, she is quite famous in the movie circle."

"Is it?"

"That's right, this girl was nominated for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress last year."

"I can't tell, Jingjing is quite a simple girl."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Let's not talk about her, anyway, this follower has finally left, and the two of us can have a good time."

"Where are we going now?" Cheng Yanqiu asked.

"Let me take a look. I'm going to use this as the center of the circle to play all the classics within a radius of [-] kilometers. Let's start with..."

Yu Dong took out a map and was about to arrange the route for the afternoon when the phone rang again.

"What happened..."

Yu Dong sighed and took out the phone from his pocket.

"Is my Dong still in Rongcheng?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Jimmy's voice came out, Yu Dong gritted his teeth, "Jimmy, have you come to China?"

"Yes, are you happy?"

"Happy, very happy, very happy, you'd better tell me something very important."

Otherwise, you will die, Yu Dong added in his heart.

"My Dong, this is called the body without a colorful phoenix and two wings, with a clear heart. How do you know that I have something important to tell you? Are you still in Rongcheng? I am in Yanjing now, and I will find you soon. "

Yu Dong quickly said, "You don't have to be fast, you just arrived in China, you still need to rest more, you have to do your work, but you have to pay attention to your body. How about this, you rest in Yanjing for two days and wait for me. Go back to Shanghai when you're done with your work, and when we gather in Shanghai, you won't have to run this way."

"That won't work. I still have some things to discuss with President Yang and the others. Since you're going back to Shanghai in two days, I'll hurry up and try to get to Rongcheng the day after tomorrow. Okay, I won't tell you, I still have a little Things have to be dealt with."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong sighed and pointed to the map, "It seems we have to make this circle smaller."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "It's okay, let's play slowly."


Only one day later, Jimmy arrived in Rongcheng.

Although Yu Dong was angry that he disturbed his world of two, he also knew that it was very hard for him to go back and forth.I let him rest for two days before, and I did have the idea of ​​letting him rest.

Jimmy has worked so hard in the past two years, seeing that he will be forty in a few years, and he doesn't worry about his family.

Yu Dong poured a cup of tea for Jimmy, "This is a good tea I bought specially when I knew you were coming."

Jimmy took the tea with a smile, "It's better that you understand me and know that I like this."

"Tell me, what are you going to tell me this time?"

Jimmy took a sip of hot tea, then chewed the tea into his mouth and spit it into the trash can, "This is the situation, didn't we create a werewolf killing website before? When I was browsing the website a few days ago, I found that there are many members trading second-hand items in it. Of course, most of them are your signed novels and club admission tickets."

Yu Dong instantly understood what Jimmy wanted to say, "Do you want to set up a second-hand trading website?"

Jimmy put down the teacup and clapped his hands, "I knew it, you must understand."

"I have no objection. As long as you don't delay the acquisition of the copyrights I mentioned, you can play with all the business abroad."

"I have made a rule before that if the business exceeds 500 million US dollars, I must report it to you."

Yu Dong nodded, "I have reported it now, and I agree. But I will remind you about the website. Second-hand trading websites will definitely have some problems, because they are all individual sellers and buyers, and the website is very difficult. It is difficult to supervise. It is very likely that it will become a gathering place for some illegal crimes in the future, such as fraud, where a seller lists an item online, there may be false publicity, and the item in the buyer's hand is completely different."

"I also thought about this, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop."

"Theoretically, it is impossible to eliminate it. After all, there are often scammers in offline transactions. I tell you this, just to let you know about possible problems, and you can actively deal with them when the time comes. Another point, wait until the scale of the website is large. , there will definitely be businesses settled in.”

"I thought of this too, and I think it's a good thing."

"Whether it is a good thing or not depends mainly on whether the website can be controlled well. I am not going to discuss with you whether it is good or bad for merchants to settle in, but to say that there is such a thing that will definitely happen, and we must deal with it well and even use it."

Jimmy nodded, "I understand, those merchants want to make money from the website, we have to find a way to make money from them."

"Ahem, you can put it this way, anyway, it needs to be regulated. And we can also use the website ourselves. After all, we started from the book market. Why don't we sell books on the website first? Master this one In terms of book sales channels, we will have more say in front of those booksellers in the future.”

Jimmy nodded thoughtfully, "That's right, that's the reason. And we have channels in the book sector, so it's easy to do. At first we only act as middlemen, and later we can become publishers ourselves , which can greatly reduce our costs and improve efficiency.”

Yu Dong blinked, Jimmy is really good at drawing inferences.

If Jimmy can really get the website up this time, I am afraid that even if eBay and Amazon can show up in the future, they will not be able to compete with them.

However, Yu Dong still reminded Jimmy, "Jimmy, after the Internet era opens, the world will be unpredictable. If you want to do this, you must tighten the string in your head and keep walking at the forefront of the times." Fine, otherwise you will be abandoned by the times at any time."

Jimmy stared at Yu Dong for a while, and finally nodded, "Don't worry."

Then Yu Dong smiled, "Of course, don't be too stressed. In business, there are profits and losses. We rely on entertainment. Even if the website loses everything, it will not shake our foundation. In the future, even if this If we can’t do this kind of trading website, we can also make a video website, I’ve told you about this a long time ago.”

"I know that video websites ultimately rely on copyrights. We will hold a large number of copyrights, and it is impossible to fail. So don't worry, this plan will definitely not affect our subsequent copyright acquisitions."

Yu Dong smiled, held up his teacup and said, "Okay, let's touch one for our cause."

Jimmy also smiled, and touched Yu Dong's cup with his cup, "For our cause."

 Even 14248 is fake, only [-]
(End of this chapter)

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