Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 325 I'm Here to Help You

Chapter 325 I'm Here to Help You (Please Subscribe, Please Ask for a Monthly Pass)

"Why don't you come and have a look with me and introduce these YUs to them? You always read books, so why don't you share them?" Olivier suggested.

"They won't like to watch it." Anna shook her head.

Olivier smiled and said, "You haven't tried it, how do you know they don't like to watch it? Let's go, I'll take you there, you can only know what you have tried, anyway, it's not far away."

Then he saw that Anna was a little moved, and hit the iron while it was hot: "Didn't you complain that it is difficult to find books by Chinese authors in France? If more people like to read books by Chinese authors, the publishing house will definitely be willing to publish more. Books by Chinese writers. Look at "Resident Evil" and "Second World", isn't it just..."

""Resident Evil" is different from "Second World". They are both popular novels, which are aimed at a wider audience and have a lot of publicity."

"It doesn't make a difference in my opinion, we all have to work hard for the things we love, don't we?"

Olivier stared at Anna with tenderness in his eyes, but Anna didn't realize that she only had novels in her mind.

Regarding what Olivier said, she felt that there was some truth to it. After thinking for a while, she nodded and said, "Let me go and have a look."


Campote returned to the United States with the manuscript of "Harry Potter". He felt that the book had great potential and was worth signing.

However, considering that Rowling is not well-known now and will need a lot of publicity investment in the later stage, Campote wants to sign a three-year contract with her, with a commission of 15.00%.

Of course, before deciding, Campote still went to Jimmy.

After all, this book was finalized by YU himself, and he was afraid that there would be problems if he made a decision on his own.

Jimmy happened to be back from Seattle, and he was very interested when he heard that YU had finalized another writer.

"You can tell me the details later."

Jimmy took the manuscript of "Harry Potter" and asked Campote while flipping through it.

Campote nodded and said, "I wasn't there at the time, but later I heard from Jiang that the boss was signing a sale at the time, chatted with Rowling, the author of the book, and then learned that the other party had written a book, so I left She came down to have a chat, and then it was settled. I can tell that the boss should have taken a fancy to this book."

Jimmy nodded. Although Campote was not very specific, it is conceivable that Rowling, the author of this book, went to the signing meeting to promote her book.

Since it can be read by Yu Dong, then this book must have something special.

"Okay, you go back first, I'll give you an answer after reading it."

After Campote left, Jimmy read the novel seriously.

After reading it, Jimmy fell into deep thought. From his own point of view, this book is not as good as "A Song of Ice and Fire", at least not as large and magnificent as the latter.

But as an operator, he can see the potential of this book. The most important thing is that this book brings the magic world to life. Many of the plots in it are actually what the students experienced in school, but based on It's just presented in a magical way.

In this way, it is sure to catch the attention of those student groups.

In addition, this series is very easy to market. It is more suitable for peripherals than the "Jurassic Park" that Spielberg won before, and it is also very suitable for film and television.

He already understood why Yu Dong liked this book.

Then he took the book and went to Campote's office, "Campote, sign her a two-year contract with [-]% commission."

"Eight percent?" Campote asked in surprise, "We signed [-] percent contracts with the boss, how could we sign [-] percent with her?"

"It doesn't matter how much you share in the contract with the boss, because the boss has been increasing capital in the company for the past two years." Jimmy explained to Campote, "The ratio for Rowling is lower, we mainly use this series of novels. Copyright. By directly buying the copyright of the novel, we can then release it for marketing and promotion.”

"What about the ratio?"

"You can figure it out, you don't need too much, so that the water can flow smoothly."

"I understand."


After finishing their trip to Europe, Yu Dong and the others returned to Jinyi.

The new house was almost empty during this period of time. When they left, they gave Fu Jing the key and asked her to help open the window when she was free.

So when I came back again, Yu Dong and his wife had officially moved in.

Cheng Yanqiu lay comfortably on the sofa, but Yu Dong didn't rest, but ran to the study to write a book.When he was in Paris two days ago, Yu Dong suddenly had some inspiration and remembered many things that he hadn't thought of before - about the previous dream.

When people are in a foreign land, their impressions of their hometown will become clearer. These impressions may not be able to faithfully reflect what actually happened at that moment, and there will be some active processing of the brain, but these impressions are traceable. of.

Therefore, Yu Dong began to write.

He created four main characters, three men and one woman, Lin Rong, Lao Xiao, Ya Er, and Xiao Ai.

In fact, they can't be regarded as the protagonists, but they are just used to connect several eras.

When writing this novel, Yu Dong did not intentionally manipulate the age, nor did he divide the novel into odd and even chapters like Jin Yucheng did. Instead, he completely let himself go and wrote wherever he realized.

One moment old Xiao was still eating with the leader, and the next moment Lao Xiao was kicked into the river by Lin Rong.

In the last second, the young duck was peeking at Aunt Liu next door having sex, and turned around to drink at his wedding.

Therefore, I wrote very fast, but considering that too many Shanghai dialects were used in it, Yu Dong often wrote a paragraph and waved to Cheng Yanqiu, "Honey, come here."

Cheng Yanqiu walked over, picked up the manuscript and read it, and said, "I don't understand."

Yu Dong changed it, and Cheng Yanqiu went back to watch TV. She was afraid of affecting her husband's writing, so she only watched the picture without turning on the sound.Sometimes when she gets tired of watching TV, she will find a book and sit on the sofa and read it slowly.

After correcting it again, Yu Dong waved again, "My wife."

Cheng Yanqiu went to read it again, and still said, "I understand a little bit, but I don't fully understand it."

Change it later.

Sometimes it takes four or five changes.

But in the end, Yu Dong also mastered the scale, mastered the technique, and gradually, Cheng Yanqiu could understand it when he wrote it out.

"Although it is not very smooth, but I can understand it."

Then Yu Dong continued to write.

I have been writing until September 3st, and I have written more than [-] words, only about one-tenth of it.

But he can no longer concentrate on writing the book, because he will start to get busy next.

He didn't have much to worry about about the start of school. The main thing was that he was going to get married in a week or so, and there were many things that he had to decide.

At this time, Wang Hailin came to him with a new draft.

Although Yu Dong was very busy, he still took the time to read Wang Hailin's new manuscript.

After reading it, Yu Dong nodded. Compared with the last time, the new manuscript has improved a lot, at least the main line is clear and the structure is clear.

The novel tells the story of a murder case in a high school in a small town. Han Fang, a music teacher who has worked in the school for 15 years, died of poisoning in the apartment. The police found a bottle of juice in the house and detected cyanide.

There is only Han Fang's own fingerprint on the bottle, which means that someone has deliberately processed the fingerprint before Han Fang picked up the drink, otherwise it is impossible to have only Han Fang's fingerprint on the bottle.

It was obviously a homicide case, but after a period of social relationship investigation and evidence collection, the case still did not make any progress.

Only one month later, another person died in the school, Liu Shangkui, the old principal who had served in the school for more than 40 years.

Liu Shangkui died on a small road less than two kilometers away from the school. He often went fishing there. This time his throat was cut on his way home after fishing.

Then there were murders one after another. The murderer has never been found, but as more and more teachers died, the police also found that they had one thing in common, that is, these people had taught a class.

However, only two teachers in this class were still alive. The police finally caught the murderer through secret observation and protection of the remaining two teachers.

The murderer was a student of the class they taught together back then, and from his mouth, a case ten years ago was also involved.

Back then, the vice principal, Liu Shangkui's son, was in the same class as them. Liu Shangkui coerced and lured the girl's parents.

After the girl dropped out of school, she couldn't bear the blow, and then ran to the school and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

The teachers who died were actually insiders, and some even tried to persuade the girl not to call the police.


"The idea is not bad, the structure is also quite good, but many details are not handled properly. For example, how can the police infer from the death of the first few people that they all taught the same class? There are only so many teachers, so many years. Didn't you teach another class together?"

"Even if they have only worked together in that class over the years, it is difficult for ordinary police to investigate this."

Wang Hailin said with a bitter face, "Then this will be completely overthrown."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "No, you can use another method. The police may not be able to investigate these things, but those teachers have ghosts in their hearts, and they may show it. For example, after the first few teachers died, the remaining teachers Acting very nervous, as if something was hidden from the police, so that the police became suspicious of the teachers."

"Or, a certain teacher knew what happened back then, and usually ran to blackmail Liu Shangkui, and then after Liu Shangkui died, he was mistaken for a possible murderer, and the police followed this line."

Hearing Yu Dong's analysis, Wang Hailin nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, yes, that's right."

Yu Dong went on to say, "Besides, the murder methods in it are still rough, such as the poisoning of fruit juice, and you didn't explain clearly how the poison was poisoned, so how can readers see it? There are several murder methods in the novel, It is a bright spot in itself, but if it is not clearly explained, this bright spot will be gone.”

"And the murderer, you only explained his identity back then, a classmate who liked girls, but what about his current identity? Why was he able to kill so many people in a row? What kind of experience made him so thoughtful? Either , he is a doctor who understands the human body and pharmacology?"

"This kind of mystery novel, the truth is better to surface slowly, instead of popping out like you wrote here, and readers can't react."

"Okay, okay, I wrote it down." Wang Hailin nodded like pecking rice.

Yu Dong waved his hand, "It's useless to just memorize what I said. It's best to learn more about how to kill people... just learn about pharmacology, human body structure and other knowledge. If you want to write the murderer as a doctor...Of course you must Not a doctor, but you can learn more about doctors, put yourself in, and see how they kill people. For example, how do medical students kill mice?"

Wang Hailin shook his head, "I don't know."

Yu Dong waved to him, "Come here."

Wang Hailin approached obediently, then bent down, listening to Yu Dong talking to him.

Yu Dong put his hand on his shoulder, showing a strange smile, "The first one is very simple, just fall to his death."

"The second."

When talking about the second type, Yu Dong moved his hand from Wang Hailin's shoulder to the back of his neck.

"Secondly, they would choke the rat's cervical spine so hard that it would dislocate the rat's cervical spine and die."

Wang Hailin's body tensed up suddenly, and he felt Yu Dong's hand gripping his neck like a big pliers, making him dare not move.

"There is a third kind." Yu Dong approached Wang Hailin's ear, and slowly slid his hand across Wang Hailin's throat, "They will use scissors to cut the mouse's throat, and slowly drain the mouse's blood. Sometimes, they are worried Getting your hands dirty turns the tap on the rat's bloody throat and makes the blood flow faster at the same time."

Wang Hailin was startled, and took a few steps back.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong laughed loudly: "He's so big, what's his psychological quality?"

Wang Hailin couldn't laugh, and he was still a little scared, "Brother Dong, you are too scary."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Go away, I'm still very busy."

Wang Hailin, as if he had received an amnesty, picked up the manuscript and ran away quickly.

Yu Dong looked at Wang Hailin's panicked back, couldn't help but smiled again, this was a lesson for this guy, who told him to bother him even though he knew he was going to get married.

After Wang Hai left, Yu Dong wanted to go out for a while, but the phone rang at home just as he got up.

Yu Dong looked at the phone and sighed, when people are busy, there will always be more things to find you.


"Hello, Teacher Yu Dong."

Yu Dong recognized the other party's voice, "Da Liu, why are you calling me at this time?"

"Mr. Yu Dong, I want to ask you for a favor. Didn't we talk about the ground and aviation novel in the hotel before? I came back to check the information and found it was difficult. There are too few geological information, and many of them are not detailed." Liu Cixin His tone was a little embarrassed, if it wasn't really difficult, he wouldn't have looked for Yu Dong.

Originally, he also wanted to ask Yang Xiao in the past, but after thinking about it, he felt that he was more familiar with Yu Dong.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "No problem, let me ask for you, the geology of Jinling University is good."

"Thank you very much." Of course Liu Cixin also knew that the geology of Jinling University was good, but he didn't have the nerve to mention it just now.

"You're welcome, I'll ask for you, and I'll get back to you with news."

"Okay, okay, when the novel is published, I will also attach a thank you letter."

Yu Dong smiled, Liu Cixin probably saw the thank you letter sent by "The Martian" before, so he said that.

But this is also very good. The linkage between scientific research and science fiction is beneficial to the popularization of science and can fully mobilize students' interest in science and technology.

After hanging up on Liu Cixin, Yu Dong called his father-in-law.

His father-in-law is the deputy director of the Chinese Department of Jinling University, so this relationship is not in vain.

Cheng Liye was in the office. When he received Yu Dong's call, he thought that Yu Dong wanted to talk to him about marriage, but he didn't expect to ask for information.

"The office of Director Yu of the Department of Earth Sciences is not far from me. I'll go and ask for you. He's about to agree. You can call him."

Then Cheng Liye went to Yu Jianhua's office with the teacup in his arms. Coincidentally, Yu Jianhua was also in the office.

Seeing Cheng Liye, Yu Jianhua smiled and said, "Why does Director Cheng have time to come to my place right now? The tea here is not comparable to yours."

Cheng Liye sat down on a chair with his teacup in his arms, "Isn't it all the filial piety of my son-in-law?"

"Haha, I know you've found a good son-in-law. But your father-in-law is not very good at it. For such a long time, I haven't seen my son-in-law come to see me. I haven't seen a real person until now."

"There is a chance to see you now."

"I know, drink, I will definitely go then."

Cheng Liye waved his hand, "No, it can be earlier."

"What do you mean?" Yu Jianhua asked puzzled.

"That's right." Cheng Liye leaned forward, "There is a science fiction writer, Yu Dong's friend, named Liu Cixin, who wants to write a novel about geology. I can't find detailed information, so I asked me to Came to find you."

Yu Jianhua understood, "It turns out that someone asked me."

Cheng Liye waved his hand again, "No, no, Lao Yu, I'm actually here to help you. This is a good opportunity to promote your department. Once he writes this novel, if he becomes famous in the future, your Department of Earth Sciences will It’s going to be written in the credit book.”

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you are not famous, but what kind of data does he want? There are so many geological data, I can't take a big truck to transport them to him, can I?"

"You have to talk to my son-in-law about this, I don't understand."

"Okay, give me Yu Dong's number, and I'll tell him directly."

Then Yu Jianhua called Yu Dong to clarify the matter.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Liye asked, "How is it, have you figured it out?"

Yu Jianhua nodded and sighed, "This pilot's idea is very good. It seems that I have to prepare a document for him. Maybe this novel will become famous in the future. Your son-in-law told me that in the future When the novel comes out, write a thank you letter and attach it to the front of the novel.”

Cheng Liye said proudly, "I'll just say, I'm here to help you."

(End of this chapter)

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