Chapter 326 Jasmine (Part [-])
"What did the teacher teach today?"

During dinner, Jiang Taiguang asked with a smile.

His son Jiang Tianle still had food in his mouth, shook his head, and muttered, "The class hasn't started yet, today the teacher told us about the school, and then asked the students to introduce themselves."

"Self-introduction?" Jiang Taiguang frowned, "Why introduce yourself, won't we all get to know each other gradually in the future?"

"The teacher said that we should not only let the students know each other, but also exercise our expressive ability and courage."

Jiang Taiguang sighed, he didn't think there was anything wrong with what the teacher said, but it's been a few days since school started, and the formal class hasn't started yet, which always makes people a little anxious.

In fact, Jiang Taiguang originally didn't want his son to transfer schools. After all, the child is already in the fifth grade this semester. If he wants to transfer schools, he still needs to adapt, which is very troublesome.

However, Jiang Tianle's original school took the initiative to let them transfer, because their school building is very dilapidated and there are not enough teachers. There is no other elementary school nearby. This school has three to four hundred students in each grade, and it really can't teach them.

Many students in the same class were relatively close to the newly established Deep Space Hope Primary School, so they turned there. After Jiang Taiguang thought about it, he also turned his son there.

It's just that the situation in the past few days made him feel bad.

The school started on September [-]st. It is understandable that there was no class that day. After all, the students have just arrived and need to adapt.

There was still no class on the [-]nd, and on the [-]rd, I had a day off on Sunday.

Finally, number four was ushered in, and when I came back to ask, there was no class yet.

This school is not just an empty shell, just a joke, right?
"But the teachers said that the class will start officially from tomorrow, and other teachers will come to teach us for a day."

"Other teachers? Which school?"

Jiang Tianle shook his head, "I don't know, the teacher only said that he is a very good teacher."

Jiang Taiguang patted his head, this school really has problems, even teachers have to borrow from other places.

I still have to go to school tomorrow to see if it doesn't work, I'd better transfer my son back.


Jiang Taiguang's family opened a bun shop in Jishang. After the morning market, he went to the Deep Space Hope Primary School.

When he reached the door, he was stopped by the guard.

"Parents need to register when they enter."

Jiang Taiguang was stunned for a moment, he still needs to register to enter the school?
"Uncle Huang, it's not that you don't know me, you still need to register."

"Acquaintances must also be registered, the rules set by the school."


Jiang Taiguang honestly wrote down his name in the notebook.

"There's another reason, the's ten past eight."

After Jiang Taiguang finished writing, Uncle Huang took a look at the notebook, "Are you going to attend the class?"

"I'll go in and listen to see how the teacher is teaching."

Uncle Huang curled his lips and said, "Don't worry about it, go in, do you know where the Tianle class is?"

"I know, I went there when school started."

Uncle Huang opened the door to let Jiang Taiguang in. At this moment, there was no one in the school yard. There was an old pine tree planted in a jar in the middle, and a flag stand on the other side, with a bright red national flag floating on it.

When the school started last time, he brought his son to sign up, but he didn't pay attention to the scenery in the school. The main reason was that the school was full of people at that time, and it was difficult to notice these static things.

The school is not very beautiful, but it is spacious and tidy.

Generally speaking, it must be much better than the previous school, but Jiang Taiguang also knows that the key to the quality of a school is not the environment, but the teachers.

As long as the teachers are good, the environment is almost fine. If there are no good teachers, no matter how beautiful the school is, it will be an empty shell.

The fifth grade is on the third floor, Jiang Taiguang didn't hurry up, and walked around the first floor first, and they were all in class normally, which was no different from the previous school.

Then he went up to the third floor, and before he got to the classroom where his son was, he heard the sound of a flute. It turned out to be the familiar "Jasmine Flower", which was quite nice.

Following the sound and walking outside the classroom, Jiang Taiguang saw a beautiful female teacher standing on the podium, playing the song "Jasmine Flower" to the students.

After playing a piece, the female teacher said with a smile, "Which classmate can hum the piece I just played?"

No one answered, but it can be seen that many students are eager to try.

The female teacher called her name directly, "Student, I heard that you hummed well just now, can you come up and demonstrate to everyone."

Jiang Taiguang took a look, was it not his son Jiang Tianle who was pointed out?

Jiang Tianle stood up a little embarrassed, and walked onto the stage, but he was embarrassed to speak, and the female teacher led him to hum again, and then he began to hum, but the sound was so small that it was hard to hear.

The female teacher said to the others, "If you will hum, follow along."

One after another, the students below also began to hum along. At first, the sound was a bit chaotic, and the female teacher led them to hum again. Soon the students found the rhythm, and the more they hummed, the louder the sound became.

After humming several times, the female teacher made a stop gesture, and then said to Jiang Tianle, "This classmate, thank you, go sit down."

After that, the female teacher taught the students to substitute the lyrics and sing again.

The female teacher's voice is really nice, and her singing is very professional. It may be because of her affinity and her good singing, the students learn very quickly.

Jiang Taiguang couldn't help feeling that if he had such a teacher who taught him music when he was a child, he wouldn't be singing so badly now.

At the same time, he was also happy for his son. When he saw his son go up to hum and sing, he felt nervous in his heart, for fear that his son would be nervous.

What he didn't expect was that his son performed very well, which made him feel a sense of pride.

A class ended soon, and the female teacher said with a smile: "Everyone, get out of class is over, let's go out and have fun."

After the female teacher left, Jiang Taiguang noticed that many students did not come out to play, but were still learning the song "Jasmine".

Afraid that his son would find him, Jiang Taiguang ran to the second floor for a while between classes, and only went up again when the next class started.

Not long after the preparatory bell ended, a young male teacher walked to the door of the classroom with a lesson plan, but he did not rush in, but stood at the door and waited until the class bell rang before he walked in.

Looking at the young male teacher, Jiang Taiguang couldn't help sighing, did the teachers in this school be found on purpose? Why are they so young and good-looking.

"What class is this?"

Jiang Taiguang stretched his head to look curiously, and saw Chinese books in front of the students.

Oh, it turned out to be a Chinese class.

In fact, Jiang Taiguang thinks that it is best to have old teachers to teach Chinese courses, because old teachers have rich experience and solid foundation.

"Hi students, my name is Yu Dong, and I am honored to be here today to teach you a Chinese class."

The male teacher came up and introduced himself first, but it sounded weird, so he didn't say it if he was lucky. Why did he take a Chinese class, it sounded like he wouldn't come to it later.Jiang Taiguang suddenly remembered what his son said last night, it seemed that he invited teachers from other schools to come to class.

"Because another teacher will take you Chinese later, so I won't share the contents of the book today."

Jiang Taiguang raised his eyebrows, ah, it's really just this class.

Why is this school arranged like this?
Standing on the podium, Yu Dong didn't know that there were parents "monitoring" outside, and thought it was a teacher sneaking over to listen to the class.He watched the students staring at him blankly, and understood that it was because they met him for the first time that they were a little strange to him.

After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Did Teacher Cheng teach you a song just now?"

The students nodded one after another, and some students answered: "Yes."

"What song is it, and what's its name?"

"It's called Jasmine." More people answered this time.

Yu Dong smiled. Sure enough, when it came to the matter of the last class, the enthusiasm of the students was immediately raised.

"Then do you remember how to sing?"


Yu Dong walked off the podium with a smile and leaned against the table, "I also learned this song when I was young, but it's been so long that I don't remember the lyrics. Can anyone remind me?"

"I me me!"

Standing outside the classroom, Jiang Taiguang suddenly smiled. His son was the first to raise his hand. It may be that he gave Tianle great courage after he came on stage in the last class. Now Tianle is very active.

Yu Dong nodded and said, "Okay, this classmate, tell me, what are the lyrics?"

"The lyrics are, what a beautiful jasmine..."

After Jiang Tianle finished speaking, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Student, what's your name?"

"My name is Jiang Tianle."

"Thank you, classmate Jiang Tianle, I have already remembered the lyrics of this song."

As he spoke, Yu Dong stepped onto the podium and wrote the lyrics of "Jasmine Flower" on the blackboard.

The handwriting is so beautiful, this is Jiang Taiguang's first impression, although the teacher is young, but the handwriting is vigorous and powerful.

After writing the lyrics, Yu Dong turned around and said, "What a beautiful jasmine, fragrant and white. Then I ask you a question, if there is a jasmine in full bloom in front of you, what would you do?" Praise it?"



"The aroma is tangy."

"The fragrance of the flowers is pleasant."


Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "Okay, they are all good, but these are all words. Can you think of longer ones? For example, use the words you just mentioned to write some sentences. Far away, I think When I saw a bright jasmine flower, before I got close to it, the fragrance was already blowing into my nose with the wind."

In fact, the students in front of me have already learned to write essays, but rural education does not pay much attention to this aspect, so the children's language organization ability is weaker than that of urban students.

Yu Dong will definitely come to this school in the future, but he can't teach the students too much. The only way to open the students' minds is in this way.

"Students, when we express, the first thing we need to know is what we want to express. For example, what do we want to express now?"

"Want to praise Jasmine?" Some students were unsure.

"Yes, what we want to express is to praise jasmine. Know what you want to express, and then think about how to express it. You may have learned some related words or articles about how to praise a flower, which is good, but this Not fundamentally."

"Teacher, what is fundamental?" A student asked.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's basically what we thought in our hearts. Maybe some students will say that when it comes to jasmine, I can't think of anything. I haven't even seen jasmine, so I don't know what jasmine looks like."

Many students nodded, they really didn't even know what Jasmine looked like.

"But we humans are proactive. We have long legs, we can walk, we have eyes, we can see things, we have noses, we can smell... Only by observing and feeling more can we know what we want to express " Yu Dong turned around and wiped the blackboard clean, and then said, "We don't look at the lyrics now, just listen to the melody, what will we think of? It doesn't matter, we can say whatever we think of, whether it is related to Jasmine or not."

A student raised his hand.

"Student, please speak."

"When I think of this song, I think of Teacher Cheng. Teacher Cheng is very beautiful, with a nice voice, and she is very gentle. She taught me to sing, and I can master it as soon as I learn it. I have never seen Jasmine, but I think, Jasmine should look like Teacher Cheng, gentle, kind, kind, and beautiful."

Several other students also raised their hands.

"Okay, let's come one by one, this classmate."

"I also think of Teacher Cheng, but when I see Teacher Cheng, I think of my sister. My sister is as beautiful as Teacher Cheng. She is in college and sometimes she will teach me homework when she comes back. My sister likes to wear white clothes. , so I think jasmine must be white, symbolizing purity."

"My father taught me this song when I was a child..."

Strictly speaking, Yu Dong's class is not a Chinese class, but a writing enlightenment class.Of course, if students understand the importance of expression, they will naturally understand the necessity of Chinese learning. This is a process.

A class passed quickly, Yu Dong smiled and waved to the students, and then announced that the get out of class was over.

As soon as he walked out of the classroom, Jiang Taiguang greeted him, "Mr. Yu, hello."

Yu Dong looked at each other curiously, "Hi, may I ask who you are?"

"I am Jiang Tianle's father."

It turned out that it was the parents and not the teacher. Yu Dong smiled and said, "Oh, that classmate who volunteered to answer the question just now, what do you want from me?"

"Teacher Yu, I just heard you say that you won't teach here anymore?"

Yu Dong explained with a smile, "Actually, I am a teacher at Jinling Art Institute, but Shen Kong Primary School just started this year, so I was invited to give a class to the students. I will come again in the future, but maybe not many times .”

Hearing this, Jiang Taiguang said regretfully, "It's a pity, Mr. Yu, your class is so good, it would be great if you could keep teaching here."

"It's overrated. In fact, my class can only be taught to them occasionally. At their age, they still have to face boring basic knowledge. I think other teachers are more experienced than me in this area."

"Teacher Yu, you are too modest."

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "If there is nothing else, I will excuse you first."

"Okay, okay, Teacher Yu, you are busy."

After standing there for a while, Jiang Taiguang was about to go back, but when he reached the stairs, he saw an acquaintance.

"Wei Liangyou."

"Jiang Taiguang."

"Are you transferred here? Didn't you teach in Hetao before?"

Wei Liangyou said with a smile, "The building on the other side of the river is too dilapidated, and it is going to be remodeled. Some students also transferred here, so I followed. Your Jiang Tianle also transferred?"

"Yeah, it's here."

"Very good, what are you doing here today?"

"I'm just here to wander around." Jiang Taiguang smiled: "Just now I listened to a fifth-grade Chinese class, and it was quite good, but it's a pity that that one is only here to teach one class."

Wei Liangyou asked in surprise, "Have you gone to listen?"

"Yes, go and listen."

"You are so lucky. I don't know how to go. The school issued a notice and refused to attend classes for us."


"Because I'm afraid that we will all go over and affect the progress of the class." Wei Liangyou shook his head enviously, "This class is not for most people to listen to."

Jiang Taiguang raised his eyebrows, "What's the background of Teacher Yu? You're talking so mysteriously."

Wei Liangyou said with a smile, "Do you know the name of this school?"

"Deep Space Hope Elementary School."

"Then let me tell you, Teacher Yu is a writer. He wrote a book before, which is called Deep Space."

"Ah?" Jiang Taiguang was stunned for a moment.

"So, Mr. Yu is not an ordinary teacher. He is a well-known great writer, and he is also a high-achieving student who graduated from the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University. Your family Jiang Tianle is blessed, and we have no chance to listen to him."

"Then, where's the music teacher?"

"Tell me Teacher Cheng, she is husband and wife with Teacher Yu, and she is a music teacher at Jinling Academy of Art."

Jiang Taiguang said blankly, "No wonder the teachers are so good."


Originally, Jimmy meant that when Yu Dong and the others were teaching the students, they asked some reporters to help with publicity, but Yu Dong rejected it in the end.

It would be easy to just interview him, but with a bunch of reporters going to the school, how could they go to class safely.

They go to teach students not for gimmicks, but because they really want to support basic education in this way.

After this incident, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu will start to prepare for their marriage wholeheartedly.

(End of this chapter)

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