Chapter 327 Makeup
"Old Yu, your lamp is hung too crookedly. Symmetrical, symmetrical, do you know?"

In Luoyuan, under the small building where Yu Dong and the others live, Yu Hua is stepping on a ladder to hang up red lanterns, and Liu Changmin is directing them below.

Yu Hua placed the lantern a few times, but Liu Changmin was not satisfied. He rolled his eyes and said, "Old Liu, are you a bit of an art student? I don't think so."

"It's not called an axis, it's called having high demands on aesthetics, symmetry is symmetry, you can't be careless, if you don't believe me, go get a ruler and measure it for you, if you don't believe me, you have to trust the ruler, right?"

Yu Hua quickly waved his hands, "Don't, don't, let's finish this quickly."

Uncle Zhou also came over at this moment, the old man looked up at the lantern with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "Xiao Liu is right, Xiao Yu, you don't hang the lantern well."

Liu Changmin smiled and spread his hands, "How about it, I'm not the only one talking?"

Yu Hua shook her head helplessly, and said hello to Uncle Zhou while setting up the lantern, "Why is Clan Master Zhou free to come over today?"

Uncle Zhou is in charge of several people now, and he is also a leader. Yu Hua, a bad guy, gave him an official title, called the head of the door, which means that their Jinyi door is run by the head of the door, Uncle Zhou.

In the beginning, it was called just for fun, but who knows that this official name has been passed on from ten to ten, and more and more people followed suit. Later, in Jinyi, no matter teachers or students, they all know the title of head of the sect.

Sometimes, even the principal Wu Changxin would tease Uncle Zhou: "I am the principal, and you are the head of the door. I take care of the inside, and you take care of the outside."

Uncle Zhou is also used to the title of head of the door now, and said with a smile: "Didn't I apply to the principal for a few days off, and I came here specially to help Xiao Xiao."

"Why don't you come and help my little Yu first?" Yu Hua said, pointing at the lantern.

Uncle Zhou waved his hand, "When I am old, my legs and feet are inconvenient. If I were young, I would be able to go up with one leg without the help of my hands. Have you ever seen a lion dance? I jumped up and down on the ladder at that time, comparable to The lion dance is much more flexible."

"Master Zhou is being modest, the lion dance is no match for you."

Uncle Zhou chuckled, "Okay, hang on, I'll go and see how Xiao Bi and the others are doing. This young man's hands and feet are still stiff, and he can't work smoothly. It's not worry-free."

For Yu Dong's and Cheng Yanqiu's wedding, Yu Hua and his friends all dispatched to help decorate the yard.

The yard is relatively large, and it is very time-consuming and labor-intensive to decorate the lanterns and festoons. It would not be possible without their help.

At the same time, with them, the yard suddenly became lively.

Especially with children, it is even more lively.

This kid Yu Haiguo has never seen such a big yard, he ran around as soon as he arrived, and Chen Hong could only follow behind.Running and running, he ran to the side of the ladder where his father was standing. The boy started to shake the legs of the ladder while holding on to him. Fortunately, Liu Changmin was supporting him, otherwise it would be a bit dangerous.

Standing on the ladder, Yu Hua was startled, and opened her mouth to curse, "You little bastard, are you going to murder your father?"

How could Yu Haiguo understand this, just grinning, "Hey, Dad."

Yu Hua had no choice but to let Chen Hong get him away.

In addition to Yu Hua and Liu Changmin, Bi Feiyu and He Yu tied the knots in the corridor, while Feng Ming took on a hard job and was responsible for getting all the snacks, melons, fruits and gift bags from the garden to the reception building.

Liu Jiang was in charge of purchasing. He arrived earlier than Yu Hua and the others. He drove a car and helped Yu Dong with some errands every day.

Liu Jiang's business is booming now, and he has set up an embroidery factory next to the toy factory to accept some embroidery and printing business.

Now I have a car and a house, and I live a very happy life.


On the day of the wedding, Yu Dong got up early in the morning, packed up and took the car to his father-in-law's house.

The car passed through Anren Street, and when it got downstairs, Yu Dong shook his shoulders after getting off the car, feeling a little nervous.At this moment, it was still raining lightly, which was a bit unfortunate.

However, he asked his father-in-law and mother-in-law in advance, their family does not have the custom of blocking the door, and it is enough to toast a cup of tea in the past.

"Let's go, let's go, you are not actively picking up the bride at all." Feng Ming smiled and pushed Yu Dong from behind, "If you don't pick up the bride, it will rain heavily in a while."

"How come, this rain doesn't seem to last long."

"If you don't go down, are you not in a hurry?"

Everyone went up to the second floor, and they were relieved to see that the door was open. Sure enough, there was no blocking the door. It seemed that today was relatively smooth.

As soon as he entered the house, there were people inside, and everyone was staring at Yu Dong, as if they were looking at some rare animal.

Many relatives and friends of the Cheng family have never met Yu Dong, and they are very curious about him. Some of them know Yu Dong's identity before seeing the real person. Of course, they have to take a second look.Some don't know Yu Dong's identity, only heard that he is a writer, so they have to pay more attention.

Chen Tao ran over and said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, my sister is in the back room, go quickly."

Yu Dong nodded, but he always felt that the kid was smiling a bit maliciously.

Walk through the living room to the door of the back room.

Here comes the problem, the door is closed.

Yu Dong looked at Chen Tao, "What's the situation?"

Chen Tao said with a smile: "You don't even knock on the door, so I can let you in? Then my sister is too easy to marry, right?"

Yu Dong knocked on the door.

A familiar female voice came from inside, "Who is outside?"

Yu Dong recognized who it was all at once, "Ning Jing, why are you here?"

Ning Jing said confidently inside, "My sister is married, where am I not here?"

Yu Dong looked at the group of relatives and friends who followed him, wanting to ask for help, but Yu Hua and the others looked at him as if they were enjoying the show.

Well, it seems that today will not be too smooth, the key is the variable of peace.

"Who is outside, hasn't answered yet."

Yu Dong could only cooperate and reply: "The groom is the official Yu Dong!"


Yu Dong poked his neck and said, "Come to ask for a wife."

As soon as this was said, everyone inside and outside the room burst into laughter.

Ning Jing said with a smile, "If you want to marry a wife, you have to be sincere, right?"

Yu Dong quickly took out "sincerity" from his pocket, and stuffed it in through the crack of the door.

Although she said she would not block the door, Yu Dong's mother still prepared a lot of red envelopes for him.I have to say, ginger is still old and spicy, isn't this coming in handy?

After the inside accepted the red envelope, Ning Jing said, "The red envelope is so vulgar, is there anything else?"

Yu Dong pursed his mouth, red envelopes are vulgar, don't accept them.

"Also, but there are too many things that can't be squeezed through the crack of the door. You open the door first."

"Hey, want to trick the door open? No way. If you can't think of it, let me remind you, my sister is putting on makeup now, and she won't be able to go out for a while."

"What do you mean?"

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "It's not easy? She said that the bride is still putting on makeup, so you must remind her to make up. Just read a makeup reminder poem or words on the spot."

The so-called make-up poems, as the name suggests, are poems that urge the bride to dress up. In ancient times, some literati and refined scholars had such a process when they got married. It is not a custom, but a kind of elegance.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's easy to handle, I'll read it to you now. It's rumored that the red powder is lowered under the candle, don't look like a spring in front of the mirror stand, don't need to be full of makeup, keep your eyebrows for painting, how about it?"

After Ning Jing in the room finished listening to the poem, he asked Cheng Yanqiu in a low voice, "Sister, is this original?"

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, "No."

Immediately Ning Jing said loudly, "Use other people's reminder poems to fool people."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "The difficulty is quite high."

Bi Feiyu waved his hands and said, "Hey—Old Yu, your words are wrong. How can this kind of make-up poem be difficult for Yu Dong? It's a piece of cake."

Hearing Bi Feiyu's sarcastic remarks, Yu Dong patted his forehead, he shouldn't have brought these two people here, not only couldn't help, but also beat up his teammates crazily.

He looked at Feng Ming again, "Old Feng, don't you like..."

"I'll go see if the rain outside has gotten heavier." Feng Ming said something, and ran away in a hurry.

Yu Dong looked at Liu Changmin again.

"I'm going to help him take a look, for fear that he won't be able to look carefully by himself."

Well, two ghosts, two cowards, this battle can only be relied on by himself.

Seeing that it would be impossible not to write poems, Yu Dong scratched his head and started pacing.

Yu Hua smiled and said, "I can only walk seven steps."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "Fuck you."

But Yu Dong really took seven steps, and then came up with a poem.

"The light rain falls on Tianjing, and the autumn scenery spreads all over the garden. Let's go to Anren Street, and the hall is full of guests."

Cheng Liye nodded beside him and said, "It's "A Good Thing Is Near", and what about Xiayu?"

Yu Dong thought about it for a while, and continued: "Hesitating to wait for my beloved, it's hard to calm down. Look straight at the hibiscus blossoms, and look at the city's sunny view."

"The rhythm is correct, and the affection is enough, but it is a little unsightly." Cheng Liye commented with a smile.

In fact, he is very satisfied. After all, it was written temporarily, the rhythm is accurate, the artistic conception is also achieved, and there are some careful thoughts, such as the words Luo and Qiu in it, which is already very difficult.

The makeup poem was actually brought up by Cheng Liye. The little girl named Ning Jing came over yesterday, and they discussed how to make things difficult for Yu Dong at night, so Cheng Liye came up with the idea of ​​a makeup poem.

The main reason was that he had read the song "Luo Luo" written by Yu Dong to Cheng Yanqiu before, and thought it was not bad, so he wanted to dig out his son-in-law's poetic talent.

Most of these relatives and friends outside the house did not understand poetry, but seeing Yu Dong compose a poem on the spot, they all felt very powerful.

It is said that the son-in-law of the Cheng family is a great literati, and after looking at it today, it is indeed true.

Inside the room, Ning Jing asked Cheng Yanqiu, "Sister, is this original?"

Cheng Yanqiu blushed and nodded, "Yes."

Of course it is, what is written in the words is what is happening today.The meaning of the word is very simple. It means that it is raining in Jinling today. They came here to pick up the bride from Anren Street. The groom was excited and waited at the door, hoping that the bride would come out soon. As long as the bride came out, the whole city would be sunny.

"Is it well written?"

"it is good."

Ning Jing smiled and said loudly, "Open the door."

Yu Dong looked at the door slowly opened, and heaved a sigh of relief, this trip is not easy.

When the door was fully opened, Yu Dong was a little dazed.Cheng Yanqiu sat on the bed in a red Chinese dress, her black hair was curled up, there were not many gold ornaments, only a gold hairpin and a pair of earrings, her makeup was not heavy, but very delicate.

I really complied with that sentence, I don’t need makeup and powder to be naive.

The Cheng Yanqiu in front of him was like a person in a painting, so beautiful that it was unreal.

There is no one else in the world!
How can there be such a good-looking person in the world, and she is also his wife.

"You look stupid?" Ning Jing smiled and said, "Hurry up and take your wife away."

Yu Dong came to his senses and hurried over to hug Cheng Yanqiu.

As soon as he lifted Cheng Yanqiu up, his mother-in-law Chen Yuqing shouted from behind, "Don't rush to hug, don't rush to hug, first offer tea, and then hug after serving tea."

Yu Dong put Cheng Yanqiu down again.

 I got married, I also got married on September [-]th, I was emotional, but I didn’t write a poem at that time, I sang a song for him, and conquered all the guests with my beautiful singing...

(End of this chapter)

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