Chapter 328

After serving tea, Yu Dong went downstairs with his wife in his arms.

The rest of the people in the room also followed out in a noisy way, because all the guests here will follow to Luoyuan together.

At this moment, the light rain had stopped, and the clouds began to dissipate slowly. Yu Dong first took Cheng Yanqiu into the car and rushed to Luoyuan, leaving Yu Hua and the others to support him.

Along the way, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu didn't speak, but just held each other's hands tightly and watched the scenery outside the car window.

Jiang Jie looked at the boss and his wife through the rearview mirror, and smiled secretly. Speaking of which, they have been married for almost a year, and they are still embarrassed on the wedding day.

As the car was walking, it came out of the Gulou area, and suddenly there was a bright light in front of my eyes. It turned out that the clouds and mists in the sky had been parted, revealing the big sun hidden behind.

Jiang Jie said with a smile: "Looking straight at the hibiscus blossoms, it looks like a sunny view of the city. Teacher Yu's words are not fake at all. When Teacher Cheng comes out like this, isn't the whole city full of sunshine?"

Cheng Yanqiu smiled, and looked out at the sunlit world through the car window, everything was peaceful and beautiful.

However, this tranquility was quickly broken by a kind of excitement.

The car arrived at the gate of Luoyuan. According to the rules, the bride's feet should not touch the ground before entering the gate, so a red carpet was spread in front of the gate.

The red carpet was already full of guests.

Zhang Yimou and Zhao Baogang had just arrived and were talking, when they suddenly saw the wedding car coming, they tiptoed to look ahead.

Zhao Baogang saw a tall foreigner standing in front of the red carpet, and asked Zhang Yimou curiously, "That should be Jimmy, right?"

Zhao Baogang had heard of Jimmy's name a long time ago, but he never had the chance to meet the real person.

"It's him, Director Zhao hasn't seen him yet?"

"No, it was Manager Yu who contacted me before."

"Well, I'll introduce you later." Zhang Yimou nodded, and suddenly noticed that Jimmy was holding a small gong in his hand, and asked strangely, "Hey, what is he doing with the gong?"


Yu Dong took Cheng Yanqiu's hand and got out of the car. As soon as Cheng Yanqiu's feet landed on the red carpet, there was a loud sound in their ears.

As soon as Yu Dong looked up, he saw Jimmy looking at them with a smile while holding a gong.

Yu Dong knew about the step of welcoming the bride, but what he didn't know was that Jimmy came to act as the master of ceremonies.According to the rules, when the master of ceremonies knocks, the bride and groom will take a step forward.

It's just that when he saw Jimmy beating the gong now, Yu Dong didn't react for a while.

Seeing this, Jimmy could only wave to Yu Dong and the others.Yu Dong nodded, and took Cheng Yanqiu to take a step forward.

Seeing them move their feet, Jimmy smiled with satisfaction and began to sing:
"Welcome the bride to welcome the bride, and the drums and gongs are shaking."

"it is good!"

Looking again, it turned out that Ruan Xiaohu was singing along.

Jimmy tapped a second time, and the couple took another conscious step forward.

"Both men, women and children of all ages came to watch, talking, laughing and dancing."

"it is good!"

This time, Ruan Xiaohu was not the only one who sang harmony, and everyone around him also joined in.

Just now these relatives and friends were very surprised when they saw a foreigner beating the gong, and they were even more surprised when they heard his impeccable line skills and authentic Yanjing accent.

This is not a foreigner, but a Chinese with makeup on.

Zhao Baogang shook his head and sighed, "I only heard that Jimmy speaks Chinese well, but I didn't expect it to be so good. To be honest, I can't even come for such a period."

"Haha, I can't come either. He knows more about China than that. You will understand after more contact with him."

It's not over here for Jimmy.

"Welcome the bride Come welcome the bride, I think the bride looks good."

"Get off the car in one step to see wealth, and get off in two steps is auspicious."

"Peach blossoms bloom in one step, plum blossoms bloom in two steps, lotus bears seeds in three steps..."

When the bride welcome is over, the bride is stopped again to enter the wedding room, and then invites the bride again, enters the wedding room to hang the door curtain, and after the door curtain is hung, a new bed is laid... The whole set has dozens of lines, and Jimmy doesn't stumble at all It's all said and done.

After the process was over, Jimmy ran to ask Yu Dong's parents for a red envelope.Qin Fang was very satisfied with Jimmy as the master of ceremonies, and gave him a big red envelope.

After Cheng Yanqiu and the others entered the bridal chamber, Chen Hong, Fu Jing, and Ning Jing accompanied them in the room, while Yu Dong went outside to greet the guests.

As soon as he left the small building, Yu Dong saw Zhao Baogang and Zhang Yimou.

"Thank you, thank you, I didn't expect you two to come so early."

Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "I heard that your garden has been built, so I came here early to take a stroll."

"Is it okay?"

"It's more than passable." Zhao Baogang said with a smile, "Director Zhang just joked that it would be a pity not to make movies in such a garden."

"It's still very simple. If you are interested, you can come over for tea in the future if you have nothing to do. I'll have someone take you to the reception building. Some friends from the Shanghai Writers Association and "Science Fiction World" will be here soon. You can chat with them more, maybe there will be a chance to cooperate later.”

Zhang Yimou nodded, "We'll go if you don't say so, okay, you're a busy person today, so don't waste your time on us."

"Then how can..."

Yu Dong turned his head and saw Ruan Xiaohu standing not far away, so he waved to him, "Xiaohu, accompany Director Zhang and Director Zhao to the reception building."

Ruan Xiaohu ran over in a hurry.

After Yu Dong arranged them, he went to greet the others.

Until eleven o'clock, the guests basically arrived, and the luncheon began quickly.

After the luncheon began, apart from the busy kitchen, Jia Zhangke and the others were not idle. As the head of the "Dongge Wedding Banquet Filming Team", Jia Zhangke started preparations half a month ago. Weddings are filmed like movies.

Originally, Yu Dong wanted to find a wedding company to take the photo, but Jia Zhangke volunteered and came to express that he would take the job for free.

Without thinking too much about it, Yu Dong handed over the matter to Jia Zhangke.

Nowadays, there are not many wedding companies, even fewer cameras, and even if there are, they are all amateurs.Although Jia Zhangke and the others are students, after all, they are professional counterparts and their professional ability must be stronger than those wedding companies.

Besides, it is also a good thing to practice their hands for them.This time, for Yu Dong's wedding, Jimmy got a lot of better machines. Jia Zhangke and the others also came here for the machines. After all, they usually have very few chances to get good machines.

Looking at the students who were concentrating on filming, Zhang Yimou smiled and said to Yang Xiao, who was at the same table, "Jin Yi is developing really well now, and all aspects have been revitalized."

Yang Xiao smiled and nodded, "Isn't that right? Although Jinyi is an art school, our magazine office has also received a lot of manuscripts from their school, and many of them are of good quality."

Feng Xiaoning sat on the other side, and continued, "In the future, Jin Yi's own school will be able to form an industrial chain. With such well-known writers, screenwriters, and directors, now they have an acting major, which is becoming more and more complete. "

Zhao Baogang looked at Feng Xiaoning and asked, "By the way, Director Feng, I just saw Ning Jing, did you bring it?"

"Hey, why does she want me to take it? This girl is very slippery. She recognized Yu Dong's lover as her older sister, and now Yu Dong is her brother-in-law."

Zhao Baogang said with emotion, "This girl will have a good time in the future. I watched her performance in "Sunny Day" this year, and she performed well. Speaking of which, she is not very young, but she has won many awards. This Cooperating with Director Feng for the first time, I will definitely gain something again."

"Cheng Ji said, by the way, I heard that Yu Dong went to pick up the bride today, and he wrote a makeup reminder poem on the spot?"

Li Xiaolin, who was at the same table, smiled and nodded, "I heard about it when I came here. It was said that I was asked to compose a poem, otherwise the door would not be opened. Later, Yu Dong wrote a poem, and no one remembered clearly what he wrote. But remind me It's not surprising that makeup poems are involved, after all, the bride's family is also a scholarly family."

Yang Xiao became interested, she met Cheng Yanqiu twice, and went shopping together for a day the second time, but she didn't know much about Cheng Yanqiu's family.

"What does Yanqiu's family do?"

Not only Yang Xiao was interested, but everyone else looked at Li Xiaolin curiously.

Li Xiaolin said with a smile, "Cheng Yanqiu's great-grandfather is Cheng Zhanlu, a novelist who used to be very famous in Shanghai. Both his grandparents were professors at Yanda University, his father was the deputy director of the Chinese Department of Jinling University, and his mother was a member of the Jinling Song and Dance Troupe." long."

"This is really a scholarly family, such a daughter, probably only Yu Dongneng is worthy of it."

"Haha, what is worthy and not worthy, young man, why not just talk about love."


After the luncheon started for a while, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu went over to toast each other.

Yu Dong had something to do in the afternoon, so he couldn't really drink. Toasting in the past was just a show and a process.But he was afraid that someone would pester him to drink, so he dragged Yu Hua and the others together during the toast.

When someone wanted to pester Yu Dong for a drink, Yu Hua and the others rushed forward and quickly resolved the fight.

The first one to be recruited was Cheng Yongxing. This guy was very enthusiastic and insisted on finding Yu Dong to meet another one.

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu went up one left and one right, Yu Hua put his arms around Cheng Yongxing's shoulders, and Bi Feiyu poured wine for Cheng Yongxing with the flagon in his arms.

"Old Cheng, long time no see, don't you want to save face? Come on, let's meet each other."

Not to mention, these guys are still somewhat useful. It's not enough to ask them to write poems, but it's a professional counterpart for drinking.

After Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu's combat effectiveness declined, Liu Changmin and Feng Ming replaced each other, and the process was still the same.

Later, Liu Changmin and Feng Ming couldn't do it anymore, and Jimmy provoked the leader.

If Jimmy is dead, Su Tong will go again, if Su Tong is dead, Liu Jiang will go again.

The "gang group" invited by Yu Dong followed suit, which was very spectacular.

After dozens of tables of wine had been toasted, Yu Dong retreated completely, but behind him was a battalion of wounded soldiers.

Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, Su Tong, Jimmy, Liu Jiang, Liu Changmin... were already dizzy one by one. Later, when Ruan Xiaohu rolled up his sleeves and wanted to "go out on behalf of the teacher", the battle quickly escalated.

Everyone stopped staring at Yu Dong, and started running around with wine glasses. Those who knew each other had a drink first, and those who didn't know each other got to know each other after a drink.

However, everyone is still somewhat restrained. After all, there are so many people today, it is not good to drink too much and make a fool of yourself.

At the end of the luncheon, everyone arranged themselves, those who played poker, those who played mahjong, sat down to drink tea and chat... The garden is very large, so many people spread out, but it doesn't look cramped.

After the dinner was over, some people made a fuss in the bridal chamber for a while, leaving the space to the couple.

The two of them lay side by side on the bed, too tired to move.

"Marriage is too tiring." Cheng Yanqiu exhaled, "I don't think there is anything more tiring than getting married."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay, no matter how tired you are, this is the only time in your life."

Cheng Yanqiu turned around and looked at Yu Dong from the side. Although Yu Dong's words were not love words, they made people happier than love words.

Many people say how important the ceremony is. It is not until today that Cheng Yanqiu understands the true meaning of the ceremony. In the whole ceremony, it seems that the familiar things are defamiliarized, and the strange things remind people. People have found another self in themselves. .

She fiddled with Yu Dong's hair, and then ran her fingers across Dong's cheek, feeling his outline.

Yu Dong grabbed her hand, turned his body sideways, and said with a smile, "Lady, should we do something important?"

Hearing his words, Cheng Yanqiu patted his forehead, "I almost forgot something."

Then she got up and went to the small room next to her, "Come on, write out the song "Good Things Are Near" that you made today."

Yu Dong didn't expect that she was talking about this, so he reluctantly said, "I'll write it tomorrow, a moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold..."

"Come on."

Yu Dong got up and walked to the next room. Cheng Yanqiu had already poured the ink for him, so he picked up the pen and wrote, writing in a mess, just asking for a quick word.

After finishing writing, put down the pen, "The cursive script I just practiced recently."

Immediately without waiting for Cheng Yanqiu to speak, Yu Dong hugged her and walked towards the bed.


There are still many things to deal with after the wedding, and it has been a week since Yu Dong and the others returned to work.

Jimmy never returned to the United States, and he waited until Dong finished his personal affairs before going to him.

This made Yu Dong feel very comfortable. Jimmy was always able to clearly distinguish life from work.

"A few things, one is that we bought a company called Amazon together with Ingram, and they..."


Yu Dong was drinking water, and when he heard Jimmy's words, he almost spit out the tea in his mouth, "What did you say?"

Jimmy blinked, "I said, we bought a company called Amazon together with Ingram, is this sentence difficult to understand?"

"No." Yu Dong shook his head and adjusted his mentality, "I just wonder why you suddenly bought the company."

Jimmy explained with a smile, "This company is engaged in online book sales, and the framework has already been set up. Acquiring them will save a lot of work than doing it from scratch, and their boss Bezos is also a rare talent. His receiving under his command is very beneficial to the subsequent development of the website, and it can also free me to do more important things."

"Is the acquisition process difficult?"

"It's not too difficult, but thanks to the print-on-demand idea you mentioned earlier, I cooperated directly with Ingram and cut off their upstream... This is the first thing I want to tell you. The second thing is that the on-demand printing company we cooperated with Ingram has started to build a factory, and it is expected to be put into production in the next year."

Jimmy said it lightly, but Yu Dong could think of the difficulties involved. Jimmy can still fool around, otherwise he couldn't bind Ingram with an idea of ​​printing on demand.

With such a large volume, Ingram can completely do on-demand printing by himself, but they still choose to cooperate with Jimmy, and Jimmy must have done something in the middle.

Yu Dong couldn't help feeling a little bit sad, Bezos was so unlucky, he ran into Jimmy right after the company was set up.

"In addition, we also signed Rowling, the fantasy novelist you hand-picked in England last time. We accounted for 20.00% of the copyright of the "Harry Potter" series. Five, not much, but it is worth our follow-up I’m doing marketing. My plan is to wait until the “Song of Ice and Fire” comes out, and then start the “Harry Potter” plan, and use these two books to create a fantasy wind.”

Yu Dong nodded, "It's a good idea, but since it's for marketing, let's do it together. The film and television adaptation of these two novels should be done."

"Of course, I have already contacted Warner, Columbia and Universal, and I plan to talk to them about this matter after I go back this time."

"By the way, what happened to the copyright of "Men in Black"?"

"I took it, but it took a little trouble."

"what's the situation?"

"Because the collected information was a little outdated, when we went to buy "Men in Black", we were told that the copyright had been bought. Later I went to find Walter, who had taken the copyright, and they were almost ready to write the script. Knowing that we want to buy, the attitude is not firm, but the lion asked for 500 million U.S. dollars."

"and after?"

"Later, I bought it for 220 million, and they made a lot of money just like that. In fact, I don't know whether this business is worthwhile. After all, it's 220 million US dollars, and your book can't sell that much money."

If it was Jimmy himself, he would never do this business at all, because the risk is too great.

"Men in Black" is not a very well-known comic, and it lacks a mass base. It is a bit risky to spend more than 200 million yuan to buy it.

The main reason is that Yu Dong is very optimistic about it, so Jimmy made up his mind to win it.

Yu Dong didn't think more than 200 million US dollars was a lot, he was more concerned about the script.

"Did they sell you the script together?"

"Yes, the copyright has been brought, and it's useless for them to ask for the script."

"Show me the script later." Yu Dong wanted to see if the script they produced was the same as the one produced by later generations.

With his intervention, many things have changed. He is afraid that there will be some mishaps in the middle, and the final script will be different from the later ones, which may affect the final score of the movie.

Jimmy didn't ask any more questions, and nodded in agreement, "Okay, I'll show you the script when I find time later."

"As soon as possible, since the money has already been spent, we need to rely on it to recover blood quickly. This movie will definitely not be able to be made by ourselves. When we talked with those companies this time, the "Men in Black" plan Add it in too."

"Ok, no problem."

 Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 500 tip
  Thank you [Spoon 8321] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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