Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 329 Who is not suitable for you?

Chapter 329 Who is not suitable for you?

Before leaving, Jimmy suddenly remembered something, "Our deep space bbs has provided mud function, and you can log in with www, you can go shopping when you have nothing to do... Would you like me to get you a computer, Let’s fix the network again?”

"I'll ask Jiang Jie to help me. How many users are registered on Deep Space BBS?"

"I saw 58 yesterday, basically our company's employees, as well as their relatives and friends. But I believe that there will be many people soon."

"Okay, I got it, I will register an account later, and go up to play. By the way——"

Yu Dong also suddenly remembered something, and that was instant messaging software.

He seldom thought about these things before, but Jimmy recently cooperated with Ingram and swallowed Amazon again, which also made his mind active.

"Can we make an instant messaging software?"

"instant message applications?"

"It's a software that allows people to quickly communicate on the Internet."

"Oh, you said this, the United States already has it, and it seems to be developing well."

"Yes?" Yu Dong asked in surprise, "So fast?"

"Hurry up, didn't you mention this kind of software in your "Second World"? They should be inspired by the novel. However, the software they designed is still far from what you described. The functions that can be realized It's much less... And there's more than one thing. I know of three. One of them is developing better, and the other two are not working at all. The main reason is that there are still fewer Internet users. I guess it will be better in a year or two. a lot of."


Yu Dong felt that this thing did not match his memory.

The instant messaging software should not have appeared so early, and it should have developed rapidly as soon as it appeared. It will not be like Jimmy said, but the development is not bad.

In this way, it is really "Second World" that has had an impact on history.

The main reason is that Yu Dong himself didn't know much about this aspect, and he thought the technology was quite difficult, but he didn't expect that if he mentioned it a little in the novel, he would be able to figure it out.

"However, we can try to make one in China. I have seen that several softwares are all in English, and have not opened up other language markets." Jimmy said.

"Is it difficult?"

Jimmy smiled and said, "There is no technical difficulty. I personally think that this thing mainly depends on the operation and function selection. Users will choose whoever makes it easy to use. I feel that the three software ideas I have seen are all wrong. , They like to pile up some inexplicable functions, which loses the original meaning of this type of software.”

"Since you have a different idea, why don't you make one in the United States?" Yu Dong asked.

"I don't have the energy anymore. The main reason is that we need to compete with those softwares in the United States. We don't have enough multi-line combat capabilities now. It's better to focus on China. We can slowly deploy here. Wait until later, others If we want to enter again, we have the ability to protect the plate. At that time, we not only had the advantage of being the first to enter the market, but also our ability to fight became stronger. I am confident that even if any software in the United States stands out later, it will not be able to catch up with us. to enter the Chinese market."

"Of course, many people now look down on the Chinese market." Jimmy added.

Yu Dong nodded. This is also the difference of Jimmy. He has been in China for more than ten years and knows more about China's development potential than most Chinese.


Not long after Jimmy left, Yu Dong went to Hu Changqing's office.

Seeing Yu Dong, Hu Changqing laughed and teased, "You newlyweds, why do you have time to come to my place?"

Hu Changqing's office is like a garden, with flowers and plants in all seasons, and sometimes he will send some of the flowers and plants he grows to other offices.

For example, in the big office where Yu Dong lives, there are several pots of gardenias and spider plants sent by Hu Changqing.

Yu Dong even joked about Hu Changqing before, saying that the teacher is a gardener, and he is the real gardener.

Sitting down between two small pine trees, Yu Dong said with a smile, "I'm here to share a good news with you."

"What good news? Could it be that the copyright of one of my novels has been sold?" Hu Changqing became excited when he heard that it was a good thing.

"Secretary Hu, let me ask you, can you stop thinking about selling copyrights every day?"

Hu Changqing shook his head and sighed, "I can't do it if I don't want to. Recently, I heard that IBM released a laptop computer that can support multimedia processing. I'm a little excited. I don't know the exact price, but it must be very expensive. I can't afford it if I don't sell some copyrights."

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, Lao Hu was spending money faster than him.

If it weren't for getting married, Yu Dong usually had very little to spend money on, except for buying books, that is, getting some of the four treasures of the study.Oh, and last time I bought a Steinway for my wife and spent a little money.

"The copyright has not been sold, but the news I told you this time is also related to computers. There is a forum in Deep Space, and you can surf there when you have nothing to do."


"Just go online."

"Don't say it, this word is quite vivid. I haven't heard anyone else say it. How many people are there in their forum?"

"Not many, when you go, there will be more people."

"I'm going, isn't there just one more person?"

"You are Fu Shui, a famous science fiction writer. Once you appear, are you afraid that no one will pass by?"

"Just bury me, I'm more interested in hardware than the Internet... Let's talk about surfing when we have time."

"Okay, anyway, I have the notification in place." Yu Dong patted his legs and stood up, "If you don't understand anything, you can ask Jiang Jie."

Jiang Jie is not only Yu Dong's assistant now, but also works with other Jin Yi writers, so besides Yu Dong, Yu Hua and the others usually come to Jiang Jie for business.

After leaving Hu Changqing's office, Yu Dong went back to the apartment. Cheng Yanqiu had class this morning, so the heavy responsibility of cooking fell on Yu Dong.

The couple agreed that whoever has time will come back to cook, and if they don't have time, they will go to the cafeteria to eat.

Usually, Yu Dong has more time, because he has few lessons, unlike Cheng Yanqiu, who now teaches vocal music and piano, and is very busy all day long.

Here, Yu Dong had just cleaned up the rice when the phone rang. He wiped his hands and ran over to answer the phone. The teacher Hu Yueming's voice came over.

"I still thought that you might not be at home. I called you before, but no one answered the first time."

"I'm not at home every day. Teacher, if you can't get through the landline, just call my mobile phone."

"That thing charges two-way. It's not worth it, and it's not an urgent matter that can't wait. I'm calling you this time, mainly to tell you something. President Wu Shuqing of Yanda University asked me for your number. I will give it to him in a while. Before him, he told you what he wanted you for."

"Well, teacher, tell me." Yu Dong was a little surprised, why did Yanda look for him?

"Didn't Baodao hold a trilateral literature exchange meeting at the beginning of the year? Yanda was thinking about it and wanted to hold a cross-strait Chinese literature seminar. Wu Shuqing came to you just for this."

"What kind of forum is it suitable for me to go?"

The reason why Yu Dong asked this was because he was a writer outside the system.The last time Wang Meng called to tell him about his proposal to join the Writers' Association, but there was no sign of it until now.

Not only was he missing, Wang Meng also called Yu Hua before, but he also didn't have anything to say, and he didn't know the specific situation.

As a writer outside the system under the age of 30, he should not be considered in this kind of symposium.

"Who is suitable if you are not suitable? And this time, Yu Hua may be invited. You have had a lot of trouble in the past two years, and they can't ignore it."

"Who else will participate?"

"I don't understand this. When Wu Shuqing calls you, you can ask him. Why, do you still want to watch the dishes?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "No, it's just out of curiosity."

"Okay, I'll just tell you, so that you can be mentally prepared, and you don't have to think about the rest."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong ran back to cook until Cheng Yanqiu went to class in the afternoon, but he still didn't get a call from Wu Shuqing.

But Yu Dong is not in a hurry. During this period of time, he is going to finish his unfinished novel and spends more time at home.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that the phone rang.

"Hello, is this Yu Dong?"

"Yes, I'm Yu Dong, hello."

"Hi Yu Dong, I'm Wu Shuqing, the principal of Yanda University. I'm taking the liberty to call you. I'm not bothering you."

"No, no, I happen to be at home."

"That's right." Wu Shuqing said with a smile, "Yan University is planning to hold a cross-strait Chinese literature exchange meeting. At that time, some writers from the inland and Taiwan will be invited to communicate and exchange. The time is about November. I don't know if you have any No time?"

"November...Principal Wu, I can't tell right now, because I'm really busy recently."

Wu Shuqing on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, it seems that their Yanda's reputation is not easy to use here.

He thought for a while, and then said, "This time we also invited Mr. Wang Zengqi."

Sure enough, as soon as he mentioned Wang Zengqi, Yu Dong became interested, "Mr. Wang is going too?"

"Yeah, Mr. Wang also went to the trilateral literature exchange meeting on Baodao at the beginning of the year."

Yu Dong thought for a while, then asked, "Who are you inviting from Treasure Island?"

"The people from Treasure Island are Lin Qingxuan, Long Yingtai and others."

Long Yingtai?
Yu Dong frowned, he didn't like this person very much.

Originally, when he heard that Mr. Wang was going, Yu Dong was very interested, but when he heard the name Long Yingtai again, his interest suddenly disappeared.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong replied with a smile, "Principal Wu, I still can't give you an answer. If you don't mind, I'll see if I have time when the specific time comes out. How about it?"

Wu Shuqing narrowed his eyes. Although Yu Dong said it very politely, he could tell that he didn't really want to come.

Just now when he heard that Wang Zengqi was going, Yu Dong was very interested, but when he learned that Long Yingtai and Lin Qingxuan were invited, Yu Dong's attitude changed.

Does Yu Dong have a problem with one of them, or neither of them?

This shouldn't be, Yu Dong has only been out for a few years, and I haven't heard that he has had any disputes with any writer.

What I have to say is that there was news about the Jinyi Gang and the Shaanxi Army for a while before, but Yu Dong didn't come forward to say anything that time, it was all written by the newspaper.

Wu Shuqing thought about it, and then asked out his doubts, "Yu Dong, is there something inappropriate about the writer we hired this time?"

"No, Principal Wu, don't worry too much. I may not be able to go there simply because November is busy."

Yu Dong is not someone who hides, but it's not easy to explain this kind of thing to Wu Shuqing.

Long Yingtai is still an obedient baby now, always caring about the country and the people, and deeply loving the motherland, the tail of the fox has not been exposed yet.

When Yu Dong said this, Wu Shuqing had no choice but to respond, "Okay, then I'll contact you later."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong sat on the sofa and meditated.

Long Yingtai should not be very well-known in the Mainland now, probably only a few years later, after the Mainland publishing houses published several books about her, the readers in the Mainland gradually got to know her.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong felt that he was a little emotional just now.Why didn't he go when Long Yingtai went?
Such people, I should face them even more.

If these people can still flourish in the future and become the opinion leaders of young people, then what is the significance of his coming back?
So how can the cultural revival he wants be accomplished?

Why are literati demonized? Isn't it because of these people?
Maybe in the future, when something happens to the "Long Yingtais", other literati will follow suit.He, Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu... These ordinary people who have nothing to do to write articles, why should they take the blame for these people?
After sitting on the sofa for a while, Yu Dong picked up the phone again and called Wu Shuqing back.

When Yu Dong said that he agreed to participate in the cross-strait Chinese literature exchange meeting, Wu Shuqing was a little surprised, "Yu Dong, may I ask you, why did you change your mind so quickly? Your teacher Hu Yueming and I are also old friends. We were together before. I have chatted with you many times, so I know your personality. So before you declined... I said you should agree to decline. I was surprised when I heard you decline. Now that you have agreed again, I will Even more surprised."

"Mainly, I still want to see Mr. Wang." Yu Dong couldn't say too much, he could only use Mr. Wang as an excuse, but this was not a lie, he really wanted to see Mr. Wang very much.

I've always wanted to do this before, but never got the chance.

Wu Shuqing didn't believe what Yu Dong said, but he didn't ask too much. Who didn't have something they couldn't say?
All in all the result is good.

Although Yu Dong is not a writer in the system, his influence in the past two years has been too strong. Whether it is at home or abroad, the book market cannot escape his name.

A few days ago, when Wu Shuqing heard that Yu Dong's "Xiang Xi" had sold more than 100 million copies, he was shocked. This is more than 100 million genuine books.

There were rumors before that Jia Pingwa's "Abandoned City" sold more than 1000 million copies, but most of them were pirated books, and the reason why "Abandoned City" sold so many is related to the sexual description in it.

Wu Shuqing dared to assert that at least [-]% of the people who bought "Abandoned Capital" were not for literature.

Of course, many readers who bought "Xiang Xi" were not for this book, but for Yu Dong.

Yu Dong's reader base is so good, Wu Shuqing believes that even if Yu Dong writes a piece of shit now, there are probably a large number of readers who are willing to pay for it.

Under such circumstances, Wu Shuqing certainly hoped that Yu Dong could come to the symposium.

"Also, Yu Dong, can you give me Yu Hua's contact information, I would also like to invite him to this symposium."

"Of course, but he's not at home right now, he's gone out to play football."

Chen Hong was not at home either, so he probably took Haiguo out to play.

"Then why don't you tell him?"

"Alright, I'll tell him and ask him to call you back tomorrow."

"That would be troublesome."

"You're welcome, Principal Wu."


After Yu Hua came back in the evening, Yu Dong told him about the symposium.

His first reaction was the same as Yu Dong's.

"What kind of symposium is it not suitable for me to go?"

Yu Dong told Yu Hua what Hu Yueming had told him, "Who is suitable if you are not suitable?"

 Thank you [Good Cat] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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