Chapter 330 Wild Duck

Yu Hua has a relatively calm attitude towards things like symposiums, and it's okay to go or not.

He seems to have passed the time when he wants to prove himself eagerly, so naturally he will not have the anxiety of being a newcomer.

"Go and play." Yu Hua looked very relaxed.

"Then go play."

The next day, Yu Hua called Wu Shuqing, briefly talked about the symposium, and then asked for Wang Zengqi's contact information.

Holding the note with the number written on it in her hand, Yu Hua looked at Yu Dong, "Why don't you call?"

Yu Dong took a step back, "Why did you ask me to call the number you want? You call, you call."

"Didn't you ask me to?"

"You don't want it yourself?"

"Subjectively, I want it, but if you didn't let me want it, I might not want it, so the main responsibility for this situation lies with you." Yu Hua directly stuffed the note into Yu Dong's hand.

"I think the main responsibility lies with you. The mouth grows on your face. I can't control what you say."

The two were pushing each other, and Bi Feiyu passed by the corridor dripping with sweat, saw them pushing back and forth through the window, walked in curiously, and asked, "What's going on? Why can't we hit?"

Seeing that it was Bi Feiyu who came, Yu Hua smiled and said, "You came just in time, we need to call your fellow villager."

"My hometown?" Bi Feiyu looked puzzled, "Which one?"

"Wang Zengqi."

"Mr. Wang?" Bi Feiyu ran over to take the note from Yu Hua, "Where did you get the number?"

"I picked it up on the road." Yu Hua joked, "Why don't you call and see if it's Mr. Wang's number."

"Childish!" Bi Feiyu pouted, then he thought for a while and said, "Why don't I try?"

"bring it on."

Bi Feiyu grabbed her clothes and wiped the sweat off her face, then rubbed her hands together, then gently picked up the microphone.

Yu Dong and Yu Hua leaned their heads together, holding their breath, watching him dial the number, really nervous.

Now they somewhat understand the mentality of movie fans and poetry fans chasing stars, and Wang Zengqi holds a very high status in their hearts.

The phone was dialed, and after a while, someone on the other side answered the phone.

"Hello?" An old man's voice sounded healthy.

Bi Feiyu was quite brave just now, but when she heard a voice from the opposite side, she was stunned.

Yu Hua poked him beside him and whispered, "Speak."

"Ahem, hello, is this Mr. Wang Zengqi Wang?"

"That's right, it's me, who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Wang, I'm Bi Feiyu from Yangzhou, and I'm with Yu Dong from Shanghai and Yu Hua from Haiyan."

Wang Zengqi was also taken aback, he knew all three of these people, but why did this self-introduction sound so weird?

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Yu Hua said from the side, "Mr. Wang, there is nothing special. Because I have always admired you very much, I made a special call today to interview you. I specially asked for the number from Principal Wu Shuqing."

Yu Dong gave a thumbs up, Yu Hua's beautiful words were very good, and he pushed back and forth just now.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, you guys should come over to the exchange meeting in November, and we can meet up then. I didn't expect the three of you to call. Is it Yu Hua or Yu Dong who spoke just now... Listen to the voice It should be Yu Hua, Yu Dong's voice should be younger."

"That's right, I'm Yu Hua."

"Haha, let me just say yes, where is Yu Dong? Why don't you talk?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Hi, Mr. Wang, I'm Yu Dong."

"Sure enough, you should be younger. You are all still in Jinyi right now. I read "Cucumber Garden Essays" one by one. Why is it that only Yu Hua is writing the follow-up, and the other two of you are not writing? I am still (ha) planning to write later. Is it?"

Wang Zengqi lives in Yanjing and speaks Mandarin, but occasionally there will be some local accents, such as "clam".

The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, but no one thought that Wang Zengqi had read their articles. Bi Feiyu was a little flattered and said, "I also wrote a follow-up, but it has never been published."

"Since you have written it, don't put it in your hands. There have been fewer and fewer good articles in the past two years. You have to work hard. Also, Yu Dong, you must write a long article. I saw the article you posted at the end of last year. Aren't the short and medium stories all very good?"

"Thank you Mr. Wang for your praise, I will definitely work hard."

"Of course I also heard that you have written some science fiction novels, which are very popular among people. I also want to read them from time to time to understand what young people like nowadays, but I am really out of energy..."

Wang Zengqi was more talkative than Yu Dong and the others had imagined. The three of them gathered together, and together they didn't talk as much as the old man alone.

But later, when the conversation was in full swing, Mr. Wang's wife called him, and he ended the call if he had something to do, and said that they would talk again after they went to Yanjing in a few days.

This is undoubtedly an invitation, Bi Feiyu will also hit the snake with a stick, directly ask the old man where he lives, and pay a visit in a few days.

The old gentleman smiled and reported the specific address, and the three of them wrote it down carefully.

After hanging up the phone, the three looked at each other and smiled.

"I heard that Mr. Wang is not in good health, but he seems to be doing well while listening to the phone." Yu Hua said with a smile.

Bi Feiyu nodded: "That's the way, what happened to the cross-strait Chinese literature exchange meeting he just mentioned?"

Yu Dong explained, "Yan University is going to hold a cross-strait literature exchange meeting, and invited some well-known writers and non-famous writers. I, Mr. Wang, and Yu Hua are well-known writers."

"What about the unknown writer?"

"Since you are unknown, why did you ask?"

Bi Feiyu snorted, "You are crazy now."

Yu Hua said from the side, "How about it, do you want to go and have a look with us?"

"I won't go, and I wasn't invited either."

"I'm not asking you to attend the symposium, but to visit Mr. Wang together. We will go there early and visit in advance. Aren't you from the same hometown? You must know what special products are there in his hometown. When we go, we will bring some local products from his hometown." Special products in the past." Yu Dong said.

"My home is dozens of kilometers away from Gaoyou... But I know that Gaoyou's wild ducks are famous. You can see wild ducks often appear in the old man's works."

"Wild ducks? We want to catch them ourselves? I'm afraid it's not good to send this kind of wild animal." Yu Hua said.

"There are some people who specialize in wild ducks, or they can send some zizi or Artemisia betel."

Yu Dong and the others didn't know about someone raising wild ducks, but they did know about the two dishes Bi Feiyu mentioned later, because Wang Zengqi had written about them in his works.

For example, twig, also known as twig mushroom, Wang Zengqi once wrote an essay for it, called "Salted Vegetable Cassiopsis Soup". Will find it to eat, in fact, it is also a psychological change in dealing with hometown.

Now that we are talking about twig mushrooms and Artemisia persicae, we have to talk about other wild vegetables. Mr. Wang also wrote an article "Wild Vegetables in Hometown", which lists many wild vegetables.

Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "Since you want to bring presents, you can buy some and I'll buy them later. Also, I just went to see Mo Yan this time. I haven't seen him for a long time."

Both Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu nodded, they were also going to see Mo Yan.

The last time they met was at the Yan Normal University literature exchange meeting. When they had dinner together, they felt that Mo Yan was not in a good mood. Later, when they heard that Mo Yan's mother had passed away, he ran home and stayed for several months.

Some time ago he was writing his new book, and it was another few months of retreat.

Now that the new book is finished, Mo Yan also contacted the Deep Space Company, planning to find a publishing house.

"I heard that he wrote a 50-word novel in less than three months," Yu Hua said.

"I've also heard that it is said that this novel was written because of the death of his mother. I am afraid that such a long novel will consume a lot of his mind. Before we talked about Yu Dong's how to spell it out, but now it seems that Mo Yan is more spelled out." Some." Bi Feiyu laughed.

Yu Hua waved his hand, "Yu Dong has more stamina. He has written 200 million words in recent years, right?"

"There should be. I haven't counted them in detail. Most of them are science fiction. In fact, to be quick, I think some writers in the north are more efficient."

The writers in the north mentioned by Yu Dong refers to some writers in the Shaanxi Army, especially Jia Pingwa.

Jia Pingwa's novels are not too many, but there are a lot of short and medium stories, which have been published in large and small magazines.

Unlike Yu Dong and the others, Jia Pingwa and the others publish a lot of magazines, such as the local magazines in Shaanxi Province, and you can often read their novels, after all, you can get paid for publishing one article.

It is said that Jia Pingwa writes every day, and basically writes tens of thousands of words every day, and his efficiency can surpass that of the entire "Golden Arts Gang".

Of course, it was mainly because Yu Hua was holding back Jin Yi's support. This guy was the most leisurely of them all, but he was the slowest in writing. It wasn't that he was slow in writing, but mainly because he was lazy.

When he was free, he either went to find someone to play cards, or wandered around the school like a street skater.


Not two days later, Wu Shuqing called to say that the meeting time was set for November 12th and [-]th.

There is still more than a month, and Yu Dong is going to finish writing his new book before the symposium.

During the period, Wang Hailin came several times, all for his novel. It can be seen that Wang Hailin's novel writing has gradually entered the right track, and the more he writes, the more motivated he is.

This kid is still talented, but his temperament is unstable and easily impatient. If it weren't for Yu Dong's suppression, his mind would have gone to nowhere.

Now seeing that he can write a novel with peace of mind, Yu Dong is still very pleased. Even if the final result of this novel is not good, at least it is a rare experience for Wang Hailin, and it will be great for his future work. beneficial.

During this time, Yu Dong spent most of his time writing novels. As for cooking... At first he insisted, not only him, but also Cheng Yanqiu.

But soon, the matter of cooking became sparse. One is that Jinyi’s cafeteria is getting better and better, and the food is not only affordable, but also tastes good. The other is that Yu Dong’s father-in-law and mother-in-law call them home when they have nothing to do. Have a meal.

Eating and eating has become the norm. Seven days a week, there are fourteen meals for lunch and dinner, at least five or six meals at the parents-in-law's house.

At the end of October, Wang Hailin came to Yu Dong again with the manuscript, this time not only him, but also Jia Zhangke.

Wang Hailin's manuscript was nothing to look at, it was almost written, only some details needed to be polished, after Yu Dong read it, he said a few words and returned the manuscript to him.

"Brother Dong, I'll go first then."

Wang Hailin ran away with the manuscript, but Jia Zhangke didn't go with him.

Yu Dong looked at Jia Zhangke, "What's the matter with you kid?"

"Brother Dong, I also have a script for you to read."

With a smile, Jia Zhangke took out a stack of manuscripts from his arms. The manuscripts were badly damaged, and many pages were missing corners.

Yu Dong reached for the manuscript and asked with great interest, "What is it about?"

"Little Tiger," said Jia Zhangke.

Yu Dong was taken aback, "Xiaohu? Ruan Xiaohu?"

Jia Zhangke grinned and said, "I asked Xiaohu to authorize "Little Tiger" to write this script."

It was a bit of a mouthful to say, but Yu Dong could understand.

He didn't ask too much, and opened the script to read it.

The script is not long. It tells the story of a kid named Xiaohu who was fooled by a fellow villager into a big city and became a thief.

In the original "Little Tiger", Xiaohu saw a novel on the train, and then decided not to be a thief anymore, but Jia Zhangke's script changed this paragraph.

In the script, what Xiaohu saw was not an unpublished novel, but Yu Dong's collection of novels, "One Day" in it.

There are other novels in the novel collection, but Xiaohu only saw "One Day", and was dragged away by fellow old Fei.

Xiaohu wanted to return the book to the original owner, but Lao Fei grabbed it and threw it outside the train.

When seeing this passage, Yu Dong looked up at Jia Zhangke, "Why did you write "One Day"?"

"Because Xiaohu said that he liked this novel very much before, I was inspired and wrote this novel into it." Jia Zhangke said.

Yu Dong nodded, he thought Xiaohu had told him something else.

Continue reading the script.

After getting off the train with Lao Fei, Xiao Hu proposed to break up the partnership, but Lao Fei quit, but in the end he couldn't resist, so Lao Fei said he would let Xiao Hu help him for another month, and after one month he would find a new helper, and let Xiao Hu leave.

Xiaohu accepted the proposal and decided to help Lao Fei for the last month.

But unfortunately, before the end of the month, Xiaohu was arrested.

The last scene is a bit similar to "Xiao Wu". Xiaohu is handcuffed at the door of a bookstore, watching the people coming and going, and the "One Day" in the bookstore window.

In addition to the last scene, there are other things in the script that are a bit like "Xiao Wu". For example, Lao Fei likes to call himself a craftsman, and let Xiaohu also declare that he is a craftsman.

The main plot of the script is all on the train, except for Xiaohu seeing the book, the others are all about how their little gang stole things.

Yu Dong took the script and tapped on the table, "Overall, it's good, but the story is a little thin, and the character Xiaohu is also thin because of the thinness of the story. The front half, I pay more attention to it." Put it on top of Lao Fei."

Before Jia Zhangke could speak, Yu Dong said again, "I can feel that you want to give people the impression that Lao Fei is the later Xiaohu... Am I wrong?"

Jia Zhangke smiled and nodded, "Brother Dong, you are right, I just want to write about this feeling. I have been thinking about how to make this depressive feeling stand out and last. Then I thought, if this Repression is endless, and maybe it can achieve the goal. Lao Fei is the later Xiaohu, and Xiaohu is the past of Lao Fei. It is like a circle, endless, and there is no end in sight. This also fits the theme of "One Day". theme of a novel."

In this way, the film is even more different from "Little Tiger", and it is also very different from Jia Zhangke's own "Xiao Wu", but the idea is still quite good, and the symbolism is strong.

Of course, if the script is written in this way, there are also high requirements for the use of the camera.

Some things don’t mean that you can write them down when you think about them, and even if you write them down, you may not necessarily be able to shoot them.

And if it is shot according to the script, the cost will be higher than that of "Xiao Wu", because many scenes in it have to be completed on the train.

Yu Dong thought for a while and suggested, "If you want to achieve the effect you mentioned, maybe you can try to blur the name. The name Lao Fei can be removed directly. Find three actors, each in their teens, In their 30s, in their 40s...just give the audience a clue that they're alone."

Jia Zhangke scratched his head, "Brother Dong, can you tell me more about it?"

"For example, A is a teenage boy, B is a young man in his 30s, and C is a middle-aged man in his 40s. In the first half of the movie, C takes A to steal things on the train, and then gets off the train. A wants to break up. , C proposed to do it for another month... and then started B's perspective, he stole things all by himself, and was caught."

Jia Zhangke's eyes lit up, "I understand. From the perspective of B, the audience can't tell whether B is A's future or C's past, and the three of them overlap together. Then I can use other people's names to deepen this impression. , For example, A is Xiaohu, B is Brother Hu, and C is Uncle Hu."

Yu Dong nodded, "That's what it means. Go back and think about it to see if it's feasible."

Jia Zhangke nodded excitedly, "Okay, I'll try it when I get back and see how it works?"

"Whether it can be written or not is secondary, the key is whether it can be filmed." Yu Dong smiled, "Improve the script, if possible, I hope you can draw all the storyboards... You talk to the director every day. Mixing with students majoring in engineering and art, the storyboard should be fine, right?"

Jia Zhangke said with a sneer: "There is still room for improvement."

"No matter what, get it out and show it to me. If it's not bad, I'll ask Deep Space to add this movie to the director support plan."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Dong."

"You're welcome, just work hard."

In fact, Yu Dong wasn't too worried about the storyboard. No matter how bad Jia Zhangke's painting was, it was better than Jiang Wen's, right?

 Thanks to [Eel Eel QAQ] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
  Thanks to [Dan Yu] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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