Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 331 Learning Foreign Languages

Chapter 331 Learning Foreign Languages ​​(Part [-])
As soon as Jimmy returned to the United States, Campote told him that the producer Robert Kosberg came to him again two days ago.

The reason why I say yes is because Robert Cosberg had approached Jimmy before, for Yu Dong's novel "Closed Loop".

Robert hopes to adapt "Closed Loop" into a movie.

When Robert came to see Jimmy a few months ago, Jimmy was very interested at first.

The sales volume of Yu Dong's novel collection "One Day" is not very good, and it has only sold 90 million copies this year.

Some people may say that this is already a very good sales volume, but you must know that compared with the sales performance of Dong's other novels, this collection is much worse. This is also the only book that Yu Dong has not sold more than one million Book.

Of course, the collection is not easy to sell, which is what Jimmy expected before.

Jimmy was of course very happy that someone could focus on "Closed Loop", and he talked a lot with Robert at that time.

But when Jimmy learned that Robert was going to ask Terry Gilliam to direct and integrate the plot in "Dyke", Jimmy rejected him.

On the one hand, Terry Gilliam has been making bad movies in the past two years and has a bad reputation. If he is allowed to shoot, it is likely to affect the box office of the movie.

On the other hand, Robert wanted to buy the copyright of "Dike" at the same time, and Jimmy also strongly disagreed with the practice of combining the plots of the two stories.

"The Embankment" is a French short film in the 60s. Although the plot is simple, the closed loop inside has already been created... The plot of the protagonist seeing his own death in Yu Dong's novel "The Closed Loop" was born out of "The Embankment".

Now if we merge the two stories together, how will we publicize them to the outside world?Is this movie an adaptation of "Closed Loop" or "Dike"?

"Dike" is more than 20 years earlier than "Closed Loop", and it will definitely cause some negative comments by then.

What Jimmy thinks is that even if Robert only buys the adaptation of "Dyke", they don't make this money in deep space, so don't have this kind of problem.

After thinking about it, Jimmy asked Campote, "Did he say anything special this time?"

"He said he could just buy the rights to 'Closed Loop,' but he wanted to use Terry Gilliam as the director," Campote said.

"What made him so persistent? Did he say anything?"

"He just said that he trusted Gilliam very much and believed that Gilliam could make a good movie."

Since Robert agreed to only buy the copyright of "Closed Loop", everything can still be discussed. As for Terry Gilliam, although his performance has been poor in recent years, after all, he has produced good works before.

Robert trusted Gilliam so much, probably because he had already been in contact with him.

And if they negotiate this cooperation, Universal will be responsible for buying the copyright in the end. With Universal's urgency, it must strictly control the film, and Jimmy doesn't need to worry too much.

In fact, Jimmy can roughly guess that the reason why Robert changed his mind should be because he saw the results of the "Resident Evil" movie.

The box office of "Resident Evil" has basically come out. As a thriller and horror film, "Resident Evil" started with a large audience less than other movies, but it was able to rise rapidly, and finally reached the top with a box office of 6000 million US dollars North American box office charts.

The film also performed well in other box office. By the time Jimmy returned to the United States, "Resident Evil" had already won [-] million in the global box office.

The only regret is that the film was too bloody and violent to be released in mainland China, and lost part of the box office.

Two consecutive films sold well at the box office, and the film and television adaptations of Yu Dong's novels became popular all at once.

Recently, Deep Space Corporation has received a lot of offers, from various novels.

Jimmy pondered for a while, and said, "I see, I will contact him."

Campote nodded and was about to leave when Jimmy stopped him again: "Also, Campote, I heard you are learning Chinese recently?"

"Yeah, since we have a lot of business in China, I think it would be beneficial to learn Chinese." Campote said with a smile.

Jimmy nodded and asked again, "How are you doing? Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Speaking of the difficulties in learning Chinese, Campote patted his head distressedly, "There are many difficulties, from writing to pronunciation. I can only speak some simple words now, such as 'Lei Hou', 'Ho Hi Sen knows Ray', which took me days to learn..."

Jimmy blinked, "Who did you learn from?"

"I specially invited a Chinese teacher, a Chinese in our community, he opened a restaurant, and I often ate there before."

"I think, I'm afraid you have to relearn." Jimmy laughed.

"Why?" Campote wondered, "Didn't he teach Chinese?"

"It's also Chinese, but there is a big difference between Chinese and Chinese... How about this, let me teach you a few words of Chinese, so that you can get started quickly. As for your Chinese teacher, just change it. Turn around I'll find someone more reliable for you, in addition, we can also recruit a few more Chinese, which will also help create a language environment."

Campote said pleasantly, "Of course you are willing to teach me. That's great. By the way, some colleagues in our company also want to learn Chinese. How about teaching them as well?"

"Okay, tell them all to come here."


After a while, Campote led seven or eight people back to Jimmy's office, each of them holding a notebook, and some even brought recording equipment.

Seeing this, Jimmy smiled and said, "No need to record, I just teach you some simple words today, mainly so that you can quickly get along with the Chinese."

When the colleagues heard that there were such useful words, they were immediately confused and listened carefully.

Jimmy coughed lightly, and said, "The first sentence, shit! Come on, read it with me, shit!"



"I'm second!"

For a while, the voices of "fucking" in the office kept coming and going, which was very shocking.

Jimmy nodded in satisfaction, "This word expresses awe, just like the OMG we usually say."

Campote nodded in agreement, "It does read very powerfully."

Jimmy gave a thumbs up, "Your feeling is right, come on, I'll teach you the second word, fuck! Read it with me, fuck!"

"damn it."

"damn it."

Another burst of "fuck" resounded throughout the office, and the lingering sound echoed endlessly.

"Well, yes, this is a modal particle, which expresses a very powerful meaning. There used to be a great writer in China who once wrote an article on this word."

"So great."

"This must be learned."

"How exactly is this word used?"

Jimmy said with a smile, "There are many usages. As your Chinese gets better and better, you will understand how to use them. Now you only need to master the pronunciation of these two words. When communicating with others in the future, you will understand how to use them." Just put them right before the sentence."

"For example, when you meet an old friend, you can say, shit, long time no see, or, damn it, long time no see. Another example, if you read a very good book, you can say, shit, it's been a while. It's a beautiful book, or, damn it, it's a beautiful book!"

Campote was a little puzzled, "It sounds like these two words are the same."

"Sometimes it is indeed the same, let's use it like this first, they can quickly shorten the relationship between you and a Chinese."

Although Jimmy taught them these two words are a bit of a bad idea, but he did not lie to them, because these two words can indeed bring the relationship with the Chinese closer.

When he first arrived in China, he learned these two words first, and then the Chinese people would quickly become interested in him as soon as they heard his standard Chinese national curse.


Yu Dong, who was far away in China, also met an American who wanted to learn Chinese.

At the beginning of November, just after Yu Dong called and asked Jiang Jie to help him prepare some gifts for Mr. Wang, he received a call from Quentin.

Yu Dong was also surprised when he received a call from Quentin, "Are you really here?"

"Haha, didn't I say that before? There is a film festival coming to China."

"What kind of film festival is it?" Yu Dong asked, he didn't know much about these news from the film industry.

"The Sundance Film Festival, the annual event of American independent films, is about to start for more than a week. Where are you, do you want to come out and meet?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Unfortunately, I'm in Jinling now."

"Is Jinling far from Yanjing?" Quentin asked.

"It's quite far away...but maybe we can meet at NO.13, if you were still in Yanjing at that time."

"Why, are you going to Yanjing then?"

"Yes, Yenching University is going to hold a literature symposium, and I was also invited to attend. The time is NO.11 and NO.12, so I have to wait until NO.13 to see you."

"Literary symposium?" Quentin was a little puzzled, "Is it related to science fiction?"

"No." Yu Dong didn't explain much, "There is no special theme."

Quentin was a little disappointed, "Oh, originally I wanted to ask you to teach me some Chinese, so that I can communicate with people here."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Since you've come to China, someone can teach you Chinese, so what friends do you have here?"

"There is one, "Sunny Day", do you know? When its director Jiang went to the production company, we met. This time I plan to visit his class." Quentin said, "He said He played a great character."

Yu Dong smiled, this guy really wants to hang out with Jiang Wen, and he doesn't know if he learned the phrase NB from Jiang Wen.

As for the character played by Jiang Wen, Qin Shihuang, he can naturally bear the word "powerful".

"Okay, then you go, let's talk when I go to Yanjing, can I reach you on this number?"

"Of course, I'll wait for your contact."

(End of this chapter)

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