Chapter 332 Flaws (Second Update)

Yu Dong and the others didn't take the train to Yanjing this time, because they had to bring a lot of things and it was more convenient to drive, so they drove.

Needless to say, there is no need to go to Gaoyou for wild vegetables, except for those that are not in season, you can get them in Jinling, only wild ducks are more troublesome.

Jiang Jie went to Gaoyou to buy some wild ducks and came back. They put the ducks in a cardboard box and poked a hole in the box. After driving for a while, they got out of the car to check the health of the wild ducks.

I didn't feed them much because I was afraid they would eat too much shit, but when they arrived in Yanjing, the trunk still smelled like duck droppings.

Wang Zengqi lives in Puhuangyu, a place south of Yanjing. Most of the people who live there are working people, and there are few rich and powerful. It is also because of Wang Zengqi that this place is somewhat famous.

In fact, Puhuangyu is not just a place, it is more like a collective name of a region. Dongpuqiao, Huangtukeng, and Yushu Village are collectively called Puhuangyu, and some people say that the place where the three places meet is the place.

Wang Zengqi lived in a relatively high place, so he claimed to live on the tower. The year before last, he published a collection of essays called "Essays on the Tower", which is why it got its name.

With gifts in their hands, several people searched for clues and finally found Wang Zengqi's family.

After knocking twice, footsteps came from inside.

This unit building is very old, and the sound insulation is not so good, so a few people outside can hear the footsteps getting closer and closer inside.

The person who opened the door was an old lady with a kind face. Yu Dong and the others knew that the person in front of them was Wang Zengqi's wife Shi Songqing, so they said hello together: "Mr. Shi."

Shi Songqing is the daughter of Shi Chengcan, a famous overseas Chinese leader. She once studied in the Department of Physics of Southwest Associated University and was a classmate of Yang Zhenning.

"Hi, hello." Seeing Yu Dong and the others, Shi Songqing was very happy, "Old man, here are guests. Oh, you brought so many things, you shouldn't, you shouldn't."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Mr. Shi, it's not something precious, it's just a little thought."

Several people went in with gifts, Wang Zengqi got up and greeted them, and then sat back on the sofa.

The living room is only about a dozen square meters, and there are books everywhere, and both sides of the sofa where Wang Zengqi is sitting are also full of books.

Shi Songqing was busy moving some stools, and put them in the middle of the living room, there was really no other place to put them.

Just as Yu Dong was about to say hello to Wang Zengqi, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu had already gone up to pass cigarettes.

The old gentleman lit up his cigarette with a smile, and asked Yu Dong, "Don't you smoke?"

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "Sir, I don't smoke."

At this time, Shi Songqing also saw what gifts Yu Dong and the others had brought, and said to Wang Zengqi with a smile, "They have a heart, and brought some wild vegetables from your hometown, including mushrooms and wild ducks."

Wang Zengqi smiled when he heard the mushroom first, and frowned again when he heard the wild duck. Yu Dong quickly explained, "The wild duck is raised by local people in Gaoyou."

Hearing this, Wang Zengqi laughed again, "Everything is raised now."

Yu Dong looked at Wang Zengqi, still worried about the old man's health. He was chatting on the phone before, and he felt that he should be in good health, but when he saw people, he found it was different.

He was leaning on the sofa, his face was a little dull, and it was obvious that his stomach rose and fell when he spoke.

Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "Although this duck is raised by humans, it is just like ordinary wild ducks. It is released during the day and flies back at night."

"It's almost like raising pigeons." Wang Zengqi looked at the box containing wild ducks, "There is a sandbar in our hometown, and wild duck eggs can be picked up on the sandbar, and people who want to raise wild ducks also picked wild duck eggs from the sandbar. "

Yu Dong nodded, "You wrote about this sandbar in "Da Nao Chronicle", which is very impressive."

"Plucking wild ducks is a very troublesome thing. The skin of wild ducks is tender and cannot be scalded with boiling water. The skin will fall off when scalded. In my hometown, people sell ducks and help people pluck duck feathers. Just dry plucking and make a sack. Squeeze in directly. They don’t charge labor fees, but duck feathers. When killing pigeons, they use copper coins and put them in their mouths—suffocate to death.”

Wang Zengqi speaks, just like he writes articles, very lively.The little things we see every day become interesting in his writing or in his mouth.

Speaking of Gaoyou, he talked a lot, some of which Yu Dong and the others had read in books, and some of which were heard for the first time.

When it comes to hometown, it is natural to have to talk about water. Wang Zengqi once wrote in "My Hometown": I grew up by the water, and what I see and hear is nothing but water.Water affects my character and the style of my work.

This is obvious to all, he is a person who goes with the situation and enjoys himself.

While chatting, Wang Zengqi gave Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu another cigarette, and he took one out and lit it himself.

"In the Four Sages Temple of Wenyoutai, there is another old Sun Xin, he is the father-in-law of Huangshan Valley..."

After lighting a cigarette, Wang Zengqi was about to continue talking about Huang Tingjian's father-in-law when there was a knock on the door.

Considering that the old couple's legs and feet are not very agile, Yu Dong volunteered, "Shall I drive?"

Wang Zengqi said with a smile, "Go."

Yu Dongsan walked to the door in two steps, opened it, and there were two people standing outside.

The first one was short and fat, with white temples, and looked about five or sixty years old. In addition, what impressed Yu Dong most was that his neck was a bit thick and he looked radiant.

Standing behind him is a middle-aged man in his early 40s, thinner but taller.

Seeing that it was Yu Dong who opened the door, the person in front of him was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Is Mr. Wang at home?"

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "At home."

Then he stepped aside and let them in.

As soon as he entered, the fatter man laughed loudly and said, "Old man, I'm here again."

Wang Zengqi was not surprised by their arrival, he said to his wife: "Songqing, go inside and take out that bluegrass."

Shi Songqing went in, taking advantage of this spare time, the fatter person went to look carefully at Yu Dong and the others next to him, and when he saw Yu Hua, he said in surprise, "Yu Hua, why are you here?"

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Professor He, I was just about to ask why you can see me."

In fact, what Yu Hua thought was that if the fatter man didn't recognize him, he wouldn't take the initiative to make a sound.

The fatter man is called He Zhenbang. He Zhenbang was in charge of the administrative work of the Lu Xun Academy of Arts when Yu Hua was studying at the Lu Xun Academy of Arts.

He Zhenbang looked at Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu again, "Who are these two?"

Wang Zengqi introduced: "These two are Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu."

Then he introduced Yu Dong and the others, "This is He Zhenbang from the Lu Xun Academy of Literature, and the one next to him is Liang Lei, the editor of Fujian Province's "Literary Fashion Evening News."

"Grandpa, it's "Fashion Evening News", not "Evening News." He Zhenbang corrected.

Wang Zengqi squinted his eyes and tilted his head to recall, He Zhenbang saw this and said with a smile: "Old man, you don't write the title wrong, do you?"

At this time, Shi Songqing happened to be holding a scroll of paintings, and Yu Dong and the others were a little surprised. Before Wang Zengqi asked Mrs. Wang to go in and get a bluegrass, they thought it was a real bluegrass, but they didn't expect it to be a painting.

Shi Songqing unfolded the painting for them to see. He Zhenbang looked at the inscription first, then patted his thigh, "It's really wrong, old man, draw another one."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene was a little awkward.

In fact, it is not a big deal to say that the inscription is wrong, and begging someone to draw another painting with good words, but He Zhenbang is too careless, as if asking Wang Zengqi to draw another painting is just as it should be. There is no attitude of begging for help.

If you meet some tactful people, you can easily deal with He Zhenbang's request, but Wang Zengqi doesn't say anything, just sits and gets angry.

The master didn't speak, and Yu Dong and the others were not good at talking, and sat beside him without embarrassment.

After a while, Shi Songqing approached slowly and said in a low voice, "I've been waiting for a week, why don't you just draw another picture?"

Wang Zengqi's anger came and went quickly, and after getting angry, he decided to redraw.

While he was painting, Liang Lei, the editor behind He Zhenbang, said, "Old man, you can give me the wrong painting as well."

Wang Zengqi ignored him, and said to Shi Songqing, "Tear it up and throw it in the wastebasket."

Yu Dong looked at Yu Hua and the others, sighing to himself that He Zhenbang and Liang Lei are really crouching dragons and phoenixes, with extremely low EQ, and at the same time surprised at Wang Zengqi's stubborn temper.

Just now before He Zhenbang and the others came, Yu Dong's impression of Wang Zengqi was that he was like water, flowing like clouds and flowing water, and stopped when he wanted.

Now after this little episode, the sentence popped up in Yu Dong's mind again: Can you fucking control it!
It's really a true temperament.

This painting was originally an ink orchid grass, not complicated, Wang Zengqi painted it casually.

After the painting was finished, He Zhenbang and the others knew they couldn't stay here any longer, so they got up and said goodbye.Before leaving, he talked enthusiastically to Yu Dong and the others, and invited them to come to the Writers Association if they had nothing to do.

When they left, Yu Dong saw that Shi Songqing was not willing to throw away the painting, and said, "Mr. Wang, why don't you give me this painting?"

This time Wang Zengqi was not angry, he just asked, "Since it's a waste painting, and it was a close-up for someone else's newspaper, what do you want it for?"

Yu Dong smiled and said: "Because I have a fate with this painting. It happened that we came to visit and saw this painting, and such a beautiful mistake happened. When I see this painting again in the future, naturally I can also think of what I saw and heard today. Sometimes, small flaws can also add some special colors to art. In other words, flaws are also part of art.”

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Wang Zengqi smiled and said to Shi Songqing, "Songqing, give him the painting... Besides, go get two more paintings, since the three of them came together, of course we can't favor one over the other, one for each. "

(End of this chapter)

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