Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 334 "Big Gamble"

Chapter 334 "Big Gamble"

Wu Shuqing was thoughtful while listening to Yu Dong's conversation with Long Yingtai.

In the previous phone call, Yu Dong's attitude suddenly changed when he heard Lin Qingxuan and Long Yingtai. At that time, Wu Shuqing didn't know who Yu Dong was targeting. Now it seems that Yu Dong had a problem with Long Yingtai.

But what Wu Shuqing didn't understand was, what kind of feud could Yu Dong have with Long Yingtai?
Although Long Yingtai did have some problems with his speech, and his thinking was too westernized, but Yu Dong should have met Long Yingtai for the first time.Furthermore, Yu Dong should not target others just because of this. There are many people with Westernized thinking in China, and I have never seen him target anyone.

Of course, Wu Shuqing didn't think there was anything wrong with the scene. Since it was an exchange, a little confrontation was normal.If after a symposium, everyone is hello and I am hello, then there is no need for a symposium, just give a personal speech directly.

On the other side, Xiao Lihong also looked at Yu Dong with a thankful look.Long Yingtai said "certain works" just now, although she didn't name them, she was clearly referring to her "A Thousand Rivers with Water and a Thousand Rivers of Moon".

Although she doesn't like arguing, she is of course grateful for someone to speak for her.

"When it comes to local literature, Mr. Wang naturally has the right to speak. The first time I had a specific impression of local literature, it was also because of "Shou Precepts". When "Shou Precepts" came out, I was only a teenager..."

Bi Feiyu, who hadn't spoken much at the meeting, spoke slowly. He didn't really want to talk too much, because he wasn't invited to today's symposium, and he was here with Yu Dong and the others.

It's just that seeing that it's impossible not to speak now, I took the initiative to speak.

Bi Feiyu brought the topic to Wang Zengqi, and Wang Zengqi followed the trend and began to talk about local literature. He didn't talk much about his novels, but talked more about the development of local literature 49 years ago.

The two-hour symposium ended quickly, everyone had a meal at noon, and then Wu Shuqing and the others took everyone around Yanda.

During the period, many students came up to say hello, and Yu Dong and the others responded one by one.

Seeing that Yu Dong was so popular among the students, Long Yingtai quietly asked Leng Xuejun, "Director Leng, is Yu Dong very famous in mainland China?"

Instead, Leng Xuejun looked at Long Yingtai in surprise, "Could it be that Yu Dong is not well-known on Treasure Island?"

Should he be very famous in Baodao?

Long Yingtai just thought so, but didn't say so, she smiled and said: "I didn't pay much attention to it."

Leng Xuejun explained, "Yu Dong is famous not only domestically, but also abroad. Last year, the movie "Second World" broke the global box office. The original book was written by Yu Dong. Another movie of the same name based on his novel "Resident Evil" did well at the box office, but it's a pity that it hasn't been released in China."

"Is he a writer of popular literature?"

Leng Xuejun waved his hand, "That's not true. He also has a lot of pure literature works, such as the "Xiangxi" that I introduced him to you this morning. It has a strong influence in all aspects of the mainland literary world. In the past two years He is very active in the literary world, as well as Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, they are all in the same unit."

"Oh, I don't know much about new writers from the mainland."

Leng Xuejun nodded, "No wonder, he has only been out for a few years. Of the three of them, Yu Hua came out earlier."

After strolling around the school, everyone went to the reception room to sit and drink tea and chat for a while, and then it was almost time for dinner.

Because there was an event tomorrow morning, everyone didn't drink much in the evening, even Wang Zengqi only drank a little. After all, he was old enough to continue fighting like this.

During the meal, Xiao Lihong deliberately ran to chat with Yu Dong for a while, and invited Yu Dong and the others to go to Baodao when they had time, and Yu Dong and the others readily agreed.Lin Qingxuan also chatted with Yu Dong and the others for a while, but it was just small talk and nothing important.Lin Qingxuan gave people the impression that he was very Buddhist, always in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

After the meal was flat, Yu Dong and the others went back to the hotel directly.

As soon as they arrived at the hotel lobby, a chunky figure suddenly jumped up to them.

"It can be regarded as waiting for you."

When Yu Dong and the others saw the person coming, they laughed, "Why are you here today?"

Mo Yan also smiled: "I asked for two days off, and it will start tonight. I thought I couldn't waste it, so I came out early."

Before they came, Yu Dong and the others had made an appointment with Mo Yan. They had originally planned to meet in the afternoon next year, but now he came early.

Yu Hua smiled and said, "It's just in time, there are enough people to play cards."

Mo Yan chuckled, and took out two decks of poker from his pocket, "It's all ready for you."

Yu Dong nodded, "That's good, Jiang Jie, you play with them, I'll rest tonight."

"What are you resting for?" Yu Hua grabbed Yu Dong, "Let's play something colorful tonight, and I'll give money to you, a wealthy family."

"How big are you playing?"

"One hundred and one handful, how about it?" Yu Hua said.

Mo Yan next to him was taken aback, "What? One hundred and one? Are you playing so big?"

Bi Feiyu laughed, "What's the deal with one hundred ones, we've played one thousand ones before."

"One thousand and one! I don't even have that much money in my entire family now. You guys are taking a big gamble."


The three laughed, and Yu Dong took Mo Yan's arm and said, "Go, you'll know in a while."

Being dragged by Yu Hua, Mo Yan was at a loss all the way. He didn't know what was going on with these guys recently, and they dared to play hundreds of thousands of cards.

After arriving at the room, when Yu Hua took out a few 1000 bills, Mo Yan suddenly realized, "So it's...fake money."

"What fake money, this is Italian lire, real real money, but not very valuable."

Yu Hua prepared quite a few liras, including several 1000 denominations, 2000 denominations and 5000 denominations each, as well as a lot of hard pens, all denominated in 100, 200, 500 denominations, etc.

When they went to Europe to play before, Yu Hua noticed that lira coins were large in denomination and worthless, and they were very suitable for playing cards.

If you use rmb to play cards, it always feels bad to throw out a few cents.But it's different with Lire, throwing out one hundred and one hundred, and it doesn't feel bad at all.

Ever since playing cards with lira, Yu Hua and the others have fallen in love with this kind of coin, and even made some specially for playing cards.

Yu Dong thought at the time, if it is cool, no money is as good as the Zimbabwean currency. Throwing out 100 trillion 100 trillion can be so exciting that it will explode.

"How much can I exchange for this thousand?" Mo Yan asked.

"If you want to change it, you can count it as ten yuan for a thousand."

"That's not expensive."

Bi Feiyu broke the stage and said, "You still want to make a difference? You can only get four or five yuan for this thing."

Mo Yan looked at Yu Hua and picked Thumbs up, "It really is a profiteer."

Then the four of them sat down and started playing cards.

Holding the card, Yu Hua asked about Mo Yan's new book, "What's the name of your new book?"

"Plump buttocks."


Mo Yan laughed, "I knew you had this reaction, and the editor of the publishing house also suggested that I change it, but I still insisted on not changing it."

"Such a title will definitely be criticized. I think it is much more violent than Su Tong's "Wives and Concubines."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "It's much more violent. Be careful, after all, you are in the army. If this book causes more criticism in the future, you will not be treated well in the army."

"That's not enough." Mo Yan said with a smile, "I think this title of the book can fit the content of what I'm writing."

Yu Dong raised his eyes to look at Mo Yan, but didn't speak.

Mo Yan's mentality is still relatively stable now, and he doesn't think this book has any impact on his work, but in fact, Mo Yan later came out of the army because of this book.

Of course, not only because of the title of the book, but also because after the book came out, many people criticized Mo Yan for being reactionary.Some people not only scolded Mo Yan, but also scolded those who praised the book.

Among those who praised this book were Su Tong and Wang Zengqi.

Sometimes the literary circle is like this, everyone scolds and blames each other.The red writers accused other writers of being reactionary, and some of the other writers jumped out and said that the red writers had no bottom line to flatter them.

Yu Dong wrote "Death of a Widow" before. Some people said he was a reactionary and wrote "The Last City". waves.

Yu Hua wrote "To Live" at that time, and he was also labeled as a reactionary. Now that "Xu Sanguan Sells Blood" comes out, his reactionary label will definitely be put on again.

Some people label people because they are bad, and they want to discredit others.Some people label it because they are stupid, and they believe whatever others say.There are also some people who buckle hats, neither stupid nor bad, but from different angles.

The first two are easy to say, and you can scold them wantonly.It is the last one that is difficult to define. If a person has participated in wars, shed blood, made meritorious service, and sees some negative images in literary works, he will naturally be angry. This is human nature.

Every era has its limitations, which are inevitable and irresistible.

So Mo Yan definitely has to suffer, and he doesn't have to feel wronged. There is no literati who has not experienced these things.Those who label him will naturally be labeled with various other labels by others.There has never been a literature or thought that can be welcomed by everyone.

"By the way, are you going to give a speech tomorrow? Have you written all the manuscripts?"

"Almost." Yu Hua said.

"What's the topic of the speech?" Mo Yan asked again.

Bi Feiyu replied: "The theme is why I write."

"Why do I write?" Mo Yan nodded, "Okay, I'll go and have a look tomorrow too."

"Did you go to see it from below or from above?" Yu Hua laughed.

"Let's read it below. If I want to go up, I still have to write a speech."

Hearing Mo Yan's words, Yu Dong smiled. If he really wanted to go there, I'm afraid he couldn't let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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