Chapter 335 Scattered clods

"It's better to seldom do things like gambling."

The next morning, Yu Dong and the others stood at the door of the hotel and couldn't help sighing deeply.

Last night they originally thought that the fight would be over after a while, but after playing for a while, they would get to the top. Those who lost money wanted to win back their money, and those who won money wanted to win more.

In fact, there were not many winners and losers. At the end of the game, Yu Dong lost the most. His lost money was only over 60 yuan in RMB.

Although 60 yuan is not a small amount in this era, it is not much for them, not to mention that No.2 Bi Feiyu only lost more than 20 yuan.

The main reason was that they were very addicted to cards. Yu Dong asked several times to end it, but they refused to do it. It was after two o'clock that the game ended.

Yu Hua checked the time and waved his hand, "Let's go, I'll invite you all to have breakfast."

"Boss atmosphere."

Can you not be arrogant, last night he won a big head, more than 100 yuan.

"Haha, this is called taking from the people and using it for the people."


After breakfast, a few people wandered off to Yanda University.

Come back today, naturally no one answered, they walked slowly to the reception room by themselves.

As soon as they arrived at the place, Wu Shuqing and the others walked out from the reception room. When they saw them, they smiled and said, "We were just talking about why you guys haven't come yet, so let's go together. Hey, Mo Yan, you're here too?"

Mo Yan greeted Wu Shuqing and Wang Zengqi with a smile, "Principal Wu, Mr. Wang."

"Mo Yan, you're here too." Wang Zengqi smiled.

Wang Zengqi has known Mo Yan for a while. When Mo Yan was still studying in the Department of Military Art and Literature, Wang Zengqi went to give them lectures.Later, when "Transparent Carrot" was published, Feng Mu, the editor-in-chief of "Chinese Writer", also opened a seminar on this novel, and Wang Zengqi also attended.

"Mo Yan, you came at a good time. Today you will also come to the stage to speak a few words." Wu Shuqing said.

Mo Yan waved his hands again and again, "No, no, I'm not prepared at all."

"It's okay, it's okay, just say a few words, don't care about the subject."

Yu Hua smiled, "We told him about the topic of today's speech last night, it's fine."

Yu Dong also echoed: "Yes, he is still prepared."

"Okay, okay, Mo Yan, don't be modest, it's not a serious speech, just chat casually."

Everyone persuaded, and Mo Yan nodded in agreement.

Lectures are nothing to Mo Yan. After all, he has worked as a propaganda officer, so he has no problem with his words.

On the way to the dining hall, Wu Shuqing joked, "There are a lot of unexpected gains from this symposium. First we welcomed Bi Feiyu, and now we welcome Mo Yan."

"Accidents are inevitable. As for the rewards, Principal Wu really flattered me." Bi Feiyu said modestly.

"Haha, you are too modest, let's go over quickly, the students must be waiting anxiously."

When they arrived at the dining hall, everyone realized that today's battle was even bigger than yesterday's. Not only was it full of people, but there was also a crowd of people blocking the door. Some students brought long benches and put the benches across the door and stood Put your feet up and look inside.

Leng Xuejun hurried over to pat the calves on the bench one by one.

"Come down, come down, it's too dangerous."

The students were looking inside, when someone patted their calves from behind, they turned their heads impatiently, and when they saw Leng Xuejun, they jumped down and stood in a row.

"Hello Director Leng."

When Yu Dong and the others approached, Leng Xuejun said with some embarrassment, "These are all students from the Chinese Department."

Wu Shuqing looked at them, and said earnestly: "I can understand the students' desire to watch the symposium, but you must pay attention to safety in action, and you must not put yourself in danger. Besides, there are so many people at the scene. Some things, but also implicate other students."

"Understood, Headmaster."

Wu Shuqing nodded, and said to Leng Xuejun, "Xuejun, you and other teachers help maintain order. After all, the dining room has been running for a long time. If something happens, it's not good."


Immediately Wu Shuqing led Yu Dong and the others into the big dining room and onto the stage to the west.

Wu Shuqing first made some opening remarks, asking the students to try their best to maintain order, and then introduced Mo Yan to the students.

As soon as Mo Yan came, the students who had already sat down or squatted down stood up again, wanting to see what Mo Yan looked like.

Wu Shuqing had no choice but to shout again, "Everyone, sit down."

With a bang, everyone sat down again.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "The students of Yanda University are still well-trained."

Wang Zengqi laughed and said, "At least in this big dining room, it's still well-mannered."

Wu Shuqing covered the microphone and turned around, "Old Wang, Yu Dong, don't make fun of us. How about it, which one of you will start first?"

Wang Zengqi glanced at Yu Dong and the others, and said, "I'll come first, let them calm down, I think they probably went back for extra meals last night, and they are not in a good mood right now."

Hearing Wang Zengqi's joke, Yu Dong and the others were also a little embarrassed. They couldn't say that they played cards last night too late, could they?
In fact, it was originally decided to let Wang Zengqi be the first, he just made a joke by the way.

It stands to reason that Wang Zengqi is the oldest, so he must be in the back row, but today's situation is a bit special, with writers from both sides of the strait present, it may not be appropriate to rank according to seniority.

So simply let Wang Zengqi, the most respected old man who had gone to Baodao to participate in the exchange meeting before, be in front.

After he finished speaking, let several writers in Baodao speak. After they finished speaking, it was Yu Dong's turn.

When Wang Zengqi got the microphone, he didn't need to make any preparatory actions. No one was making a sound, and everyone was listening quietly.

Yanda students, especially those from the Chinese Department, all know that Mr. Wang's lectures are good.

Wang Zengqi smiled and said, "There is nothing high about being humble, and I would like to share with you. A person, what he will do later must have a great relationship with his childhood. The place where I lived the longest is called Dongtou in Gaoyou. On the street is East Street, Renmin Road. The gate and back door of our house..."

As soon as the old gentleman opened his mouth, he was full of life.

Regarding his works, he didn't mention a word, all he talked about was the couplets on the gates of rice shops, charcoal shops, and traditional Chinese medicine stores in the market town of his hometown, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and drinking and tea.

When his speech was over, he didn't say a word about why he could write, but after listening to it, everyone seemed to understand why he could write.

Perhaps, for her, writing, just like what he said, has been integrated into his daily life, or, the reason why he writes is just to record his daily life.

When he finished speaking, everyone was still full of ideas.

Yu Dong and the others also heard through all five senses.

It's just that with Wang Zengqi in front of him, it's hard for others to play well.

Several writers in Baodao were fairly well-prepared. They all prepared their speeches and read them emotionally.

What Long Yingtai was talking about was probably how he was inspired by literature, and if he fell in love with literature because of literature, he finally embarked on the road of literature.

Xiao Lihong is similar, but she also talked about her childhood experiences and the mental journey of writing "A Thousand Rivers".

Lin Qingxuan talked about his worship of Buddha.

Among the three, although Lin Qingxuan was the most Buddhist, he was also the most interesting.

But in any case, they all said the right thing.

When it came to Yu Hua's place, the painting style changed drastically.

Yu Hua held the microphone in a nonchalant manner, as if chatting with friends, and said, "I embarked on the path of writing, which is actually very simple and somewhat utilitarian..."

"I had my tooth pulled on the first day I went to work. I took my master worker to make a sample for me, and then just gave me the pliers. Come on, you pull it out, and I will pull it out. Since then, I have pulled out five teeth. Nianya..."

"Sometimes when I stand in front of the window and see people from the cultural center next door wandering the streets all day long, I ask them, why don't you work and just wander around every day, and they tell me this is their job. Think, this works well."

When Yu Hua said this, the audience laughed one after another.

"Later, I wrote a novel and published it. I entered the cultural center as I wished. I was two hours late for work on the first day, but when I went, I realized that I was the first to arrive. At that time, I felt that this unit was right. gone."


Now the laughter became louder, and even Wu Shuqing and Wang Zengqi on the stage laughed.

While laughing, Wu Shuqing was also sighing, Yu Hua really has a talent for writing. Although he said it lightly, Wu Shuqing knew that a person who had never written a novel could publish it in "Yanjing Literature" after thinking about it on his own. It is not easy to come to Yanjing to revise the novel at public expense.

When Yu Hua finished speaking, there was already a ball of laughter.

Next came Bi Feiyu. His speech was not very funny, but it was also very special, because his literary path was actually started by a history teacher.

"It may not be accurate to say that it was an opening. It should be said that the history teacher fertilized my virgin literature. He is obviously a history teacher. Instead of assigning a history question, he assigned a literature question..."

After Bi Feiyu finished speaking, when Mo Yan began to speak, the students' laughter points that had just been sealed were opened again.

The reason why Mo Yan embarked on the literary path was two stages. In the first stage, he heard people say that writers make a lot of money when he was a child, and that a certain writer in the city ate dumplings every day.

"You know, we only had dumplings during the Chinese New Year at that time, but people and writers could eat dumplings every day. At that time, I thought that being a writer was the happiest job in the world."

"Later, when I actually started writing, it was because I wanted to buy a new pair of leather shoes..."

In fact, this kind of thing itself is not funny, but no one thought that a writer would be so "utilitarian" on the road of literature. This kind of sharp contrast, coupled with Mo Yan's humorous narration, made things very interesting .

After everyone had finished speaking, it was finally Yu Dong's turn.

Everyone was staring at Yu Dong, wanting to see if Yu Dong's literary career was as interesting as Yu Hua's.

But the result is destined to disappoint them, because the reason why Yu Dong took the literary path is very boring.

"Literature is a very daily thing for me. I think it should be the same for everyone. It has no special relationship with everyone. Even if you only went to elementary school, you will be exposed to literature. So for me Saying that it was a natural thing to go down the path of writing..."

Yu Dong paused, and was about to continue talking when suddenly there was a sound of something breaking above his head, and then several unknown objects fell from the ceiling and hit the stage behind Dong.

Objects scattered on the stage and made noises, accompanied by exclamations from the crowd.

Wu Shuqing was startled, and hurried to check. It turned out that the soil clods from the roof had fallen loose.

He said with lingering fear, "It was almost."

Yu Dong, who was closest to the clod, just glanced at the clod on the ground casually, and then looked up at the ceiling.

He stared at the ceiling like this, and the others followed suit. After a while, the students below were all staring at the ceiling.

After a while like this, the students were curious, why was Yu Dong staring at the ceiling?Could it be because a clod of soil fell down just now?That's not enough to stare at for so long, right?

For 3 minutes, some people's necks were sore, but they were reluctant to look away from the ceiling, for fear of missing something.

At this time, Yu Dong took the microphone and asked, "What are you looking at?"

The students below were all taken aback: What?
Shouldn't we ask you this? What are you looking at?It's because you see it that we see it.

Seeing the students' reactions, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Maybe I have found the real reason why I embarked on the path of literary creation."

 Today I suddenly discovered that this book has already written 100 million words, and I am much more productive than Yu Donggao.

(End of this chapter)

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