Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 336 The position between Dondro and Monroe

Chapter 336 The position between Dondro and Monroe

When the soil clod fell just now, Yu Dong's heart was not as calm as he showed.

After all, he was also afraid of death, but the matter happened too fast, before he could react, it passed.

Later, he looked up at the ceiling. At first, he wanted to see what was going on with the ceiling, but when he saw the potholes on the ceiling that seemed to collapse at any moment, he fell into thought again.

This ceiling is not like the status quo in the domestic cultural circles. Usually, when you stand in the museum, you don’t feel any strange whether you are eating or doing other things. Until one day you look up, you can find that the situation is so bad.

When he came back to his senses and found that the students followed him to look at the ceiling, he had a deeper understanding. Before, he always thought about establishing cultural export channels to other countries through himself and other writers, but he ignored one point. In fact, the home base of the country should be paid more attention to.

Especially for the students in front of them, they need someone to look up at the ceiling in front of them, and then they will follow to see the ceiling, find problems, and finally help solve the problem.

Looking at the expressions of the students, Yu Dong continued to smile and said, "It's time to fix it."

It was a simple sentence, and the students all applauded. Although they hadn't noticed the dilapidated ceiling before, the dining hall really didn't have a row of noodles, and it really needed to be repaired.


After the personal speech, there was an on-stage and off-stage communication session. Considering the accident just happened, Wu Shuqing was a little worried, so he asked several writers for their opinions.

Yu Dong and the others were about to say it's okay, when Wang Zengqi said, "A gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, let's talk about the communication next time."

Wang Zengqi said so, and the others had no objections, so Wu Shuqing told the students that this symposium ended here.

Although the students were a little disappointed, they all expressed their understanding. After all, the accident just now was quite dangerous.Although the clod of soil is not big, if it falls from such a high place, it will hit the head of the person, and it will cause serious injury even if it does not die.

After walking out of the dining hall, Wu Shuqing was still apologizing to Yu Dong and the others, "I'm really sorry, I surprised everyone today."

Yu Dong smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, there is no danger, it's also adding a bit of color to this exchange meeting."

Leng Xuejun gave a thumbs up, "Yu Dong, you really have a big heart that never changes face when Mount Tai collapses in front of you. Just now, when I looked at it from a distance, I felt terrified."

Wang Zengqi also nodded, "There is indeed a sense of calm, and it was your calm performance just now that kept the embassy from being too restless."

Yu Dong was embarrassed by their praise. He was either really not afraid, or he didn't have time to show that he was afraid. The matter was over.

We had a meal together at noon, and this symposium came to an end.

Before leaving, Wang Zengqi invited Yu Dong to be a guest when he was free, and of course they readily agreed.

After finishing at Yan University, Yu Dong and the others went to Yan Normal University again, and had another dinner at his teacher Hu Yueming's house.

After returning to the hotel at night, Yu Dong contacted Quentin.

Quentin was very happy to receive Yu Dong's call, but he has other things to do tomorrow morning, so he made an appointment with Yu Dong in the afternoon.

After making the phone call, Yu Dong turned around and asked Yu Hua and the others, "Are you guys playing cards here tomorrow, or are you going to hang out with me?"

"Let's go out for a stroll, without you, playing cards is boring." Yu Hua said.

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "Let me help you translate what he said. What he means is that without you, he can't win money playing cards."

Yu Hua waved his hand, "Don't say that, the key is that I want to go out for a stroll."

Mo Yan spat: "You want to go shopping, Yanjing has been ruined by you. I think you are not only afraid that you won't win money if Yu Dong is not here, but also want to save dinner with him. "

"Nonsense." Yu Hua curled her lips and asked Yu Dong again, "What kind of works are the directors I'll see tomorrow shooting?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "That's a very special type. It's a pity that this film exhibition is over, otherwise I can take you to see his "Pulp Fiction". As for him, he often Say words that you can both understand."

"We can all understand?" Yu Hua asked puzzled, "It's because he speaks more concisely and uses simple words?"

But Bi Feiyu understood, "No matter how succinct he speaks, you still can't understand. I guess he likes to say some words starting with F."

After saying this, Yu Hua understood, "Then I can really understand."

Then he took out the poker, "Hurry up, it's almost dawn."

Yu Dong saw Yu Hua holding poker and trying to run away, but the three of them grabbed him together, "Hey, where are we going!"


Nothing happened the next morning, Yu Dong didn't wake up until after ten o'clock, got up and went to check other rooms, Yu Hua and the others didn't wake up.

On the contrary, Jiang Jie woke up early in the morning, and ran out immediately when he heard some movement from Yu Dong, "Brother Dong, you're awake, do you want me to buy something for you? I wanted to buy you breakfast in the morning." , I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't buy it."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "No, we'll go have lunch together when they wake up later. By the way, there's one thing I forgot to ask, is the second batch of books for Hongxing Primary School ready?"

Before, Yu Dong promised Tian Weizhang to donate books to the school. At the beginning, he donated [-] books, but Yu Dong felt that it was not enough, so he asked the company to arrange another [-] books.The first batch of books has already been in place during the summer vacation. Last time when Yu Dong got married, Tian Weizhang came over to thank him in person.

"I've been keeping an eye on this matter, and the second batch of books should be in place in the past two days."

Yu Dong nodded, "I'll make some arrangements later, and I'll go to the school sometime."

"Okay, let me check the timetable and make a plan...Brother Dong, do you want to find the media to promote it this time?" Jiang Jie asked.

"No, keep a low profile. I'll drop by to see how the books are being utilized."

Donating books is of course a good thing, but if they are not used, it will be a waste, so Yu Dong wants to see if donating these books is useful to the children.

At noon, Yu Dong and the others had a meal together, and then drove to find Quentin. They made an appointment to meet at the gate of Yanjing Film Academy.


"Quentin, who are we waiting for?"

At the gate of Yanjing Film Academy, a dozen people gathered together, and Quentin was standing among them. The person who asked him was also a foreigner, a student of Yanjing Film Academy, named Luo Yi.

Quentin smiled and said: "You will know in a while, and you will definitely be surprised when you see him."

He deliberately wanted to whet the appetite of the students, which made him feel very interesting.

In fact, after coming to China this time, he also has a better understanding of YU.

Before, in his heart, YU was a very famous science fiction writer, but after seeing Jiang Wen last time, he was surprised to find that in China, YU's identity was somewhat different.

At that time, he told Jiang Wen that he had made an appointment with YU when he came this time. Jiang Wen didn't realize who YU was at first, but when he said he was the author of "The Second World", Jiang Wen realized that he was talking about Yu Dong.

Then Jiang Wen told Quentin that in addition to being a science fiction writer, Yu Dong also mixed traditional literature, and he mixed well.

What impressed Quentin very much was that when he asked Jiang Wenyu how well he was doing in the traditional literature circle, Jiang Wen gave him the answer: Take your side as an example, the level is at the level of Tang Deli Between Law and Alice Munro.

This startled Quentin, YU got along so well in the literary circle?
It just so happens that Quentin is quite familiar with the two people mentioned by Jiang Wen, and DeLillo will not talk about it. He is a master of postmodernism and a winner of the National Book Award. His "White Noise" is hailed as the pinnacle of postmodernist literature. made.

As for Alice Munro, although she does not have any great works, her collection of novels published in the past few years is very well-known in the literary circle.

Although Quentin guessed that what Jiang Wen said was somewhat subjective, it at least showed that YU is a real writer.

Quentin was recalling the scene when he met Jiang Wen a few days ago, when a car drove up and stopped in front of them, and then a few people got out of the car, Yu Dong was the one in the lead.

He immediately ran over and gave Yu Dong a bear hug, "YU, I'm finally waiting for you."

Yu Dong pushed him away, then looked at the students next to him, "Who are they?"

"Oh, I'll—"

Before Quentin introduced him, someone had already recognized Yu Dong.

"In the East!"

Luo Yi was the first to recognize Yu Dong. He had seen the Oscar award ceremony before and knew Yu Dong's face.

Next came Li Hong, who also watched the videotape of the Oscars.

Although the others had never seen what Yu Dong looked like, they knew the name. When they heard Li Hong and Luo Yi were calling Yu Dong's name, they immediately reacted, one by one enthusiastically joined together, and surrounded Yu Dong. Living.

"Mr. Yu, hello, we are students of the Film Academy, and we really like your book."

"Teacher Yu, you look so young."

"I especially like your "Widow's Death". I have watched the movie several times."

Yu Dong also didn't expect Quentin to bring a group of students with him, and these students recognized him again, caught him off guard, and were forced to retreat by them.

He quickly pointed to Mo Yan and the others and said, "They are Mo Yan, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu."


The students were taken aback for a moment, then they came to their senses and surrounded the other three.

"Teacher Mo Yan, I really like your "Red Sorghum"."

"Mr. Yu Hua, your "Shouting in the Drizzle" is so beautiful."

"Mr. Yu Hua, your "To Live" is very good. I also read the new book "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood."

"Teacher Bi Feiyu, I like all of your novels, especially the debut novel "Island"."

"Teacher Mo Yan..."

Yu Dong rubbed his hands with a smile. Sure enough, this distraction is still effective.

Quentin next to him didn't understand, and asked Yu Dong, "What's the situation? Who are they?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "They are all better writers than me."

 Thanks to [2long fungus] for the 5000 tip
(End of this chapter)

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