Chapter 337
When Quentin heard Yu Dong's words, he was shocked immediately.

Jiang Wen also told him before that Yu Dong's position in the Chinese literary world is between Tang Liluo and Monroe, and now there are several writers who are above Yu Dong. Does that mean that there are three Tang Liluos here? ?

At least three writers between Don Lillo and Monroe.

Looking at the reactions of the students, these writers should indeed be very famous.

"Why do you come here with so many writers?" Quentin asked curiously.

Yu Dong smiled and replied, "Didn't I tell you that I came to a literature exchange meeting, and they were all together too. By the way, how do you know these students?"

Hearing Yu Dong ask this, Quentin said quite proudly, "I was wandering on the road two days ago, and they recognized me. I didn't expect that I am so famous in China."

Yu Dong smiled, and he probably understands that in China, ordinary people don’t know much about Quentin, but students from film schools are different. Some film students, especially those from the directing department, are very concerned about foreign film and television industries. So it's normal to know about Quentin.

The two were chatting, and Li Hong walked over with a smile. "Teacher Yu, do you want to visit our school?"

Before Yu Dong could answer, Quentin patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, let's go in and take a walk together. Anyway, I'm fine now. I'll treat you to a drink tonight."

"What's your opinion?" Yu Dong looked at Yu Hua and the others.

"We don't care, let's go with you."

Yu Dong nodded, "Alright then, let's go in for a walk."

In fact, Yu Dong came to Yanjing Film Academy. When he was in school, he followed a few boys to see future big stars, mainly female stars.

At that time, a few bored boys were squatting next to the flower bed of the film school, watching the film school students coming and going, guessing which one would become a big star in the future.

The Film Academy is very small, much smaller than Jinyi. It belongs to the kind where the entire school layout can be seen at a glance, and it is estimated to be only a few tens of acres of land.

However, the gate looks decent, much better than Jin Yi's previous gate.

Hearing that Yu Dong and the others were going in, the students were of course very happy and surrounded them into the school.

If it was just Yu Dong and the others walking on the road, it might not have attracted too much attention, but at this moment with a dozen students surrounding them, it was hard not to attract others' attention.

The students passing by would look at them curiously, and let it go if they didn't know each other. But even if no one could recognize Yu Dong and the others, some people could recognize Li Hong and the others.

Some of Li Hong's acquaintances came up to inquire after seeing this battle, and knowing Yu Dong's identity, they came up to greet them enthusiastically, and then joined Yu Dong's tail.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Yu Dong continued walking like this, and immediately the team became bigger and bigger, so he asked the students to find a place to sit down.

After everyone sat down, some students asked, "Teacher Yu Dong, why did you come to Yanjing this time?"

Yu Dong explained with a smile, "Because Yanda held a literature symposium, and we just finished attending it."

"How did you meet Quentin?"

"Actually, Quentin and I first met at the Oscars ceremony. This time he came over, and I happened to be in Yanjing, so we made an appointment to meet. As for the few of them, they were just hanging out with me."

As soon as these words came out, Bi Feiyu quit, "Obviously you invited us here."

Yu Hua echoed, "Then we reluctantly accepted the invitation."

The students found it interesting to see Yu Dong and the others bickering, but they didn't expect these writers to be so approachable.

The key point is that there is too much contrast between the person and the works. Some students cry every time they see Yu Dong's works. I don't know how many tears they made.Only when I see real people now, I realize that their works are miserable, and I am extremely happy.

Chen Weiwen, a third-year student in the directing department, said with anticipation: "Mr. Bi Feiyu, Mr. Yu Dong, I heard that you are called drama creation in Jinyi, can you tell us about drama as well?"

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "Yu Dong and I are teaching writing, and screenwriting is taught by other people."

"Why don't you teach screenwriting? Didn't you co-write "Shake Ah Shake"?"

"It's one thing to be able to write, but another thing to be able to teach." Yu Dong said, and then pointed to Quentin, "You can ask Quentin for more advice. He is much more professional than us in this area."

"We have communicated a lot with Quentin. Teacher Quentin is very good, and we have learned a lot from him." Li Hong said.

Quentin couldn't understand Chinese, so seeing Yu Dong pointing at him, he asked, "What did you say?"

"Say that you are very good and have taught them a lot."

Quentin nodded with satisfaction, "I didn't teach anything, it's just ordinary communication. They can learn something because they are amazing."

"You are quite modest."

"When I come to China, humility is a must. I will come to China to make movies in the future."

Quentin made a martial arts gesture, "It's that kind of kung fu movie, when the time comes, write me a script."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "I can't do this."

There is no translator at the moment, but Li Hong's English is good, and there is an American named Luo Yi, so there is no problem for the two of them to translate.

When Quentin said that he would come to China to shoot a Kung Fu movie, they all found it very interesting. What's more interesting was that Quentin actually asked Yu Dong to write the script for him.

Yu Hua laughed, "Quentin, looking at Yu Dong's thin appearance, can he write kung fu movies?"

"Haha, I think the Chinese are born with this ability, and he writes the fighting scenes very well, whether it is "Second World" or "Resident Evil", the description of the action scenes is very smooth...I think it is also because He is Chinese. But then he wrote "Fatal Identity" and there was no fighting scene in it, which makes me feel very sorry."

This is not the first time Quentin has talked about "Fatal Identity". He mentioned this novel when he and Yu Dong met for the first time, and expressed regret that there was no description of fighting in it.

"Also." Quentin continued, "I also know another director, Jiang Wen, who is also very good at these things."

Mo Yan laughed, "I also know Jiang Wen."

Quentin asked unexpectedly, "How did you meet him?"

"I had a novel adapted into a movie before, and he played the leading role in it."

"Which movie?"

"Red Sorghum."

Quentin was surprised, "You are the original author of "Red Sorghum". I**** have seen this movie, and the description of women in it really impressed me. The male and female protagonists** *Before, the male lead unexpectedly knelt down to the female lead..."

When it comes to movies, Quentin began to talk eloquently, and kept swearing constantly. Although Li Hong and the others deliberately avoided these words when translating, even Yu Hua and the others who don’t understand English can hear Quentin’s words sound like machine guns. Same for "fff".

Later, when it came to the director Zhang Yimou, some students told Quentin that the original work of Zhang Yimou's "Alive" was written by Yu Hua. The original book "Death of a Widow" of "Soft Knife" was written by Yu Dong.

Quentin expressed his surprise with another series of "fu*k".

"That is to say, Zhang Yimou's movies are all written by you?"

"That's not true, just these few."

"This is already very powerful." Quentin rubbed his hands, "Does anyone have a camera? I want to take a photo with them."

Chen Weiwen immediately raised his hand, "I have it, I'll get it now."

After finishing speaking, before Quentin could respond, Chen Weiwen stood up and ran away.

When he came back, he brought not only the camera, but also a person.This person is quite famous. As soon as he came over, other students greeted him with a smile: "Hello, Senior Huang Lei."

"Good good."

Huang Lei first responded to the students' greetings, and then looked at Yu Dong and the others. Chen Weiwen who was next to him quickly introduced, "Teachers, this is Huang Lei, the senior of the acting department. Senior Huang Lei, this is Teacher Yu Dongyu ,Who is this……"

After greeting one by one, Huang Lei smiled and said, "Teachers, I happened to meet Wei Wen in the dormitory. I heard that everyone came to the school, so I took the liberty to disturb you."

Yu Dong looked at Huang Lei with a smile on his face. At this time, Huang Lei was a little thin, with long hair, looking very young.

This year, "Midnight Singing" with Leslie Cheung has just been released, and he already has some fame.

"You're welcome, we're just chatting casually together, if you're interested, sit down and chat together."

"Thank you, Teacher Yu." Huang Lei nodded his thanks, and then found a place to sit down.

Quentin did not forget about taking pictures, he waved to Chen Weiwen, "Come, come, take a picture for us."

Afterwards, Yu Dong and the others stood up to take pictures, but no one wanted to be next to Quentin when standing.

The main reason is that he is too tall, half a head taller than Yu Dong, Mo Yan and the others standing next to him can only reach the shoulders.

After pushing and pushing, the formation was finally arranged. Quentin was on the far right, and next to him from right to left were Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu, Yu Hua, and Mo Yan.

"Okay, one, two, three!"

When Chen Weiwen counted to three, Quentin suddenly moved and wanted to jump to the middle, but maybe because he was too anxious, he stumbled, and then he leaned over Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu.

In a panic, he grabbed Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu with his hands, and Yu Dong and the others hurried to help him.

At this moment, Chen Weiwen pressed the shutter.

After Quentin stabilized his body, he immediately shouted, "This one doesn't count, come again, come again."

Yu Dong laughed, "Don't make people waste film."

Then he waved to the students again, "Come on, let's all take a photo together."

When they heard that they were going to take a group photo, the students were very active, but within ten seconds, they all gathered around Yu Dong and the others.

Chen Weiwen asked a passerby to help, and he himself joined the formation.

When the last photo was taken, everyone had a smiling face, only Quentin had a bitter face, he was still thinking about the last photo.

(End of this chapter)

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