Chapter 338 Continuation
Yu Dong and the others sat around and chatted with the students all afternoon. In the evening, Quentin proposed to go for a drink.

Chen Weiwen suggested going to the small house he rented in Nancheng to drink, but Yu Dong felt that it was a bit far away, and there were a lot of people here, and Chen Weiwen's rented room might not be able to accommodate it, so he waved his hand, "I will treat everyone to dinner tonight. "

I didn't make any ostentation, so I found a fly restaurant nearby. Students often go there, and the reviews are all good.

This restaurant is a mom-and-pop restaurant with a small facade, and there are only five long tables in total.They went early, before it was time for serious dinner. The boss saw so many people, so he put together five long tables and prepared to serve this table tonight.

When talking about what wine to drink, Yu Dong originally wanted to buy some Jiannanchun, but Quentin heard about Erguotou from somewhere, so he insisted on drinking Erguotou once.

“If you don’t go to the Great Wall, you’re not a hero, and if you don’t drink Erguotou, it’s like you haven’t drunk baijiu.”

In Quentin's view, Erguotou is the authentic baijiu.

If you want to drink Erguotou, then you don't need to buy it, the boss has some in store, just take it directly from the store.

After everyone sat down, Yu Dong counted, adding him, there were 25 people in total, and there were 22 people holding glasses to drink.

There were so many people drinking, and the atmosphere was very lively. Even Mo Yan, who seldom drank alcohol because of stomach problems, was enjoying a lot of drinking today. When Huang Lei was pouring wine from the bottle, he was already mainly asking for wine from the glass.

After the 22 wine glasses were filled with wine, Quentin couldn't help but want to drink it.

Luo Yi reminded, "Quentin, you can't drink Chinese baijiu like this. If you want to order some food, you will definitely drink too much."

As soon as he finished speaking, the boss came over with a plate of peanuts.

"Is this the appetizer?"

Quentin was about to scoop peanuts with a spoon, but Yu Dong smiled, "Quentin, wait, we have a rule for drinking tonight."

"What rules?" Everyone asked.

"Let's play a game of story solitaire. I will tell the beginning of the story first, and the next person must continue my story. If you don't tell it, you will have to drink half a cup of wine. Of course, you can't talk nonsense. After you finish speaking , everyone votes, if more than half of the votes are passed, if the votes are less than half, you have to drink a glass of wine."

Mo Yan smiled and said, "That's pretty good, surrender loses half."

The restaurant uses a small porcelain wine cup, and it only costs six qian qian to fill it up, and it is impossible for everyone's glasses to be filled very full, so a glass is about half a liang of wine.

Everyone found this proposal very interesting, Yu Hua asked, "Then what if no one can continue the story?"

"Then start over and continue. In addition, everyone's continuation of the story should not be too long. Just set a minute and a half, and within a minute and a half, you must finish your continuation of the story, otherwise it will be regarded as a failure. "

"Teacher Yu Dong, can I write down the story?" A girl who hadn't been drinking raised her hand and said.

Yu Dong nodded, "Of course."

"Okay, I'll take care of it." The girl took out a pen and paper from her bag, ready to record.

Yu Dong continued, "Let me start first. The beginning of the story is like this. There is a couple. The boy is a college student and the girl is a salesperson in a department store. One day, the girl was on vacation and asked the boy to go to the cinema to watch a movie together. , but the boy stayed at the entrance of the cinema until the movie started for half an hour and didn't wait for the girl. He was very annoyed and decided to go to the girl's place to ask the girl what was going on."

Having said that, Yu Dong stopped.

"Teacher Yu Dong, what's next?" Luo Yi asked.

Yu Dong smiled and looked at Quentin next to him, "I'll ask Quentin later."

Everyone stared at Quentin again, wanting to see how he would continue writing the story, but unexpectedly, Quentin did not continue writing, but directly drank half a glass of wine, "I choose to drink."

The students were stunned. This game seemed to be easy for Quentin...

In fact, this game has nothing to do with alcohol consumption. Some people will choose to continue writing even if they have a good drinking capacity, because this game seems to be just for fun, but it is actually a competition.

Those present here include writers, directors, directing students, and acting students who want to be directors... This game is still very attractive to them, and most of them want to show their ability to make up stories.

It's just that Quentin is thick-skinned and doesn't follow the usual path.

After Quentin, it was Mo Yan.

Mo Yan thought for a while and said, "The boy went to the girl's house, but he knocked on the door for a long time but no one responded. Just when he thought no one was going to leave, the door opened."

Having said that, Mo Yan also stopped.

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Is this also counted?"

"Why doesn't this count?"

Yu Dong said, "Forget it, let's see everyone vote, raise your hand if you think you can pass."

The results of the voting came out soon. Except for Mo Yan himself and Yu Hua, the other 23 people raised their hands.

Yu Hua was obviously dissatisfied with this result, and he said to the students, "You are giving him too much face."

Bi Feiyu helped Mo Yan with a sentence, "Actually, this continuation is quite good, at least it makes people want to continue reading. I think it is successful if we can do this."

"Next, Huang Lei, you come."

Huang Lei nodded and said, "The girl's hair is disheveled and her face is covered with blood. At first the boy thought that the person who opened the door was his partner, but then he saw clearly that it was the partner's colleague. He asked the subject's colleague what happened, but the colleague didn't Answered, ran with his head in his arms, and then the boy walked into the house and saw the subject lying in a pool of blood."


This time Huang Lei got [-] votes and passed the test.

Next, Chen Weiwen.

"The boy found that there was a fruit knife next to the subject, which was covered with blood. Then he turned around and chased after the colleague who ran away just now, because he thought the murderer was the colleague. But the colleague had already run away, and the boy chased him for a while. If no one can be found, call the police.”

This time, Chen Weiwen only got seven votes, failed to continue writing, and drank a glass of wine.

After drinking, Chen Weiwen asked unwillingly, "Why not?"

Quentin then drank a cup of wine, threw a few more peanuts into his mouth, and then said to Chen Weiwen with a smile: "There are some fatal problems in your story, how did the boy judge himself by just looking at him? Did the girlfriend die? If the boy is a very calm person, he should first check to see if his girlfriend is dead. If not, he should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible instead of chasing the murderer."

"If a boy is a person who is very easy to panic, then he may lose his mind when he sees his girlfriend lying in a pool of blood, and even yells with his head in his arms. It is also possible that he will rush to send his girlfriend away regardless of whether his girlfriend is dead or not. Friends go to the hospital."

Yu Dong didn't comment, but said, "Since it failed, this one will be invalidated, and the next person will follow Huang Lei's instructions."

The next one was Li Hong, and she said, "The boy is a medical student. When he saw his girlfriend lying in a pool of blood, he quickly went up to assess the injury of his girlfriend. He found that his girlfriend was still alive, and he was busy trying to stop the bleeding for his girlfriend." Then he ran outside and asked someone to call the police, while he stayed by his girlfriend's side."

This time the story got [-] votes, which is considered a pass.

Yu Dong nodded: "It's good to give boys more identities. I think the reason why some people didn't vote is because you made the story too simple and didn't release the sense of suspense."

The next one is Luo Yi. He seems to have been preparing for a long time. When it was his turn, he couldn't wait to say, "I went to the hospital. My girlfriend became conscious and said 'ta is going to kill me', but when the boy asked her who When she was about to kill her, she fell into a coma again. After the police came, the boy provided the information he knew to the police, and the police quickly went to arrest his girlfriend’s colleague. But the colleague insisted that he was at the scene At that time, the girl was already in a pool of blood. She was too flustered, so when the boy knocked on the door, she didn't respond, and later she was afraid that the boy would think she was the murderer, so she ran away without saying anything."

Luo Yi got quite a lot of votes this time, with a total of [-] votes, and he passed the test.

At this time Quentin complained, "Why do you continue to write stories from one perspective? Why can't you change the perspective? For example, Luo Yi, you can start from the perspective of the colleague who escaped just now, or develop another story line. Moreover, you don’t seem to be prepared to explain the background information of the characters, for example, this girlfriend is a salesperson in a shopping mall, so what exactly does she sell? Does she have any family members?”

After being inspired by Quentin, later people began to write more full stories with more heart.

But the further you go, the more difficult the story is to write, and the higher the probability of failing.

Later, a rough story was completed. In fact, the murderer was a colleague. She had an argument with the girl, and then accidentally stabbed the girl to death.

Everyone felt unsatisfied with the first story, but it didn't matter, because it was just the first story, and they were not well prepared.

When it comes to the second story, they have to perform better.

The second story is a suspense story. Seven people went climbing, including a couple. They were planning to climb the mountain, but it snowed suddenly that day. However, except for the girl in the couple who stayed in the base camp, everyone still insisted on climbing.

The girl waited until the seventh day at the camp, and five of the six people who went to climb the mountain came back, except her boyfriend who did not come back.Those five people told the girl that her boyfriend was killed, and today is the first seven days of her boyfriend.

They think that the girl's boyfriend will definitely come back to find the girl on the first seven days, so they do a ceremony at night, five people form a circle, and the girl sits in the middle.

But at this moment, the girl's boyfriend ran into the camp with his face covered in blood, and told the girl that the other five people were all dead, and only one came back.

This story was also started by Yu Dong, but what he didn't expect was that the students would come up with such an ending, which was basically exactly the same as a ghost story he saw.

And Yu Dong also named this story "Who Should She Believe?"

After two stories, Bi Feiyu suggested that even if the last person’s continuation is passed, the next person can choose not to continue the previous person’s story, but can choose to continue the previous person’s story Write.

In this way, it is possible to separate many stories from one beginning.

For example, there is a story that begins with "a man lost his memory", and some people continue to write it into a suspenseful story. The man lost his memory and met a person who claimed to be his friend, but in fact it was the murderer who caused his amnesia... …

Some people will continue to write it as a love story. For example, the story written by some classmates represented by Li Hong and Huang Lei is that a man loses his memory, and then meets a girl. It's a rich man...

When he heard the story Li Hong and the others continued to write, Yu Dong couldn't help giving a thumbs up. Although this story is a bit bloody, it is quite commercial, at least it is more interesting than some current love TV dramas.


The more everyone played this game, the more excited they became. A drink lasted from five or six o'clock in the evening to two or three o'clock in the middle of the night. The stories were told and the wine was not less.

The one who drank the most was Quentin. He didn't tell a single story, and every time he came to him, he just had a drink.

At the end of the drink, he was also a little drunk, holding Luo Yi and the others shouted: "Story is king!"

The students were also a little overwhelmed and shouted: "Story is king!"

Later, when they left the restaurant, the students hooked their shoulders and walked back to school, still shouting, "Story is king!"

Huang Lei didn't drink much, but he was still a little tipsy. He followed behind his juniors, seeing how excited they were, and felt deeply moved. Maybe this meal tonight will be engraved in their lives. , becoming an indelible mark.

When chatting at school in the afternoon, Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu kept saying that they were not good at teaching screenwriting classes, but it turned out that this meal was probably more effective than ten screenwriting classes.

Maybe this fun game tonight was done on purpose by Yu Dong, he just wanted to help people like himself open their minds.

Of course, regardless of whether Yu Dong did it on purpose or not, the final result was that they really opened up their minds.

Within a few hours, Huang Lei felt that many students' ability to make up stories had made great progress.Not only is the story complete and exciting, but also inspired by several writers and Quentin, their narrative angles and narrative techniques have also become diverse.

Perhaps, this is the charm of the masters, needless to say too much, just a little bit of advice can make people enlightened.

Huang Lei looked up at the night sky and sighed: "Jin Yi is really lucky to have such a powerful teacher like Yu Dong."

Chen Weiwen next to him saw Huang Lei looking up at the sky, and said with a drunken smile, "Brother, what are you doing looking at the sky? Hey, why is the sky turning around today? It makes me dizzy. I'm good, vomit——"

Huang Lei felt something was wrong when he heard what Chen Weiwen said, and was about to push him away, but it was too late, and Chen Weiwen had already vomited on him.

"Chen Weiwen! I'm going to kill you!"

Chen Weiwen vomited a few mouthfuls, but became a little sober. Seeing Huang Lei go crazy, he ran forward quickly, staggering and panicking.

 Thank you [Silence of Time z] for the 500 reward
  Pig Stomach can also play a story solitaire game in Zhang Shuo, for example, at the beginning [A reader voted for the author, and then...]

(End of this chapter)

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