Chapter 339 Very ambitious
The next morning, when Yu Dong woke up, Mo Yan had already left.

He only had two days off in total, which was considered overtime.However, although he is in the army, he has a special status, so he is relatively free.

Originally, Yu Dong and the others planned to leave early this morning, but they drank too late last night, not to mention waking up late today. After Yu Dong woke up, he found that he still smelled of alcohol, so he decided to rest until the afternoon before leaving.

It is not easy to drive from Yanjing to Jinling, and it is too dangerous for Jiang Jie to drive alone.

By the time they returned to Jinyi, it was already mid-week.

When he got home, Cheng Yanqiu happened to be out of class. Seeing his tired face, he said thoughtfully, "I'll boil some water for you, take a bath and have a good sleep. Would you like me to get you something to eat?"

Yu Dong rubbed his stomach and said with a smile, "I'm really hungry."

"Then I'll get you a bowl of noodles. I learned from my mother in the past two days, choking pork shredded noodles."

Yu Dong nodded, "Don't drink too much, you won't be able to fall asleep if you eat too much."

After Yu Dong took a shower, a bowl of hot shredded pork noodles was placed in front of him.

Cheng Yanqiu sat beside her, resting her chin with her hand, watching Yu Dong eat noodles. She liked watching Yu Dong eat.

Knowing the writer Yu Dong, she started from Yu Dong's novels, and getting to know Yu Dong in life, she started from watching Yu Dong eat.

When Yu Dong went to Rongcheng to participate in the Galaxy Awards, she mustered up the courage to follow. In the restaurant of the hotel, she sat face to face with Yu Dong and watched Yu Dong eat. It was at that time that she began to know Yu Dong in life.

Yu Dong looked at the bowl of noodles in front of him, quite surprised. Just now Cheng Yanqiu told him that he had learned a bowl of noodles in the past two days, but he didn't take it seriously.

But I didn't expect the dough to be made, and it was quite decent.

Even after taking a sip of the noodles with soup, Yu Dong felt comfortable all over. He said that it is a great blessing in life to eat a bowl of hot noodles after getting on the bus and getting off the bus.

After Yu Dong had his first bite, Cheng Yanqiu asked, "How is it?"

Yu Dong gave two thumbs up, "After three days away from Shibai, you should look at it with admiration. Comrade Cheng Yanqiu's bowl of noodles is of a high standard, which is worthy of praise. This noodle is neither soft nor hard, and the heat is just right. It is already very rare. What's even better is The shredded pork, not to mention the tenderness and tenderness, is also very tasty, and when paired with the hot dragon's beard noodles, it is simply impeccable."


Yu Dong laughed, and began to concentrate on the noodles in front of him. The best reward for the chef is to eat the food they made.

After eating the noodles, he couldn't sleep anymore, and he and Cheng Yanqiu leaned on the sofa and watched TV for a while, enjoying the world of two.


The next morning, when Yu Dong ran to greet Wu Changxin, Wu Changxin was a little surprised.

"I just saw the news about you, and I was worried about your health, but I didn't expect you to come back."

"My news?" Yu Dong asked doubtfully.

"Yeah." Wu Changxin handed Yu Dong the newspaper in his hand, "Look for yourself."

Yu Dong took the newspaper and looked at it, then couldn't help laughing out loud.

It was about the news about their participation in the symposium at Yanda University, but the news did not report much on what was said at the symposium, and more about Yu Dong's "almost killed".

According to the news, Yu Dong had an accident at the symposium, and a "giant object" fell from the ceiling of the auditorium, almost hitting Yu Dong.

The words used in the report were somewhat sensational, exaggerating the events at that time a lot.

"Actually, it's not that dangerous. It's just a clod of soil that fell from the ceiling. It's not a huge object. I guess it might not be able to do anything if it hit me. Besides, it didn't hit me, so it's safe to say."

Although Yu Dong explained it this way, Wu Changxin still frowned and said, "It's just luck. It's not a small matter that a clod of soil falls off the roof. It didn't hit you this time, and it might hit someone else later. Yanda should pay attention to it. "

"When I left, Principal Wu Shuqing also said that he would definitely repair it."

Wu Changxin shook his head with a smile, "After the news this time, I'm afraid it's not enough to just repair it casually. The auditorium of Yanda University is already a little dilapidated, and it stands to reason that it needs to be replaced with a new one."

"Hey, who doesn't want to get a new one? An auditorium costs a lot of money. Although Yan University has a lot of funds, there are also many places to spend money. It is not easy to use the money to build an auditorium."

"It's not easy..." Wu Changxin waved his hand, "Forget it, let's not worry about their school affairs. Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise I would have to go to Yanda University to speak. Whether it is you or Yu Hua and the others , but they are all treasures of our Jinyi."


After the incident of objects falling on the ceiling of the auditorium happened, Wu Shuqing responded quickly and asked someone to repair the ceiling.

In fact, he also wanted to build a new auditorium, but as Yu Dong said, building a new auditorium would cost a lot, and Yanda couldn't squeeze it out now.

However, the roof of the auditorium here has not been repaired yet, and a leader from above sent someone over to ask about it. When they heard that the school was just repaired, they were not happy.

The leader said that something happened at the cross-strait Chinese literature symposium this time, and Yu Dong was almost killed. The social impact is very bad, so it's better to build a new one.Moreover, Yanda will celebrate its centennial in a few years, so it really needs a new look.

Hearing what the leader said, Wu Shuqing could only cry poorly.

Hearing Wu Shuqing's cry of being poor, the leader also expressed his understanding, saying that he wanted to take the lead in handling this matter for them.

Soon, this leader led the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China, Xiangjiang Friends of Yanda Co., Ltd., Xiangjiang Emperor Group and other parties to donate funds to plan to build a new auditorium.

Before the matter was finished, the news had already come out.

When the students of Yan University heard the news, they were all rejoiced. Some even joked that a new auditorium was created when the earth clods from the ceiling of the dining hall were smashed to the east.


On the Wednesday night of the second week, when Yu Dong and his family were having dinner together, Yu Hua was still joking with Yu Dong: "You should be careful to look at the roof this time when you go there, maybe the clods in Shanghai will hear the news. , Not to be outdone, I also aim at you to do this."

Yu Hua made this joke because Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were going to Shanghai to participate in the activities of Hongxing Elementary School tomorrow.

Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "It's easy to handle. Wear a helmet when you go. Even if there are clods of dirt falling down, it's fine."

Yu Dong glanced at the two of them, "Thank you for your concern."

Yu Hua laughed, "It should."

Seeing Yu Hua's appearance of beating a snake with a stick, Yu Dong curled his lips helplessly, and asked Ruan Xiaohu who was beside him, "Will you go to Shanghai with me tomorrow?"

He asked Ruan Xiaohu if he was going to Shanghai because his mother asked about Xiaohu when Yu Dong called home two days ago, so he asked that question without any other reference.

Unexpectedly, Xiaohu's face turned red suddenly, "No, teacher."

Seeing him blushing, Yu Dong felt a little strange, and suddenly remembered the girl Xia Xia met on the set of "Can't Talk to Strangers", so he probably guessed why Ruan Xiaohu had such a reaction.

He smiled and said, "That's fine, you can go there by yourself when you have time."

Ruan Xiaohu knew that the teacher had guessed his mind, so he nodded and didn't speak, and crazily put rice into his mouth.

In fact, Yu Hua and the others knew something about Ruan Xiaohu and that girl.

When Yu Hua went to Ruan Xiaohu's dormitory to look for him, she saw him replying to a letter. Although she didn't know who sent the letter, but seeing Ruan Xiaohu's reaction, Yu Hua guessed it was a girl.

Later, when they went to the poetry reading club, they also heard the directing students talking about joining the film crew in Xia Tian, ​​and they knew that there was a female student who was on the show who especially liked to be by Ruan Xiaohu's side.

Yu Hua and the others are still very concerned about Ruan Xiaohu's life, but they don't want to intervene too much, so they rarely ask him. This evening, when they happened to be talking about this matter, Chen Hong smiled and said, "Xiaohu, it's emotional. For things, you must first know what you want, and after you know what you want, no matter what choice you make, you must be more proactive and straightforward."

Fu Jing nodded in agreement, "That's right, you must be more direct in expressing your feelings. Look at your Brother Feiyu..."

Bi Feiyu immediately had an opinion, "Isn't that right, Xiaohu is Yu Dong's student, he calls me brother, so what is my name Yu Dong?"

"Tch, what's the matter, I think these students of Jinyi are all called Brother Yu Dongdong?"

"Then Xiaohu can be like them?"

Fu Jing had nothing to do with him, "Okay, okay, you are his teacher Feiyu, okay?"

"That's more or less."

Fu Jing rolled her eyes, and said to Ruan Xiaohu, "When your Teacher Feiyu pursued me back then, he also used blitzkrieg. After he knew that he liked me, he told me directly, very simply."

Bi Feiyu nodded, "Yes, Mrs. Fu Jing was more forthright at the time. As soon as I said it, she agreed."

As soon as these words came out, Fu Jing rolled her eyes again.

Yu Hua waved his hands aside and said, "That's not true, you are young, you must be more reserved in your expressions. When I was in school, no one said that they liked you, they would just beat around the bush. At that time, there was a girl in our class, It is in charge of the library. One day, a note was sent to me. The note was folded in many layers. It took me a long time to take it apart. I was a little disappointed when I opened it, because the note said The book I returned before was a little worn out, and she warned me that if she forgives me this time, she will not forgive me if I commit another crime. It was only later that I realized that she actually meant something in that way."

After Yu Hua finished speaking, Chen Hong beside Fu Jing also rolled her eyes.

Facing their concern, Ruan Xiaohu swallowed his food, grinned and said, "Teachers, I know what to do."


The next day, Ruan Xiaohu followed Yu Dong's car to Shanghai.

When they arrived in Shanghai, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu went directly to the Shanghai Writers Association, while Ruan Xiaohu ran to the theater.

This time Yu Dong came to Shanghai not only for the Hongxing Primary School, but also to send manuscripts to "Harvest".

His novel about Shanghai has been finished and it is called "The Crowd". Yu Dong originally wanted to name it "The Crowd of Shanghai".

Crowds, common people, this novel does not have any epic characters, all are ordinary people, and the focus is not on any magnificent stories, but on the trivial lives of these people.

After the two arrived at the Writers' Association, they first went to find Wang Anyi. Before Wang Anyi heard that Yu Dong and the others were coming, they made an appointment to meet.

Seeing Yu Dong and the others, Wang Anyi was very enthusiastic. After asking them to sit down, he smiled and said, "I only sent the manuscript to Jinling in the first half of the year, and you came to Shanghai in the second half of the year."

She was talking about "Song of Everlasting Sorrow". This novel was not published in "Harvest", but chose "Zhong Shan".

Wang Anyi went to Jinling not only to deliver manuscripts, but now she has close contact with Yu Dong and the others, because she also signed with Shenkong Company, and sometimes she would go to Jinling to discuss some matters with Shenkong Company.

"I mainly want to come back and take a look. After the matter is finished, I will go to "Sprouting" for a walk."

"This is a good thing. Not only do you have to come back often, you also have to bring Yanqiu back. Last time you got married, there were too many people, and we didn't have a good chat. I saw Yanqiu at the ceremony last time. At that time, I thought it was because of the makeup that I was so beautiful, but now it seems that those powders hinder Yanqiu's temperament."

"It's still the eldest sister who can praise people." Yu Dong laughed.

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "Mr. Wang praised me so much that I'm ashamed."

"Hey, hey, Yanqiu, don't call me Teacher Wang, just call me Eldest Sister like Yu Dong, kindly. The first time I met him was at Su Tong's place. At that time, he was younger than now. Now I became a family and matured a lot.”

Wang Anyi is a face control person, he was happy when he saw Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu sitting together.And compared to looking at handsome men, she prefers to look at beautiful women, so she is very enthusiastic about Cheng Yanqiu.

Later, when Yu Dong went to "Harvest" to deliver manuscripts, Wang Anyi left Cheng Yanqiu behind and asked Yu Dong to go alone, "Why do you take her with you to deliver manuscripts? It will take a long time for Li Xiaolin and the others to read the manuscripts. Why don't you let her be there?" Here I am, I will accompany her."

Hearing what Wang Anyi said, Yu Dong nodded in agreement, and went to "Harvest" alone.

Because it was an appointment in advance, Li Xiaolin and Cheng Yongxing reached out to ask him for the manuscript as soon as they saw Yu Dong, "Don't waste time, let's start directly."

After Yu Dong gave them the manuscript, he was not polite, made himself a cup of tea in the office, and then found an issue of "Harvest" in the office, watching and waiting.

After reading it for a few minutes, Li Xiaolin looked up at Yu Dong, "You are a bit ambitious in this novel."

Afterwards, without waiting for Dong to answer, she looked down at the manuscript again.

Instead, Cheng Yongxing nodded, "It's really ambitious."

Although they didn't say it specifically, Yu Dong knew that the ambition they mentioned referred to the narrative language used in the novel.

Li Xiaolin and Cheng Yongxing are both knowledgeable people. It only takes a little reading to see that Yu Dong used the modified Shanghai dialect. This is a real innovation, so they said that Yu Dong's novel is very ambition.

 Pig stomach, good night.

  In the past two days, my college football teammate got married and my head hurts from driving. I have to go to bed early tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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