Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 340 3 Can't Be Described

Chapter 340 Three Cannot Be Described (Part [-])
Yu Dong sat in Li Xiaolin's office for a while, guessing that they would not be able to finish reading it for a while, so he said hello and went to "Sprouting".

It's already five o'clock now, if Li Xiaolin and the others finish, I'm afraid Zhao Changtian and the others will all go home from get off work.

As soon as Yu Dong entered the editorial department, he was recognized by the editors.

"Teacher Yu Dong is here."

"Welcome, welcome, Editor Zhao is in the office."

Yu Dong waved his hand in response and walked towards the editor-in-chief's office.

Because the editors outside were too enthusiastic, Zhao Changtian heard the movement early in the morning, and when he walked to the door of the office, Zhao Changtian had already stood up and poured tea for him.

Zhao Changtian said with a smile while pouring tea, "I was thinking just now, why haven't you come yet, the road is not easy, right?"

"Going home, it's not easy. I see a lot of newcomers outside, recruiting again?" Yu Dong walked over with a smile, and took the teacup from Zhao Changtian.

"Thanks to you, the revision of the magazine is very effective. Because the layout of the magazine is now relatively small, the original manpower is not enough, so I recruited a few more people, all of whom are young people. Control needs to be more precise.”

Zhao Changtian smiled and talked about the situation of the magazine, and then asked Yu Dong, "I heard on the phone that you said that you would come to submit a manuscript to "Harvest", have you already sent it?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Just sent it over, sister Xiaolin and the others are reading it. Whether the manuscript can be passed, we will know in a while."

"Hey, is there anything you can't pass in your manuscript? If you really can't pass it, if you don't mind, bring the manuscript over here, and we will definitely send it to you."

"Editor Zhao just slapped me in the face. I don't want to dislike it. The main reason is that this manuscript is not suitable for "Sprouting"."

"Haha, of course I know, but when will you write more mystery novels? "Fatal Identity" has received such a good response, and the magazine office has received a lot of letters every day asking you when you will publish reasoning again." novel."

With that said, Zhao Changtian pointed to the outside, "There are still a lot of letters specially addressed to you in the warehouse, you can take them back later."

"Okay, just take the letter away this time." Yu Dong nodded.

"There is one more thing. The reasoning novel essay solicitation in the club has reached the second period, and more and more authors are participating now. We plan to hold an awards ceremony after the third period of essay solicitation next year. I don't know if we can invite Come here and present an award to the winning author."

"If you have time, of course there is no problem. I have been paying attention to your essays, and some of your works are really good."

Not only Yu Dong was paying attention, but also the Deep Space Company.

Deep Space China has now established a department dedicated to collecting potential authors and works across the country, regardless of category, mainly to see if the works may be made into film and television dramas.

In addition, it is also preparing for the establishment of a literary website later.

"The marketization of this magazine..."

Just as Zhao Changtian opened his mouth, there was a knock on the door. The two turned their heads and saw that it was Sun Ganlu.

"Gan Lu, you are here." Seeing Sun Ganlu, Zhao Changtian smiled and waved.

Sun Ganlu walked in with a smile, shook hands with Yu Dong, "I went out to do something, and I heard you were here when I got back to the editorial department."

Yu Dong noticed Sun Ganlu's words, and asked in confusion, "Go back to the editorial department? Teacher Sun is working in "Sprouting" now?"

Zhao Changtian said with a smile beside him, "I forgot to tell you, it was just settled two days ago, Gan Lu is here as the deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine."

"Congratulations, congratulations." Yu Dong smiled and congratulated, "With Teacher Sun's help, Editor-in-Chief Zhao is even more powerful."

Sun Ganlu said modestly, "I'm just doing odd jobs in the back, the key is to see Mr. Zhao as the locomotive."

"Let's not talk about these silly things." Zhao Changtian waved his hand, and asked the two of them to sit down again, "Let's sit down and talk."


On the other end, when Li Xiaolin read most of the manuscript, he suddenly raised his head and saw that Yu Dong was no longer in the office. He was a little surprised, "Where is Yu Dong?"

Cheng Yongxing said with a smile, "I left a long time ago. I said I was going to see "Sprout". I said hello to us before I left, and you even said hello to him."

Li Xiaolin patted his head, "I don't have any impression."

Then she rubbed her sore eyes and said to Cheng Yongxing, "How does this manuscript feel?"

"I haven't finished reading it yet, so it's hard to make a decision, but in terms of narrative language and structure alone, Yu Dong's innovation this time is very bold. Although he wrote an article criticizing avant-garde literature in college for being too extreme, this manuscript of his Some of the shadows of pioneers. Dialect improvement has also been very successful, I think even if you are not a native of Shanghai, you can understand it.”

Li Xiaolin nodded, "The most creative thing about this novel is in terms of form. Its narrative posture, narrative tone and narrative language gave me an extremely novel reading experience, similar to the past and the present. There are some stream of consciousness things in it. But it’s like a storyteller’s setting.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Lihong stood at the door and looked inside, "Both of you, are you busy?"

"I'm reading the manuscript, what's the matter with Mr. Zhao?" Li Xiaolin said with a smile.

"Nothing special, I heard that Yu Dong is here, come and have a look."

Li Xiaolin raised the manuscript in his hand, "I went to "Sprouting", and the manuscript stays here."

Zhao Lihong rubbed his hands with interest, and walked over, "Can I have a look?"

"Of course." Cheng Yongxing distributed a stack of manuscripts to Zhao Lihong.

Afterwards, the three sat down quietly to read the manuscript.

About a quarter of an hour later, Wang Anyi brought Cheng Yanqiu to look for Yu Dong, and when he learned that Yu Dong had gone to "Sprout", Wang Anyi thought about saying that Yu Dong would come over in a while, so he asked Cheng Yanqiu to wait here, and then she also did it. Look at a stack of manuscripts.

The main reason is that she read Li Xiaolin and the others seriously, so she developed a strong interest in this novel.

Later, a few more people came one after another.

The Shanghai Writers Association is such a small place with many affiliated units. The news of Yu Dong's arrival spread quickly. Many people sat down to read the manuscript without seeing Yu Dong after they came.


Here, Yu Dong chatted with Zhao Changtian until 06:30. Seeing that it was almost time, he said, "Let's go to "Harvest" together, and the manuscript should be finished. If it doesn't finish, it will be late for dinner."

Then the three of them went to "Harvest" together.

As soon as they entered Li Xiaolin's office, they were shocked by the scene before them.

There are about a dozen people in the office at this time, except for Cheng Yanqiu, who have a few manuscripts.

Seeing Yu Dong coming, Cheng Yanqiu hurried over, "You're here."

"What's going on?" Yu Dong asked in a low voice.

"A lot of people came to look for you, but they didn't find you, so they stayed to read your manuscript."

Zhao Changtian said with a smile, "It seems that this novel is very popular, I want to read it."

At this time, other people also noticed Yu Dong's arrival, greeted him one after another, and then continued to read the manuscript.

Li Xiaolin had just finished reading the manuscript, and walked over with a smile, "Everyone is very interested in your new work, I see, the seminar on this novel can be held in advance."

Yu Dong looked at his watch, "Why don't you tell the teachers to watch it tomorrow? Let's go eat first."

Li Xiaolin looked back, Qin Xianxu, the deputy editor-in-chief of "Shanghai Literature", who came last, had just read the beginning, and he would have to wait at least two or three hours to finish the manuscript.

"Okay, let me tell them." Li Xiaolin nodded, and then said to them, "Everyone, it's getting late, so don't read the manuscript for now. Yu Dong is just here, let's go have dinner together."

After hearing Li Xiaolin's words, most people put down the manuscripts, only Zhao Lihong waved his hands and said, "Go ahead, I'll finish the manuscripts before I go... If it's too late, you can eat, don't wait for me."

Li Xiaolin smiled and said, "Mr. Zhao, can this manuscript still run away? Let's read it tomorrow."

"No, no." Zhao Lihong waved his hands again and again, "If I don't finish reading this, I won't be able to sleep at night. The narrative method of Yu Dong's novel is too interesting. It’s not big, and the exploration of the life and inner heart of ordinary people is not too deep.”

Three consecutive "can't be called" have exhausted Zhao Lihong's love for this novel.

With Zhao Lihong taking the lead, Qin Xianxu also said, "Why don't I go to dinner at night, and read the manuscript first."

On the other side, Wang Anyi said, "I think I'll finish reading this in half an hour, you guys go first, and I can follow."

Seeing this, Li Xiaolin turned to look at Yu Dong, "Why don't we eat later?"




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(End of this chapter)

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