Chapter 341 The First Shot (Second Update)
Li Xiaolin said to eat later, and Yu Dong agreed, but Qin Xianxu and the others disagreed.

"What's the point of eating? If you don't have this meal, just eat it next time."

After discussing it, everyone decided to go out and have a bite nearby without any delay.

Naturally, they didn't drink, and after a meal, the people from the Writers' Association went back to continue reading the manuscript, while Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu went home.

On the way back, Cheng Yanqiu was very emotional, "It can be seen that their love for this novel is very pure. It may be because I was by your side when you wrote it, so I didn't feel much, but they saw your narrative language , were all surprised."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Literary innovations are easy to attract attention, and most of the people present today are literati in the Shanghai circle. It is understandable that they are interested in this novel. After the setback of Shanghai School literature, there has been no What kind of top-notch works appeared, so last year the eldest sister released a "Song of Everlasting Regret", which made them ecstatic."

""Song of Everlasting Sorrow" is indeed well written, but "The Crowd" and "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" should not be regarded as a type of novel."

"If you want to say that there is still something in common, the two novels have the shadow of Shanghai-style literature."

Jiang Jie, who was driving in front, said with a smile, "It sounds like Brother Dong's manuscript has caused quite a stir in the Writers Association today?"

"It's not a sensation, but everyone is paying more attention." Yu Dong replied with a smile, and then asked: "How is the activity arrangement of Hongxing Primary School tomorrow?"

"It has been arranged. One morning, I will walk around the school from nine to ten o'clock. At 10:30, you will give a speech to the students, and then there will be some interactive sessions. The children will ask you some questions."

Yu Dong nodded, "Did you tell Principal Tian not to make it too grand?"

"Speaking of which, I also went to the school to see it. Apart from a banner, there is no other special arrangement. But I think there may still be local media coming to interview tomorrow. Do you want to stop them then?"

"You don't need to stop, let them go to promote the school."

Yu Dong went to Hongxing Elementary School to participate in the activities. This matter has been carried out in a low-key manner, but he is very famous now and he is in Shanghai. Unless he participates in activities secretly, it is impossible to escape the ears of the local media.

"Did you go to the school library today?"

"Look, there is an administrator there, and many students borrow and return books at noon."

"Have you read their library record book?"

"That's not true. I went there by myself, and it's impossible for the administrator to show me the brochure."

"Okay, I see, I'll go and see by myself tomorrow."

"Well, by the way, Mr. Yu called me today and said that domestic promotion of novels such as "To Live", "Golden Age", and "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" is about to start. Propaganda is about to begin."

"Is there anything important about this timing?"

"It is said that it is necessary to push forward, because "The Martian" will be released abroad in a while, and a small part of domestic literature involved in the novel will first pave the way for foreign readers. After the "Rescue" is publicized, it will in turn help these novels."

"okay, I get it."


"Within a week, urge Bantam to design a promotional poster for "The Martian". Tell them that the release of "Deep Space" and "The Martian" must be the main work of their company in the near future. Fuck , you have to put a little pressure on them, don't let me stare at you every time."

Standing at the door of the library manager's office, Wang Mo opened his mouth wide as he listened to the lectures coming from inside.

He is a newcomer who came to the company to report today. Two days ago, he came to Deep Space Company to compete for website operation and maintenance, and successfully got the offer.

After getting the offer, Wang Mo was very happy. He came to report happily today, but he didn't expect to hear the head of the library department scolding people as soon as he came.

In fact, this is nothing, which leader does not train people?Campote's remark was mild enough.

But to Wang Mo's surprise, Campote actually spoke a pure Mandarin—fuck it.

Wang Mo believed that he heard absolutely right. What Campote said just now was "fucking", not only the pronunciation was standard, but also full of emotion.

After the trained employees came out, Wang Mo knocked on the door cautiously.

"Please come in."

"Hello manager, I'm a new employee, Wang Mo."

Campote smiled and said, "Wang Mo, hello, welcome to the company. I have read your resume. You came to the United States from China with your parents when you were ten years old, right?"

Wang Mo nodded: "Yes, manager."

"Then you haven't forgotten your Chinese?" Campote asked.

"No, no, although I came to the United States, my family still communicates in Chinese when we are together."

Campote said happily, "That's good. Many people in our company want to learn Chinese, so when communicating with them, if it's not for work, you can use Chinese with them to facilitate their improvement."

Wang Mo nodded in surprise, "I see, manager."

"Okay, I have nothing else to tell you. I'm just taking care of your department temporarily, and other leaders will come later. On your first day, I'll let someone take you to familiarize yourself with the company."

Then Campote picked up the phone and called someone over.

Campote said to the visitor, "Sandro, this is a new employee from the Internet Department, Wang Mo, please take him to familiarize yourself with the company."

Sandro's eyes lit up when he saw Wang Mo, "Wang Mo, are you Chinese?"


"Come on, I'll take you to meet my colleagues."

Wang Mo was dragged by Sandro, with a puzzled expression on his face, why do you feel that people from Deep Space Company are so interested in Chinese descent?Campote is like this, Sandro is like this.

Is it true that as Campote said, many people in the company want to learn Chinese?

Why do you want to learn Chinese?Is it because Deep Space Corporation is involved in a lot of Chinese business?That doesn't mean the company has to learn Chinese from top to bottom, right?Besides, if you want to learn Chinese, wouldn't it be better to hire a Chinese teacher?

However, what Wang Mo never expected was that the surprise is still behind...

Sandro took Wang Mo to the hall and introduced to his colleagues, "Hi everyone, this is a new colleague, Wang Mo, he is a Chinese."

Colleagues exclaimed when they heard that a Chinese was coming.

"Wow, there is finally another Chinese here."

"Damn it, I recruited a neon descendant before, which made me learn neon language for three days."

An Asian next to him said angrily, "Damn it, it's my fucking fault. When I applied for the job, I didn't say I was Chinese. Fuck it."

"Damn it, it's all about the HR department!"

Wang Mo stood there, listening to the "fuck" and "fuck" constantly ringing in his ears, feeling that this world is not real.

He has rarely heard these two words since he came to the United States. Although they also communicate in Chinese at home, his family members do not usually use these two words.

And according to his memory, although these two words are used more often in China, they are usually only used among acquaintances. On occasions like today, how can anyone open their mouths to "fuck" and shut their mouths to "fuck"?

Sandro didn't notice Wang Mo's expression, and said to his colleagues, "Everyone, please introduce yourself to Wang Mo. Tell me both your English and Chinese names, so that we can communicate in the future."

"Let me go first, my name is Falcao, I am from South America, and my Chinese name is Shuai Guy."

"Shake the song?"

"The general manager told me that he is a handsome man, which suits me very well." Speaking of which, Falcao even brushed his long hair.

Wang Mo suddenly said, "Oh, he's a handsome guy."

"That's right, the pronunciation is correct! You are really Chinese." Falcao exclaimed excitedly.

Another colleague stood up and said, "Wang Mo, I'm Sax, and my Chinese name is Gao Dashang, which means very powerful."

"My Chinese name is Lin Musen. Because I like trees very much, the general manager gave me this name."

"I'm Mu Tiezao, the general manager said that this name includes everything."


When Wang Mo listened to the Chinese names of his colleagues in Deep Space with a bewildered expression, the promotion of "Deep Space" had already started.

In fact, before the Bantam operation, the YU Umbrella Association fired the first shot. Their propaganda method was very rough, which can be summed up in one word: Trust.

A few days ago, the book market just revealed the news that YU’s new book was going to be released. Jeff Gonzalez personally led the team and let the members go back and forth between major bookstores. Every time they went to a bookstore, they asked, “YU’s new book Is "Deep Space" released yet?"

During this period of time, the most common phrase heard by the salespersons in most bookstores is: "Is "Deep Space" on the shelves?"

The bookstore had to ask the bookseller what was going on with "Deep Space" and when it would be on the shelves.

It's not just bookstores and booksellers who care, but also readers.

Some readers often go to bookstores, and they can hear people asking about "Deep Space".

Readers who know YU are curious, will YU release a new book again?Why no publicity?

Those who don't know YU are curious, who is this YU, why so many people ask about his book?

Therefore, before "Deep Space" came out, and even before it was officially promoted, it was entrusted by the YU Umbrella Association to become popular.

 Thank you [Yanzhao Gaoge] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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