Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 342 You are still young

Chapter 342 You Are Still Young (Part [-])

Yu Dong deliberately went to Hongxing Primary School a little earlier the next morning, arriving in the early eight o'clock.

Because Yu Dong was coming today, there was no class in the morning. When Yu Dong and the others arrived, the teacher and the students were moving the chairs inside the teacher to the playground.

Tian Weizhang was also on the temporary stage at the moment, setting up tables with others, and seeing Yu Dong coming, he walked over with a smile, "Yu Dong, Yanqiu, why did you come so early?"

"Let's see it sooner."

Yu Dong looked around, although the school hasn't changed much compared to Xia Tian, ​​but you can see busy teachers and students everywhere, it feels different all of a sudden.

The weather is not bad today, although it is winter, but it is not cold.Of course, it is difficult for Shanghai to be as cold as it wants.

"Teacher Tian, ​​let me go to the library first."

Tian Weizhang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll take you there."

Then they went to the library together.

The library is still the same small classroom, but there is a brand new long signboard embedded in the door, with the words "Library" written on it, which can be regarded as a decent one.

There are a lot of changes to be made inside. Many books that were too broken to be read have been removed and replaced with new books. Two new bookshelves have been added, and they have been classified.

But seeing the books on the bookshelves in the front row, Yu Dong frowned, because they were all his books.

"The Last City", "Westward", "One Day", and even "Resident Evil".

He looked at these books and asked Tian Weizhang, "Teacher Tian, ​​are these books also sent from Deep Space?"

Tian Weizhang explained, "No, these books are purchased by the school itself."

Yu Dong squinted his eyes. He probably knew that Tian Weizhang wanted to reciprocate and promote his work.It's just that in Yu Dong's opinion, none of his books are suitable for children to read.

Needless to say, "Resident Evil" and "Westward", "The Last City" is a bit difficult to read even for ordinary adult readers, let alone these elementary school students.

"Ms. Tian, ​​I think these books are still not suitable for students. Read them step by step, especially "Resident Evil", which contains a lot of bloody and violent content." After finishing speaking, Yu Dong sighed again, " I donate books not for fame, but to give students more opportunities to read."

Tian Weizhang immediately understood what Yu Dong meant, and he was a little ashamed, "It's really because I didn't think carefully. I will have these books withdrawn in a while, and this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Mr. Tian, ​​you don't have to promise me, I'm just offering a suggestion. By the way, where are the students' books, can you show me?"

"Of course, I'll bring it to you."

Yu Dong took a look at the borrowed books, and then said with a smile, "Sure enough, the children still don't like these books very much. After borrowing them, many students returned them the next day."

Tian Weizhang said with a smile, "Actually, it's not just your books. You see, Lu Xun's books are also like this. Basically, they will be returned after a short time after borrowing them."

Yu Dong nodded, "It's normal, not to mention primary school students, most middle school students can't understand Lu Xun. When they are their age, they still need to read more interesting books. Of course, some of Lu Xun's books, and others Some of the books of the famous masters should be placed in the library, even if they can’t read them, it’s not a bad thing to get in touch with them.”

"Actually, I think the essays you wrote together with Yu Hua and the others, as well as the short stories you published before, can also be read by students, but they haven't been published as a collection yet." Tian Weizhang said.

"There is no plan for a collection of novels for the time being, but a collection of essays is possible." Yu Dong smiled and waved his hand again, "I won't talk about that beforehand, Mr. Tian, ​​show us around the school."

The school is just such a big place, so there is nothing to visit, but Yu Dong wants to see how the facilities in the school are.He thinks about building a school all day long. Of course, his alma mater should be considered first. If there is anything in the school that needs help, he should reach out.

When Tian Weizhang led Yu Dong around, many students ran over and watched with a smile on their faces.

In fact, most of them don't know who Yu Dong is, they only know that he is a celebrity who went out of Hongxing Primary School, and if they are more, they will know that he is a writer.

As for what kind of writer Yu Dong was and why he was famous, they rarely knew.

But the children don't pay too much attention to these things, they just know that a big shot is coming, even the principal will accompany them, so they come to join in the fun.

A few people were strolling around when a teacher ran over, "Principal, Mr. Yu Dong, there are two reporters at the door who claim to be from Dongfang TV and want to come in for an interview."

Hearing the reporter came to the school, Tian Weizhang quickly explained to Yu Dong: "Yu Dong, this reporter was definitely not arranged by us."

Yu Dong smiled indifferently and said, "Reporter, it's normal to be well-informed."

"Now, let them come in, or invite them back?"

"I can do it, Teacher Tian, ​​​​you decide."

"Then I'll let them in? It's from Oriental TV after all."


After a while, the reporter was ushered over. There were two people in total, one of whom was a videographer, carrying a video recorder.

They were very polite. They introduced themselves first. The reporter was called Wang Jun, and the cameraman was called Li Hai.

After the introduction, Wang Jun asked Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu, can we take pictures of you?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Okay, just don't hate my face and take pictures. But, as agreed in advance, you can only take pictures of me, not my wife."

Wang Jun nodded: "Of course, we understand the rules. Besides, after the event, can I have an exclusive interview with Teacher Yu?"

"Forget about the interview. I'm not prepared this time. Let's make an appointment next time."

"Okay, I hope Mr. Yu will consider giving our hometown TV station a chance next time." Wang Jun didn't bother too much. He was very happy to be able to film Yu Dong today.

With the addition of reporters and cameras, Yu Dongneng could clearly feel that Tian Weizhang became very nervous.

Tian Weizhang has taught in school for so many years, but he has never been on TV.For today's event, he deliberately dressed more formally, but now he feels that he is not dressed formally enough, and he should have bought a new dress earlier.

After walking around the school, Yu Dong and Tian Weizhang went to the principal's office to sit for a while. Wang Jun and the others did not follow, but went to the playground to collect materials.

When the two arrived at the playground, looking at the children who were making noise, Li Hai asked Wang Jun, "Brother Wang, what shall we film?"

Wang Jun looked around and said, "I will take a general picture of the school in a while, and then I will interview some teachers to see if anyone has taught Dong before. Maybe I can dig out some things about Yu Dong when he was a child."

"Then I have to find those old teachers. Yu Dong has graduated from elementary school for more than ten years. It's a pity that Yu Dong is unwilling to accept an exclusive interview, otherwise it will be easy."

Wang Jun smiled and said, "It's pretty good now, at least he is willing to shoot for us. As far as I know, it's the first time for us to be able to follow up and shoot at close range like this. I guess Yu Dong is also because of the fact that we are a TV station in his hometown. , was given this opportunity.”

"The things we shoot probably won't make a special feature, and we have to compress it into a short piece of news later."

"No, whether it can be made into a special topic depends on how we plan it." Wang Jun thought for a while and said, "In this way, we must take a good picture of Yu Dong's speech later, and then find a chance to chat with that Principal Tian Let’s talk, he and Yu Dong seem very familiar, I just heard a teacher mention the library, it seems that Yu Dong donated some books to the school, we can shoot from this angle, the material is definitely enough for a special feature.”

Li Hai smiled and said, "Brother Wang, you still have a way."

"Hey, what kind of solution is this? We journalists can't wait for the news to come to our lips. We must learn to dig. But then again, our teacher Yu Dong is too low-key, and he is so famous both at home and abroad. , I don’t usually see him appearing in public. If celebrities all over the world are like him, our news will be difficult.”

Hearing Wang Jun's words, Li Hai said thoughtfully, "By the way, Brother Wang, I think Yu Dong's wife is very temperamental, unlike ordinary people, do you want to..."

Before Li Hai finished speaking, Wang Jun gave him a sharp look, "Don't even mention this kind of thing. You have to remember that journalists must be ethical when digging news. We promised Tai Dong not to photograph his wife. Can’t shoot, not only can’t shoot, don’t mention his wife in the news.”

Being scolded by Wang Jun, Li Hai couldn't hold back his face, "Brother Wang, I don't mean anything else, it's just for the good of our news."

Wang Jun nodded, "You are still young, don't learn those bad habits."

 Thank you [Flying Big Clumsy Bear] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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