Chapter 343 Freedom to take responsibility (first update)
When Yu Dong appeared on the playground again, Wang Jun and the others had already found an excellent location for the camera.

The students had already sat down, and when Yu Dong came to the stage, under the leadership of the teachers, there was a round of applause.

The temporary stage was just in front of the flag raising platform, and Yu Dong stood on the stage, with the national flag fluttering in the wind behind him.Yu Dong felt a little emotional, children who grew up under the red flag, no matter where they went, they couldn't ignore this touch of red.

After the applause gradually died down, Tian Weizhang walked to the front of the microphone and said: "The weather is very good today, and my mood is as good as today's weather. Our Hongxing Primary School has gone through ups and downs for 58 years. Hongxing Primary School has gone out countless outstanding talents, and they radiate their brilliance in all walks of life... Today, 58 years later, I am very proud to tell you that we have once again welcomed back an outstanding alumnus, Yu Dong, who His work is famous in the universe..."

It could be seen that Tian Weizhang was really excited. He first introduced the history of the school, and then grandly introduced Yu Dong, praising Yu Dong to the limit.

After Tian Weizhang finished speaking, Yu Dong walked up, "Good morning everyone, I'm Yu Dong."

The leader controlled the rhythm very well. After Yu Dong opened his head, he led everyone to applaud for a while.

After the short applause stopped, Yu Dong continued, "It's a great honor to be able to go back to my alma mater and chat with everyone face to face. Since it's a chat, I think the atmosphere can be more relaxed. Ten years ago, I was just like you. , Ten years later, you may be the same as me. Ten years ago, I was a student, and ten years later, my identity has changed and I have become a teacher."

"So, today I would like to start from these two identities and share with you some of my personal thoughts. When I was a primary school student, the teacher and parents told me to study hard and make progress every day. But at that time I didn't know , what is up-"

Speaking of this, Yu Dong pointed to the sky, "I thought at the time, do I want to go to the sky?"

The joke worked and the kids laughed.

"At that time, although I didn't know what progress was, I probably had a specific impression of studying hard. Studying hard means understanding the content of the textbook, doing the exam questions well, and completing the homework assigned by the teacher."

"In the beginning, I did well, and my grades were okay. But on a certain day, I don't know exactly which day, but on that day, I became interested in things other than textbooks... Speaking of which At that time, many students must have doubts, no, we obviously became interested in things other than textbooks very early, and even, we are only interested in things other than textbooks."

The students below nodded frantically, indicating that Yu Dong had spoken to their hearts.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "When I came in the morning, I saw several students playing marbles behind the teaching building. The gameplay is very interesting. First, find a place to draw a circle, and each person puts a marble in the circle. Then draw a line a few meters away, and the players standing on the line hold a tile in their hands and throw it towards the circle. Whoever pushes the marbles out with the tile will be his. "

"I think this game should be very popular, because I saw a lot of circles on the ground around there. Are you more interested in marbles than learning?"

Many students wanted to nod, but they didn't dare to nod. The principal and teachers were nearby, and it was not easy to admit that they prefer to play.

"However, my interest is more than that. I don't know if you have thought about a question, why can the tiles in your hand be thrown into the circle? Some students may say, because I use force in my hand. Then why Some people can throw it into the circle, but some people can't. Why do some tiles slide for a certain distance after landing, but some tiles can't slide? Why can even the same tile sometimes slide , but sometimes it doesn’t slide?”

"There are too many things I want to figure out, why there are pictures and sounds on the TV, what is the meaning of "Diary of a Madman", why the cicadas outside the window always cry... Speaking of which, students may have a feeling, It’s not necessarily easier to figure out these things than to learn from books.”

"But I believe that everyone here has been curious about the world and has worked hard to unravel their doubts. It was also at this time that I began to understand the saying "study hard and make progress every day. Upward" refers to our Constantly break through yourself and reach another new height. Learning should not only be limited to book knowledge, but also an exploration of the world.”

"So, I sincerely hope that every student can keep their curiosity about the world forever and be able to break through themselves every day. I also believe that every student has their own growth code and unique talents. As long as they bravely pursue , explore, you will be able to..."

Yu Dong didn't take the manuscript, but his speech was very long. He finished it from the perspective of the students, and then from the perspective of the teacher, he said a lot.

Considering the audience he was facing, Yu Dong used very simple words, trying to make the students understandable.

Reporter Wang Jun couldn't help applauding, "That's really good."

Many people have the problem of showing off what they have learned when they speak, but ignoring the expression of true feelings.And Yu Dong's speech this time is simple and easy to understand, which is the talent of a brilliant speaker.

Moreover, this speech looks simple, but the structure is not simple at all, and it cannot be expressed casually.

If you think about it carefully, you can understand that Yu Dong took "study hard and make progress every day" as the theme of the previous paragraph from the very beginning, but he was able to throw it away and then dismantle it before citing it, making the whole speech very complete and deepening at the same time. up the topic.

After the speech was over and it was time to interact with the students, Yu Dong simply stepped off the stage and went among the students.Wang Jun waved to Li Hai, "Follow up quickly, don't miss the content."

Because of the close contact, the students became more courageous and began to dare to ask Yu Dong some questions.

"Teacher, are your books read by many people? Are there many foreigners?"

"Have you ever been abroad?"

"Are the buildings abroad tall?"

"I heard that foreign students are very free, isn't it?"

Hearing that the students are very curious about foreign countries, Yu Dong also understands very well that curiosity itself is human nature, but he still feels that he should talk to the students about freedom.

Yu Dong pressed his hand, signaled them to stop for a while, and then said, "Everyone has a different view of freedom. Some people think that no one cares, it is freedom. There is no obstacle in life, no restriction, it is freedom. But In my opinion, the true freedom of a person is to be able to restrain one's selfish desires and know what one should do and what one should not do."

"Compared to freedom, I hope you can recognize another word called responsibility. As a teacher, you must teach and educate people, preach and learn. As a student, you must study hard and respect your teachers. And every Chinese, whether it is you or me, Everyone should have the feelings of family and country, and have the responsibility of 'the world has me'."

 Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 500 tip
(End of this chapter)

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