Chapter 344 Lies
After the event was over, Wang Jun ran up to Yu Dong and praised sincerely, "Mr. Yu Dong, your speech is really good."

Yu Dong replied with a smile, "Thank you for your praise. You can connect with my assistant Jiang Jie about the interview. You can leave a contact information later."

Wang Jun said pleasantly, "Thank you, thank you, then I won't bother you."

After Wang Jun left, Yu Dong followed Tian Weizhang to his house, and this time Tian Weizhang had to stay in Yudong for a meal.Since the kindness was hard to turn down, Yu Dong readily agreed.

After eating, Yu Dong and the others didn't go home, but went to the theater to pick up Ruan Xiaohu and set foot on the road to Jinling.


Jimmy had just sent off Scorsese, who came to talk about the "Fatal Identity" movie, when he received a call from another director, Joe Schumacher.

What Jimmy didn't expect was that Joe Schumacher also called to ask about the film adaptation rights of "Fatal Identity".

Jimmy could only say regretfully, "Mr. Schumacher, you are one step late. We have handed over the film and television adaptation rights of "Fatal Identity" to Universal Pictures. Warner should have heard of it, haven't you heard?"

"Oh, I didn't ask Warner, I want to make this movie myself." Schumacher was also a little disappointed.

This year, "Batman Forever (The Mystery of the New Batman Undefeated)" directed by him was released and performed well. It won a box office of 8000 million in North America and 4000 million in the world.

Of course, compared with the "Resident Evil" released later, this box office is not enough.

It is also because of this that Joe Schumacher became interested in YU's novels.After looking around in YU's novel, Schumacher finally focused on "Fatal Identity".

After thinking about it, Joe Schumacher was still a little unwilling, and asked again: "Jimmy, I wonder if YU has any other similar novels or scripts?"

"No, YU rarely writes scripts."

Joe Schumacher raised his eyebrows, "Rarely, that means he can also write a script? Can I ask him to help me write a script?"

"This... Do you want him to help adapt it? Or do you want to create an original one? What subject matter? Do you have an idea?" Jimmy asked.

"Suspense and thriller, there is no requirement for others, as long as it is written by him."

Jimmy pondered for a while, then said, "Let me ask for you."

"Okay, thank you, Jimmy."


On the way back to Jinling, Yu Dong received a call from Yu Yu saying that Joe Schumacher asked him to make an appointment for a thriller and suspense movie script, and immediately wanted Yu Yu to help him reject it. At the end of the due date, the school was busy with some things, so he didn't have time to write other scripts.

But after thinking about it, he still said to Yu Yu: "Tell the other party that I will think about it."

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Yanqiu asked curiously, "Someone invited you to write a script? Aren't you going to write a suspenseful and thrilling script recently? Don't you just give it to the other party?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "The script I am writing now is for the school's short film competition and cannot be given to others. Moreover, the short film I wrote is not suitable for Joe Schumacher."

"Then why don't you reject the other party directly?"

"Because I thought of another story, maybe Joe Schumacher would like it. I'll see if I can write another story when I finish this short film." Yu Dong said with a smile.

In fact, he suddenly thought of another story when he heard the name Joe Schumacher. Yu Dong didn't watch many Joe Schumacher movies, except for "Phantom of the Opera", which was "Sniper Phone Booth".

Another story that Yu Dong said refers to "Sniping the Phone Booth". The story of this movie is actually very simple, even a bit endless, but it is exciting and makes people maintain a high sense of tension when watching the movie. .

The protagonist is a publicist who tells lies and is very eloquent. When he went to the phone booth to call his lover, he suddenly received a call from a stranger.

The protagonist knows nothing about this stranger, but the other person seems to know everything about him, including his name, where he lives, who his wife is, and even who his lover is.

And the stranger told him to kill him just by hanging up the phone.

The male lead didn't believe it, the shooter first shot a robot around the phone booth, and later even killed a chicken head.

The purpose of this shooter is to make the male protagonist confess all the lies he told before, and in the end the male protagonist did confess.

But from the beginning to the end, the movie did not explain who the shooter was and why he did it.It's as if the gunman is a chivalrous man who acts on behalf of the heavens, and he is dissatisfied with the hero who often deceives others, so he punishes him.

The general plot is like this, very simple, but the small episodes in the middle can mobilize the audience's emotions step by step.

Yu Dong wanted to try writing "Sniping the Phone Booth" when the script he was preparing now was finished, and if he could write it, he would ask Jimmy to bring it to Joe Schumacher.

As for the script he has now, it is a French short film he has seen.

A few days ago, the piano at home needed to be tuned, and a professional tuner was invited to come, but he was still blind.When Yu Dong saw the blind tuner, he remembered the French short film "Tuner".

It just so happened that Deep Space wanted to fund a short film contest at Jinyi, so Yu Dong decided to write "The Tuner" and give it to Jia Zhangke to shoot.

The story of "Tuner" is also very simple. A talented pianist lost in the piano competition and was very frustrated. After a period of adjustment, he started to make money as a tuner, and he was also a blind tuner.

The reason for pretending to be blind is that the client believes that blind people have better hearing, and he can gain sympathy and some extra income for this.

Until one day, he went to a client's house, and when he entered, he found that the male owner of the house was dead, and the female owner was the murderer.

Although he was scared in his heart, he still tried to continue pretending to be blind so that the murderer could let him go.

Later, when he was playing the piano uneasy, the hostess stood behind him and pointed a rivet gun at the back of his head. As for whether he was killed or not, there is no explanation in the film.

Overall, there are two similarities between "Tuner" and "Sniper Booth".

The first one is an open ending. "Sniper Phone Booth" did not explain who the shooter was, why he did it, and what he would do later; "Tuner" did not explain whether the hostess killed the tuner.

The second is that both stories are related to lies. In "Sniper Phone Booth", the male lead offended the shooter because of lies, and only then did a series of stories follow; in "Tuner", the male lead pretended to be blind, The hostess would let him in after killing someone.

(End of this chapter)

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