Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 345 Short Film Competition

Chapter 345 Short Film Competition
Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu had just returned to the downstairs of the faculty apartment when they heard an excited shout from upstairs, "Brother Dong, Teacher Cheng, you are back."

They looked up and saw Wang Hailin standing in the corridor waving to them excitedly.

Yu Dong sighed, these little bastards are really unsettling.

Since the school revealed that it was going to hold a short film competition, students majoring in directing and drama creation have often come to him.

Not only him, Bi Feiyu and Zhang Xian are also the focus of attention of the students.

The reason why Yu Dong wanted to give Jia Zhangke the script of "The Tuner" was because Jia Zhangke came to him before and said that he wanted to change "Little Tiger" into a short film. He felt that it was a pity that he didn't agree, so he proposed to write a script for Jia Zhangke.

And looking at the two majors of director and play creation, Jia Zhangke's ability is the strongest. If "The Tuner" is not released, Jia Zhangke is the best choice.

As for Wang Hailin, he had been polishing his mystery novel before, and this time with the short film contest, he wanted to condense his novel into a short film.

A few days ago, he came over to ask Yu Dong for his opinion, and Yu Dong told him to let him try.

Presumably he came here this time because of the script.

Yu Dong sent the luggage in, talked to Cheng Yanqiu, and took Wang Hailin to the office.Cheng Yanqiu was also tired from the car ride, he didn't want to disturb her rest.

There was no one else in the big office at this time, only one He Yu. Seeing Yu Dong leading Wang Hailin in, He Yu smiled and said, "This kid committed another crime?"

Among the students of Xichuang 92, Wang Hailin was the most trained by Yu Dong, and not only Yu Dong trained him, Bi Feiyu also often brought him over to give lectures.This kid comes a lot, and he is familiar with other teachers in the big office.

So He Yu made such a joke, and Wang Hailin himself laughed: "Mr. He, I am very conscious now, and I don't make mistakes easily. I came here this time to learn."

"Not bad, there is progress."

Yu Dong tidied up the desktop and reached out to Wang Hailin, "Show me the script."

"Okay, okay." Wang Hailin quickly took out the script from his schoolbag, and handed it to Yu Dong respectfully, "Brother Dong, please read it."

Yu Dong roughly flipped through the script, the script was very simple, Wang Hailin condensed the murder case in the novel into one, only one principal, Liu Shangkui, died, and then led to the case of a female classmate being raped.

The script was quite satisfactory and there were no major problems. After reading it, Yu Dong asked Wang Hailin, "How are you going to shoot? Jia Zhangke is going to be the director himself, and you, are you going to be the director too?"

"I can't do that. I've already found Lu Xi, who majored in directing, and he said that he is willing to form a team with me."

Yu Dong nodded, "Lu Xi is good."

Lu Xi is a top student in directing. When they went to the crew of "Can't Talk to Strangers" for an internship, Zhao Baogang and Yu Dong specially praised a few students, and Lu Xi was among them.

"Since you are going to do it, do it well. Writing the script is only the first step, and there are still many difficulties you will face later. The short film competition is due at the end of March next year, and you still have four months. During this time, you You have to do the preparations well, don’t just shoot just thinking about getting the script.”

Wang Hailin nodded, "Yes, I'm thinking about the casting right now. Without actors, everything else is useless."

"Find the actors yourself, but I suggest you be more courageous. For example, Feng Yuanqi, Jiang Wenli and other actors, you have all been in contact with them, try to invite them, maybe they will agree. Even if they don't have time, let them introduce a few An actor would do."

Wang Hailin said with some embarrassment, "I'm afraid this is not very good, we are just a short film, and we don't have much budget..."

"You haven't even tried, so how do you know it won't work? As long as you tell Teacher Feng and the others clearly and politely, even if they don't want to, you haven't offended them. Besides, you think you Is the script any good?"

"I feel……"

"I'll just ask you, good or bad, don't talk to me about anything else."

"it is good."

"That's right, if a producer is not satisfied with his work, why should he take it out? Now that he has taken it out, he must have a belief that it is a good thing. Since it is a good thing, you Finding others to participate in, does it prove that you respect them and recognize them?"

Wang Hailin scratched his head, "It seems to be the reason."

"That's right, so I'm going to invite you boldly. This short film competition is not only facing the students of our school. Other schools will definitely come to participate when they hear the news. The competition will definitely be fierce at that time."

"I understand that."

The organizer of this short film contest is Deep Space, but the venue is Jinyi.Later, if the students get the ranking in the competition, they will not only get the bonus, but also get support from deep space, so it is still attractive to the students.

After Wang Hai was about to leave, Yu Dong tidied up the table again, and just as he was putting it away, He Yu leaned over and said, "Old Yu, I think you still need an independent office. There are too many things to do every day, and everyone will be able to do so." It's not convenient here in the office."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Why, Lao He, you think I'm bothering you?"

He Yu rolled his eyes, "According to my wish, I wish you would never move away. The key is that you have a lot of things to do, and it's okay for the students to come to you. If Zhang Yimou and the others come again in the future, where will you put them? Get it? You used to live in a dormitory for singles, and you just went to the dormitory. Now that you have a family, you can’t just go home to get someone to talk about things, right?”

"Old Wu mentioned this to me before, but I didn't ask for it at the time, mainly because I didn't want to specialize."

He Yu smiled and said, "You are a special existence, don't you want to be special?"

Yu Dong thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, I'll go to Lao Wu to apply later."

"Go now, the old Wu man is in the office, I saw it when I passed by just now."

Yu Dong curled his lips, "Old He, you are so eager to let me move away."

He Yu laughed and said, "If you set up an office, I can go and drink tea when I'm free."

"I just said you didn't hold your fart well." Yu Dong nodded He Yu with his hands, "Okay, I'll go now, just in time to report to Lao Wu."


He Yu was right, Wu Changxin was indeed in the office, and when Yu Dong passed by, he was approving a leave note for Liu Meiqin.

Seeing Yu Dong, Liu Meiqin said with a smile, "Teacher Yu came just in time. At the end of next month, I'll treat everyone to dinner, and you and Teacher Cheng will go together."

Yu Dong wondered, "Why are you invited to dinner suddenly?"

"I'm getting married." Liu Meiqin said with a smile, "I've discussed it with my lover, and we won't be serving alcohol. I'll treat my school colleagues to dinner then."


"Okay." Liu Meiqin took the leave approval note, "Principal Wu, I won't bother you, I will go to dinner when the time comes."

After Liu Meiqin left, Wu Changxin said with emotion, "There are a lot of marriages in our school in the past two years."

Yu Dong smiled and flattered: "That's because you are a good leader, Principal Wu."

Wu Changxin rolled his eyes back, "Did you just come back from Shanghai?"

"Yeah, isn't this here to report to you?"

Wu Changxin looked at Yu Dong up and down, "Why do I feel that you have something to do today?"

"Principal, you have a clever plan." Yu Dong gave a thumbs up, then poked his head and asked, "Is the office that you said you would leave for me last time still there?"

Wu Changxin suddenly laughed, "It turned out that it was for the office. You, you didn't want to take the pole last time, but now you came back to ask. There are still a few in the office. You can go to the old Yan from the logistics department and let him I'll take you to pick one. After you've picked it, let him arrange everything for you and make it more stylish."

"Forget about being stylish, I need a place where I can work conveniently."

"Now you are representing our Jinyi's face. If you don't put on a show, people will think that our Jinyi's conditions are poor. That's fine, let me take care of this matter."

"Okay, then I'll go find Old Yan."

"Go, go, just say something, I've greeted him before."

(End of this chapter)

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