Chapter 346 Second Update

Yu Dong finally chose a relatively "remote" office. It was on the north side of the third floor. Although the lighting was not very good, he could see the school playground when he opened the window.He likes watching the playground very much, and he feels in a good mood when he sees the students sweating on the playground.

Moreover, there are few teachers in the office, so there are fewer people coming and going. As long as the windows are closed, the office will be very quiet.

The logistics department quickly arranged the office, with desks, bookcases, sofas and coffee tables.

Yu Dong also moved to the new office soon, and the script of "The Tuner" was completed in the new office.

After the script was completed, Yu Dong handed it over to Jia Zhangke.

Before Jia Zhangke got the script, he was still a little apprehensive, not because he was worried about the poor quality of the script written by Yu Dong, but because he was afraid that the script would be difficult to shoot.

But after getting the script, he felt relieved. The filming of this short film was basically not difficult. The only valuable prop was the piano, but Jinyi has a lot of pianos. There are two pianos in the staff dormitory.

Props and scenes are all right, the rest is the actors.

There are only three main characters in the short film, the tuner himself, the tuner's manager and the murderer.

Among these three people, in fact, the agent and the murderer don't have much role in the scene, the most important thing is the tuner.

At first, Jia Zhangke wanted to find an acting major to help him play the tuner, but after thinking about it, he didn't think it would work.

There is only a first-year major in acting, and there is no guarantee of acting skills. Moreover, the role of the tuner written by Yu Dong should be around 30 years old, with some life experience, and a first-year college student is not suitable for the role.

After thinking about it for a long time, Jia Zhangke decided to go to Yunlong for a try.

When they were interns on the crew of "Don't Talk to Strangers" before, they had a lot of contact with Yunlong, and the relationship was pretty good.


Xi Yunlong has not been comfortable during this period. Although he has participated in "Don't Talk to Strangers", the TV series has not been broadcast yet. He is not well-known now, and no director has asked him to make a film.

When he received Jia Zhangke's call, he had just returned home from Renyi.I went to Renyi to find Feng Yuanqian. He made friends with Feng Yuanqian during the filming last time. After returning to Yanjing, the two met often.

Although Feng Yuanqian is allergic to alcohol and cannot drink, they often make appointments to drink together. Every time at the wine table, he drinks and Feng Yuanqian eats.

"Xiao Jia, long time no see?"

"Long time no see, Brother Yunlong, have you been busy recently?"

Yunlong smiled and said, "I also want to say that I am very busy, but unfortunately, I am not busy at all recently. I guess I am not as busy as you. You are a senior this year, are you going to graduate?"

"Yeah, it just so happened that Deep Space Company recently organized a short film contest, and they filmed it together with the graduation work."

"You created a play, and you still want to shoot a graduation work?" Qi Yunlong asked doubtfully.

"I didn't say that I must shoot, but I can get extra points if I shoot."

"That's good. This way you have an advantage. There shouldn't be many of your dramas that can produce works. I also know about the short film competition in deep space. My friend at the film school told me that there are also students preparing to participate in it." , I heard that the rewards are quite attractive."

"The prize money is not too much, but if you win the game, you can get support funds from Deep Space Corporation."

Yunlong smiled and nodded, "Then you should work hard, and with your ability, you should have no problem getting a ranking."

Jia Zhangke said with a smile, "Brother Yunlong, actually I called you this time because of this matter."

"Me? You don't want me to act for you, do you?" Yunlong laughed.

"Really, my script is ready. After thinking about it for a long time, I think the protagonist is more suitable for you, so I will take the liberty to call you and ask you." Then Jia Zhangke added, "The script was written by Brother Dong."

Xie Yunlong was taken aback, he said it casually, never thought that Jia Zhangke would really ask him to make a film, after all, it was just a student competition, and it was still a short film.

But when he heard that the script was written by Yu Dong, he became a little interested, "What type?"

"Suspenseful and thrilling, no matter how much it is, it's not convenient for me to talk about it on the phone. If you are interested, Brother Yunlong, I can bring the script to Yanjing to find you." Jia Zhangke said sincerely.

Xie Yunlong thought for a while, then said, "Well, I'll go to Jinling, let's talk face to face."

"This... how embarrassing."

"Don't be embarrassed, I just went to see Mr. Yu Dong. If we can shoot, we'll just shoot it this time. Isn't it a short film? It shouldn't take long, right?"

"It doesn't take long to shoot, I estimate it can be finished in a week at most."

"That's fine."

"The fee..."

"Let's talk about it later, it's too early to talk about it now."

"Okay, then I will wait for you in Jinling."


After hanging up on Jia Zhangke's phone, Xi Yunlong found Yu Dong's phone number and dialed it, but unfortunately no one answered the phone.

Putting down the phone, Xie Yunlong lay on the sofa thinking about what Jia Zhangke said just now.

The reason why he was tempted was actually not only because the script was written by Yu Dong.On the one hand, he has not been filming recently, so he is really irritable. On the other hand, he has a lot of contact with Jia Zhangke. This kid still has abilities and is trustworthy.

It just so happened that the Chinese New Year was about to come, so a trip before the Chinese New Year would not delay his work.

He also wants to make a movie himself, but he is not ready enough for the time being. If he can participate in more crews and accumulate some experience before then, it will definitely be better for him to make movies by himself in the future.

Just thinking about the follow-up plan, the phone next to him rang, and he quickly got up to answer it.


The voice was very familiar, and it was Yu Dong who came back. Xi Yunlong said with a smile, "Teacher Yu Dong, I am Xi Yunlong."

Yu Dong was very happy when he received a call from Yunlong, "It's brother Yunlong, don't come here without any problems."

"I'm fine, I'm fine, that's it. Just now Jia Zhangke called me and said he wanted me to act in his short film."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "This kid even found you. He has a thick skin, and he doesn't even think about it. Brother Yunlong, what kind of actor are you? How can you participate in a short film made by one of his students. This kid, turn around and I to criticize him."

"Hey, Mr. Yu, you've slapped me in the face. I'm just an ordinary little actor. I'm quite happy that Xiao Jia can ask me to make a movie."

"Brother Yunlong, I think you are slapping me in the face. When we were drinking last time, you were still yelling at Brother Yu one by one. Why haven't we seen each other for a few days, and you have become different."

Xi Yunlong said a little embarrassedly, "I did drink too much last time, it's embarrassing."

"No, no, it's pretty good. I just like Brother Yunlong's true temperament." Yu Dong smiled and said, "As for Jia Zhangke's short film, I wrote the script, and it's not bad. If you have nothing else to do , I can spare some time to help you."

"Brother Yu, the script you wrote must be fine. I have agreed with Xiao Jia that I will go to Jinling for an interview in the next two days. I wonder if you will have time then, let's meet?"

"No problem, just let me know when you come over... You can come here before this weekend. I have made an appointment with some friends to go to my house for a gathering on the weekend. You will also come when the time comes. There are so many people."

"Then it's better to obey than to be respectful." Xi Yunlong said with a smile.
Pig stomach, get off work soon, vote monthly
(End of this chapter)

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