Chapter 347

Yu Dong's parents are coming to Jinling on weekends, and they will settle here this time.

In order to make it easier for his parents to travel and stay, Yu Dong invited some people over there, including cleaners, gardeners, and security personnel, as well as a car and driver.

This time when his parents came over, his father-in-law and mother-in-law would definitely go and have a look. Yu Dong took this opportunity to call Yu Hua and the others together, and then they would go to Luoyuan to have a lively and lively time together.

After hanging up Yunlong's phone, Yu Dong called another call back. He was not at home at the moment, so there were two missed calls in total.

On the second call, Yu Dong recognized the number, which was from Cheng Yongxing's office.

It is definitely not urgent for Cheng Yongxing to find him, because Cheng Yongxing knows his mobile phone number, if there is an urgent matter, he will definitely call his mobile phone.

In fact, many people have Yudong telephones, but if it is not urgent, most people would rather make a few more calls to landlines than to call mobile phones. They always feel that calling mobile phones is too wasteful.

After connecting, the two chatted for a few words.

Cheng Yongxing was really in no rush, he called to tell Yu Dong that "The Crowd" had been scheduled and would be released in the first half of January.

Hearing this, Yu Dong laughed: "My books always seem to be published in the first issue."

Cheng Yongxing also laughed, "Haha, Yu Hua's works are always in the sixth issue. You two start and end one by one, which is just right. By the way, did you come back this year? Last time you came here in a hurry. Getting ready for a dinner party."

"About what time?"

"Maybe within two or three days before New Year's Eve, the exact time has not been determined."

"Then I have to see the situation. I won't be going back to Shanghai for New Year's Eve today."

Cheng Yongxing joked, "You were kidnapped by your wife to Jinling. It's okay. If you have time, come here. If you don't have time, forget it. There are many opportunities to eat. I don't care if it's once or twice."

"I won't go back on New Year's Eve. After the Spring Festival, I will definitely go back to visit relatives. If I can't eat before the Spring Festival, I will treat you to a meal after the Spring Festival."

"Okay, I'm waiting for your meal. Oh, and, I've seen more posters of "Westward" and "To Live" in the bookstore these days. Is it because the Deep Space Company is promoting it?"

"It should be, I didn't pay much attention."

"That's fine, everything else is fine."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong smiled. It is estimated that the company has indeed started to promote those novels, even Cheng Yongxing felt it.

The publicity this time is not only "Xiang Xi" and "To Live", but also "Tankful Finger", "Golden Age" and the previous book "Red Sorghum" written by Mo Yan.

After this wave of publicity is over, the next wave will be "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood", "The Crowd" and "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks".

Domestic propaganda has already begun, and I don't know how the situation abroad is.


During this time, Anna ran to the bookstore almost every day, just to see if there were any new works in the Chinese literature series, and every time she went to the bookstore, Olivier would follow her.

The last time Anna followed Olivier to their zombie research club, she really promoted several YU books.

Those people first became interested in these novels because of the name YU, and then two of them really fell in love with these books.

Olivier suggested that Anna form a literary group with these two students and him to exchange works of these YUs.

Before Anna expressed her opinion, the other two had already agreed, and finally a four-person literature group was established.

Although the literature group is small, it also has a management team. Anna is the group leader and Olivier is the deputy group leader.

So every time he followed Anna to the bookstore, Olivier had a valid reason.

I am the deputy leader of the group, and it is very reasonable to follow the leader of the group.Anna had no choice but to follow him.

Anna thought to herself that Olivier didn't really like literature, but it was just a whim. Let him follow him for a while, and he would lose patience and return to his stadium and interest club instead.

As soon as Anna arrived at the bookstore today, Anna felt something was wrong, because there were several posters at the entrance of the bookstore, and on them were "Westward" and "To Live".

She stood in front of a poster and looked at the slogan on it.

[Alive - recommended by Marguerite Duras, a magnificent treasure from the far east. 】

Needless to say, Marguerite Duras is well-known in France. She is the author of "Love in Hiroshima" and "The Lover", and the winner of the Goncourt Literature Prize.

Speaking of which, Duras has an indissoluble bond with China.

Her first love is a Chinese. Anyone who has a little knowledge of Duras knows this, because she wrote this matter into her works, and she wrote three volumes.

"Lover", "Lover in North China", "The Dam Against the Pacific Ocean", one story, Duras wrote three books.

Looking at it this way, it seems reasonable for Duras to recommend novels by Chinese writers.

"Anna, look!"

While Anna was staring at the poster of "To Live", Olivier next to him suddenly called out.

"What am I looking at?"

Anna turned her head and stared at the other poster that Olivier was pointing at.

On that poster there is a big title "Xiang Xi", and two big English letters, YU.

It's the poster of "Westward".

But Anna still didn't know why Olivier was so excited.

Seeing that Anna still didn't understand, Olivier took another step closer to the poster, pointed to a line of small words on it, and said, "Anna, look, look here, look at what is written here!"

Immediately, he couldn't wait for Anna to see it, so he read the line out loud: "The author of "Second World" and "Resident Evil" is a new work by YU."

Olivier held his head in disbelief, "Did you see that, Anna, this YU is that YU."

Anna was also shocked at this time, how is this possible?

A writer of popular novels has suddenly transformed into a traditional writer?
Could it be that the bookstore mistook the two YUs for one person?

This is obviously impossible, after all there are two other YUs.

If true, that would be too surprising.

It’s like, if someone tells you one day that the author of Les Miserables is the same person as The Three Musketeers, your first reaction must be impossible.

"However, why is the word on this poster so small? You can't see it unless you look carefully. It stands to reason that such a good publicity point should be enlarged." Olivier wondered.

Anna also noticed something was wrong, yes, since this YU is that YU, why did the words on the poster have to be made so small?Look a little secretive?

With doubts, Anna walked to the counter, pointed to the poster and asked, "Hello, I would like to ask, is the small print on this poster sure to be correct, and not a typo?" Is the author of "Resident Evil" and "Second World" really the same person?"

After listening to her, the cashier behind the counter suddenly laughed, and then applauded loudly, "Congratulations, beautiful lady, you are the first person to find the small words on the poster, so we will give you a set Signed Chinese Literature Series."

As soon as the cashier finished speaking, several staff members surrounded him enthusiastically.

When other customers in the bookstore saw this battle, they all attracted their attention, "What's the situation?"

A staff member explained loudly, "This lady is the first person to find the small print on the poster since it opened today, so she will get a signed Chinese literature series."

"What Chinese literature series?"

"I seem to have seen it just now. It's written on the poster."

"But what do they say in fine print?"

Everyone looked on the poster again, and they found the small print on it.

"There is a book in this Chinese literature series, written by YU, the same YU who wrote "The Second World" and "Resident Evil." Someone shouted.

"What? These two YUs are actually the same person? I've also watched "Xiang Xi", and I really can't imagine that it has the same author as "Resident Evil."

"Oh my God, I just bought a copy of "To Live" because of Duras, and now I want to buy "Xiang Xi" again? I am a loyal reader of YU."

"No, isn't the author of "To Live" also YU? There is also another book in the series called "The Panicked Finger", who is also YU."

"YU is just their first name, and the last name is their surname, just like in France, there are many people with the same name." A person who thinks he understands Chinese culture said.

"No, YU is actually a surname, and the last name is the first name. These writers should all have the same surname. Are they a family?"

"In China, there are many people with the same surname, and this is only an English alphabet, which does not mean that their surnames are the same. There are many Chinese characters with the same pinyin."


People began to discuss Chinese names and this series of Chinese literature, and Anna had already taken over the signed series from the store manager.

Olivier smiled and said, "Anna, you should thank me, I found that line."

Anna nodded, "Thank you."

She opened the three books one by one and saw the signature on them.

Three signatures, a total of seven square characters, none of which are the same, that is to say, the Chinese characters of the three YU are written differently.

Anna couldn't help feeling that Chinese characters are amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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