Chapter 348 Coincidence Isn't It (Part [-])
If the French readers are only belatedly aware, then the readers in the English-speaking area have been attracted into the bookstore by the word YU from the very beginning.

A few days ago, YU's new book "Deep Space" was promoted, and the specific release time was also set.

But "Deep Space" hasn't come yet, and readers have waited for another... several other books, to be precise.


If Joyce Carol Oates has no class one day, she will have two choices, one is to stay at home, read and write, and the other is to go to a bookstore next to the school, read and write.

She is now teaching literary creation in Princeton, and there are not many classes, so there are many leisurely days like this.

As for how to choose, generally speaking, it depends on the weather.

The weather is good today, although it is cold, but the sun is good, so she decided to go for a walk.

After taking a walk near the school, she went to the "Edward Cottage" bookstore.

To her surprise, there were many people in the bookstore at this time.Usually, there shouldn't be so many people in this bookstore on a morning like this, so she was a little curious as to what caused the current situation.

Seeing many people gathered beside the poster at the door, she asked the staff, "Kara, what are they looking at?"

The staff replied with a smile, "Ms. Oates, they are reading YU's new book, and today is the day when YU's new book is released."

"YU's new book?" Joyce asked suspiciously, "If I remember correctly, it will take some time for "Deep Space" to be released. Could it be that it was released earlier?"

Since the release of "Resident Evil", Joyce has been paying attention to YU, and even wrote a letter to YU.

"It's another book, titled "Xiang Xi". It was not published separately, but was published together with several other works by Chinese writers. It is a set of Chinese literature series."

Hearing what Carla said, Joyce became interested.

The Chinese literature series sounds like it has a strong literary atmosphere. Perhaps this is why "Xiang Xi" has not been promoted like "Deep Space".

Instead of looking at the poster, Joyce went straight to the bookshelf and took a copy of "Westward". After thinking about it, he took the other two books in the series.

After a whole morning, Joyce put down "Westward" in his hand.

A thick family history, this is Joyce's first feeling after reading this book. It is a bit of Latin American magicism, but it is indeed realism.

Of course, it is obviously not what Joyce wants to do to entangle the "ism" of a novel.

She only knows that she likes the conflict between the grand narrative background and personal consciousness in this novel very much, and likes the fighting spirit inadvertently revealed in this book.

Under the torrent, everyone can't help themselves, but sometimes people will make some special choices.

After reading this book, Joyce has a new understanding of YU. It turns out that YU is not only a popular novelist with fantastic ideas and good at telling stories, but also has a deeper pursuit in art.

It is impossible to say which of these two identities of YU is good or bad, but the two are very different. Joyce suddenly wanted to write another letter to get to know this YU formally.

But before writing this letter, she decided to read several other books in the Chinese Literature Series. "Xiang Xi" made Joyce interested in the works of other Chinese writers.

In the United States, the works of Chinese writers are rarely seen. They are not popular novels like "Resident Evil", but solid traditional literature like "Westward".Americans' understanding of Chinese literature may have to be traced back to 90 or [-] years ago.


On the train from Yanjing to Jinling, Xi Yunlong was lying on the berth, closing his eyes and resting his mind. The other passengers in the same carriage had already caught up with each other and were chatting.

The six people in the sleeper car all departed from Yanjing. At this time, everyone was complaining about the difficulty of buying tickets.

Because the Spring Festival is approaching, there are a lot of people buying tickets, and most of them waited for three or four hours to get a ticket.

"When I went to buy tickets, everyone was afraid of the cold when queuing, so it didn't matter whether they were men or women. They hugged each other in the front and back, so it was warmer. A line, like a centipede, moved every movement, which prevented people from jumping in line. .”

"That's right, the team can't move by themselves, and people at the train station have to help push it."

"Brother, where are you going?"

"I'm going to Bangshi to visit relatives."

"You still buy a sleeper so close? It won't be there in a while?"

"I can't bear it if I don't lie down."


After a while, Xie Yunlong figured out the identities of these people from their conversations. The one on the upper bunk was a small businessman, and he did some work of buying and selling, and it was mainly he who talked. Migrant workers, this time my wife gave birth, go back and have a look...

The other person in the carriage who was not very talkative was a student. In his lower berth, he chatted with people and read books all the time.

Although Yunlong doesn't speak much, he listens very carefully. He likes to observe the behavior of different people in different situations in life.He believes that these observations will become the source of his future creations.

On the way, the dealers in the second road went out to smoke with the migrant workers, and Xie Yunlong leaned on the window sill to look down, "Hey, classmate, did you go to Jinling?"

The student at the bottom looked up at Yunlong and said with a smile, "Yes, brother."

"I'm also going to Jinling, what book are you reading so seriously?"

""Harvest", last month, I didn't have time to read it at that time, this time I happened to be in the car so I bought it to pass the time."

"Xu Sanguan Selling Blood in this issue of "Harvest" is pretty good."

The student at the bottom raised his eyebrows. He probably didn't expect that the elder brother above him would read "Harvest". "Indeed, Mr. Yu Hua's novels never disappoint."

"I heard that Yu Hua is in Jinyi now, you don't think about going to see him?" Xi Yunlong said with a smile.

The student smiled shyly, "I want to see you too, let's see fate."

"I happened to meet Yu Dong once I went there. Have you seen Yu Dong's works?"

"Of course, I have read all of Mr. Yu's novels."

"Which novel do you like best?"

"I like "Xiang Xi", how about you, brother?"

"I like "Fatal Identity" better, of course, "Westward" is also very good."

""Fatal Identity" is indeed very good. When it was serialized on "Sprout", I was the first to chase after it. Moreover, our school also has a werewolf killing game club, and we usually play games together. The members of the game club Everyone loves the novel."

"By the way, which school are you from?"

"I'm from Yanjing Normal University."

"Hey, Yu Dong seems to be from Yanjing Normal University, so you are his junior?" Chi Yunlong asked curiously.

The student shook his head, "No, my undergraduate degree is not at Yan Normal University."


Perhaps because of similar interests, the two chatted very enthusiastically, but they did not pass their names from the beginning to the end, and they did not know what the other was doing in Jinling.

Because in the eyes of both of them, these things are not important.

When the two of them got out of the station, Yunlong smiled and said, "Little brother, let's say goodbye here, and see you later. I happen to be going to Jinyi this time, so maybe I can help you meet Yu Hua."

The student looked surprised and said, "Brother, I am also going to Jinyi."

Yunlong's smile froze, and he asked in the same surprise, "Why are you going to Jinyi?"

Li Qiuhao thought about it for a while, and decided to tell the truth, "Actually, I just went to see Teacher Yu Dong. I didn't tell you just now, brother. I'm really sorry."

Yunlong looked up and down at Li Qiuhao, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Seeing Yunlong laughing, the second monk Li Qiuhaozhang was puzzled, "Brother, what are you laughing at?"

"Haha, I laugh that there is such a fate in this world, little brother, what do you think I went to Jinyi for?"

Li Qiuhao's eyes widened, "Brother, could it be that you too..."

Xie Yunlong patted Li Qiuhao on the shoulder: "That's right, let's go, let's go there together."

(End of this chapter)

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