Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 349 It's a pity that you are not a doorman

Chapter 349 It's a pity that you are not a doorman (second update)
At the gate of Jinyi, Uncle Zhou looked at Yunlong and Li Qiuhao, and said with a smile, "Is there a password?"

"Yes, yes, Machete."

Hearing the word "machete", Uncle Zhou nodded in satisfaction, and said to the young guard next to him, "Xiao Fang, let these two go in."

However, Yunlong was not in a hurry to go in, and asked Uncle Zhou curiously, "Master, may I trouble you, did you design this code?"

At that time, when Yunlong heard Yu Dong say that Jin Yi needed a password to enter the door, he was quite surprised, but entering Jin Yi's door felt like a spy war.

Uncle Zhou nodded, "Of course I designed it."

"Then does this machete have any special meaning?"

Uncle Zhou smiled and said, "You don't understand now. The code doesn't have any special meaning. If it has a special meaning, it's easy to remember, but it's also easy to guess. The code, the code, has to be hidden. And I'm Dynamic code, if you can come in with a machete today, you may not be able to come in tomorrow."

Yunlong thought for a while, and guessed, "Is that because today is the eighth, so it is a machete, or is it because today is Friday?"

"Hehe!" Uncle Zhou looked up and down at Yunlong in surprise, "You are a young man with a smart mind, can you guess all of this?"

"Hey." Chi Yunlong smiled, "Although it is a dynamic code, it must not be changed every day. It is too troublesome and technically difficult to achieve. So I guess, it is either seven codes a week, or the date is 0 9 and ten codes. Or more simply, one code for both odd and even numbers.”

Uncle Zhou couldn't help nodding, then looked at Yunlong, and sighed, "It's a pity that you don't come to my house as a guard."

Xie Yunlong rubbed his hands and laughed, "It's really a pity."

"All right, all right, go find Teacher Yu. If you're done with your work, come and sit with me. Don't look at my place is not big, but I have everything. The tea here is no worse than that at Teacher Yu's. Special top-quality melon slices."

"Okay, okay, come here when you have time."

When he was far away, Li Qiuhao said with a smile, "Brother Xi, this uncle is too interesting."

Xie Yunlong nodded, "Indeed, I have traveled all over the world, and this is the first time I have seen such a guard. This gold art is not simple. I just took a special look at the guard's room when I passed by it. The inside is indeed very particular. Not only are there two bookshelves , and even sofas and coffee tables, like a reception room."

"Brother Xie, you are also very good, you can guess how they generated the code."

"It's nothing, and it's useless to guess this. I usually like to watch police detectives and spy wars, and I'm more sensitive to this. Speaking of which, you are amazing. You can write things that interest Teacher Yu. Easy, if your book is published, I will definitely support it."

Li Qiuhao smiled shyly, "I'm not sure yet. I came here this time to show the novel to Mr. Yu Dong. As for the details, I have to listen to what he has to say."

"No matter what, your experience is precious."

"That's true."


The two talked and laughed to the government affairs building, and after asking someone, they found Yu Dong's office.

When they arrived, Yu Dong was thinking about the script of "Sniping the Telephone Booth", when he heard the knock on the door, he saw Yunlong and Li Qiuhao coming together, and stood up very unexpectedly, "Why did you two come together? "

"It happened to be in the same carriage, we chatted all the way, and we didn't know until we arrived in Jinling that the two of us would come to Jinyi to find you." Xie Yunlong explained.

"It's such a coincidence." Yu Dong sighed, and then asked them to sit down, "Sit down, this journey is not easy."

"I met Xiao Li and chatted all the way, but it's okay."

Yu Dong poured them two cups of tea, and then sat down, "Brother Yunlong and I talked on the phone before I received a call from Qiu Hao. When Qiu Hao said he was coming, I thought it would be the weekend." Come here. If you wait a little later, it may be hard to come here when you hit the peak of returning home during the Chinese New Year.”

"It's hard to buy just this ticket."

"It's really difficult now, but after the Beijing-Kowloon Line is opened, our trains will start to speed up gradually, and it will be much better by then."

"In a few years, it will be more convenient to fly." Yunlong smiled and said, "Brother Yu, what about Xiao Jia, I don't have the heart to think about other things when I get here. I don't care if I don't read the script." Can't settle."

"I have the script here, but it's better for you to talk to him face to face." Yu Donghe looked at his watch, "It's already five o'clock, I asked him to come over at 05:30, and he should be there in a while."

"Okay, I'll wait for him for a while."

Yu Dong nodded, then looked at Li Qiuhao again, "Qiuhao, show me your manuscript too."

"Okay, Teacher Yu Dong."

Li Qiuhao took out the manuscripts from his bag, there was a thick pile of them, and the weight was not small.

Yu Dong took the manuscript and said to Yunlong, "Brother Yunlong, sit down for a while, I'll read the manuscript."

"It's okay, you are busy."


After a few minutes, Jia Zhangke ran over in a hurry.

"Brother Yunlong, you're here. I'm really sorry that I didn't pick you up."

Xi Yunlong said with a smile, "I didn't ask you to pick it up, how do you pick it up?"

"Who is this?" Jia Zhangke looked at Li Qiuhao, thinking that Li Qiuhao was with Xi Yunlong.

Yu Dong, who was reading the manuscript, raised his head and introduced: "This is Li Qiuhao, from Yan Normal University. I made an appointment with him to write a manuscript before. Qiuhao, this is Jia Zhangke, a student of Xichuang."

After the introduction, Yu Dong turned his attention to the manuscript in his hand again.

Jia Zhangke shook hands with Li Qiuhao, "Nice to meet, nice to meet."

Xie Yunlong asked from the side, "Xiao Jia, where's the script?"

"Take it, take it."

Compared with the draft of "Axe Sand Palace", the script of "Tuner" is much thinner.

Xi Yunlong took the script and read it immediately.

Twenty minutes later, Xi Yunlong held the script and said excitedly: "It's so exciting. Although it's just a short film, it has a lot of content, and the story is very complete. The overall rhythm is very tight, especially the last paragraph. It's all stressful."

Jia Zhangke said with a smile, "It depends on Brother Dong's writing skills. The screenplay is very strong. And Brother Dong writes more meticulously, and it is easier to shoot later."

"It's really meticulous." Xie Yunlong nodded.

Although it is a short film, Yu Dong wrote a lot of annotations in the script to clearly describe some actions and scenes.

This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it is easier to shoot, but the disadvantage is that it is easier to shoot.

If everything is written well in the script, then the director has less room to play.

So when Yu Dong handed over the script to Jia Zhangke, he specifically told Jia Zhangke that the annotations he wrote were just a choice.

Regarding the agreement between Jia Zhangke and Yu Dong, Yunlong didn't care. From the script alone, he thought this short film was very worthwhile.

So he said bluntly, "Xiao Jia, I'll accept this film."

"Then..." Jia Zhangke opened his mouth to ask about the fee, but seeing Li Qiuhao next to him, he didn't ask.

Yunlong knew what he wanted to say, and waved his hands with a smile, "Let's talk about other things tomorrow, let's talk about the script and the specific shooting today."

 Thank you [Nihil Fool] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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