Chapter 350 Mars Only Survives (Part [-])

The manuscript of "Tianaxe Sand Palace" is very long, and it is impossible for Yu Dong to finish it in one sitting, so after reading it for a while, he raised his hand to check the time, and seeing that it was already six o'clock, he put down the manuscript and got up and said, "It's not early Alright, let's go to dinner. Qiu Hao, put away your manuscript first, and I will continue to read it tomorrow."

"Okay, Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong looked at Yunlong again, "How is your talk going?"

Ji Yunlong smiled, "It's almost done, Xiao Jia is well prepared, and if there is no accident, we can start filming on Monday."

"Okay, then let's go to dinner. Tonight, you make do with it first. Let's go to the cafeteria to deal with it, and go to my house tomorrow."

"Eat, what to eat is secondary, the key depends on who you eat with. And since you have arrived at a school, it is incomplete if you don't go to the cafeteria to try it."

"Brother Yunlong can still speak."

Afterwards, Yu Dong took them to the cafeteria for a meal, and did not stay in the evening, and arranged Yunlong and Li Qiuhao in the hotel.

In the afternoon of the next day, Yu Dong arranged for a bus to take the large troops towards Luoyuan.

Not to mention, there were quite a lot of people this time, and the buses were full.

Xi Yunlong and Li Qiuhao had never been to Luoyuan, and after getting on the bus, they were very curious, so far from Teacher Yu's house?

When they arrived at the place, they were not only surprised, but still surprised. They didn't expect that Yu Dong would have such an antique courtyard.

The others are much more familiar with Luoyuan. Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu come here the most. Sometimes when the weather is good, Yu Dong will drive them to the courtyard for tea.

This kid Yu Haiguo is getting older, and he came to run around in the courtyard. Feng Changdi, the kid of Feng Ming's family, is just over three months old and needs to be hugged every day, so he can't play with Yu Haiguo.

While Li Qiuhao was surprised that the garden was so big, he kept looking at Yu Hua and the others.

Yu Dong told them that today was just a simple treat for everyone, but when they arrived, they realized that there was a huge battle.

This big battle not only means that there are many people, but also that the people who came today are not ordinary people.

Li Qiuhao alone knows that Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, and Su Tong are all well-known traditional writers, and Fushui, a great science fiction writer, Ruan Xiaohu and Han Dong are also there.

With the addition of Yu Dong, today can be regarded as the last writer exchange meeting.Except for the writer exchange meeting, how can I usually meet so many well-known writers.

When they arrived at Luoyuan, Yu Dong took everyone to the living room. On the way, he turned to look at Hu Changqing, and asked with a smile, "Old Hu, you stayed up late last night? I think you are not in good spirits."

Feng Ming was also beside him with his son in his arms, and joked, "It's not just that he's not in good spirits, Secretary Hu's dark circles are almost as big as those of a giant panda."

Hu Changqing rubbed his eyes, "Is that an exaggeration?"

"It's not an exaggeration at all, you didn't look in the mirror yourself?"

"I washed my face in a hurry in the morning and didn't look carefully. Last night I surfed all night and didn't go to bed until after four o'clock. Now I am very tired." Hu Changqing sighed.

"Surfing?" Liu Changmin was puzzled.

"Surfing the Internet, recently I was hanging out on that bbs in deep space for a while, it was quite interesting."

"What's so interesting about that bbs? Jiang Jie told me last time, but I never took it to heart." Yu Hua said.

"Chat with others on it?" Hu Changqing smiled.

"Just chatting? What's the point of that? You are a senior regiment official, don't you chat with people every day?"

"Can that be the same? I chat with people online, and people don't know who I am, which means I have another identity."

"Isn't this similar to writing letters and making pen pals? Then what is your identity on the Internet, Secretary Hu?" Feng Ming asked.

"I tell others that I am a student who likes science fiction. I am not lying. We live to learn and learn. We will be students all our lives... Chatting online and making pen pals are not just a matter of time. Pen pals are a couple. One, and the letters back and forth are slow. On the Internet, communication is very fast, and it is many-to-many, and people can initiate heated discussions about one thing."

Hu Changqing was not sleepy at all when talking about things on the Internet, "Like last night, when everyone was talking about science fiction, I told them that I also wrote a novel. They didn't believe me, so I didn't publish it all night long. I typed out a manuscript and sent it out at four o'clock, but I haven't read it yet."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "Secretary Hu, you are still a figure in the science fiction world, and you are serious with a group of people you don't know on the Internet."

"You don't understand, this feeling is very interesting. And the novel I posted came out of the chat with Yu Dong before, and it can be regarded as the co-author of the two of us."

"No, I'm just starting, and you write the rest yourself."

"You've talked a lot, and to the point where both of us can write it, it's just that you don't want to write it."

Yu Dong smiled, he really didn't have the energy now, so he asked Hu Changqing to write it.

As for Hu Changqing wearing a vest to do things on the Internet, he didn't find it strange at all. When Hu Changqing hadn't touched the Internet, he wrote novels wearing a vest of water.

The others also found it interesting to hear what Hu Changqing said. Yu Hua smiled and said, "I'll go up to see later, Secretary Hu, can I find you up there?"

Hu Changqing waved his hand, "It's better to say goodbye, I want to hide my identity, if you find me, what else will I play?"

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Didn't Lao Hu just say that he posted a novel up there? Go up and see later, whoever posted a science fiction novel must be him."

Hu Changqing patted his forehead, "Hey, it's exposed."


Chen Mobai got up with dark circles under his eyes.

Although there is no class today, he has to get up early because he knows that if he gets up later than eight o'clock, his mother will rush into his house with a broom.

Alas, college being too close to home is sometimes not a good thing.

He is a sophomore at Ontario Normal University. His family lives next to the school, and it takes only 5 minutes to walk to the school.

So he still lives at home after college.

After returning last night, he turned on his computer and boarded the deep space bbs. This bbs is his source of happiness recently. Whenever he has time, he will go up to chat with netizens.

The topic everyone was talking about last night was science fiction. Since we were talking about science fiction, we couldn't avoid big names in science fiction like Yu Dong, Wang Jingkang, and Fu Shui.

When talking about Yu Dong and Wang Jingkang at the beginning, the atmosphere was quite harmonious, and everyone praised them for their well-written novels.

But when it comes to covering water, a netizen jumped out, saying that covering water is nothing more than that, and he can write about it.

This remark immediately aroused public outrage. There were quite a few fans of Fushui in the forum. Naturally, they didn't want to hear someone say bad things about Fushui, so they started a scolding war with that netizen.

Netizens questioned him, didn't you say that you can write it, you have the ability to write it.

That netizen is also very stubborn, say, write and write, you wait, I will post it in a while.

OK, we'll wait.

This time, we waited until after three o'clock, but there was no news about this person. Afterwards, everyone thought that he had fled, so they dispersed.

After Chen Mobai washed up, he drank some porridge, turned on his computer, and boarded the deep space bbs.

When he opened the forum, he found a post, which was posted by the netizen named "hcq" last night, and it seemed to be a novel.

"This guy didn't escape, and actually posted a novel."

Chen Mobai rubbed his hands together and began to read the novel.

This is a very short novel. In the story, at some point in the future, the people on Earth abolished the death penalty, but they were unwilling to keep criminals on Earth, so they exiled criminals to Mars regularly.

In order to save costs, the spacecraft is very simple and the supply is very small, so most of the prisoners have no way to reach Mars alive. In fact, this is also the purpose of the government. Even if there is no death penalty, there is always a way to let these criminals die.

Even if they can survive to Mars, they may not be able to live for too long, because without the assistance of the earth, it is not easy to survive on Mars.

Only a very small number of people survived, relying on the organic matter brought by the corpses.

Probably not long after, there was a turmoil, and the rebels captured the Karana base.

This base was established here by scientists just after humans entered Mars for the purpose of studying Mars.

When Mars became a place of exile for criminals, most of the scientists returned to Earth, only a few dozen scientists did not go back, and they insisted on continuing to study Mars here.

But when the rebels captured the base, the scientists suffered, the men were killed, and the women were raped.

Among them, a female scientist was thrown naked among the ruins. Later, the rebels were wiped out by the army organized by others, and she was rescued by a man.

Then she married a man, a woman with scientific knowledge and a man who was an excellent leader, and together they rebuilt civilization on Mars.

After reading the novel, Chen Mobai couldn't help laughing, thinking that this guy's level is so high, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. Although the front part is quite interesting, the back part is too clichéd.

Isn't it just a love story.

And this man seemed to appear out of nowhere, just...

No, Chen Mobai suddenly felt something was wrong, this man probably didn't appear out of nowhere.

He quickly turned back and looked again, this time he looked very carefully, not missing a single detail.

Finally, he noticed some details, the clothes this man was wearing were a bit too big...then the clothes probably weren't his.

When the female scientist was in a daze, she saw that the man's hair was the same as that of QJ's rebel leader, and subconsciously screamed, but later she saw the clothes and found out that it was not.The rebels were all the seventh batch of prisoners, all wearing the same clothes, but the man who rescued him was wearing the clothes of the sixth batch of prisoners.

When Chen Mobai saw this, he thought it was indeed the female scientist who was a little confused when she just woke up, so there was a misunderstanding.

But now it seems that the man who saved her is probably the leader of the rebel army, and he just changed into the clothes of the sixth batch of prisoners.

Another detail is that it is mentioned in the book that no one knows a man.

The man was chasing the leader of the rebel army with some other people, and then the leader of the rebel army died, and his companions also died.

In fact, it may be that the leader of the rebel army is alive, but those who chased him are all dead.

Moreover, the female scientist should have recognized the rebel leader, but she didn't say it.Why she didn't say it is actually easy to guess, because they want to live.

So, where does love come from, on Mars, there is only survival.

 Thank you [Very Ai] for the 500 tip
(End of this chapter)

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