Chapter 351 Torso (First Update)
This is a formidable character.

Not to mention how powerful this novel is, at least there is no problem publishing it on "Science Fiction World".

After finishing the novel, Chen Mobai started to read other people's comments again.

Everyone's comments are not uniform. Some people think that this novel is nothing new, and it follows the theme of The Martian Rescue. Others think that it is not easy for such a short story to be so rich.

Of course, some people pointed out that although hcq said that he didn't like being covered with water, he could see the shadow of being covered with water in what he wrote.

Sci-fi fans know what is the characteristic of the short stories of the overturned gangster, and that is the reversal.

Starting from his debut novel "Alien Monkey", basically every one of his novels has a dramatic reversal at the end, and it seems that he particularly likes reversals.

Over time, this kind of reversal has become a feature of flooding.

The same is true for hcq's novel. Although it is not written very clearly, the reversal can indeed be seen at the end.

[Haha, I suspect that hcq is a loyal reader of Fushui, isn't he a bit rebellious? 】

[I don't think it's rebellious, he seems to be doing it on purpose. 】

[Maybe what he said before were all jokes? 】

[Not necessarily, it may indeed be dazzled. 】

[Although his novels are not bad, I still can't forgive him for belittling the water. 】

[It's already ten o'clock, why is hcq still not showing up? 】

[He seems to be a student, he has a lot of classes during the day, and usually only discusses at night.I remember "Su Mo" is also right, usually only see you at night. 】

When Chen Mobai saw someone mentioning him, he replied: [I usually don't have many classes, but the school doesn't have internet access, so I can only attend when I get home. 】

[I envy you are still students, youthful. 】

【You envy me for being a student, and I also envy you for having the opportunity to surf the internet during the day and fart while you work. 】

[My job is to fart on the Internet. 】

[Then I am even more envious. 】


While drinking tea in the reception room, Yu Dong glanced at Hu Changqing who couldn't stop nodding, and said with a smile, "Old Hu, why don't you go to the guest room to sleep for a while."

Hu Changqing waved his hand, "No, it's too outrageous."

"Then I'll take down the low table on the bamboo couch, and you lie down on it for a while?"

Hu Changqing glanced at the bamboo couch and said with a smile, "You don't need to take down the table, I'll just lie down next to it for a while."

Yu Dong nodded and let him go, and then distributed the manuscript of "Tianaxe Sand Palace" to Su Tong and the others.

"Everyone, let's take a look and give your opinion. I am still very interested in Qiuhao's mythology series. The story chain is very complete, and other series can be extended in the future."

Yu Hua took the manuscript and said with a smile: "We don't really know much about this aspect, so we can't give much constructive advice. Of course, we will read it carefully as readers."

Yu Dong nodded, and looked at Yunlong, "Brother Yunlong, please pay more attention. This series of Qiu Hao, I want to create a film and television drama in the future. As a professional, please give me some advice."

"I'll try my best. In fact, I have never been exposed to this subject matter."

The owner of the manuscript, Li Qiuhao, held the teacup in both hands, and his eyes were full of unconcealable tension.

Seeing that he was nervous, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Qiu Hao, don't be nervous, you will often encounter this kind of situation in the future. Although I haven't finished watching "Tianaxe Sand Palace", it's just based on what I have already read. , the quality of the manuscript is passable.”

Li Qiuhao grinned and said, "Thank you, Teacher Yu. Although I am nervous, I am more happy. It is my honor to have so many teachers see my work, and it is also a very good learning opportunity."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, then turned his gaze to the manuscript in his hand.


Since I had already watched part of it yesterday, Yu Dong was of course the first to finish it.

The manuscript is very thick, but the text is not particularly large, and many others are information annotations.

Yu Dong estimated that the main text is about 20 words.

The story is not very exciting, but very ambitious.

Why do you say that?Because these 20 characters seem more like a prequel, telling the history of the "Tianaxe Sand Palace", starting from the Queen's Palace, describing how each palace and village were formed and how they got their names.

The real story doesn't unfold until later.

Generally speaking, Yu Dong is satisfied, because it is consistent with his previous design.

What he wants is not a story that can attract people from the beginning, but to create a complete system, so it needs a huge amount of space.

In other words, it is easy for a tree to flourish as long as its trunk is out.

A complete ip world is completed step by step. As long as the main body is created, others can participate in it later.

After distributing the finished manuscript to Yu Hua and the others, Yu Dong said to Li Qiuhao, "The foundation is almost done. I suggest you start the story immediately. Do you have any ideas for the follow-up story?"

"Next, I want to write a story about a hot-blooded young man. In the thin-shell palace, the queen's daughter used to live. She met a young man while out on a hunting trip. The two fell in love, but they were separated by the queen... I want to start with the young man's daughter. Write from a different angle, the world is in chaos, demons are rampant..."

Listening to Li Qiuhao's description, Yu Dong couldn't help nodding.

Although Li Qiuhao is a student of the Chinese Department, he knows what readers like to watch very well. The poor boy fell in love with the princess but couldn't fall in love.

But even if he became a hero, he couldn't pass the last hurdle. The young man was coaxed by the queen to die unjustly in an iron prison, while the princess couldn't look after her husband, and finally turned into a lookout stone. Her tears drained and formed a teardrop hole.

This story is both cool and tragic, and young people will definitely love to read it.

And this story also brought Bai Suzhen, who knew what had happened to the princess and came to rescue her, but was immobilized by a demon.

According to this line of thinking, the story of Tianfu Shagong can also lead to many mythological stories, and recreate a mythological system.

There are many Chinese myths and stories, and they are all very exciting, but the disadvantage is that without a complete system, it is difficult to form an IP that can continue to ferment.

For example, some mythological films that appeared later, although they could cause a storm for a while, they could not continue because they did not have a complete story system.

Some people filmed Nezha, and then others filmed Jiang Ziya, but without a complete system, it is difficult for these two stories to influence each other.

Everyone knows that it is better to have a system, but it is not easy to come up with a myth system recognized by the public, it takes time and effort, and you will not see any results for a while.

Yu Dong is willing to do his best, and he doesn't know if it will be successful, but if he doesn't do it, then this thing may not be possible.

"You can write down according to your ideas. You don't need to publish the first part of the manuscript. After you write the second part, you can come up with a specific plan."

Li Qiuhao was a little disappointed when he heard that the first part would not be released for the time being, but he believed in Yu Dong and knew that Yu Dong had his own considerations, so he nodded and said, "Okay, Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong saw that he was a little disappointed, and said with a smile, "But you don't have to worry about it. I will discuss it with Deep Space Company later, and I will try my best to ensure that you can concentrate on writing."

"Guarantee my writing?"

"You'll find out later."

(End of this chapter)

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